Death of a Childhood
I remember the times when we rode our bikes in the street-
how we laughed because my knees
crashed into the pavement.
We could never go without squealing in laughter
as Miley Cyrus shoved her brown hair
under a blonde wig right before
her cover was blown.
Time passed and we grew taller,
our thoughts turned to boys-
we slathered on mascara to stand out;
But we still laughed;
only now shrieks of laughter
preceded tears as we watched
others our age deal
with pregnancy scares, drugs
Florida became the hitch in our road.
one thousand, thirty-five miles of memories
trailed behind me as my father’s Benz
moved farther and farther away from you
and everything I’d ever known.
The road lengthens
With every passing year-
Now our laughs are few and far in between;
Our long texts shorter-
Words like “yeah” replacing “No-
I’m having a shitty time here; I miss you.”
Weekly phone calls morph into
“I’m too busy, text me.”
Every new topic of conversation artificial:
nothing real like mutual friends,
classes- to hold us together.
Those girls who hated me
in elementary school and who
only think about “popularity”
take my place as your best friends.
My art creates a wall I hide
behind from getting closer
to what we used to be…
and we let them.
But the memory of what was plays on
like the never ending road spanning
across the United States;
I will remember your smile,
our inside jokes,
every time we lied for the sake of each other.
And I will wish you the best as I make new jokes,
remember new smiles,
and tell new lies.