Do You Know What a Lawyer is?
It was dark and crowded.
It smelled like cigarrettes and desperation.
If one more man looks at me like I am an entree, I think i will explode.
I tell them I have a boyfriend.
I tell them I am a lesbian.
I shouldn't have to tell them anything.
They should know when to walk away.
Ugh. This one won't go away.
He asked me if I knew what a lawyer was?
What kind of question is that?
"Yes?" I replied.
Does he think I have no brain?
I suddenly feel the sting of every single person who has ever doubted my potential.
"Do you know what environmental law is?"
Do i what? Excuse me?
"No you don't," he chuckles, "you don't know what that is."
He thinks i am an idiot.
Since when does having long hair and a drink in my hand lower my IQ?
I felt it. It was boiling up.
I am tired of holding in MY chuckles and MY eye-rolls.
"I am pre-med. I am not an idiot. I know what environmental law is."
I walk away, head high.
This is what makes me tick.
30 years from now, I hope he walks into my office
with my medical school degree hanging on the wall
along with my publcations
and awards
and I hope he asks me
"Do you know what a lawyer is?"