Lost Soul
Wandering is all she ever does.
Where she will end up she doesn’t know.
Seeking higher ground
From the tide-pool of a world below.
She can’t fully explain the pain inside.
It’s just a melancholic rain
Coming and going over and over
Drenching the world with nothing to gain.
It feels as though no one understands her.
The right kind of compassion is hard to come by.
Most just say what they can and discard reality.
But those who care will do more than that passive sigh.
She doesn’t know if she is going down the right path.
She is both unsure and worried of what lies ahead.
Tossing and turning every night
Praying it’ll be okay tomorrow as she lies there in bed.
It feels like there is no hope.
Oh but there is, that is clear.
People will lend a shoulder when you need it
So there is no need to fear.
Put your trust where it belongs.
Be strong and you’ll make it through.
You’re not the only one out there hurting.
Just know someone will be there for you.