The answer to life, the universe, and
What is 6 times 9?
The question.
A nihilist laughing at the world.
There is no point.
The answer and question cannot
Be known about the same
So he says.
And in his story, we laugh along with him.
But this is no joke, no
Laughing matter.
What is real?
What is the purpose of all this?
Why are we here?
We know the questions.
Why could we not find answers?
We are not mice, condemned to run in the
Wheel in circles, hoping for a flawed
To answer our questions.
We are man.
We are born.
We live, we love, we act, we die.
Meaningless, some would say.
Here today and gone
Disappearing into the void.
But we are man.
Created ex nihilo, out of
Created in the image of God.
Our loving God, who shaped man
Out of dust and
Breathed the breath of life into his lungs.
Intelligent design, not the random toss
Of evolution’s dice.
We think, we know, because we
Are created by God.
We think, we reason, therefore we can
Answer our questions.
What is real? Or most real?
God is real.
He is from eternity, unchanging,
Out of nothing, He created all that is.
And His creation is also real.
I am real. You are real.
We exist.
What is the purpose of this world,
Of what we see around us?
If God made all this, then why?
Because no one likes to be alone.
Because even God, infinite, all-powerful,
Takes pleasure in something well done, well made.
“And God saw all that He had made, and
It was good.”
That is why you are here, then –
Because a loving God looked down at
This world and decided that you
Were missing.
His desire is that we – although
We have turned away from
What He has called us to be –
Would come back.
That we would learn to love Him
And to love others as we were first loved
By Him.
We are not purposeless.
We are not random chance.
Our lives are not without meaning.
Life does not add up to forty-two.
It adds up to “For God so loved the world.”