My Body
I was only ten when I first became embarrassed about my body.
I wanted boobs so I stuffed my bra with toilet paper. And when my mom walked in
She didn’t even question what I was doing, she just left. She left because she understood
that I was trying to create the image of boobs; something no ten year old should even care about.
What kind of society do we live in?
Where it’s okay for a ten year old to be self-conscious
For girls under 16 to want to diet
For girls and boys everywhere to be ashamed of what they look like?
Boy are called weak
Because they don’t look like the men on magazines with biceps larger than life
And girls get ridiculed
Because they don’t have boobs the size of a planets with a skinny waist and a butt to match
Kids are teased
Because their too skinny
Too fat
Too ugly
Too plain
When did that word become a bad thing?
When was it decided that if you’re average you should be ashamed?
Why should I be disgusted with how I look,
because my brown hair matches my brown eyes; and is too plain?
Why should I go exercise,
if I have rolls and bumps and curves on my body?
Why do I need “meat on my bones”,
If I’m a skinny kid?
Why am I subjected to annoying sentences about my body image daily?
as though they’re perfectly fine
and not offensive?
“You’re going to eat all of that?”
“Are you sure you can pull off a crop top?”
“You shouldn’t wear shorts”
“Do you know how many calories are in that?!”
Why is it okay to say these things?
As though these sayings don’t ruin the confidence that took years to build up; knocked down instantly
by the judgmental society we’re raised in
That teaches us to hate ourselves
That tells us that perfection is a goal; and that anything besides perfection is not okay
That teaches kids to be so self-conscious when their only concern
Should be being happy?
I guess what I’m trying to say is:
When did it become okay
for others to comment on my body and promote such unhealthy thinking?
When the only person who can comment on my body
the only person who’s opinion matters
And the only person who should even care about any of these things
Is me?