Now this poem might start off as a little bit rude
but i think its time to speak some real hard truth
on the matters at hand that are destroying society
and bringing on an age of violence and mediocrity
its 2014 and yet we still can't seem to understand
that race doesn't define a woman or a man.
its 2014 and we still believe
that being gay is just as bad as a contagious disease.
its 2014 and we continue to ignore
the people on the streets both sick and poor.
its 2014 and kids are still dying
from shoot outs and murders and texting while driving.
its 2014 and no ones stopping
the kids that are drinking, smoking, other things like pill popping.
and rather than just staying in their schools,
they're locked up in jail like fools.
its 2014 and obesity finally gets an alarm
and yet we continue to increase our "fat farm".
its 2014 and we're still unfair
to the people that are struggling everywhere.
this poem might have started off a little bit rude,
but it was time to speak some real hard truth.
the matters at hand are destroying society,
and bringing on an age of violence and mediocrity.
its 2014 and the madness needs to end.
CHANGE. its time to begin.