Stifling Nights
Through clouded windows she sees light
Lite breeze rolls through the night
Night falls on the pavement
Paves the way for the soul
Soulful music through the air
His airs stifling with knowledge
Knowing full, the moons darkness
Dark knight screams, save
Save the soul, suppress the image
Imagine the visually, eccentric illuminate of the mind
Minding the details of the battered and bruised
Brewing the sweet, sweet tea to forget
Forgot the time, don’t flinch yet
Yesterday hoping for the new day
Today seeking the tomorrow
Tomorrow living for the day
The yesterday that will never return
Return never to the sorrowful light
Light the way for the prevailing night
Knight waits, in earnest and honest STOP!
Stop the wait, it creates the hate
Hate the wait, hate the knight, hate the soulful air
Air out the wait, make the move to modify
Modify the self to stand, to breath, to see the light past the clouded windows
Winds are real, step forward and feel
Feelings forgotten in the night, awaken in the day light