My mind's eye is a bulletin board.
It started out neat and orderly--
a photo here,
a sticky note there--
but now,
it's a mess.
Pretty soon,
in the coming years,
the memories will pile up.
The coarkboard background
will disappear,
overrun with
photos of my friends and I,
and crying,
ticket stubs,
for movies and recitals, and
schedule deadlines,
reminders in the form of
sticky notes.
And I suppose,
one day,
a little further down the road,
some of the stickiness will start to wear off.
Photos on the floor.
Stubs in the bin.
sticky notes that fall off
almost as soon as they're put up there.
But this chaos will only last a little while, I'm told.
Some day, I'll have a nice clean slate again.
And who knows?
Maybe I'll even be able to give it to someone else.