Speak Your Mind Slam
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As kids we are told we can be Anything,
We will support you
is what they say
With standards hidden away
As long as they approve
Someday I can't wait for my class reunion 20 years from now when I get to show all of thosepeople who never looked at me twice how I always saw my own potential and I went for it. How I
PoemI'm going to write a poem,I have to pass the time.Time meant for friendsfor laughing and playing and enjoying life,time for being a child.I'm going to write a poem,I have to share my feelings.Feelings of betrayal and shame;of sa
Shut your mouth and listen to what it is I have to say
I will take you all back on that specific day
I was laying in my room listening to the two of you argue
My delivery, Intelligently, to the Nth degree, Exponentially, I enter thee, places in your mind- generally -you refeuse to set free, the demons you keep prisoner, all the nights you cant remember, So many words left
When your heart holds pressure with melancholic thoughts,
think of that person that has kept you up
Not the one who has kept you tied up in knots;
but the one that with you would hold up a champagne cup
Look at the bright side
Don't just run and hide
Being possitve is the way to go
It will be good for you
We all close our eyes, but hers are closed, permanently
We sing of colors, shapes, and sizes; she tries to understand
We are stunned by the array of lights; she doesn't get excited
I am a new beginning
A jump across a puddle and two hops to the left
Press start.
Look up. The dreams no longer satisfy who I am
I am a force
Not a physical matter to measure
Growing up your my main inspiration,
I gave you hardship and lots of frustrations,
But you’ve always been there when I needed some love,
Arms spread open hugging me like a glove,
Who am I?
I don't know.
What am I?
I don't know.
How old am I?
I don't know.
When will I die?
I know,
I will die today,
For my mother is giving me away.
You wonder if it's all in your head.
Why can't you run awayor cry for help?
Once again, you are driven against the cold cement.
You become paralyzed.
Unable to move
Filters come,
Filters go,
Read between the lines,
And then, you'll know.
Make-up, nail-art, hair-dos and fancy clothes,
None of it matters at the end of the night,
When I'm gone I hope they see, how dedicated a man can be, to stick it out through thick and thin, to never let the enemy win, to never walk away in shame, like the one who gave me my last name, a useless man with no real roots, a joke, a sham, a
Life is like a mirror, you might be unaware of its features in the future, but you know to never want to change that reflection, because the past glimpse will make
Mirror Mirror Mirror,
Can you really see me?
I see my flaws and my mistakes but that dont really be me.
I wanna show you the truth but I cant even believe me.
Raised voice over raised ears.
your eyes glazed with apathy towards my tears.
Is Brutus your muse?
The stoic that caused such abuse.
Passion over rationale.
Down the drain goes my morale.
Everything just seems really fragile
The sophistication of a thought virus
That erupted in my soul
Are you ever going to answer me?
Daddy, I know I have screwed up alot, but please just say hi?
Cancer is scary,
Cancer is frightening,
but don't worry child,
Because I know you won't stop fighting,
Her wallets missing and ofcourse she looks at the black man, cursed for eternity by the problems caused by a much lighter skin, complexion has become a way of detection, license and registration, would you mind opening your trunk for us sir, they
The best things in life are given, wisdom, love and peace. The goal is bending without breaking, The answer is to refuse defeat.
So sickly.
Someone with such a heart
Ready to do...anything.
And Everything. To get ahead.
Destroy their friend for the drug called.
Fear of losing to others
In turn. Losing
Mom a word that's supposed to mean safety,but to me it's the epitome of MAYBE,
MAYBE she'll be here tonight or tomorrow,
MAYBE out drinking, I'm thinking,
this word mom makes me feel irate,
I remember being a kid, and a white man called me a "wetback'
I went back to my mom with the word, and said "what's that?'
She asked where I got it from, and cried when she heard
Sight, too me
Is one of the most important senses
I'ts what gives all our other senses a subject
Those blind men
Are some i feel truly sorry for
Literal blind men...
As I find myself wondering, who I really am
I think to myself where I started, and how far I've come.
I struggle to find what is me,
and what is the creation, made by the media.
I like to think that I am what I am,
You're beautiful.
You're inspiring.
You're flawless.
I wanna be you. I wanna know you. I'm scared to talk to you.
I don't know if you'll talk to me.
You'll never like me.
I'll never be you.
The answer to your questions are yes,
yes to them all, Yes! yes! yes!
enough already, okay?
I have a mask on I'll say 18 hours a day.
Because I fear that if I take the mask off
When I blink it blinks
using the Same eyes to see
that I can't I live up
to a better reflection of me.
2 years apart but miles away
while she received praise
I received Bullies and Pain.
America the greatest
Where everyone is racing to the top
But how unfair that some had a head start to the Race
For example,
Africans did not gain their freedom until 1865 (The Civil War)
I’m writing poetry on a whim
I have no experience
But I can tell you of my experiences
I have a friend
We all have friends
Don’t we?
Don’t we?
One Saturday she up and goes and texts me
At my high school, I was a guy that everybody knew.
Everybody would dap me up and say "That Boy Rube."
They could easliy point me out by the waves in my hair and the color of my shoes.
It's in one breath that the syllables come falling out,
Can't break one down if they don't know a thing about doubt,
I'm stronger, braver, wiser, faster,
Than I ever been before,
School. A place where we learn
An education is what we yearn
Most looking to be successful and rich
Hoping to enter the world without a niche
They say it's a scary world out there you will see
Remembering the time
when I wanted to grow old
faster. Thought things were easy
as I’ve seen grown-ups do their way.
As my height increase inch-by-inch
The clothes I wear changes day by day
Imagine this You're in a room with no doors, windows, or anyway of escape. The room is filling with smoke and its becoming harder and harder to see and breathe.
Whenever I ignite a spark
I turn stress into art
At times when I feel that I fall apart
I look inside my heart
And try to find out how to make a new start
It’s easy said than done
A scarlet dress for blood spilt
ripped blouse for flesh marred.
Ladders in the stockings,
a rung for every blow landed.
Scuffed shoes from hard kicks
bruise gorged eyes permanently closed
"Say, you're Michelle's girl?"
is what I hear every day
That's my place in the world,
and I kinda like it that way.
But sometimes,
You just want to break free.
Just get rid of the rhymes,
I am a man, not an African American man as some may say but just a man. I only belong to one race and as the great Bruce Lee said that's the human race. Yet to win this race, I put on a mask that's fake.
we turn a blind eye to the facts
we are lost in our rage by past acts
we get caught in the "movement"
we actually believe we are making an improvement
Imagine finding that friend who can create a song from your thoughts
and make you shed a tear in shear amazement,
To be grateful that someone like that understands your existence
Heart pounding, face flushed
a crushing headache bum-rushed
Breath ragged, star-crush
the holy theme of hush hush
Why would we
Who have so much to offer
Want to hide behind a mask?
Trying to blend with a crowd full of people
all trying to be like everyone else
We try to camouflage
An evening glow arrays the luminous pines,
A banded forest stained with a velvet wine.
The brook speaks too much but says nothing at all,
Babbling a tune with each harmonious fall.
A great author once said "whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist"But as men we operate like parts in a machine, just going along with a system.The government, the controller of the machine, making rules, putting schools to control society; t
got to see you
so i can feel you
touch you in every way
i've been wanting to
fulfill those dreams i've been having
times 2
giving you them warm
lovely kisses
down your neck
smile on my face
as i look deep within your
giving me a window to
see what's in your mind
and all i got is time
for you baby
and it's just love
well shit i don't want to lie so
Blue vs. RedFightFightFightBlue vs. RedWhat’s wrong?What’s right?Blue vs. RedThe dark verses the lightBlue vs. RedWhich side is which?Blue vs. RedThe Kiss of Death?
Dirt or Mud,
Sun or Rain,
A team works together to earn their fame.
These girls are tough and hard to beat,
together all working to earn 1st seed
for the state final four.
I hate being around people.
I hate being alone.
I hate everybody and everything.
But please don't let me go.
I'm traped in my head.
Stuck in my day-dreams
Its been said money makes the world go round,
what does marry do?
what is once lost will one day be found.
is that true?
what goes up, will come back down?
does anyone have a single clue?
Uncertainty is the life I am choosing, but is it not what I requested and demanded? Need knowing is not wanting, is not hoping. Where I end is where I choose, and what I love is what I choose.
Who I am,
I am someone who is not who they appear to be,
Secrets, are what make up who I am,
A past that haunts, however does not prevail over who I want to be,
I am who I am,
A cold day
But I have to get through it
Can you imagin feeling what im feeling
Do you know what i go through
Even if you think you do , you dont
For right now ill let you think you do
If I should impact the future generation, She will call me “Miyagi,” because that way she knows she has to try, no matter how hard, before she can look to me for help and the help won’t be easy.
To avoid the darkness
Nature is my happiness
The trees, they shiver cold
But now I have something to hold
The sun fills my eyes instead of cries
Water flows feel like my hair
Every book I open is a door
a door to a new world.
A pathway to a new destiny.
A road to new friends.
A journey.
A voyage.
An experience.
I live and breathe with the characters
We have a tendency to hideEveryday before leaving homeWe put on our maskAnd leave to go into the real worldThere's almost no room for authenticityHow can we "just" be ourselves?Your beliefs, my opinion,
I grew up in the Bronx
Where gang war goes on
Drung Dealers sell to crack heads
And teen mom raising babies
Old people have no health care
And homeless people have no where to go
all i ever am
is sorry.
the words float around my skull day and night,
"I'm sorry."
sorry when the back seats are squished
because I'm taking up room
sorry when I'm talking too loud,
too much
My words are
MY power, MY Strength and wisdom
I make these words sing off my lips to utter them to another time in HISTORY
From knowing My time in History.
I miss you dear friend
Why did you have to go and change?
I miss the old you,
I wish you felt the same.
I meander through the neighborhood, searching for the house.
Once found, I happily jump the 5 steps to the front door and pass a silhouette smoking a cigg.
I feel hated
I see the faces
Of the people who hate me
The people with a darker complexion than me
Asians, Mexicans, African Americans
Not all but some
The list goes on and on
The day I met him, he had my heart.Then everytime I saw him it was like it was going to beat out of my chest.Shortly after knowing him I was ready to give him the restAnd no. I don't mean sex.
What is wise in this world twisted in concept
What is wise when knowledge leads to destruction
What is wise when our lessons become our undoing
These questions I seek diligently for answers
And it was then were in the cavern of insolence where he was kept
All that was deemed unfit and of akin to detriment on the male spectrum
As channeled into his being.
The ritual left him full of woe and without reason
One September night you say to me
Something shocking that I couldn’t quite see.
“I know this is sudden and it seems kind of fast,
You are the sun when it is dark
You are the tree I lean on,
You are the one that makes my troubles gone
You are the one who taught me:
How to fight, for what is right.
Words wash over everything.
Any armor you pretend to have
falls into a useless state.
Water seeps into any chinks, crevices, cracks.
You yell, hoping it will stop the flood;
hope it'll plug the holes
I, a young woman today , realized my flaws.
I H I D E under a persona that is not me.
I H I D E to protect myself from scars caused by not strangers but people I love.
As I look into mirror, I see a girl but not just any girl--
a mix girl.
The colors of black and white.
As I look into the mirror, I see the past of my peoples.
Crimson substance fills the cup
One is one and never enough
With every wound
A new opening
I watched you fall, limbs and sins
Sitting there watching all the pain you soaked in
Dancing on your heart, laughing at your words,
The world has not seen who I really am
There is a fear whom one may know
I am a girl who is afraid to show
My laugh is loud and filled with joy
People see me as if I’m a toy
Fitting In.
Well what does that mean?
There are many meanings.
To relate just wonder,
but don't blunder.
You want to be part of a group
Have friends to relate too.
I remember,
when I was fourteen,
I found out my friend had been raped.
I didn't even know what it meant
back then.
My friend,
she was a drug addict.
Living with the trauma.
I don't make friends easily,
I don't put makeup on my clear face,
I don't have a sexual drive.
In teen words. I am pretty much a fail.
I assume I don't belong.
To be honest, everyone's so similar and
Why do we need to do what the teacher tells us to draw?
Aslong as I put effort and make an art like creation,
I should get an A in art.
I can't see it come down my eyes,
so i got to make this song cry.
Fuck comb-overs.
Fuck yellow grass.
Im walking and its HOT
thoughts driipping off me as if im swimming in them
I feel kinda okay my self esteem is not low
so dont ask about a sale of clarence
Im wating for her to call me in
on the cotton field
it's hot and real
we have master grubbing like its his last meal
blood dripping im numb my back cut like thorns cutting thumbs
we picking cotton like farmers do plums we live hut
I sit near the window frame
Staring at my own shame
Nothing is the same
Am I really all to blame
Or is this really just some game
My emotions are set aflame
This isn't some ballgame
I like to think I'm strong
I used to be smart
I used to think I had some feelings bottled in this heart.
Maybe I used to be good looking once.
What the heck are women?
Fall in love
More like, fell in love
Reminding myself of what a brother once was
A stand up dude, doing humble deeds for nothing in return, 'til I met my main squeeze
My first mistake was to not sieze lead
Here we come, a busy people
trotting to and fro.
You’d never guess;
we hardly let it show.
In fact, I say, neither would they.
They can’t tell, themselves.
We’re blind and dumb,
I used to prefer ignorance
But no, no, no,
I did'nt.
I hated the mindset of "ignorance is bliss"
I was a walking contradition
Bound to get hit with reality
i'm the little girl hiding behind her mother's legs
i wonder if i'll be able to fight the monsters off without my dad by my side
Maybe she liked the pain,
Hell, maybe she loved the pain.
Or maybe she just misses the pain.
Because you see, it's a different kind of pain.
The chaos, the frustrations
It all seeps from your pores like an infection
How can something so positive become negative within an instant?
You crush and demolish
As though you are a dump truck
Everyone eventually leaves this tangible place called earth.
No matter how one feels about themself, they will impact someone.
How do you know if you've impacted a person?
She longs to be different,
Because her greatest fear is that she could be her.
Flesh and blood that created her and brought her to life is the same thing that has haunted her.
How can one destroy such innocence?
When my wings got seared off by the sun,
when i free fell, saw the ashes of my hopes and dreams
gently floating after me, I thought I was done,
that the ocean would end my agony
The same brain, body and gender.
Having a light make-up,
We go out.
Wearing pink dresses and high-heels.
As usual...
Speak, shout, they must know
It happened behind a closed door.
Arrogance, mannish poison coursing through his veins,
Twenty minutes ago she came in but left.
jump head first into the
flaming inferno because he told you so
try not to sweat
when he calls you a pussy
let the third degree burns be a
reminder to never trust a soul
god i constantly feel like I'm screaming
i feel like I'm just crying into peoples ear drums
begging them to help me
oh please oh god please help me
i constantly feel like I'm clutching their hands
Hi Annie Hi my name
I am unique and very
passionate about God
I'm very bright in all I do
I learn about love at the age
16 .
love is God
Love makes peace
Love is truth
Love is bright
16 and confused. Who am I supposed to be and what am I supposed to do?
17 and unhappy. No friends, no point. School doesn't mean anything to me. What a waste of time...
I am the "unborn"
I wonder if I will ever see light.
I wonder if I will ever see the face of my mom and dad.
I wonder if they will like me.
I am the "unborn".
Keep this one dear to your heart
Cause this ain't a car that you gotta pushstart
Now in the beginning God made man
No doubt in my my mind that God had a plan
A couple seconds later out came Eve
I don't recall much since you've been gone
Everyone tells me to move on
But how cam I walking by your room
How can I forget when I sit at my desk where you told me to sit
Everyone said it would be alright
We are the forgotten,
We are the one's hidding behind our image.
We are te ones who aren't seen,
We are another number of another statistic.
We are the one's with blood stained hands and a dark mind set.
What would you describe faith to be?
would it be a feeling?
Maybe an emotion, an action,
or is faith a THING?
I see faith to be something unseen,
It's like walking blindfolded,
You cant see me now. But eventually you will.
I only have a couple years here.
Lurking alone in the shadows on a mission not to make it.
A growing voice inside my head; the essence of me.
You were my only nightmare, yet the only person I wanted to see.
I could not wait to meet you, for I never have before.
How can you not tell when someone is crying out to you
As if they don't give you any clues;
When you are known for happiness but filled with sadness
When you're trying to figure out this world through all this madness
Do you know what it is?
Is it there?
Did you make it up?
How long did it last?
A day, a week, a month?
Six months, a full year?
This is as quiet as it gets
So please don’t break this silence
Just hush down and fall asleep
I promise not to make a sound so you don’t wake
This moment is the calming before the storm
The burning under my skin,
a fire clawing out of my body.
I hear the tortured souls cry
as they are slowly burned.
The demons hide in the shadows,
waiting for me to sleep.
The moment I close my eyes,
This red rose has turned black and it won't turn back,
Hard as the stone that was carried on the cave mans back,
Cold as the night that shoots its vicious snow,
Shooting through my heart like bullets,
I threw my first intentional punch at this wall. With all my might.
Letting all the frustration the anger I had built up for months because of you.
With all a blow I sprained my finger and gained a new best friend.
Silencing speech
Having the ability to talk to walk to paint to sing to dance to run to scream
Using the mind to the extent of its greatest capabilities
Well Isn't that fortunate?
Brought into this world as another child that is "supposed" to fall victim to the system
So I'm supposed to hang out with those who will fail and take everyone with them
I've loved.
I've loved and lost.
But it's better to love then lost, rather than not loving at all.
Better to fall, and call for help rather than not try.
This woman told me that she would rather date a blind guy than to date me
Then I asked what does that mean
And she told me
Because he would be blind which means he can't see and I would know that he loves me
* Rriiiing * *Rriiiing*
I'm serious this time.
*Rriiiing* No False alarm. I'm really going to fucking - Answer Goddamit !
Age ten bullied, called fat and ugly
growing up feeling like being handsome is the only way to make friends
being the clown of the clasroom, but sweet when i hit send
Am i missleading or am I deceptive,
i'm sly like a fox,
curious as cat,
stong as an ox and stubborn like a mule.
what i'm told i cant, i try failure or success,
I push on threw even of the darkest of hours,
I hope you hear me
I'm reaching out to you
I hope you hear me
And know you aren't going through this alone
I hope you hear me
And know I hear you too.
Roses are redish,
Violets are blueish,
If it wasnt for Christmas,
We would all be Jewish
Writing isn't writing
When I pick up the pencil to write a poem
I travel somewhere enchanted, I'm not at home,
When it's for a girl, I envision her perfection,
I do not stress about word selection,
I'm from a green swing set,
with Barbies and American Girl and fashion.
I am from the sunny, quiet house,
and all the trees I can picture,
and I'm from the big house on the beach
A memory drifts about in my mind.
Me. A girl of twelve, sitting in the church pews,
What’s this poem about?
Oh just take me home
It’s just another shout
Into the world
I’m just trying to be heard
12 Mins
These will be my last
As i sit here and wait for the pills to take my life i think about what i've done with it
11 Mins
Who is listening to me?
U Who
U Who
U Who
What Who
What Who
What Who
U The....
Your A....
What a word the word you
Break it down itno "Y" "O" "U"
It asks a quetin, "why owe you?"
These three simple letters have a whole different meaning than the word they compose
You cannot simply
tell me to get over someone I love.
It's not something that can be stopped all at once.
That's like telling the earth to stop
revolving the sun
"Love is simply a rush of emotions,
that I can't quite distinguish,
that cause me to hope for forever so i can imagine
I write to vent out
Because I’m not one to shout
Every emotion I’ve ever felt
Are in every word I’ve ever spelt
My pen holds my secrets
Long stiff fingers on delicate hands
Soft pursed lips and a determined chin
Dust in the wind mixed with the scent of fresh bailed hay
I do not live a life of luxury,
I do not lavish in gold,
I do not have memories
I just fantasize about the stories untold.
I would love to smile,
I would love to sing,
I live in my bubble.
Clear walls, roof, and floor.
Clean world and clean life.
A nice place to live forevermore.
A clear home so I can see
every danger from on top.
wakeup, or nah
clean your face, or nah
brush your teeth, or nah
take a shower, or nah
go eat, or nah
activities, or nah
eat, or nah
take a shower, or nah
brush your teeth, or nah
why do we get our emotions toyed with?
we are all humans
1 life 1 heart
we want to love
and be loved back
but that's not the case
and why is that?
pouring our hearts out
As time passes
You finish all of your classes
The good memories lasted
But you're happiness crashes
And you wonder why
You sit down and cry
Relieve your stress with a sigh
But the pain remains
As the day drags on
I sit and reminisce the good times
And ponder why you had to go
Nothing is the same
I stutter everytime I hear your name
It hurts me to see your family in pain
We all miss you
Dear dad
I don’t hate you
I hate who I’ve become because of you
They say I look like you
So I don’t smile because when I look in the mirror all I see is you smiling back at me
I wake
But I do not feel awaken
Your love has gone
And it has depressed my soul
So when I wake and your not there
I am woke but not awaken
Once upon a time your presence
Your love
Are we a free people, a free country, with a truthful servicing of liberty and justice for all?
In this body
I feel nothing but lust
A single touch or look
Will give me a rush
I won't care for you tmrw
I won't dream of you tonight
Sleep,A deep land,filled with a rejuvenating waveWith each wave being more restful than the last,As the waves crash into the soire that is the unconscience,The mind rides the waves spinning tales upon tales ,
I live in this broad bubble that I all a life.
But i know thats not right.
I have become so scared of failing thatg I no longer try.
Dulled passion just trying to get by
To the girls of the world
who skip all their meals,
weigh themselves daily
and hate how they feel
To the girls who are afraid
even to take a bite
for fear of one pound
The brain waves in my mind are like an ocean
during a tsunami
Big and ceaseless, powerful.
Neurons connecting too fast
Mind racing
Heart speeding
Sweaty palms
Too many connections
I am not the only one in the White Room.
Sheer fabric whispers from the windows
Goblet in hand, I drink to the Grecian lady
White dress, raven ringlets frame the face
Of porcelain
A laugh escapes
Whenever I get sad,
After the day has ended,
Before the Sun rises,
As I prepare myself for tomorrow,
I look at the Moon and the Stars.
It is fearful to think
about where I will be
taken for granted
or sometimes slanted
it's what is perceived
one cannot give it to me
the blind can "see"
This is for the women with the broken bones
With the shattered heart and tattered clothes
This is for the women with silent voices
Who made tough choices that were seen as pointless
Crowds swell, bodies press
There is no escape
I receive no rest
How did I get here,
What made me come?
But then, in a moment,
A quiet word is said
A small gesture, sure.
Hear that?
It's the sound of blaring red sirens,
Innocence shattered on the cold marble ground.
Two bombs were dropped that day.
The one in the building:
Seventeen injured
Two dead
Sit still and look at the
Speckles of dust … drifting down…
Wandering through the … air
Like your thoughts of the future
Wander further and you ponder,
About many things unanswerable.
Why do I let the things that crush my soul
Bruise my demeanor, my attitude, my outlook on life?
Is it because my mind, a vast space filled with dreams of love and adventure,
Hope and happiness, splendor and joy,
It seems these days the only way to be considered for anything is to be a battered, broken, shell of a person. The scholarships, the colleges, they want survivors They want the best storyBut what about me?
Whispering winds sounded through the cool night
Shivering, trembling, she quickened her pace.
Not sure why, the still shadow gave her fright
Unknown to her, the shadow had a face.
War wages across the sea
Between countries fueled by fear and blame
Innocent families desperately flee
Because a saving grace never came
Back home the battles still rage
To the young creature,
jumpy "you don't know nothing" on her street,
sedated "can somebody please buy me something to eat?" in the subway,
and her name repeated on a recursive loop at day
The first time I picked up a pen to write -
to write with purpose, searing intent stored in my mind -
I was liberated, overjoyed!
I was to let ring the deepest thoughts I could find:
Don't you remember all the good times we had
As kids,
Just the two of us against the world?
I certainly do.
I'm the one who remembers everything,
I still do.
I was taught that vinegar and water don’t mix
Color me blue and separate me out
Only out girl in church that Sunday but
Leaving the lesbian bar bathroom
“That’s a straight girl if I ever saw one”
You want to know what makes me tick?
What makes me feel like giving up just a bit?
It's the Republicans and Democrats, strong as can be,
Giving no space for other possibilities.
The one that takes the knowlege.
The one who carried on.
The wish of going to college,
Is the fear that brings a dawn.
I look upon others
For the help to bring hope,
But what of the mothers
Life after death? Well; no.
More like death after life.
There is no shortage of strife.
It isn't exactly where I wanted to go.
I admit, I ended my life early
I am different but the same as you,
We both have two eyes, one mouth, and one nose,
Our features may be a little different,
But what is the difference?
You have blood rushing through your veins,
People say you can’t be a lawyer because you’re a woman
Says who?
The Hobby Lobby
Taking away our good medicine for the obstruction of religious freedom
And people dying of AIDS, they didn’t know
Dear Teacher,
I can be the filling of an empty seat;
I can make the count either odd or even;
I can ride along as you begin the mind’s expedition;
The knowledge you expel, I can digest;
I was
Trapped in a tumultuous turmoil of trepidation and insecurity, a tourniquet of timidity restricting any temeritous thoughts from flowing forth to fruition;
in a word, overwhelmed.
I was
With the unceasing tick of time, your life is now your own,
Creation and exploration of your own mind, making possible fun of your youth; yet, maturity of being grown
A person of courage
Could be a firefighter, a doctor...
Someone who upholds justice.
But I found a person of courage in someone else.
Someone.. A bit more.. Different.
After six months
Two or three,
A day or a week,
Or even a year)
I wake up and
I don’t think about you.
(Proving to myself
I woke up one morning drowning in my own blood
On the sidewalk of Colored People Avenue in Who Gets To Be American Parkway
Floating in and out of consciousness Dreaming that good ol' American Dream
Right and wrong, criminal and justice
I have never understood where these ideals of right and wrong begin. When they are a result of societal norms and when they are a result of simple though and humanity.
Bombs go off in the distance
Buildings gone in an instance
Televised to millions
The world watches in silence
Now the children are dying
And the mothers are crying
MLA format
is cruel
to the trees.
Those pale promises
of untouched space
on the backs of papers
I stared into the fire
and found that I had become my shadow,
slithering through castles young and old,
who thunder about the earth in titan glory,
while morphing my bones—to click and burn—aligning with yours.
I have a secret
And when I tell it
Hot will turn cold
And my world will explode
And I'll be left in the middle of nowhere.
I have a secret
And when I tell it
Friendships will end
"You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same."
I have a whole world contained in my head. Not the whole world, but my world instead.
Collected in a memory bank of nostalgia and song lyrics and the actual song if I hear it.
When you told me
To grow up, I thought you meant,
"Kill your heart." And so I did.
Dutifully, plugged the tears until I suffocated.
Cussed. Spit. Hated.
(Are you proud of me?)
There is a growing city
Upon which the red creeps,
A place that is full of
People in the streets.
The plague advances
Bit by bit,
Lowering the people
Into a dark cold pit.
I have always dreamed of being a toy train.
Spreading smiles on happy boyish faces
But have I ever drawn a smile on a face?
Best I remember, it was Fourth of July
She was laughing as she slid down the waterslide
Jumping in, doing flips, making friends on the fly
I never would’ve guessed she held a secret inside
Wind is waving bye
While the sun caresses doubts
Silence brings the anger
And leaves confusion on the couch
Tears are hiding from pain
Who carries smiles all day
Lingering at the door is misunderstanding
Enter a world known as Earth
Know that whatever you say has no worth
There is freedom of speech but that is a lie
And nothing is ever as easy as pie
Look around and you will see
Something that will forever be
Look at the moon and know im looking at it too,
Look at the stares and know im thinking of you,
Each and everyone of the bright lights is a thought of you,
Make a wish and it shall come true,
Just for you,
Let me read it. No.
Let me read it. No.
No, because it's about her.
About the way she eats and the way she doesn't.
I see it everywhere
Kissing, hugging
Holding hands
Everything a couple does.
I see it everywhere
Except for me.
Alone is all I will ever be.
No relationship has ever found me.
There are moments in the night when I wish for someone to lay next to me,
embrace me in their arms,
and not let me go till the moon finally takes its leave.
She doesn't know the effect
She doesn't know the tears
My eyes are bruised with waterfall cries
She is always there
I guess
I can't knock life
I feel the stress
What is it that I say?
When I walk into work the air is cloying
The musty glow of past play-sweat clinging to the air,
The whipping of sugar has begun in the back
Building the wispy crystals into pastel clouds
A cloud arises from the west,
Sweeping the desert land in a rose tinted hue,
Bringing back fond memories,
Of a small world that I so dearly knew.
they’ve said I’ve seen:
Music is my life.
Music is my heart,
The rain, the pulse.
These words
So far,
Frustrate me.
Music’s not these
Muds and chains.
What makes me tick
are these sick, unrealistic expectations
of women.
“It’s what’s inside that counts.”
Well, how the fuck am I supposed to believe that
when my worth is determined by my appearance?
Stuck in here for eternity:
Lost in darkness;
I will never see.
No voices ever speak to me,
Stuck in chains for eternity.
My breath runs slow,
My heart losses track
Can you just
Turn your lips to mute!
You stress her out over pointless things
You should stop right now and…
My thoughts are as many as shells on the shore,
Their topics diverse as the shells’ shape and form;
Constancy of motion is ever necessary
Even when my body has remained stationary.
Itty bitty Dean
So much younger than a teen
Mama cookin’ some peas and rice
Stomach growlin’
Mouth hungry
Can’t find a toy to play with to distract me
No stuffed doll is worth more
I wish I was an astronomist
I look at the stars and all that comes into mind
is how much I don't know about the world
I wish I was an expert
not just about space
but about physics,
The question: “What makes you unique?”
I work hard.
There will always be people who work harder.
I am smart.
There will always be people who are smarter.
I can sing.
So? Others can sing as well.
Some are driven by their money
Some are inspired by their honey
Some are propelled to influence
What makes me tick is to make a difference.
A difference can help one in need
In less than a month's time,
My world will change
From the familiarity of my home and siblings
To the unknown of university.
Who will I meet? How will I progress?
The infinite possibilities dash
It's not the place of in-between,
Nor the place where souls scream
Night is, as night does
Not in this world, or the one above
For if you stay, you just might find
By dawn's break, you've lost your mind
I don't like to think that my heart stopped beating
on the night when the blanket wouldn't warm up and the moonless night seemed especially suffocating.
I met my lover for lunch down the street.
My lover, who taught me how to exist
In the twist of this hiss, this fizz and sleet
Who brought me this bliss, who's Anger, I kissed.
We sat outside on two summer-hot seats
In this big frightening world
Lives a lonely closed off girl
Though that’s only how she feels
The pain seems so real
To walk around everyday
And to feel as if there is no true way
i live in a neighborhood
where the streetlights blind us of the stars
and semen flows down sewer grates like rain water
At the edge of a branch
a little bird will stand
He looks down
and sees his fate.
He looks up
and sees his parents high expectations.
For to fall is to fail,
"You did this"
I think this as I try to sleep my first night at my fourth foster home that year.
I am ony six years old.
As that night was not cold, my heart was chilling to my soul,
Writing is an act of thought,
A Muse chased into eloquence,
A wild idea, tamed and caught
And realized through writer's sense
The cause itself, irrelevant,
The processes behind it too,
words not said
that needed to be
didn't he care
didn't she see
that all we needed
was some
Men of virtue forever walk unseen,
during the midnights everlasting light,
upon the lane with which one has no sight,
with ladies that may compare to thy queen.
Sea of Love
By: Jimmy Orantes
The sea of love
My darling
Is where i found you
Our eyes locked
Our hearts stopped
The stars aligned
Oh, how we met by great design
I don't know when this started really.
This feeling of falling.
This feeling of emptiness that started as a dark seed and seemed to grow and grow,
taller and darker,
branching into the paths of my mind,
SilenceDisruptedThe lap of wavesThe cry of a gullPassing overAlien formsFormless featherless thingsNaught but ripples
Everyday I see it
It's on the tip of your tongue
You want to put us down
My kids are on my mind
all most %80 of the time
even when they are not crying
my mind seems to be lying
I here it no matter what I do
when they are sleeping I here it too
But I love it you see
What do you stand for
if you don't stand in prayer?
We can't eat bagels everyday.
A tallis is no scarf.
For the secular Jew,
Israel is the new religion.
The drum beats out – stand for your people,
A rhyme here and there can make a point.
Stay away from that stuff as your friends pass the joint.
We the People
Of the United States,
Driving our SUVs,
A gun in the backseat.
And yet we wonder why others
Don’t trust us.
We the People
Who argue “equality for all”
In my neighborhood
its hard 2 care for an educashun
thier arent meny outlets 4 inteligent mynds
y, 4 every 1 student that gradates,
Elusive answers
Ponder questions
Get your gears
on a drive.
How rattle you become
Feeling at times,
Like a hamster on a wheel
faster, faster, Faster, FASTER!
Just to keep that drive.
Standard beauty ideals are failing us.
People demand
Curvy but skinny.
Tall but petite.
Modest but sexy.
Pure but experienced.
Natural but modified.
We can't have it all,
Excuse me,
you look familiar.
I swear we've met before.
Are you the reflection I see in the mirror,
Or the slam of a broken door?
You seem recognizable to me:
an old childhood friend,
This fake smile is bone structure
Painted on to mask my frown
You don't see fear nor pain or sin,
I'm a suicidal clown.
Blood seeped through my long sleeve as I prepared my noose of
belts and sheets. I'm
A woman walks up to the church with tears in her eyes
She looks straight down so no one sees the tears that she cries
She walks alone
In long dark clothes
So she can say "goodbye"
Being understood, isn't always me
I cannot always say what's deep inside, you see.
But when I close my eyes, I hear the rhythms speak;
Elephant and Donkey each gearing up
The day starts new the sun shines the elephant smiles
The Donkey watches the people smile
The Donkey rejoices with tears of zealous vigor
A new day begins, the sun fades
All my life I told you tales about monsters
The beasts underneath my bed
Always telling you they wanted to kidnap me
When in fact they wanted me dead
Within the god head
Concepts determine a reality
Where torn earth soars like shards
among the cosmos on two dimensional localities,
Here false images hurry to their own agendas
A girl once told me
that my most redeeming quality came from how gracious
my heart and intentions were,
and that no matter the circumstances,
others come first.
I lay on my back,My back to the world.I watch all the clouds,The clouds start to swirl.The swirls turn to pictures,That rest in my head.
What will I do?
Will I answer duty's call?
Will I cure a disease?
Will I build my own hall?
Will I make fire cease?
Will I lead a nation?
Will I explore space?
Will I destroy stagnation?
Every day, I wake up and pray to the Lord that I can go out into the world and act as a shining light to those who are lost in the darkness.
I try to speak my mind,
But is there no difference between a compliment and a homocide?
Quiet shaves away at erradicated emotions,
My acne scraping when whips are creasing my flesh.
I often ask others what they dream
not what thy dream for,
or who they dream of.
for whom they long for and what
they pine for
are merely distractions. Like
it is only when my life is not filled with daily distractions,
with the tug and pull of a schedule,
that i'm able to realize
i'm physically and emotionally exhausted.
Living, loving, and losing
Inside my heart's been battered and it's bruising
Following my dreams is harder than I thought
Love and abuse speak the same language; -
“Don’t you
love me?
want to make me proud?”
Love and abuse speak the same language; -
Some hugs light the insides up
-Warm and sugary-
I've been accepted to college which is such great news
the only sad part is that I'll be away from you.
Away from your love, away from your laughter
but it is ok I'll be fine, I cant stay forever.
Little girls and little boys
See the world as it should be
Little girls and little boys
Even dream in the daylight
Little girls and little boys
Do not ever have worries
Little girls and little boys
Ain't it funny how life is always filled with pain
Take amounts that the body really can't sustain
You're so depressed, you question your own state of mind
Tick tock,
The clock strikes one o'clock.
The sky is dark, the stars shine bright,
Everybody, but one, is asleep tonight.
How could you?
You left us when I was eleven
You just walked out
Said it was over.
It's been five years
You still haven't changed dad
It's bullshit to think you would.
Night after night my dreams felt so bright because she made me shine with all my light.
What if she's the one I can trust and turn the me into an us.
What if we can be the us that "everyone" tries to bust.
(Warning: Contains explicit, angry language)
If I could actually save myself, I'd get the fuck away from you.
You ask me to pay the grocery bills, when I'm not allowed to eat the food.
I see rainbows burst through the sky
And have the sudden urge to run and cry
They all laugh and they say, "dont even try"
And I say, "oh why, god, why?"
Sometimes I think its better to lie
This is my attempt for getting you naked.
Yea, the earlier me is being amended.
So please help me acomplish my new goal.
People tell me that
I should give up
Give in
That my dreams are foolish daydreams
Fit only for a child
My answer is
Let the word ring out
A warped and revolting creature,That has many known names ,fury, wraith, bloodsucker, tormentor, Vampire,
I know I have been judged for not indulging in drugs or alcohol. People hear I don't and they laugh, laugh their heads off. They think I'm a prude, some little church girl in her Sunday best.
Education is an opportunity to have.
It provides us knowledge about world.
In different shapes and sizes all of us are bound to become a somebody.
On the surface my demeanor is calm.
To anyone who talks with me it's as if I've not one qualm.
Beneath this exterior lies another person entirely.
A person who dreads failing; who has become obsessive and miserly.
Sometimes I really gotta think
The SJWs gotta got it right
They rioting over the world’s dieting
And trannies are the cool folks now
It’s uncanny how your eyes open on Tumblr dashboards
The illushen of the world around me is falling appart,
and now i see how cruel this world can really be.
How it tests you and takes away all purity,
nothing is really as it seems.
I'm not a strong as i apear,
He likes the way you twerk.
The way you move your hips and make your gluteus maximus go berserk.
Your dream needed an audience.
Where it lacked one, one was found.
Ordinary crowds became worshippers--
Sucked into an infatuation
That was entirely designed by yourself.
I have seen the other side,
More than eight thousand miles away.
I have seen the other side,
And it's like nothing you've ever met before.
The streets are lined with ramshackle stores,
Melodies flowing, swelling, undulating,
Waves invisible to the eye, yet invokes the senses
Creates an active mind
Induces tears, fears, ensnares the heart,
With a strength unparalleled
I hate walking in the hallways
Of my high school.
For one thing,
There are way to many people.
They walk with no purpose
While mine
Is to get to class.
Yes, there is
6 minutes
Many shaped who I am.
Many more shaped those who shaped me.
I hope with my words many will be shaped by me.
A spark in darkness created a universe that we all know.
As she sits there crying,
She regrets what she's done.
She says over and over to herself,
"I am young and I don't mean anything I say."
A woman of loving arms wrap around her body,
I’m told to stay in school,
focus on my school work
and stay out of trouble
because the world is full of money hungries
I’m told to get good grades
and not worry about the boys who call my name
Entering the unknown
Thinking that I could cope
Hoping that things would improve
But...they didn't
Excelling in the academia
"Coping" just fine
But...it was an illusion
All I could do was just sit there and cry. I couldn’t change it; help it, or anything for that matter. All I could do was sit there and catch the mascara stained teardrops that attempted to scar my cheeks. Or was I even wearing mascara?
I stare into my brothers' eyes
to see the icy glow
of the history untold
and the present to behold.
While we speak words of ticking keys
and blink behind the screen of lies
Hello, hello, is there anyone here.
Please hear my cries if there’s anyone there.
Oh dear God, what have I done?
I remember those lonely nights.
That time in life when I was done, emotionally crippled.
When I cared less for myself than even my enemies did.
I used to whisper horibble things into the abyss,
You snatched the ladder from under my feet UNpurposely.
And didn't bother to stay and cover my exposed wounds.
Tick loves to tick me off!
Tick is a small unidentified creature.
A smirky grin is his best feature.
Tick is my car's worst enemy.
He knows how to get the best of me.
At night while I sleep,
Even when we are apart. I wish my voice to reach out to those I love, for them to wipe their tears is smile so they know I'm with them, thinking of them, and they are not alone.
You’re the cigarette in my cup of coffeemy manic pixie dream girlyour swirling vortex of sadness only dissipated
Sitting here thinking about the past
Sorry martin we still ain't singing Free at last
shit that would be a blast
but America is still segregated
I figured out that maybe I actually like the rain.
Since I was your soil and needed light and water to survive, I wanted rain.
They planted your seed in my rich soil to grow.
How do I rid my mind of your presence?
You linger like the scent of incense, drifting through my thoughts.
This morning I looked up in the skies
Past the prickly trees
Their green arms a border for the clouds
And blue skies.
The world is so big,
Sometimes I can scarcely imagine
The word perfection
consumes us all,
consumes the thoughts of
imperections and tries
to change them into
something perfectly woven
together, or to flatten
a small bumb,
This is the best time of my life yet the most stressful all at the same time. Planning the rest of my life before it even starts. Nothing is going to go as planned, I guess that is the fun in it ...
Surrounds me
I am chained up in a dark place
The air I breathe
Is toxic; I don't want to inhale it
Yet I do
I do inhale it because I have to breathe
Pulse through my insides
Travel in milliseconds
I can feel her heart race
And I can feel it slow,
All depedent on the
Notes that beat hard
From my metal heart.
This is why I am here,
My internet connection,
Where did you go?
Words that taunt,Words that flow,Words that tease.If not writtenThey will certainly flee,Escape your mind to bleed.For they will be never moreThen a thought, that drifted with the wind,
Dear Dad,
You know how much I miss you,
But being a good father to your kids had always been an issue,
Mom used to say that you were just a drug addict,
My mind filled with so many thoughts
Heart filled with hurt that won’t stop
So young but forced to grow so fast
No time to be a kid or dwell on the past
Within an instant my life began to crumble
“I am, I am, I am.”
Oh Sylvia, with your words of gold and your thunderstorm heart;
She whispered her poetic harmonies to me with her dead eyes and trembling hands.
There I stood. Tragically transfixed in cowardice, trembling in fear, no voice of my own, so afraid to speak out I took to writing this poem
Born and bred, true blue, and loyal.
To have a hometown I would feel like a royal.
A place that I know, love, and trust.
I'd try to return; get there "or bust".
Family nearby would be a nice bonus;
You told me you were going to do something, but it wasn't done.
You told me you were going to teach me how to speak anothe language, I wasn't taught.
Broken heart
Lonely soul
Bored mind
Hard to find
A creative escape
A mind's way to encapsulate
A beloved place's flaws
The creative cup's straw
to better sample the iced tea
In this great big world,
we are raised.
Seventeen years
under our parents' wings
before we are shoved into the real world
in our eighteenth year.
How are we expected
to make our own decisions,
Hear the butterflies beating their blue wings; beautiful and sad.
Listen to the wind
shut your eyes
Where has Annie gone?
She's been out way to long
"Who died and made her queen?"
Said her sister as jealousy flooded her heart
Mama was in the days
Daddy never stays
We were Romeo and Juliet,
My depression and me,
Me and my depression.
A tragically beautiful romance
Of star-crossed lovers,
If Depression were a person,
She'd be a woman.
An independent, seductive
femme fatale, because
The most feared being in the world
is a woman who can
This is not a poem,
Because my depression
is not,
was not,
and will never be
I used to think
I am a woman like any other woman, and that is, apparently, a problem. This is not a problem concerning the "uniqueness" of each woman, or the preservation of individuality.
I am a lover
Running my fingers through her hair
And gazing into those green, green eyes
Adoring the tilt of her head
And the lift of her lips
Their softness agonizingly sweet
Scared most of the time
Tryin’ to seem courageous
Tick tock goes the clock… keep moving forward
They’re better than me
How can I hide it? Will they see through me?
Walks amongst the grass, with a smile to the sun.
Warmth about his heart, the boy longs for lasting fun.
Fear so compelling, he walks a path through debris.
So dark and twisted, is to man's reality.
I don’t want to lie and keep up this
Saying everyone is beautiful and
We are all just great
Because in reality we’re not.
You say you want passion
I don’t think you rationed
The color of one’s skin: brown, tan, light or dark
What does it say to the world?
It should say nothing
But in the real world
That’s the exact opposite.
History has taught me white excellent.Shawn Carter and Mr. West are preaching black excellence.Why can’t we just have excellence?I’ve never understood this power struggle between races.In the end we are all human.
You really must know that I didn’t pave my own way,that I was not just reborn one dayas “the smart one,” “the capable one,” “the one to depend on;”and that I am instead an assorted culmination
I want to go inside the head of someone elsethat way I can think thoughts that are beyond myselfI want to know what they know, see what they see,I wonder if they even think about me.
Is journalism right for me?
I have thought for so long that it’s true.
Any time so one would ask me what I wanted to do I had the answer ready to
Spring out out, quick as a whip.
Ready with a quip
In, and then out; in and then out.
These are the constant reminders I have to tell my self to keep me focused,
I can still remember those late night phones calls
text for no reason and bumps in the hallway like no one could see us.
Make me happy
Make me smile
for hours
Give me the fondest
memories that I smile
when you’re not around
Make me think
Make me ponder
things I never thought
It’s crazy how things and the times change.
Crazy seeing how Social Media is ruling things.
Kids learn their ways from what they see instead of their parents teaching them what they should be.
I advised myself to write the things I couldn't say, or wouldn't say out loud on this paper.
Hey, did you see that girl today?
You know the one I’m talking about.
What was she wearing this time?
Did she try to talk to you?
Sometimes I wonder what people think of me. [Curiously fiddles with knife] Am I a whore [smirks]…or am I one of God’s children? [Sighs] I can’t possibly be worthy enough to be a part of God’s world anyway. Look at me! I’m a filthy bastard!
Far away over roaring seas, or mountains of mystery,
war rages through countless pages, both fiction and history.
Beneath the cover reality fades and colors emerge in place.
"Do it again."
"But why? Isn't it good enough?"
Aren't I good enough?
"Not if you want to compete in this industry. Now, do it again."
I want to die.
For this feeling I can no longer bare.
The rage within my soul has consumed my whole being.
The terror and horror of hell has revived and rejuvenated in my soul.
He grits his teeth despite the rough sand
The blood spattered on a dented helmet
Because He not only fights for his country,
For his freedom, but he fights for
My mind, a deep space.
Longing for a challenge to embrace.
I search and ponder within myself: what is my purpose on this Earth?
To seek what is beyond the horizon?
To peek over the highest mountain?
From the time we are born we are all told what to think.
That Santa brings our toys and that all girls love pink.
That if you're nice to others they'll be nice back
We are living are dreams into the future talent and hope is depending on us. Now it time to shine like TOM, NICK JOHN and DON. Cause I’m here writing my rhyme laying on my bed thinking is it time No it’s not time yet.
You won't hide behind social graces
You won't try to be flattering
'Cause you laugh in the face of all faces
What makes me tick?
I found in second grade,
It was a sweet, seven-year old chick.
In daycare, together we played.
Day after day,
We formed a bond.
A growing friendship that wouldn’t fray,
My Myers Briggs test indicates
That I am a scientist
My natural propensity for problem-solving
And an ability to grapple with vague concepts
Puts me among the type with the highest IQ
I speak on fear, depression, and realization.
Success to me only comes when all three of these things plays together as one.
The battle is all within yourself and will always be.
Most people say that ignorance is bliss.But I believe that ignorance is destruction.The ignorance of feelings,The absence of empathy.Not knowing or caring what others are going through.
I want to see you, you say.
And so you see me
through the sage green stitches
of my grandmother's crocheted yarn,
And so you see me
Lying above the cherry-cola leather sofa.
And so you see me,
We're blinded by many things
Caught up in the passion of a moment
That will pass and leave you crashing into empty nothing
We're blinded by empty things
Constant thoughts fill my brain
toppling over each other.
I try to process each one
but fail to remember them all.
I have to grasp onto one
and run with it,
creating a new world
Is MD just a disease?
Or a lifestyle?
It changed how I’ve lived
But I didn’t choose it
Some say it’s a battle
They say I’m brave
But I don’t feel brave
I feel weak
I am lucky.
There are things
that are mine
that others don't have.
Friendship is truely hard.
it can be like moving through a jar of lard
personalities tend to clash
and friendship turns to mach
Its never the right time
even if it was you'd call "Mine"
See I've given up on love but somehow I still had faith in you, I believed In every word you said and foolishly thought they were true,
See I've given up on love but somehow I still had faith in you, I believed In every word you said and foolishly thought they were true,
Inside of me there is an asylum,
surrounded by a moat of milky light bulbs;
the only bridge burned long ago.
The dungeon holds a dragonfly
Are we simply machines ourselves?
No, we’re comparing the inorganic to the organic
The cold and calculated to the emotional and creative
We’re nothing like machines.
They’re ones and zeros
I touched brush to paint,
Paint to canvas.
Poured thoughts, feelings and emotions,
At every dab,
At every stroke.
Permeate it with life!
Saturate with color!
Drench it in richness!
I choose to be loud
Yet I have to be quiet to get your attention
Must I speak like a mouse to get you to listen.
Behind that fake smile
there's a person who screams for help.
She drowns her pain and sorrow
on her bare skin.
Blood drips from her writs but
NOBODY sees a thing.
There’s one sight that’s a fright to be seen,
A gap between sane and insanity.
It’s hard to ignore but can be adored,
If someone you love is rubbing the grub.
Their mouth is wide open, they’re ready to pound;
Dancing SnowWhirling and dancing, running in the wind,A dust storm in the winter, blowing pure and white.Sparkling and shining, floating 'cross the sky,
there's a kid near the front of the class, top of the class.
she knows the answer, but she stays quiet, keeping them quiet.
she knows if she raises her hand, raises her voice,
the groan, the moan, the insulting intone of
My heaven awaits for me in the infinite skies. There I can soar where ever, there I can jump from cloud to cloud, and there I can free fall without worries of ever touching the ground. That is my imaginable heaven.
vomit onto paper
an abstraction of an encrypted thought
mildly wild i babble like a child
all riled up
formless feelings freak me out
freaky in the most severe sense
severely senseless
Oh how my mind wanders, a never ending thing.
It goes back and forth from topic to topic like a pendulum swing.
A football player, a jock, a nerd, a geek. All these are labels and they all label me.
The sun wakes me up with subtle kisses.
I’m lifted out of my bed by thousands of pulses of electricity
Pushing, pulling, contracting, releasing.
I feel them in my nose, I feel them in toes.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Ugh, time to get up.
Sprinkle. Sprinkle. AH!
Hot water gone again.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Burned my breakfast.
Lovely morning, right?
Heaven is it real?
I need to know you are safe,
I need to know that you are in a happy place.
A place where you can run and be free,
Free of all the pain you were in.
My heart aches with the loss of you.
I hear the sounds of their sniffs all around
Their stares slamming my peace into the ground
I feel enclosed, I can't escape across the border
Of the mental insanity that comes with a digestive disorder
I shun this part right here
Waking in the middle of night battered heart
All we do is live in this perpetual fear
Again and again I try to avoid this part right here
What is love?
his pitiful weeping, hunched shoulders shaking like a 9.5 earthquake
his pain, sudden and hot, the mind is blank, but the body still feels
his screams of agony, he'sdeadhe'sdeadhe'sdead
The definition of faith is seeing without believingYou trust and you pray hoping that he isn’t being misleadingYou can’t see with your eyes, but your heart opens up wide praying that
I have notlistenedto anything you have justfinished explaining.Forgive me butI was daydreaming about somethingmore important to me thanwhatever it was you said.
You were right but was I wrong?
We were caught up in a storm
Waging war, battles won
Even heroes come undone
It wasnt hard but you messed this up
When the world goes dry and the day grows coldyou can't turn to someone to open up your soulLike its when you crythe time flies by
What difference does a few years make?
A few years for babies makes a drastic difference!
A newborn can only process warm milk,
While the older is able to eat mushed apples.
Some call her crazy, but others call her tough. Her presence is commanding. Her body is a piece of artwork coated in a pallet of black, blue, and purple.
the struggle starts when your born in this world as a sinner.the struggle is here to break you or make you.
I am a living computer
I survive on electricity
I read sound waves and light waves
I have motion sensors, proximity sensors, and heat sensors installed
I can analyze chemicals, airborne and otherwise
I’ll never be what you want me to be
I can’t fit in the shoes you laid out for me
This wasn’t my plan or my chosen destiny
All I want to be is simple me
You tell me I’m worthless
You tell me I’m terrible
All they care about is the look
All they care about is how people look at them
All they care about is the hook
All they care about is how the hook sounds
Just 12.
I have been alive longer than those few years.
Just 12.
Time to cast away every last one of my fears.
Just 12.
No time to waste on dwelling on the past.
Just 12.
You can't go to war with nature.
Even though man can destroy it and remold it and shape it
into something profitable - mechanical - civil.
It will win you over again.
I’m afraid I don’t have a firm enough grasp on time and how I’m supposed to inte
It's kind of funny, how fast the time goes. Days feel like seconds, months and years like minutes, past memories are like a dream you just woke up from but can only barely remember.
SInce day one I was told that I would be the best.
I was told "Look, my child. The world is yours and if you really want it you can grasp it"
I believed those words to be true so I did my best.
What makes me tick? What makes me tick really ticks me off
College is hard yo, Have you seen all these assignments?
I’m just a poor programmer what is this I have to become poor
Ask any kid who knows how to work a crowd what they want to be when they get older, and they’ll say, “I want to be happy.”
I almost cried when we left Ireland.
It was so green,
and the people so friendly.
A weathered land of legend and song,
the prettiest place I'd ever seen.
The Alaskan sky was gray and wide.
Beauty is not a possesion
Beauty is much more than a lesson
It can not be taught
There are no fundametals,basics,duplications
Beauty has many originals, it is spiritual
I love to learn
lift the weak
and save the sick
Wherever I go
I hope
to do the right
I love to see people triumpht
and succeed
To see them surrounded by light
No longer “Milk’s Favorite Cookie”--
nor the dual chocolate discs with the snowy white filling,
I know that face too well
Consistent with the pain
I feel when my face pales
At the thought of your ghost
At the very realization
That everything I've given
You all shut your ears out from this harsh world and close your mouths, keeping silent.
You're so busy gathering your wealth, satisfying your avarice that your ranks are taken away without you noticing.
What is Love?
Is love a spark that grows inside two people who enjoy every moment of each other?
Through Earth and Air I fall,Plummeting down into velvet night.My heart too high, their reactions of appall.Outstretched fingers grasp lavender light,Oh how could the One have had the gall?
The slamming sound of pots,pans,dishes, and cups over the rumbling of your voice. "You didnt vacume today"? "Why does this counter look dirty all the time?" The day as darkend and my eyelids are beginning to feel heavy.
Has it really come to this?
Or am I just making a wish?
Even if it is a wish,
It's just about time it came true.
I cannot imagine anymore of the past.
Sure I can walk on nails and glass
There is a reason
Why I Don't Go
CooCoo For Cocoa Puffs
Over Outer Beauty.
Time progresses faster when we didn't notice
Our legacies we being born but we swear we're focused
Letting bills engulf our hearts like sticks and stones
Call it World War 4 because World War 3 started when we were alone
The spirit of a Pioneer is strength from within,From the field of battle comes the roar of a win.The blue stands filled with a crowdThe blue band playing proud.The gifts from above and the determination below
I've seen her standing there
with her hands running through her hair.
She smiles nervously at me
but then shyly looks away.
She does not even see,
The beauty she has in her own way.
Pushed to the limit,Student in it to win it.Studying non-stop around the clock,Waking up to get to class all to hear people talk.Get home grade posted for the last quarter,
You wrote the thesaurus in which I am a synonym for worthless, and an antonym for perfect.You wrote the dictionary with my name defining the word ugly, and used me in a sentence to exemplify the adjective disgusting.
How do others expect me to describe you?
How do you describe what growing feels like?
How do you describe what breathing feels like?
How do you describe what being asleep feels like?
your slowly intoxicating my head
no words can describe what has been to my brain, fed
your slowly intoxicating my mind
arguing with myself wether your feeling is healthy, or if im blind.
Here comes the bride,
All dressed in white.
Walking up the aisle to see her beaming bride.
Her father stands besider her, giving her away.
Her mother in the crowd, looking the other way.
Why do you care what I say?
I fume and I cry and I try to get my own way, I bluster out loud while I really hurt inside, I act like I'm tough when you hurt my pride.
To be calm and collected,In the face of life itself,Actual fire balm and infected,Awarness of an elf,To not care of problems that get shot point blank,Willing to make the tenacious decisions,
I feel like I’m sinking
Sinking to the bottom of the deepest ocean
Eerily a seemingly artificial light illuminates the water
Candid images surround me
Random memories, fantasies, desires
"Why is it worth it anymore?"
I ask myself as my words turn into dust in my pillow.
I let out a silent cry,
"Has all this fighiting been for nothing?"
Friends? Where are you?
They creep they crawl,Trying to intervene in my life,With no cause at all but to start a brawl,Claiming to be something they are not,Demon in disguise ready to do a hoax,They wait to be caught,
I wish I could steal raindrops and stuff them in my pocket,
Grab scintillating sounds so it can illuminate the earth,
In this crumbling world we all become self absorbed
taking money over love
gaining nothing but an overactive ego
by pointing out others flaws
theres nothing to stop this world from ending
When did this world become full of greed, wealth,
and giving cruelty to the ones that don't have it?
How do we give a raise to politicians,
and leave our troops with no breakfast to eat?
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one
In the world.
The only one who knows
What's going on.
The only one around for miles
And miles
I feel as if even thought the whole
World is talking
When we met, you were just another girl
But now for some reason you are my world
I havent seen you in a while but it cool
My heart says otherwise, maybe i'm a fool
The days go by, we hardly speak nowdays
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Think so?
Get a taste of it, come back, then tell me how it goes.
Don’t tell me to ignore it, that everything’s O.K.;
We are looked at as misled, misguided..
When really, it's these kind of people who save us all.
The broken ones are the true heroes,
not wanting any recognition.
Selflessnes is their virtue,
Growing up you took care of me no matter how bad i was
you gave me food and a roof and a mothers love
from hugs and kisses to beatings and punishment
i laugh so much when i think of all of it
She looks at it.
It looks at her.
Like looking in a mirror.
Nature vs. Nurture.
She reclines her seat
As she watches the breeze
Whisk around the palms
And give ache in her feet.
Like a caged bird, I pretend to be happy
I have to be the perfect daughter, friend, student and girl
Like a caged bird, I am left alone
No one seems to acknowledge the fact that I feel isolated from society
I turn right when I am wrong
Soon a left to my treasure
Here the feelings run strong
I am nearly guilt free in this pleasure
A safe haven I run to
I think God has a cruel sense of humor.
Because when I turned eleven and pleaded with all my might to become immortal,
I heard Him chuckle in the confides of the newly blackened space
The human mind is a mysterious thing,
It’s a machine that works day and night,
And every single brain is not alike.
My mind is a mysterious place,
Constantly thinking of many ideas,
How to describe thee
I am confusing but simple but not all the same
I am childlike and mature and I love to read
I love animals and I love my dog
I love my family even the ones who are bizarre
Overcast, a small sun peeking through the clouds, still but tranquil
Suddenly the sky opens up
Rain hits the window and I watch it slide down the pane
And I think to myself: I wonder how it feels outside
If I read you a story
starting "Once Upon a Time",
would you to stay to listen
as I read off each line?
How would you feel
as the realization became known:
This story was not about another person's life,
Start from the very beginning
In time you'll be winning
Take the trip that everybody makes
There's no doubt you got what it takes
Slamming the enemy.
What makes me tick,
In a land with so many options,
I come out swinging.
Bills are suffocating,
School is drowning,
But life is worth living.
And that's why I'm trying,
Life. The air we breath is life and the sea we sea is the womb. The womb that has birthed milenias of life of all different beings that are. These beings make up you and me.
In a time of need one searches far and wide,
For, all of our worries are right by our side.
What are we searching for, though;
Shall I convey to thee all the reasons I’m mad?
Shall I put into words those moments I rage
And things all of which I wish I could say
To those who piss me off?
It is about time you realized that you are black
you still don’t know what that means
But one day you will
And you will never have felt more beautiful or misunderstood
My life is a book composed of many different chapters.
The lines I write within each one determines what comes after.
My book began before my birth. God formed me by his Plan.
On a gloomy, humble, rainy day,
I venture into the garage for batteries,
the garage that slurps in cars, burps out trucks,
and spies on the swimming asphalt outside.
Every human body is an expression of divine breath.
We are all made in God's image but yet we still fight the lust of the flesh.
We've created an army of identical twins,
318,457,385 of them today, more tomorrow.
All mirror images staring blankly back at each other,
unable to see the similarities,
I am always a depressed dreamerI am always depressed by the powersBenefits always equip huntersSafety always promotes slaughters
Every morning I wake up and see the beautiful woman I aspire to be
Every day is the same, the mirror on the wall, mocking me and taunting me to be someone I am not
Life just flys,
so quickly by.
So fast, that it makes my eye
think about other’s lives, that I hate to pry.
Others lead me to the moon
and then to great outer space, around the time of noon.
Never have I felt the sensation of numbnessUntil I could touch it from my arid eyes to my dampened spirits.I was forcefully dragged to your every whim,Scorned by your self-righteous sermons,
Speak up, stand tall
be as strong as a brick wall.
Dont let ignorant people,
drag you down
Go into the world with a smile,
rather than a frown.
Dont listen to the boy in the corner of the room,
You were my supportt system behind everything I did, In your shadow of safety is where I hid.
Every step you amde, I made with you, there isn't anything for me you wouldn't do.
Vivid imagery flutters my corrupted mind,I close my eyes and fall fast asleep to indulge in this tease,I see what I wish would happen while I was awake,
I keep leaning in, the more I lean I feel as if I'm tipping over,I feel the weight coming down on my bruised shoulder,
Grim figure beside
My Death Bed
I don't fear you, come closer
Why fear the inevitable?
Why fear the fate of every living thing?
I knew my time
I feel like I owe the world something
For raising me
I mean
Even if I turned out poorly
It doesn’t stop me from worrying
About living up to expectations
Laid like railway tracks
There was once a boy who was not willing to fight
For he was always humiliated and seen as shy.
In him, there was no courage and only fright.
He was fragile and only measured a short height.
After my long night at work,
there you sit.
You look up at me with a smirk
and I just lose it.
I may look strong,
but on the inside Im dying.
Because these past four years have been long
V Doubt
O Fills every corner of my mind
I Whispers
I Dark words of unending peril. Failure
I Hope
Life is told as a series of doors
One opens, one closes
A world of possibilities
It's also a series of paths
That meet other paths
Paths that lead to new doors
As I stand before the mirror on the wall,
What do I see?
Not a pretty girl staring back at me.
No. I see someone who is too short, too fat, too ugly.
My flaws sticking out as bright as the sun.
Jenny was her name, and she judged a guy based off of other people's opinions
Unable to feel comfortable with whom she was talking to
Smoke clogs her lungs and makes it hard to breathe
Cough, cough she tries to hard
Her tears dry up as her children beg Her to give them more
but nobody listens to Her needs, to Her pleads
Who am I? I see these models and stars and feel so small. People who have what they will always need. Who am I? Compared to the ones in Hollywood I am no one.
Echoing through the house
Empty hallways and broken chairs.
Crystal glasses and
A voice that wrings the soul.
Alone on the stage,
Coated in dust
Yet sparkling in the sun.
Pardon my indiscretion
I wasn’t thinking
(The words in my head were too loud)
Here I lay on my bed
A pillow is under my head
My room is dark and silent
A paper moves, so pops open my eyelids
Its early morning
Late night
Sleep is nowhere in sight
Pills and potions Yes, we are overdosing On magazines full of computer-generated women Perf
around you I feel
a storm of emotions brewing my chest.
most of them
have to do with anger or disappointment in myself.
and you think I would have learned by now
that this is the natural order of life
The world's a pitch black room.
I dance through this room,
Eyes closed, but my mind wide open.
Birds chirp, trees sway in the wind.
My mind runs as wild and free
As the stream that flows beneath my feet.
It's a driving force. It annoys me constantly every single day. What is this thing that makes me tick? People's comments on how I should live my life!
Is the mind separate from the body? One might ask.
Can the thoughts we formulate be considered technology? One might task.
So much thinking is making me weary.
I will just ask Siri.
You probably get many submittions with pity.
From people that aren't even determined. Grades are all she has.
But whereas me, I'm determined and my name is Jazz.
GPA isnt the best, but I'm self motivated.
In the begining we were all the same
Men and women with out a name
But, differences made us who we are
Characteristics, colors, and all
In the end we weren't meant fit in to one frame
Why is it that I must respect your Allah, your Buddha, your spirit animal,
But you attack my God and my right to worship Him?
Why must I mind my speech, my words, my phrases
What's up ahead?
You can't see anything
Every step brings you closer
To the end, to the beginning
You continue forward not knowing what's ahead
Walking through a dark house
Every day,
there's a a knock on my door
tap on the window
voice in my head
says Go on
Get up
Roll out of bed.
Every day,
that ticking persists
during the first few months of when you first understood what words, languange, and feelings were
you were called ugly.
Imagine how for the next years of your life you were reminded of how ugly you were.
A Bump in the Road
I've learned to do things on my own
Along the journey, I have grown
Paths I've taken aren't always sunny
It's kind of challenging being low on money.
A challenge, an opportunity, a pulpit, a stage, a circle, a street corner.
Speak your mind, and let the world know what is on your heart
And so I speak, I share my life, I open up
Daddy why don't you love me?
All I want to do is make you proud,
Daddy why don't you love me?
I swear I wish I was a better child,
Daddy why don't you love me?
After all these years, don't you miss me?
So they say it's over,
it's in the past,
but I in contrast
say "No".
The King stood in 1968,
but he was shot,
shot down.
And as he fell,
we rose,
we rose.
Those luscious lines of unspoken feelings.
Let out, and oozing with with such sentimentality
Mirrors reflect what the eye can see.
Windows behold what mind can reach
Tell me, which view would you rather meet?
I am awake at night,
Wondering if I will succeed in life.
Motivation and abition, they are funny;
If only they--alone--could earn you money.
You’ve always had the preconceived idea that I am supposed to be the happy one. Even when all else is tumbling down, I’m expected to be the one who is the shelter in all of the insanity.
My skin,
my bones
are crumbling.
My remains
becoming dust.
And from my
I hope that
your flowers
will grow,
Eric David Harris
Dylan Bennet Kledold
Seung-Hui Cho
Jared Lee Loughner
Adam Peter Lanza
Never any use trying to sleep.Too much went wrong, too many lost.Anxiety over how you could have saved her,or him, or yourself.But you didn't.
Their backs are watching, creeping behind you to find that you've got a knife stuck in the back. they laugh at you thinking I was the one who struck, the darkness conceals them like the black plague concealed the British.
Self-conscious of her confidence
Prideful with insecurities
Endlessly hating herself for not accepting imperfection
Alone, broken, ashamed
This is how you left me
Absolute, strong, proud
This is how I remade me
For I will not be cast aside
And I will not be thrown away
I am not to be walked on
Sometimes thoughts fall in my mind and knock me off my feet and I'm afraid that one day I will not be able to lay bricks around my legs and build myself back up again.
What makes my brain tick?
Could it be the pricking thorns that my finger may prick?
Does danger bring out my thoughts more
Than a loved one stepping out the door?
What would it be like being "shipped?"
Does it mean being with someone on this big ship
That will never be ripped?
When I speak does it sound, can you hear me?Is there a purpose to speaking?Are you listening,recieving my message in undderstanding.Evaluation,detonation of the truth and meaning.Empathize dont symphathize the undertonement of peoples lives.Look
At the young era of being teens,There is the future we must know.What we want to do years from now,And for the rest of our lives.
Speak My Mind?
Oh Oh ..
You mean express my brain
no no ,
Speak my pain
Im sure there's
someone ..
that understands the strain
I thought July would be our month.
My mother and brother gone, and my dad off to work on his 6-3pm shift.
We could have pretended to be a real couple for once. No drama with my family, and we could have hung out everyday.
Feel the breeze sweep listfully forward
As you creep slowly toward,
That goal you see in you mind
Don't stress about the small things
Just focus and grow your wings,
Don't let anyone tell you "no"
You are always there...
When the sun starts its rise
The stars and paint merge their glows
The night's soft demise
As the surrealism flows
No matter how unreal
Whatever reality may be
My parents have always provided me with the things I need
In order for me to succeed
Through sickess and pain they have worked hard
And this sometimes pains my heart
Knowing that I can't help in any way
I hate cancer
My mom throwing up everywhere, everynight
Two years of this and still I'm tight
Feeling of sadness
Thinking is she going to make it through the night.
I miss the green.
I miss the sweet sound of fresh fruits
Falling straight from its' trees.
I miss the roaring laughter of my family
As we reminisce on childhood memories.
My future depends on
How alluring I am
As a combination
Of a few words and numbers
No(one) person
K(now)s her
Runn(flee)ing free
Can('t) see
Open(close)ness ahead
Every(no)where she treads
Into bright(dark)ness lead
Break(lock)ing chains
No(some) more lies feigned
What's stopping us?
Why can't we reach out to a neighbor and lend a healing hand?
Mend a broken heart and be better friends?
Bring a little sunshine where there has been heavy rain?
And learn to love again?
Selfishness Bred Neglect.
As I traded his will for my own.
Inflated the world,
so a perpetual deflation of his Magnitude could flood my heart.
Yet never once did He stop loving me.
Where do I start? My heart has been broken, my feelings shattered. I cry myself to sleep, do I even matter? I'm not the same,took away my happiness.
everything is perspective.
so what is 'truth'?
is 'truth' a compromise
on all of the perspectives?
or is it the outcome
that would best serve oneself?
On a bright Saturday morning
My world darkened
I shattered into a million pieces
Being whole again seems impossible
That phone call
Took my legs from under me
I collapsed on the cold tile floor
All my life I just drifted.First from the Philippines to New Jersey,Then from New Jersey to Florida.
It wasn't until high school.I finally found my drive.
Life is for living and loving
Hope is like a daily breath
Optimism is like sunshine
Shining on the inside
Motivation moves me
Life is fo living and loving
time on the clock
i breathe in
*tic toc*
and it occurs to me
*tic toc*
i've been waiting for this moment
Soft steps echo in the hushed hall.
Dark figures sit and stare while
Warm rays of light fall on him.
Standing in center stage in front of a piano
He bows, and then prepares for what is to come.
Our world looks mangled and torn.
Like papers shredded and put in the garbage.
Like a car smashed into a sequoia.
Like a house left in ashes after being lit in bright red flames.
Our world is ugly, and cold.
Those looks you give,
That verbal abuse I’ve dealt with ever since I was 5,
All your hatred, I’m going to use that.
I’m going to use it to make me stronger.
To never be the person that you are,
A weary world watches shadows overtake the day, eclipsing the sun and our hearts. Will light break through the darkness and illuminate the day within?
That which makes me tick is hard to define
Is the antidepressants stabilizing my mind?
Is it the fear of failure or being left behind?
Is the incessant tick tock ticking of time?
Weaving through the clouds up high in the sky,
Not much around us but the ground below.
Far off in the distance the clouds do cry,
Our heart is tainted and our values are infected. We are fools to believe what we see with our eyes.
It doesnt reflect how an indiviual's heart lyes.
White pearls have fallen
Red lipstick on wine glasses
Beauty is crying.
The world is spinning, out of control
Complete with arrogance and hate
Perfection is out of reach
What were you thinking? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?When you were leaving, WHEN YOU WERE LEAVINGDid it make you feel big, you coward!
I am fragile.
To look at me you would see a young woman standing at 5 ft. 3 inches and think
“Of course she is fragile.”
But no…
My stature does not determine my strength.
As the sky cries out its melancholic anxiety,
The sun tries to mitigate its condition.
But with the environmental degradation present in society,
Humans are the cause of such abolition.
Living in hell is living with you my love. I am living in hell thanks to you. Loving you, and patiently waiting for the right time to see you, and finally seeing how that moment vanish from my... our hands and my... our wait.
An old man watches,
A baby cries,
But neither one,
Will meet my eyes.
An enemy laughs,
And old friends greet,
But I just carry on,
Staring down at my feet.
America: a nation of freedom,
yet women feel chained
to a constant fear of men, stained
with feelings of desire and lust
who's actions are anything but just.
I have to tell you about the language of
My generation: prodigies of telecommunication
Silently screaming,
Silently dreaming in terror and fear.
No one trusted,
Feeling dead inside and alone.
Standing up for oneself,
Knowing no one cares anymore.
I met this guy when I was around 15,
he was way older than me, old school..
But it was cool, cause he was soulful,
Soul to soul,
Me and him,
We just clicked,
I got a rebellious heart right now,
I don't even know where to start and tell you what I feel every time I wake up,
I remember our trips to the lake.
You taught me how to steer the boat
But I fell out and wore your dry shirt as a dress
While the sun burned your back.
I remember all those rainy days.
I an but a child, they say.
I should not fear the monsters under my bed,
or the demons
in my closet.
My mind cannot grasp reality,
or the complexity of evil.
I should not knot the 'whys'
The thump of my foot against the asphalt
Every other beat
Pushes me faster and faster,
Making my heart threaten to ditch my chest
To dance, or not to dance…that is the question
Whether it is better to hide
And keep our talents hidden
I'm lost.
Time passes in a blur
Things unheard, unspoken words
How do I feel?
Broken, with no reason
My feelings change like every season.
All I do know is this
It starts with a look. A turn of the head and an acknowledgment of there existence. What starts so simple leads to something beautiful. Something majestic and pure. Love.
The roar of the world beyond the water
Thats what you sound like
Whispers and murmurs floating on waves
Thats what you sound like
Breathing in water weighing down lungs
Thats what you feel like
From the moment I walked in those doors all you people have seen are the price tags on my clothes.
You don't see the person wearing them.
Let me start with a bit of history,
Some facts about myself,
I enjoy blissful tranquility,
So my patience seems to have no end.
But no matter how deep my patience may be,
I am still a human being.
Upendo; I miss you
Your not just simple attraction, you know
That feeling you feel when someone your feeling is feeling you
Sounds chiming in my head, what
Is that? I think
I roll off the top bunk.
THUMP! Squeak!
I'm tired of being judged
JUDGED is the feeling of someone who is criticicized by those other than themselves
I am judged by my family
I am judged by the world
Not lengthy, they’re nowhere near long,
Yet meaningful, small and meaningful.
In a way these are the short stories of our lives,
The short stories that shape our lives.
To say it receives a nod,
In Two Parts
I. If I’m not worth the minor struggle, one call into the darkness,
Then why is she worth my effort.
It’s in the moment when she needs
Outlets, but I am too fed up +
When the skyline comes into view,
I feel it.
When I crane my neck and squint
my eyes to see the very top of the Sears turned Willis Tower,
I feel it.
That sense
of longing and
that sense
What brought her here - a disguised affliction,
The man who betrayed her was her love addicton.
What other options had she now?
She'd get an abortion, she said aloud.
As I sit in the living room, I watch the destruction of the news confined me to another war.
Everyday i have no time for myself.
I'm running in my head needing a break
From my jobs, family, and school.
Never slowing down to look around me
Smelling the roses at bloom
Someone once told me: " Leave abstract words to the politicians and religious figures to fatigue."
What I have gotten from that:
Abstract words are a waste of time.
Looking in the mirror and think of shame.
Shame, Same, Shame.
The name fits.
What is wrong with you shame!
Reflecting back, I suppose I recon you.
By the way your eyes are penetrating through mine.
I love your every being
Every molecule, every cell
that makes up the body holding me.
You know every mark on my body
The one and only spot that tickles
The little joys in my life that keep me alive.
yeah, yeah
Life once felt simple and complete
but now grown up nothing feels the same
I always feel frustrated and angry
life was never ment to be this way
The odds of surviving might be rear
But when instinct kicks in you would know it is near
God in his tending power and care
Would never leave you to snare
The clouds might be dark right here
My mind is curious yet all knowing,
it jumps over obstacles like skyscrapers,
falls but all ways lands on it's feet,
puzzling but never out of place.
Science alone cannot grasp the mind,
I feel it moving inside of me
My mistake, my blessing, my baby
I wonder if it knows how I feel
If it can feel all of my fear
I should have known better they say
It was all my fault they say
Football is magnific,
enjoyed by many, first sport I cheered too!
Humbles in defeat, trumpets in glory,
for every loser a winner, first sport I ever won!
Football is fun that weighs a ton,
We build up speed, we build up speed
What we want, we say we need
This is our nation's newest creed
That when we reach the highest billing
We simply raise the debt cieling
We know no need, we know no need
People say that they can rhyme anytime,
Although I struggle to believe that to be true.
Rhyming is a lot harder, you see
Although I am sure that you do.
I have my mother's laugh
My great-grandfather's guilt
My father's unpleasant temper
Indian hair, not quite silk
I have George's wisdom
My granny's contagious smile
My uncle's sense of humor
If you were to unravel the mazes in my mind,
The sky would welcome the horizon.
The artist in me paints the world in shades of red.
Chilling, daunting, crimson red.
You would find my infinite wonderland.
Every morning, every afternoon, every night
we are blind.
We are blind to a world that judges and ridicules us.
Every step, every breath, every word, every action
we are weaker.
Friends, there for you through good times and bad
Sometimes they are the family you ever had.
Friends come and go like the wind,
Some help you in the midst of your sin.
The media seems to believe
To be a model one must achieve
Starvation and dissection
To obtain perfection?
The idea is highly naive.
Don't forget about what I did for you
all the crap I put up with to make you happy
all the tears I cried when you hurt me
all the memories we created for all the world to see
Who's to blame?
When you don't speak up?
Insecurity comes from within
But no one on the outside can conquer it
But You.
Yet you refuse to love yourself
You expect others to love and repect you.
Forget me,Hate me,Steal my soulThrow it awayBecause today,Nothing feels rightAnd I can no longer delight myselfWith the thoughts of the world.I hear nothing,See nothing
Is only a machine
Operated by the big three
The mind soul and spirit
And the workers in between.
A beautiful landscape
To invesitigate and understand
Illustrate and decorate
You are a crushing wave,
You are a hurricane,
Of mercy and love.
You are the call we've made,
I walked in the room nervous and dazed
To find him staring at me awed and amazed
Eyes black as night, skin white as snow
Who was this boy? I had to know.
His innocent eyes tell stories
it's not a queston of what makes you think
it's what you choose to think about
thoughts get pushed from the mind
abandoned lost neglected
wishing they were the thoughts that stuck
i live among youi feel emotions just like youi have a family just like every one elsei would feed you if you were hungryi would see you as a friend if given the chance
The best week of our lives,
Partying all day everyday
Living life our way
The best week of our lives,
A vacation we all desrved
Our time in high school had been served
How do you show people who you are as a person? Sounds stupid, right? Wrong. You may know who you are but when someone asks "who are you?"; all we say is our name. That's not tellng them who you are as a person.
I guess I could have went to that abortion clinic
I could have went through with it
I could have killed a living life
Instead, I am suffering sleepless nights
I didn't mean to upset you I'm sorry
I don't know why I always have to ask so many questions.
Down the stairs I'm falling
Enter head on, in your binding.
So called companionship, misinterprets
For; contract.
For it will be a "duty" and "privilege".
For some reason (and I don’t really know why),you tell me you want to be taxidermy.Like I said, I don’t really know, butmaybe it’s for immortality?You say you want to live forever with me,
I walked with my head down
Noticing every crack in the ground
In order to keep from falling.
I walked like that for years
Until the day I looked to hard at the ground
And ran right into you.
“You got accepted into the school you’ve always wanted to go?”
They say.
“Alright! That’s great! You must be overjoyed!”,
They say.
There’s joy, of course
But with it comes fear and worry,
They say, "Love is blind."So why are we so blind to fact that love is love?We see a man and a woman get married,and it must be love.Together they can make life,
Murderous claws
dominate the leaking night,
so you can cringe
at their possession,
but your resistance is restless,
as you fight
for a forlorn cause,
showing the true colors
that bear
There is nothing wrong with asking a question
But before you begin, allow me to answer some of the more common ones
My scarf does not show regression
And yes, I know I look like a nun
I have plenty of hair
This wasn't for me,
I did this for you.
Each cut and each bruise,
And every beating in between.
No food,
Just water,
Day by day.
and there goes the weight.
How does one know limits?
One does not
How does one know one's self?
One always knows
How does one know another?
Knowledge of experience
How does society know one?
It knows not
When the people who gave you life are also what makes you consider taking it,
There is a problem.
Every single night I brush my teeth in an attempt to wash away the sound of you
Slamming the door as you leave.
Dear mom and dad
You won’t ever actually hear this because I’m too scared of what you might say
Dear mom and dad
Yes. I care what you think of me
Dear mom and dad
To have faith is to defy logic.
It takes faith to think positive.
It takes faith to believe that there's a Creator
Some would say that their life is better than ours;
some would say our life values more than their own.
What is your definition of life?
Four walls surrounding me everywhere I lookI can here the echo of my voiceThere is no one else here with meI am aloneThey are all out living this thing called life, trying new things
Close your eyes.
Bom bom. Bom bom. Bom bom.
Can you hear it?
That’s the sound of my heart beating.
Is beauty a face or a rainbow? Is it a painting or a picture? Is it something we can perceive with our eyes? Or is it something entirely different? It cannot be defined as a color, shape, race, taste, or scent.
With every "that's not ladylike" my voice drops a little lower until I become a mosquito tone.
With every "you hit like a girl" my fists collapse at my sides as open palms, begging approval.
Life is a mystery yet unsolved
through life it is we've all evolved
Some are born with silver spoons,
while others don't even have rooms.
A hobo lies on carboard ground
I wander through an art exhibit, and I admire all the extraordinary work. Majestic landscapes, history written in people’s faces… And then I am halted, floored, at a painting of a cabbage harvest.
There was an artist.
His last few breathes I witnessed
But how could I have known.
His language unknown to me
But a love we both held strong.
That was the day the cancer won
and his tail would wag no more.
Walking down this road I called home
Thinking of all my dreams that seem so far to reach
My mind and heart whispers courage but reality seems to crush my dreams
The breaking of family
The loss of pets
Moving away from all I've known
Tick, tick, tick
This is me
A thousand lines
Written in pencil, in pen
When they ask how? and why?
I can simply open my mind, show them the way I see the world
The way I view and what I love
How the shadows reflect and things creep
My love of the world and people
For now time is a cage
Longer lives
Longer days
Does it really matter your age?
Some belive in finding wives
Others belive in a job that pays
(Chiraq beat)
I’m no rapper but this –ish ain’t draconian.
Didn’t take much to pull me in.
God flow, time stop, anachronic rap bars.
Ahead of the years He gave me, ahead of the game I carry,
Memories of failed fantasies,
fill his mind,
pushing him to the edge,
where the darkness,
just isn’t enough anymore.
Heed my words, one and all!
I dreamed a dream of an ocean.
Violent ocean-jolts enveloped all in their path.
Water winds blew rigorously,
Thrashing locks of hair into my face, blinding me.
I've been measuring the world in awkward pauses and
how many hands it takes to wrap about
my waist. I've been too busy wondering whether to
suck in to speak out and the words are tangling
up here in my head and
The lies in his eyes
The deception that he buys
For such a quick high
Only to hear himself cry
The strides that he takes
The effort that he makes
The love that he craves
The intercom buzzes, and my principal’s voice begins to speak, reminding we young ladies of the dress code, berating us for wearing shorts that are too short or tank tops with straps that don’t meet the required three inches, because,
When I hold it in my hand,
I feel much power
I feel like I haven't been crying for the past half hour
When I lay the cool metal upon my wrist
The haunted statue,
Alone and pondering,
Chipped and oxidized to the point,
Of unrecognizable.
Struggling to stay timeless,
When will my hero come?
We of all people, the humans of this century
who have made many outstanding advances
should clearly see this enemy
hiding in our men's stances
Somehow we look over it
The golden tides crash against the shores
the shores filled with excitement
excitement because everyone knows what time it is
can you smell that scent?
The days are long the nights short
Any outcry gets stifled
Their innocence gets rifled
We sit back and watch on our flat screen
At things meant not to be seen
They fight their religious wars
While we keep our pets in doors
It is my 23rd year of life
I look around me and I see
A fragile mask on me
It's cracked and worn around the edges
Nobody can tell what's wrong
Because I smooth out the damages
The trembling chilling adventures of exploring the sadend mind of what we think today to be whats know as us .
we say ignorance is bliss
hatred, intolerance, and greed are the trifecta of our society
do you see it?
news anchors deliver breaking news: a pop star got married yesterday
I wake up every morning
Go downstairs
Have a cup of tea or hot chocolate
Coffee if I really need it
Have a small breakfast
Usually a bagel or a Hot Pocket
Take my pills
I love you
You're everything I needed my daddy to be
I trust you, you emotionally hurt me
Most of my thoughts derive from questions.
I don't know if that's how everyone thinks,
but it's the only way that I know how.
I see my world through my eyes,
We're all given life but everyone dies.
You might be blue and i could be pink,
But that diference should'nt influence how we think.
We could hear something and swear its the truth.
So Dream Away
By Elizabeth Dresdow
What is a Mind?
What makes up a mind?
Does it have infinite possibilities?
Wasted freedom
adjourned by the
A wreckage in my brain
driving me to the point
of insanity,
manicuring each
segment to be
It is not a particularly taxing question
Nor is it a question I can easily formulate a response
The obvious answer to this question is that I find it chic,
But there is more to it than that
Ticking ticking ticking ticking
in my head.
No escape.
My mind races
faster faster faster faster
trying to evade
the Hate
that's built up inside of me.
Running running running running
My Body is an ocean
It is graceful and it is powerfulIt is strong
My poems remind me of my life,
A mirror of my mental strife.
It's like I straddle every line.
I try to make all angles fit.
Blank verse, free verse, meter and rhyme.
Matthew 7:12. Do unto others whatsoever you would like them to do to you. Why is this concept so HARD to comprehend?
Life seems to revolve around the definitions of what some people have...
What's the definiton of weak?
Is it crying because your favorite television show has been cancelled?
White walls.
While I sit on my bed and look around the room,
Wishing I could clean up all my mistakes with a broom,
Wiping my tears knowing I’m going behind bars,
What was my reason for stealing these cars?
I am so afraid to talk to you.
The opportunity is something I pray for,
But your affection for me is frightening;
It cements my feet to the floor
And turns my head away from your eyes.
The breeze that strokes the vibrant leaves,
The wind that struggles, blows, and heaves.
The light of the sun shining bright,
The glow of the moon throughout the night.
The slip of sand beneath small feet,
My soul is in agony, because you’re loving he whom is not meI cringe by the thought of your memory; my emotions keep running through my bowels and my thoughts become rancidI love you but I hate you,
I'm chasing after you again, when am I not?
We run the same speeds but are always so far apart!
And I am thinking about how I have to be afraid to be a woman
(when I am as powerful as any man).
What makes my brain tick?
It happens when my thoughts just click.
Through my eyes, I can see
A great big world in front of me.
My mind helps me make the right choice
To help me find my own voice.
I have realized my past in a nutshell was a storybook of heartbreak, disappointment, sinfulness and
When I was 14, I was told that my name sound "too black."It didn't match my personality.I acted "too white," "not ghetto enough,"As if me being black didn't quite fit into their scripted reality.
When you realize that nothing you do
matters to you,
take a step back
and do something that does.
When you see someone struggling,
respect them for their effort
and thank the earth
It was tempting, he told you he loved youBut only if his lies, you were able to see through
Endlessly streaming tearsflow from her angelic soul.She reminisces about the pastand how death took its toll. Patiently awaiting strengthfrom God’s almighty hand.She misses her baby boythat died from Holy command. His soul, God took itand, his sou
Five things you just won't believe
This man did something so shocking so he could achieve
This terryfing picture of a cat will make you have questions
Wait, first, may I make a suggestion?
{In this galaxy,
you may not recognize yourself,
be careful where you whisper,
and who you ask for help.
If the moonflash makes you ignite,
while raindrop kisses fall,
Life is a gift
a gift which is right
only by divine right
so throught out your life
hopefully you are taught right
because life can be so bright
but it can also be blight
What does our future really have in store for us?
Is life still going to be this endless circle of trials
I walked with her to the beach
Her beauty can be compared to the reflection of the sun off the moon;
This word and its overall concept belongs to the family of positively connoted words.
Most people like accommodations.
It was dark and crowded.
It smelled like cigarrettes and desperation.
If one more man looks at me like I am an entree, I think i will explode.
I tell them I have a boyfriend.
I tell them I am a lesbian.
Howard Hugh heals his heart.
Engaging in music is the start.
Listening to music
Is like candy,
What makes me tick
When I look into her eyes I understand what must be done.
When I look into her eyes I see the truth.
When I rock her to sleep I know what I must do.
Their words could crush the world to dust, but they crush me instead.
For each word is an acute blade that cuts my skin.
Constantly stabbing me as saliva from their filthy mouths sting my open wounds.
For years my thoughts were silent
Trapped in the matrix of my mind
The only resolve, a pen on paper
Hoping to leave my past behind.
Having no idea how to share myself
With the people surrounding me
It makes my mind go tick tick tick
thinking of the things that will make it swift
the only thing to get me out
my futures what its all about
I was once told that if you love someone that you must set it free,
Especially if you are being affected because self assertiveness is the key,
It is only important that you love yourself enough to let go,
You threw me away like a grain of sand,
Carried astray by the winds at hand.
All for what?
Your own self-righteous gain;
Hopes that you've preserved your precious treasures of today?
I've realixed that when it comes to life, everything and everyone in it has an imperfection. A slight misunderstanding that the universe as a whole compels to call a fatal flaw that keeps life at its best, from perfection.
I ain't doin this to gain fame.
Malc got me thinking about changing my last name.
This shit to the man must be a game.
Can't even say white man now
cause the presidents gotta black face.
I'm not Harvard materialI'm not a straight A studentI'm not a person with a name up on a wallI'm just a kid who has been trying to figure out what it all meant
For nineteen years I have endured life on this Earth,
Day in and day out I try to find my worth,
Now it's time to take some responsibility,
Growing up,
Going to the next stage.
Going here, going there,
Where am I really going?
The path ahead lies in darkness
I can't solve the puzzle.
Can we know everything?
I want to know,
They tell me to be different
To stand up for what’s right
But they never deem to visit
While I cry through the night
Going into college;
was a new begining.
I was scared yet nervous
Anything was possible.
Nothing turned out,
the way I pictured it.
Everything was
What makes me cryYet makes me want to try
What makes me need sleepYet with joy makes me leap
What makes me bleedYet makes me feel freed
Great is God's faithfulness.
No more does worry knock on the door
because God knows all that is in store.
He will be there through every storm;
his Word will stay to keep you warm.
I wake up in the morning.
It's six o'clock and I'm yourning.
I get up out my sheets
trying to scavenge something to eat
then I gotta brush my teeth.
since i ain't in a rush
I wait for the bus
From Europe to the US without knowing the English language
I’ve fought my way through by studying hard
and showing those heartless people who thought I’d never amount to anything sharp,
When you find that your at the end of your life
What legacy will you have left behind,
Would you have left behind lives filled with joy or hearts weighed down with strife.
What will it be worth,
I'm abandoned,
Not a stuffed teddy bear left in a foreclosed house trapped in the back of a dusty closet
It seems that many have forgotten what social anxiety truly is...
So let me explain how it is taking over my life.
I'm spending my summer working at my mom's office,
she tells me everyday to talk to people.
I think of it
That urgency
No longer dormant under my skin
Pushing me to action
Like a solstice
Holding its breath
Begging me along for the ride
The fids are screaming for breakfast
I can do that
There’s homework still to do
I can do that
Need to finish next months’ budget
I can do that
Wait, still need to clean the loo
I can do that
God. People. Pain. Disbelief. Hell. Decisions. Sin. Why hell? Death. Love. Judgement. Satan versus God. Souls. Powers. Glory. Win or loos? Pain. Pure souls. Why can't God have every soul? Or does he? Pain. Hell. Power. Death. Sin. Shame. Sex.
I get it
No really, I get it, I swear
It’s fun to let go and drink away all your cares
I can’t say I haven’t -
I’ve been there, done that
Poured, slammed, chased, and laughed
Be powerful, be brave, be courageous! May your voice reach all of the nations! Help the world become a better place, be the change that you want to see in the world. Let the seas shine within your eyes and live deeply within the divine!
It’s quite ignorant of you to think we’re all ignorant on purpose.
Yes, we do know there are many different variations of things in the world,
A room teeming with ideas,
Where objects litter the floor,
Along my miraculous haven.
Where find is to lose,
And lose is to find,
That is the way of the things in My Room.
Life is something i find myself thinking,
yet i don't have much of an inkling,
of what i might really be thinking.
My thoughts sway and shift,
dwell and jump,
yet never stop.
Life is a universe,
Standing on our two feet
Living without regret or defeat.
We are what Rory the roman
will wait a thousand years for a woman.
We are those who will rise to greatness,
I'm tired but I can't sleep
I'm hungry but I can't eat
I'm awake but I can't think
I'm sad but I can't cry
I'm weak but I can't give in
I'm scared but I can't run
I'm free but I can't fly
Am I alive?
I seem to be
but is this really me?
Am I real?
The others see me,
but i may just be a reflection,
an illusion,
of what might really be.
Maybe this is a dream
What makes me tick?
What forces my mind to click?
Being treated as a second.
Never first, never respected.
I don't see color but hearts.
Abused freedom.
What has this country become ?
Looking around.
Abandon & filth is all that I found.
What Happened ?
From colorful, joyful, musical, Hopeful,
What the hell is wrong with you?Don’t you know I’m beaten and blue?Leave me alone.I’ve done nothing to you.
to start a letter
no one knows,
this generation
has yet learned
to grow
in love,
or simplicity,
to be
of what used
to be,
Can you picture yourself as a child with dreams long ago
As children we were able to see treehouses as castles and the floor as hot lava stones
Now all grown up what have we really come to understand
I have awoken
From the slumber that has
Trapped the billions.
Enlightened - by chance -
Seeing what they do not,
Feeling what they ought to,
Waking up old and gray,
Looking to the othe side of my bed wih no one there.
No one to kiss good morning,
No one to kiss good nght.
No one to tell me they love me,
No one for me to say it back to.
Warmth all to your toes
Like a cozy cup of tea
A blanket of sleeves
(poetry slam tag) speak your mind slam
The Other Me
Feeling pleasure or joy
It’s the perky energetic kid that has
Life in technicolor is too
Vivid descriptions
Of encryptions
Designed to make the host oblivious
To the afflictions
We see you, the ones who think your unseen,
yes you,not just the outside you,but the inside you
the one that tries to hide,
you think we don't understand or know how you feel,
As a child,
it is the outside world,
the unknown,
that pushed me forward.
Time seemed infinite,
flowing endlessly in my own bubble.
Never a worry nor care,
Everyday we try and find a new reason to stay.
Passing train signs that promise us a way out of our own minds
Trying to skip boulders as if small stones,
We take refuge in our sleep,
We let our eyes close.
Everyone has dreams to make it for their familes get of the hood to live good well some people was born into this world with a sliver spoon in their mouth
God's breath of fresh air
envelopes All with his warm hands
The frosty steel shackles
The gentle swaying
and rustling
and chirping
are the only children of the star now
Brothers and sisters, cousins and friends,
Are the only ones who will truly stay till the end
Say what you want, and say what you will,
We both know that they are the ones there still
Behind these white walls are secrets.
Drifting souls wonder alone oblivious to each other.
Days so bleak they blend unclearly with one another.
When we ask where are all the jobs all we get are government lies
The jobs are there, you didn't go to college now are you suprised?
when we ask why does a man get paid more than I do
All I get is work harder and faster
I’m, okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.
Say it enough times
and you might start to believe it.
You don’t understand, you don’t understand, you don’t understand.
Say it too many times
Would it be beautiful,
the vibrations on my skin?
Without my face, my lips, my colored eyes,
or soft-hearted vulnerability?
I've crossed you off my list,
and I've sang your face away,
The air isn’t heavy with words
You can talk of the clouds in the sky
But what are you really saying
You are wasting my time
The right kind of company
The dazzling city streets
Broken and bleeding
Left on the floor
My Daddy doesn't care about me anymore.
He screams and he yells
And he calls me bad names,
The first time it happened
I thought we were just playing a game.
Anger doesn’t live across the sea,
Nor among the rare breeds of humanity
Because Anger creeps beneath the trees,
Speak out what's on your mind
Tell the world just how you feel
Don't hold it in ... let it out
Let it go ... it's not big deal.
How you feel is part of you
Don't just hold your feelings in
If you ask me what makes me tick
then I'd have to tell you I don't tick, I tock
And if you aserted I was to pick
I'd simpy laugh and decide not
If you asked me to fall in line
I must learn to be content,
With being happier then I deserve.
I've been slowly moving through this labyrinth,
The twisting and turning is getting on my nerves.
And I've been waiting,
Dear Anonymous Person,
Read this right now,
Your worth isn't determined
by your grades, your weight,
your beauty is infinite,
immeasurable like the famous lemniscate.
So forget all the hate.
If my Head is up there
a part of the clouds,
then let the words that come out my Mouth,
be the first droplets of a Storm.
Storms can flood towns,
clearing away rust and rubble
I'm sick and tired of being inspired but not being able to share
The world's a blank page for we the few thinkers to write upon
So maybe if I'm right than this world needs teachers
I Am Me by Jesus R.
-Who are you?
I am me.
-What about them?
I dont care who they are, what they do.
Some of the most moving moments in life
Are when we are are sitting on our couches
Snug in our beds
What happened to being young, wild, and free?
Whoever said growing up was easy.
What happend to the life without
worries and responsibilities?
Oh, to go back to those endless days of youth.
The thing that gets me confused is when i see us being used
Not from our counterparts but from the things we do
Never good but bad it seems we strive for nothing far
But rather just for the most veiws on WorldStar
A drop in the ocean
A stitch in a quilt
A sprout in a field
We are small
We are simple
We are important
We make up a mass
Size is insignificant
One word, one minute, one second
Of courage.
All we want is one word.
One word in a world so worried with what they'll think
One word.
One word for those who hurt us.
there's been enough poems written about beauty
that by now you'd think we'd get it
by now you'd think that somewhere between the eloquent words
and passive-agressive statements
something would have changed
For four years you have lied to me and told me I was important
you had me thinking i was your main priority
instead, i wasn't even number three
baseball came first, as always
and then it was your video games
Trust will end your life.
I don’t believe
It’s a confidence and
It’s between one another.
You're going to leave a mark on this earth,
Weather it's on your tombstone
Or your way of living!
So often that time is hard,
And leaves no place to stay
What rest does it give
For those whose lives take crooked roads?
What respites does it give
To those whose hearts it has broken?
Today we talked.
Not about what had happened.
We talked about random things.
We laughed.
I smiled.
I never thought i would be able to laugh and smile around you again.
But i did.
I'm living in obscurity,
I live with insecurities,
My flaws have clouded my vision
Now I'm blinded by imperfection.
I'm on the outside looking in
Cause I don't meet society's qualifications,
My heart, my mind and my soul
It's hurting me to even let this show.
Giving up was never an option for me
but obstacles in my way wouldn't allow me to see.
My last dream was a dream about you.
When I close my eyes all I can see feel and hear is you
In this dream noeven the sun pating day could braketelog conversation or bodies share
We were two souls embedded into one
The wind refreshes my feeble body,
My wrist and ankles restrain my movement,
For my spirit I have no custody,
To my dreadful state no acknowledgment,
My fellow warrior perseverance
The time has come!
My mind races as I wait to see that curtain rise. The one thing that makes me free to be whoever I wish and no one can judge me.
The old and the brokenAre out-spoken though never heardNo one sees they're out-goin'When they're un-brokenAre they old and broken?Or are they young and miss-spoken?
You were so beautifulthe world just couldn’t stand itthey had to destroy youbecause anything that beautiful must be brokenand they did exactly thatyou thought it was your fault
My footsteps are a snare drum, beating with every step I take.
Violins hum when I open my eyes.
And when I look at you, a blare of tumpets make me joyfully deaf
So all I can see is you
In all your simple beauty.
There’s a girl out there.
There’s more to this girl then just a pretty face.
An image beautiful on the outside, but one that feels worn on the inside from the stares of inquisitive spectators…processed output…fake smiles…
A lot of people wonder
They want to know what makes me tick.
I take them by the hand and gently I tell them
Just follow me as I lead you into the world of Vic.
We are the youth and we should know
we want things to be more than now.
A knowledge sleeps in the cracks of our knuckles
and the straightness of our backs
not just
that things must change,
When i was young, they all thought i was going to succeed
Always compared, whenever my sisters were there
All of the pressure that caused me to bleed
Once i failed, i knew it was too good to be true
Who are you?
No but seriously, who?
You think you know me but you really don't.
You should get off your high horse but i know you won't.
I can't take a step without your watchful eye;
Looking down in distress
Can't find a way out
Darkness too repressed
I only want to shout
Light in the valley
A mind is a beautiful thing to waste
With this reality I'm often faced
Seconds tick by at an alarming rate
Reminding me of my mind's fate
TV, noise, dead end job
All seem to make my head throb
A race against time
The pressure building upon me
As I complete the assignment moments before
Procastination is my charm
Working its magic as the gears turn in my head like a race car's engine
What's that thing walking down the hall
looking like a plastic Barbie doll
everything about her is completely fake
That's looking on the outside in
that's looking on the outside in
of the Gossip Queen
One brown paper bag.
It all started with one brown paper bag
Against the charcoal of Mother Africa
And the sandpaper of Nefertiti,
And the rift grew into a canyon.
The cocoa-drenched emperors
So I, like so many others, have been asked to spew forth the thoughts and workings of our brains,
to pick apart how we tick, how we function, how we create, and explain:
I am not invisible.
I am not inhuman.
I am not nonexistant, or abnormal, or damaged, or broken,
or whatever you might want to call me.
Because I,
I am a human being,
Why was I there, why was I afraid. Smoke and fog filled my mind. It felt like an old factory operarting in my head. I could almost hear the rusty gears shift in my head. Sweat raced down my fingertips like oil dripping from a giant robot.
When the sun goes down, and the moon rises high,
When the fire flies glow under a deep starry night,
Life surges through my soul,
Here I am playing another role to keep people from getting hurt,
The smoke curls in the air. It flows up and up and up. It shakes hands with the stars, and tickles the moon. Up and up and up it goes. It is weightless and is always floating.
We love to hate but hate to love
everyday i watch girls cover their face with make-up
we pour ourselves into our jeans
trying to fit the mold of what we think we should be
Shy. Insecure, Embarrased
She glares at the two piece shimmery white bikini,
hanging up on the wall
It called out to her
It was beautiful.
A jolt of electricity runs through my body, the feeling of a petite seizure.
The thought of doing whatever I please engulfs me,
Aggressive, Unpredictable, Violent...
attacking people on the streets, hurting newborns in their sleep,
almost as if I'm a creep!
I never meant to hurt you, but that's what society expects me to do,
We all strive to be such a thing,Beautiful.
But we look in the mirror,
We study our image,
It becomes more flawed,
We are eaten alive by our desire, beauty.
The night creeps on my blackened heart with a viscious roar
The violet clouds of confession
bringing a familiar piercing pain
As the rain begins to fill my soul with sorrow and tears,
the flash of hope fades
The storm
rages on
outside my window,
and I can't seem to find the calm.
Can you save me?
These walls are not enough.
The rain is seeping in,
and I'm looking for an end.
It is dangerous to underestimate the value of this life.
It is dangerous to belittle the opportunities to overcome strife.
Life is fragile.
When it is lost, it is hard to know how to respond.
I live in the world
of Photoshop, Weightwatchers, and Covergirl.
I live in the country
of painted faces, trendy clothes, and manicured lawns.
I live in the school
of shaved legs, dyed hair, and braces.
Let’s do some math.
If I choose to dorm at XY Hall, the price will be 18k for both semesters combined.
But that's way too expensive.
I feel too deeply,
I feel too much.
Empathy, Sympathy, Affinity...
Whatever this curse is called.
I put forth so much effort into loving you,
Into loving every form of precious life that surrounds me,
Abused Never More
Never look into your eyes,
don't talk to anyone,
stay at home at all times,
it was in my viens and in my bones
deep in the marrow of soul,
you sat and wept
about all the things that you kept
so bottle up and inside,
but as you sat in my heart and bones
Eyes gaze Deeper, Breath gets heavier
Lustful thoughts have arisen, Uncontrollable urges appear.
The insecurites felt by woman all around easily outweigh the blank smiles on their faces. Walking the streets, car keys in hand, finger almosts pressing the panic button just in case. Scared. Worried. Panic. Called Paranoid.
I had a man who sang me songs,each strum on his guitar echoedin my mind each night before Islept in coral reefs, how hebelieved my hair was a silvermoon melting within water.
Seven Billion people.
With over 200,000 births every day.
How are we supposed to know who we will be?
The ocean mirrors midnight sky,
barely brushing our toes.
I whisper words
I want to write beneath your skin,
my violent delight.
I lay by you on the moistened sand,
Well I live down on the beach,next to the green Florida Sea.I like to dig my toes in the sand,sipping some sweet ice tea.
My red lips can rock your world,I’ll have you down on your knees.
Starssmall punctured holes,silk floating in velvettwinkling.
We humans watch,wonder,and wait in aweas one shoots by – we wish.
The road before her,It goes left and right,Making bends way too tight.She imagines her hips,Nothing like this road.Those thoughts begin to unload.Again they haunt her,
I have spent the day
Hunkered in my little house
Tinkering at my little hobbies
Getting my usual work done.
With a standard scrub at my teeth
I watch the sun head down
Before hunkering down to bed.
My life story will not be about what I wore or how much money I have
or even how much you like me
I am more than the money, or the job, or the lifestyle you think I live
I write my own story
Lay me down in a field of wild flowers,
Take me away with your magical powers.
To a place where there is no pain,
To a place where there is no hurt.
A place where I can be free,
One year we were children,
With dreams and hope,
The next we're adults,
Who have sex and smoke.
Darkness engulfs me as I sit among the silence,The stalwart panging emotion of vagrance.This feeling so strong stinging me like a bee,Desperation seeming to overwhelm me. Anxiety discovers a path to my brain,
This disgusted feeling
For another human being
So wicked
For a man who didn't mean a damn thing
If you want love honey, go love yourself
But instead you chose to spread your legs
A brain washing system
In which we are expected to conform
Do the same as thy neighbor
Follow the rules
But if you dare to break these ongoing expectationsYou will be silenced
It's time to go to another place
far away
far away from here
'cuz I'm struggling trying to keep my head straight
but I can't 'cuz you keep stressin' me
I'ma go, I'm gonna leave
'cuz this ain't good
Is blue, blue?
Or do you see a different hue?
Do we all see a different color known by one name?
Or do we all see just the same?
How can you say blue is blue,
When she see's green too?
I fear to dream like to fear to breathe,
Asking to much of the gods above,
Becasue when I dream I reach it,
But sadly I can't keep it,
Like rays that shine through a window,
A certain awareness is rushing through my blood
A cold, chilling awareness
Yet, it brings peace, comforts
Maybe you resemble the torment of my soul and this is where I find peace
The rain will end
A boy walked through the woods
he found something no boy should.
The boy found his father,
his father was doing something
no father should be doing.
His father was looking for the love
Natural birthright
Human apathy, indifferent
Your dinner: tortured souls
I am women
Stronger then a rock
But softer then a feather
I can withstand anything and everything
From slavery to women rights and the typical stereotypes
I am women
Tap, tap, my foot hovers the gas.
One way road,
Too illegal to pass.
Take off your cruise control mode.
It's forty five,
You swerve to the right,
That girl sitting two rows in front of you?
Yes, the one with the short skirt and the tight shirt.
Why can a man walk free
down the street, without a care
in the world, and a pep
in his feet? But a woman must
leer, must live in a constant fear
that a man's touch or sneer
The Kansas sun slowly burns out, melting into the plains like a cigarette butt fades int
You're asking me to write a poem with intentions to get in my head.
While most mornings I can barely get myself out of bed.
Even though days get tough I give them my all.
What is something we can never understand?
What is greater than all things?
How can something be created from nothing?
What created all things?
The living God.
But where is the evidence he exists?
All the days you went in sick
All the teachers you put up with
All the sleep you lost doing homework all night
All the tries it took to finally get the answer right
I am Nothing but a child.
I am Unworthy to be heard.
The adults, they scream
be Quiet
Fix your hair
Know the,
White walls
Instead of white sand
Instead of relaxing
Instead of swimming
Instead of the Bahamas
The halls in my head
Wind deep.
Walls of doors
That hide the information
I categorize and compartmentalize,
In an attempt to establish some illusion
Of logic
In this thing we call,
I walk on a Sunday afternoon in 2013.
I walk to the store candy and a lil bit of ice T.
I walk wondering who this man is behind me.
I walk till I can't walk no more and I run
I run and I run.
I have recently discovered a profound feeling.
A feeling like no other,
A feeling I never knew could be experienced.
Though it may be spontaneous,
I enjoyed the feeling,
Stressed out,
Can't breath,
Barely a thought,
I can conceive.
If not one thing,
It's the other,
Life is,
beginning to smother.
I might be drowning,
I don't know,
Hope neither of the dark or the light but rather something in between. Providing dreams for some and infatuations for others.
Lady Luck, often spoken of but never heard, often felt but never seen. She drifts among the shadows as the people walk in the light. Placing her hand here and there, changing outcomes everywhere.
There she goes
What does her life show
She is happy and she smiles
But when she goes home, it only lasts for a while
A few months ago I was engaging in such intellectual activities as perusing cat videos when I discovered a quite vast selection of blog posts written by twenty-somethings that catalogued a trip to El Salvador, or Bangladesh, or Pakistan, or some
Time is my fear
I feel like I’ll never get enough of it
I fear not knowing and knowing too much
My time goes by in a melodious pace, with a whimsical note and a riveting tick, but is that enough?
I've got Iraqi in my eyes
Love in my heart
Islam in my soul
And if I die tonight, that's how I wanna go you see, I'm done with this cruel world
And the death tolls
Draped in gold, you stand to fall,
but that doesnt stop you from standing tall.
You think you're better than the rest,
you're looking at me as if your trying your best.
This matter makes me cringe
My heart I feel it dies
When she believes the magazines
page after page of lies
Her body is a metal
so precious she beholds
worth more than money or compliments
Can you see school on the mind,
or that life comes fast,
for a student to find,
friends made to last,
each new day there is someone kind,
How can things be so difficult one minute, but then dissolve into something so pure? How do people look over the beauty of mistakes and only focus on the bad and evil perspectives?
If my brain were a tongue twisterIt would throw you for a loopYou couldn't navigate it even with a mapPointing to the constellations of nerve synapsesEvery pathway is a fork in the roadThat splits into roots
Why does America care so much? It's not their decision, it's the decision of the people getting married. Why are millions of people concerned about two people? It's not their lives. Then people want to throw in religion?
Kneeling in the pews, I follow suit and pray.As droning envelops 'round me like the sea,
I am angry
I don't know at what.
A pain in my chest
and a heat in my head
a snap--- just like that
and I will scream my fury at you.
My mom
she says she won't pay for my college
From the heavens to the stars
Forgive us for who we are
For we are not as perfect as we may seem
Precious life lost to deferred dreams
And we ask ourself is this what God had in store for me?
Mothers not feeding their children , but feeding their habit instead ...
Children staying an age forever because life was took to soon ...
Be confident and speak your mindBeing daring says more about you than what you leave behind
I’m a beautiful black girl who’s scared and sad.
I feel like an orphan;
Where’s my mom and dad?
I live with my grandma, grandpa, and aunt.
I’m a beautiful black girl who’s scared and sad.
I feel like an orphan;
Where’s my mom and dad?
I live with my grandma, grandpa, and aunt.
A corrupt government with a ruined economy
Supporting citizens who can't support their families,
It toys with my mind and gives me headaches
And shakes up my brain like violent earthquakes,
Speak my mind, you ask?
Be wary.
I want to take the road less traveled by.
I am absolutely terified that I will follow the same path as everyone else.
I do not want to be a slave to one career
I look up at the night sky and see,
the sorrow in your eyes for me.
You were here then you were gone.
A lost melody in a glorious song.
You left me with no choice
I shut out the world, I quieted my voice.
As I sit and stare
Thinking how much more can i bare
The words that they say
torment me day by day
Trying to find light in the dark
but the words cut through my heart
Hickory dickory dock
It's time to check the clock.
The clock struck one
It's time for fun,
Hickory dickory dock.
Hickory dickory dock,
I can't stop checking the clock.
Broken promises kind of man
I'll do it when I' ready kind of man
Thinks he is all that and then some kind of man
I wear the pants around here kind of man
I'm not obligated to do anything kind of man
What makes me tick?
Is it the sound of judgeful eyes
or the cries of the inner soul
Being taken advantage of
Or not being appreciated at all
The wrong motivation
I'm sorry i'm leaving you. It's not my fault. THEY want us to leave and never come back, i'm sorry i wrote on you and still haven't cleaned you you up.
You know what's funny?
We call ourselves Christians but there is no Christ found in ourselves.
Bible,Crazy Love, Radical,The Shack and countless books fill up the shelves
Those who follow me wherever I go…
Their faces like porcelain painted black,
You say they’re not real, but they are…I know.
Their hair is like water without the flow.
He needs his coffee to wake up and his trees to sleep. That cocaine to party and his thizzles to geek. His cigarettes for stress and his heroine when no friends. He needs every drug possible to meet the day's end.
Never a thought of happiness. In the back of my mind it's known that this smile will leave soon. Forever stuck in an eternity of doom.
The fear is rising. So high like blood shot red eyes need visine. Just wish these thoughts in my head were a little more enticing. Looking into my brain and amongst my psyche, whatever's in control does this despite me.
I have no voice.
My thoughts are dying stars, light-years from our brief contact,
Gigabytes stored at stacked at the crux of cerebral cyberspace.
Their words are mud and sand.
I try to speak;
What's on my mind you ask?
Well let's see, Im exhausted
Im tired of doing the same day to day,
I wanna go out have fun, take a trip
Go to the beach, lay in the sand
Perhaps a movie or two?
I stand. I stand and my shoulders are squared.
I'm facing what some call the unknow.
But I know the truth. My eyes are open
To reality.
Because in reality, it's Opportunity.
are you selecting poems at random?
should i even try?
words scrawled in the 2 minutes just to get money
could outsshine the words meant to glow
like embers
at the death of a flame--
She’s tired
of the miles and miles of paperwork that clutter her office
like a library who has lost its way
she swims and swims
attempting to free from the heavy load
There is a painter
Was born in the first day of the last month in 96.
She left a home to make many homes.
Her job is to draw
Draw an autobiography picture.
She is poor .
I am still
The music plays
My body moves
My arms sway
Even though my body is in motion
My focus is still
Take a look around. People walk around with smiles on their faces and secrets in their heart.
The girl you just passed on the street wears long sleeves
to cover the bruises she gets from her father,
From the moment we're born, we’re told of the power of dreams,
From Disney movies, to children’s bedtime tales
And as we grow, and we change, and we learn,
My personal stage starts when I wake up
I make funny faces in the mirror as I get ready for the day
I put the TV on mute so I can quote my own dialogue for the people
Gay. G. A. Y.
G as in "God hates you."
A as in "abomination."
Y as in "Why haven't you killed yourself yet?"
"There's nothing to be afraid of!" they say
"It doesn't matter that you're gay."
Is it okay for my mother to call me names? This pain, I cant take this shit. This shit is really stressing me so I gotta let it out.
Summer makes me want to be lakeside.
The smell of boat exhaust and lake water,
Is so familiar, it comforts me so.
I miss coming here with you father,
I love hiking, but fishing is your favorite, I know.
Some people are simply meant to be together.
A woman, unbreakable, always finds happiness.
Her personality fiery, her laugh like a feather.
“Happiness can be a choice” her best,
Young girl with eyes the color of moss.
There are often times she feels lost.
"Mommy is sick," They all would say.
That was before mommy went away.
Did she do something wrong?
“I’ll never be that pretty”
All young girls know the line
They have repeated it over and over
Lost count how many times
“How sad. No young girl should feel this way.”
Open your eyes
Green shirt, greener eyes
He walks in the room and it's no surprise
The life of the party
That smile?
It could save me
A voice that could drown out all the rest
The cold water rushes between her toes and she doesn't even flinch. Hell, must be miles away from here in some cracked out dream of unfulfilled expectation.
Young girls everywhere listen here.
Try staying in school without getting pregnant.
Try not changing yourself to fit in with the wrong crowd.
As a teenage high school student, it’s reasonable that one thing always on my mind is school
Not only school itself, but the lessons school has given to me
Red, white, blue
a child's boo hoo
what makes me move?
a warm summer breeze
the sun, between the trees
what makes me breathe?
the sand between my toes
a sneeze caught in my nose
When I was little,
I wanted to talk, and
then I wished I could see, and
then I wished I could run as fast as the other kids in PE.
Later on, I wanted to be
Don't tell me to embrace my curves
Until you've been 14 years old
getting felt up by guys with beards
And you know what it's like to be used
for physical pleasure
I think I have met you in another life;
For the way your smile lights up your eyes
Seems all too familiar
RejectionWanting a dreamLonging for what is not easily possessed
DeterminationSeeing the imaginable futureA solvency of a teachable past
Am I supposed to believe that you're going to be a lawyer when you spend more money on shoes than books?
And that you're going to be a doctor because you spend a lot of times with girls but can only navigate matters below the waist.
Music is my high,
Soda is my drink.
Sugar is my ecstasy,
Laughter is my drunkenness.
Comedy is my anti-drug,
Strobe lighting is my LSD.
Dreaming is my hallucinogen.
there is no freedom
you can't speak
you can't learn
you can't dress
you can't live
what you do is not up to you but to them
go to school
get a job
have a family and no in-between
In my mind are gears,
Turning, Shifting, Spinning.
Grinding together in one smooth motion,
creating an imagination.
They turn as if run by a ghost,
but it's not true.
Before I knew you I knew i didn't want one of you
before I knew you I knew I didn't have a clue
once we decided to make you I knew I would love you
once we made you I already loved you
Girls these days are blinded.
Blinded by society.
No thigh gap? Too fat.
Ribs showing? Too skinny.
You must have an hourglass figure
To be considered "pretty".
The media only portrays
Stupidity is what makes me tick
Or maybe it's the way people spit
Everyone expects you to be better than the last
You want me to get straight A's and be top of my class
Now that I think about it that's not it
I hear the pressing and sound,
Of the universe milling around.
I draw myself further in,
To avoid joining them.
To be still.
To shrug off the stress.
To move at my will
Cry little girl.Run and hide.Huddle back into your trenchesWhere the voices lieAnd tell youThat it's safeTo sleep.
Your body is a temple-
And I have burned mine to the ground too many times to count.
I have slashed it and scarred it and bruised it and marred it,
And tried to break the bones of this battered flesh home.
Lost in desperation, I am constantly searching for inspiration,
Seeking motivation, I need a little persuation to keep me in the mindset I was rasied in.
As I look in the mirror I'm staring at the enemy,
She calls me every morning, putting a smile upon on my face
She is the one
She makes my heart melt when I make her smile, laugh, and happy
You want to pretend I want to pretend too.
Let’s go back sometime and jump double Dutch without shoes.
Simple, fun, and full of life,
playing through even the most tough of times.
A child's voice the most lovable sound,
lyrics not needed to want to turn it up loud.
Close your eyes, sit back, and listen closley,
Why is it a bad thing my parents went to school
got jobs, worked hard, they didn't fool
around and around I go
searching high and low
for money
Schools don't care
you're a number
From the winds of country and war,
An elfin body drapes fruits from branches that bore.
Loving tenderly and nourishing to each,
She looked at her,
And hated what she saw.
She looked at her hair
And hated the way it wasn't as long as other girls'.
She looked at her stomach,
And hated the way it wasn't flat like other girls.
We all are just
as we've always been
Forever imperfect
Eternally eager
Simply cynical
Lustfully Loving
Frequently forgetting to Forgive
For we all Are
Just People
Since I was a little girl my parents told me, "save.
Save your pennies, save your nickels, save everything you've made.
Put it in your piggy bank or in the savings account.
Dear Future,I want to take time to say this nowBefore things get too complicated andI don't have time to sayThat I'm glad you turned outAs you should'veAmazing and fulfillingFILLED
I hold within me, the answer to
Everything within me is a reminder of
How much do I love thee?
That word speaks volumes.
Turn up the love, turn down the
Confusion. Illusions of our supposed
I miss you.
Coming over with that damn cigarette in your ear.
Telling me all the info, all the stuff I wanna hear.
Listening to my "boy problems" and giving me advice
What makes me tick
Like a clock
Or like being poked with stick?
Being annoyed
With people making no sense
Keep talking nonsense
Wanting to be in a void
We fall in love by our senses.
By the way he smell so good where you can still smell him after he has left the rom.
I'm sorry teacher, I didn't do my homework because
Life is pointless
I'm sorry people, I'm gonna miss you so much but
If you appreciate my culture,
As much as you claim,
You should know
Your disgusting
Urban Outfitter’s shirt
My God’s name.
A sacred image
When darkness takes over,
Our nightmares come to life.
Who's time will end next?
A mere roll of the dice.
Fate is a religion for those who hate chance.
But be it random or precise,
If I shut my eyes tight enough will I disappear?
Can I seal them shut with all of my tears?
Forgiveness not wthin any of your bones.
Screaming, thrashing accusing,
Condescending tones.
The late night
half lit incandescent bulbs
when sleep is synonymous
with the detestable scum
scraped off the shoe
laying on the floor
mate under the bed
When I was in third grade,
My dad got me confused with my brother and called me “son,”
Words that never escape your lips
The cheeks you’ll never kiss
The fantasy of bliss
You’ll never see
I still feel their hands when I sleep
Often times I wake with a leap
My breath constricted in a silent plea
While my hands scramble for my lover to hold me
I hear too many jokes about someone being raped
I remember that promise I made to you
Back when we met at this prestigious school
I said that I will carry you through
I'm sorry but I've got to go
The times come for m tleave
It's pleasant here though
I just can' believe
Play me on a beat
I'm real. I am your inner heat.
Let me slide, let me sing,
let me ring.
Alive like your ninety nine
rolling like butter. the knife, cutting through your mind.
It didn't have to be this way
They are always part of the problem
I could have avoided another backstep
If only it weren't for them
I didn't need to have more trouble piled on
I should have kept my distance
"What were you wearing?"
"What were you drinking"
All questions asked to a rape victim.
"Are you okay?"
"How do you feel?"
Go ahead, think of me as different,
Alien, strange
I know there's something wrong with me
Because I say things like "post-adolescent idealistic phase" and my words seldom feature slang
It was a normal day
Except for the clouds
Blocking the sun
I was sitting in my room
Texting someone, A friend
He wanted to chill
I said cool beans
Dancing on the ceiling seems a powerful feat
To lose and gain control with your feet, with your mind, with you heart
All I want to do is start
I've been sitting so long and thinking I'm wrong and...
Some say love is a form of art
I tend to disagree.
Art comes with inspiration,
love means losing greed.
Seeing art is proof,
but in love you only need to believe.
Love me for me & who i want to be
Not for who you want me to be
Take for for who I am & if you dont
If you want to change me
You gone have to find another sister
As lIfe continued,
I realized on thing in my life that was missing.
I was alone.
Why does lonliness wrap around one like a blanket,
When you are surrounded by a sea of faces?
Who am I,
Some women just don't appreciate what they have
You are the epitome of what a woman needs
I mean there are many woman that say they don't need a man
Clearly they just haven't met the right guy
It was a day the Lord made;
the day this little raven came to be.
Such grace and strength had he.
He yearned for the day--his day--
when he could finally fly free.
All the courage in the world
You know it happens.
Something or someone just has to say the wrong thing.
It all goes down from there.
There is no way back.
They just keep talking like they don't notice.
They don't care they just hurt me.
My pops hit the intersection, with his leathal weapon
On my mother with a birth out of pure unintention
And I understand regression, a deep misconception
We werent created weak
with able body and mind.
Blessed with the power to think
an obligation to stay alive.
Controll we strive to seek
some find it more than others.
Mankind is an only child
Emotions that are undefinable,
Thoughts that are indescribable.
They seem to eat away at my happiness.
The ink in my skin is like blood in my veins. I want more.
I want to engrave emotions in my flesh. I want my feelings to be permanent, my motivations eternal.
Swimming deep, drowning quickly
light from the surface dimming with each passing second
though I can still look into your eyes
and as I look into your eyes, our lips collide, it feels divine.
From the ashes, we rise like Kings.
From our fallen blood, we learn to grow limbs.
WIth each broken brick we build a home.
Our fate is made in our blood and stone.
You may take our bodies,
I am
a whisper
I am
the wind,
gently blowing
on a tall
strand of grass
I am
the silence
in between
words and glances
I am
Thoughts, opinions, ideas
Circulate through the world.
Everyone has them-
Young children,
"I wanna go to the park today!"
"I wish we had less homework!"
And adults,
When the oasis dries
And desert sands thrive,
Will the lost sheep receive its drink of water?
And when bandages kill
Behind this smile I will hide the things beneath that bubble,
Scourging the very heart of me that tries not to crumble.
You’ll always see the bliss and glee but never any pain,
Crashing overhead and drowning me...
The desire to run burns strong...
To get away...
To go someplace safe...
I would if i had wings.
Young Souls,
Can't you see the situation that you're in?
Or perhaps you enjoy smothering in sin?
Star crossed by all the cash flowing in,
Perplexed by all these fast women.
Mama crying in her bed at night
I have been told
Poetry is metaphor,
So you should probably use more of them.
So instead of stating blatantly what I feel,
I should use my knowledge of language to cover up
7 billion people walk this Earth
Each with a dozen faces
They say "7 billion people, 14 billion faces"
But it's more like 21 billion, at least
A face for the mama, a face for the friend
You shot me.
You put your hand up,
brought it up, and let it out.
You shot me.
You spat and screamed
and let it out.
Don’t run form what you’ve done.
You’ve injured this woman.
What is this world?
A place where a test dictates all
where if you can read fast
you can live at ease
and all your schooling is paid in full
but am I given that luxury
even though
Once upon a time I knew
It was obivous clear, perfectly understandable
I knew so strongly that it was all I could see
It was the only option
Then I suddenly didn't
What is this? Nothing comes to mind. All there is just unjust and so called “justice”.
I write words
simple sayings and
annunciated actions
I speak for myself
For those too quiet
to even whisper
For those who've been sick
In the mind or sick
In the body
Heart breaking
Shattered life
All alone
Where is....
No love
One lost
No faith
Broken dreams
Why me?
Who cares!
Dark rooms
Locked up
Life's ended
Even though
Where am I?
The question we always ask. Trapped in a box wearing just a gas mask.
Let me out. I can barely breathe.
I want to be me, but you don’t fucking agree?
When you have one life to liveIt seems pointless to worryPointless to run andAlways be in a hurry.
Why do people insist on doing things their own way?
Why are we condemned to be what society sees as fit and just?
Too many people follow along the paved path
Too many condemn themselves to society's restrictions
Only the unloved and unnatural hate...
It is a house not a home
That very same house that made my home the same
Feeling like a loser
My neighbor is a boozer
Been used alot of times
I feel like a user
People spittin out my name like they know it
Crossing the line to the end then it's over
Here you go again.
Another bottle in your hand.
Barely conscious,
I doubt you can hear this.
You're better than this.
You're making yourself sick.
What have you become?
Another girl with a pretty face
Trying to get away so she changes her pace
She begins to run the race of life hoping she can succeed
She only hopes he can fufill her needs
In an alleyway behind her house
This is bad
I feel like I’m slipping.
Back down the dark hole of no return.
I don’t know how many more times I can do this.
And manage to claw my way back up.
I've never been anyone's first Or even anyone's secondEveryday gets worseNo one wants to listenI put a smile on my face before I walk out the doorDon't want them to see how much it burns
there's a window in my room
through it I see my neighbor
and he's got an old dog
and they read together on the porch
and sometimes he cries
which is odd, but okay
in the produce department
Why does he talk so white?
They ask with such confusion, such disdain, such arrogance
As if the color actually gripped him by the throat
Poor kid, he wants to be a businessman during his better years
Does anyone remember the days when they said
"People in college go crazy and party hard"?
Well it seems they forgot to mention
the person that gets lost in the shuffle-
How about engineering?
They make a lot of money!
They need women in those fields!
But I dont care for those fields
Why do something you dont even love?
Oh, the money
Brother versus brother.
Fields stained with blood.
Father versus son.
Soulless corpses of young and old.
They say not to wear your heart on your sleeve,
You can't ever patch up your heart, it always seems to seep back.
No matter how hard you try to bandage the wound,
Its bound to bleed through.
The rain is pure droplets of pain
Of the fallen
the weak
the lame
And those whom have failed.
The rain is beads of sweat from those who strive.
The aches squeals and moans
Come across the window pane
Yet it still stands firm?
The wretched winds and treacherous storms
Come across the window pane
Yet it still stands firm.
Sweat seems to seep
With bitterness and
As it slithers down and
So sweet burns just the same as
tiny jewles and crystals line my throat
Ever been woken up, by screaming and fighting? One yelling from across the room, can't sleep in peace without silence. All my surroundings sound voilent. That's what ticks me off most, when one is disturbing the peace being annoying the most.
I would change the way people look at me because I'm not skinny, or pretty, or a lighter skin tone
I would change the way people look at me because I speak my mind
I don't rhyme, and I certainly don't reason.
I don't like pasta or milk,
I don't want to hold your hand,
Or talk about feelings.
I am not pretty or ugly,
Or jealous or smart,
At times I feel such anger and animosity. I let time pass and it will dissipate into guilt and disappointment.
My mind wanders to the night that still seems blurry,
“No one has to know,” he whispered
“but I don’t want to,” I thought
the words failed to escape my mouth
I was trapped in my own thoughts.
My mind,
is a blank canvas, covered in words.
It ticks like a clock,
giving me the time of imagination,
to live my world, the way I dream it to be.
The words pour from the music,
About 90% of my life was wasted on trying to make everyone happy,
But still i could never satisfy many,
Countless times i changed my person,
Didnt care who i really was,
Everyone around me was a judge,
No, stop, I can’t.
These words spew from my mouth like the hot lava that you left under my skin. When you held me down and poured it in.
Flesh held tight in your grip, gagging on the flame, hot to the touch
you’ve got an erection while i have a urinary tract infection
this is not a deflection this is me saying maybe we don’t work
at the same time
It's hard to forget even harder to forgive.
It's hard to forgive someone for hurting you,
for inflicting pain on you,
for making you shed a tear or two.
It's hard to move on, when you're stuck!
Sitting in a chair, facing forward
I wonder what am I doing here
shouldn't I be out in the world?
We are stuck in closed rooms
We walk down walls plastered in white
I've been here for fourteen years
Society screams a moaning cry
Emotional individuals die
Shootings, murders, texting, driving, death
sooner, later, nothing will be left
innocent children breathe their final breath
She feels them staring at her.
The energy it gives off
Makes her want to jump out of her skin.
my pencil kissed my paper
in quiet determination, as my teacher spoke out-
"what is poetry?"
A mind like mine mulls over
things like this;
breathing them in only to
spit them out.
Sometimes there is a struggle,
that slight movement
when you're trying to be free.
But no matter how much you want it,
you know that once you're Free
you'll still be lost.
Looking for a sign,
I come from everywhere, and everywhere is where I am from.
But can I eat the whole cookie without leaving a crumb?
I am my mother and my father put into one.
My favorite color is purple and everyday I run.
Smart yet scatterbrained, darting about.
A butterfly, flitting from flower to flower-
It's summer, it's time to sit around and reflect
I have nothing else to take up my time to protect
Myself from the time-wasting, hobby-making Internet
That's about as interesting as my summers get.
I work day and night just to make a dime
I'm followed around like I'm a criminal
I once saw a picture of a man and a fence,
Painted with sunflowers well over his chest,
And over the fence was chaos and madness,
The pain of this world hidden by gladness.
Another man saw on his pile of books,
Why is it so hard for you to decide if you want me in your life or not,
One day we'er ok, then the next we'er not,
Cool as a summer's breeze you leave me
feeling refreshed with such ease.
My dearest is funny,witty, and even a little silly..these
qualities, or traits, or whatever you may call them
I woke up this morning,
Heard two voices in an argument.
When did things go this wrong?
Pretending to see, I cried silently.
When I made a decision of my own,
You said "no" and were soon gone.
I wish my voice was like a beautiful singer's
Id sing to you every day to show you how i feel
But sadly Im left with no choice i havent got a beautful sound
TO match how profound my love for you is.
Gender plays an important roleIn all of our livesReciting the same line of whyLooking past the exterior is tough
What we once were
Shrouded by doubt
Can it be again?
Can we be again?
She won't even look my way
She won't call me by my name
Just hold on until May
What a selfish claim
I love with you with a passion the mind can't consume
We gonna have snakes in the grass
we cant be fooled
They're gonna wear masks
we gotta stay true
They're gonna try to stop us from doing what we do
Hey Ms. Sherry
Can I top my sundae
With your cherry
I like you
Can I suckle the honeydew
Will you give me something good to chew
Can you be my bee
Let me taste the honey
Every night...
Senses show smite;
Cut Clean Clever Closure.
I dare you to drive down dusk demise...
yet nobody knows the prize!
A mite mind might miss minutes...
before realizing its coexistence.
I didn't understand why girls would cry because their bodies never mesmerized a boy's eyes
I didn't understand why the wrists were slit on my friends thin arms
You couldn't achieve your dreams now you wanna live through me. Looking for my lost thoughts with wall in front of me. How can I achieve when you don't believe in me? It isn't my fault your dreams didn't soar like the trees.
For a couple of years now,
I've made the joke
that absolutely nothing about me
is straight
except my hair in the mornings
on the days
where I can push a straightener
What's after?
What's to come?
A perfect picture paints the story. A large brick building. A dorm. Happiness and opportunities.
But happiness comes with a price.
When my limbs don’t move and my blood goes cold,When my time is done and my tale is told,What will they think of me?
Homework, practice, work,
No one knows why,
No one understands,
Why I do stuff.
Music from five sources,
Excess classwork,
Strength training,
No one gets it.
hello,there's a face up here with lips that'll speak
words you've never heard until they've left my soul.
As the body language Chang ,the world Went upside
When will the world be one with me?Show me the world Mr. Lover but first give me your heart
You grow up and they tell you to look a certain way, and when it's not right they tell you to change.
They say it's okay to be different, but not to different or you will have to change.
Driving through the rain,
Tears falling down,
Cannot hide the pain.
How do people do it?
How do they go on?
How do they still not know
That this must be wrong?
Speak Your Mind Slam
Why should I have to look over my shoulder?
Living my life on edge, in fear
Can’t even walk down the street without stares, men hootin and hollerin
As kids we think money grows on a tree,
We think everything in the world is free.
Once you grow up you realize it is not,
Because the amount on the paycheck is just a small dot.
Then we go onto higher education,
Misunderstanding is a miscommunication
Speaking and saying and hoping they hear
Pouring out your heart not only for a tear
But having the fear they still will not understand
There is still a miscommunication
She drifts from happiness to reality
Longing to stay forever in her dreams
For every morning when she awakes
The unending hell starts all over again
She tiptoes downstairs hoping may escape
Tick tock
Clicking, constant
Round, round, round
Ideas, flowing, coming and going
Circular motion
Ebb and flow
Which way should I go?
Tick tock
for dear life
so you feel
smile with desire
steal with entice
snake movement
beg for invite
and disease you hide up your sleave
with open door policy
Yes mother
I have a stomach
Yes mother
I know that when I wear tight dresses that stomach shows
But no mother
I will not go change
I will not return the dress
Do you see them?
Those people right behind us?
Their happiness seems to stem,
Like a young girl in a fancy dress.
They pal around,
Without a care in the world.
And as they clown,
As an infant, one clings to and relies on another who is greater than they. Whether it be their biological mother or their biological father. Whether it be a family friend or a grandparent.
They’re supposed to make it better, right?To fix it.Well there’s an excuse to be usedWhen you have nothing better to do.Or when you need an escape to drown out the pain
How delightful, wonderful, beautiful.
Sensuous and pleasurable.
Such a strange longing we have
For such small objects.
Actually, it's not strange at all.
Sensuous and pleasurable,
What do you see from me, just dreams and aspirations? You laugh and tease me when I say, “one day I will climb mountains.” I get up to brush the hate and insults away. The rain dries from my face and I start to crawl up the ledge.
When I hike, I am in sync.
And when I'm in sync, I clearly think.
My poles hit the rocks sounding out a clink,
The repititious noise setting rhythm to the thoughts I think.
When I clearly think,
What is the connection
When around the melanin
Feels electric
i feel his pain though he does not speak
i feel her envy though she smiles sweet
What have we become today?
When our ancestors handled activism,
or when the pastors preached
they did more than spoke.
They strove to bring peace,
and changed the world through action,
I, ego, none of these is
cogito ergo sum,
Multi ergo sunt
In a pride of lions, the lioness hunts while the male stays back
In many species of birds the male's bright feathers elaborate dances and song are desperate attempts to attract female birds
What made it okay?
What made you think that you had that right?
To strip me of my self-esteem
Yes we were young
But what thought entered your mind
When you decided I was all yours?
For all the girls standing in the line
For the bathroom.
For all the girls,
Like myself.
With a gaping black hole in the back of my throat
Waiting for the next storm to come.
I remember the night I met you
Your pale blue eyes always looking like they were on the verge of tears
We spoke about nothing but somehow you felt so familiar
A cool rain was falling and we said goodbye
Why do some say a mind is a machine?My mind surpasses all machines; it runs five different programs at a time: /Wow-I-like-that-car /Shit-do-I-have-a-test-today /Wait-why-is-he-looking-at-me-like-that
Not many know what it feels like to be scared senseless.
To be terrified of a person so much it leaves you breathless.
To look them in the eye after they leave you black and blue.
The lulling ticking matches the rustling of my chains.
As I wrap them tighter and tighter, I find comfort in its cold embrace.
I sit there with my thoughts And wonder why I listen to you
All I've ever done was try to please you
So I sit there and numb the pain
Heart palpitations, hallucinations, peace
You see when I'm high... I'm numb
So many memories,
Good ones,
Mainly bad,
Lurking around the corner,
Waiting to spot me and fill me with misery.
The memories are like car chases or a innocent by stander chosen for a beating.
I have not one, but two names
One means, "who is like God"
The other, a variation of a flower
It also means unblemished, virginal
You decide, you pick, it makes no difference
Love is undefinable
And completely disastrous
Messy and confusing
Love is pain
Destroying everything
Love is