Different is Good
Different is Good
i will not conform to your standards.
I will not be just another yes man in a world of yes men and women.
Those above me tell me to change the world, make it a better place,
but only if it makes it better for them.
they refuse to see the problem in this world is not the poor,
it's not the immigrants,
the down on their luck.
The problem in this world is those who are to close minded to see they are no different.
The ignorant who believe they are better simply because they are more wealthy
are no better now, or ever.
Whether you believe in christianity or not,
if you do, God will not reward the selfhish who refused to help the needy.
If you don't, the shifting gravel of the Earth gives no preferance.
A man once said, "Don't judge me by the Almighty, judge me by the alternative."
Yet why judge at all?
Human Nature you say?
Yes, it is human nature to judge.
It is your choice whether to act on those judgements.
This is my attempt to make all of you who refuse to see
open your eyes and see there is no difference.
Different is good.