Generation Z
For a moment, shed your reputation,
Shed your social consciousness
And your paranoia
And see me for who I really am:
I am not a socialite.
I am not a nerd.
Nor am I a dedicated athlete
Or any amalgam
Of the dripping colors of
Labels that I could be –
Labels that I defy.
I ask you to shed those labels.
And you will see that we are all parallel.
All billions of us,
Motioning through an ephemeral life
Have no time for restrictions,
And so I say to shed them –
Release them with a juicy rumor,
Snipe them down with an intergalactic gun,
Dash them into the depths of a touchdown zone–
Relinquish all fetters that chain you,
And suddenly we are all just people.
I am a girl.
But more importantly than that,
I am human,
And that title implies
A camaraderie
With all those around me,
An unspoken agreement
To be the best
Who we can be.
And if you can see that,
Then humanity’s collective future
Is as iridescent as my eyes are
When they stare into
The white, never-ending