The Global Mind Reversed
This is what I have learned
World Peace is an unthinkable notion,
Who would believe
The countries of this world can come together in an understanding
To promote peace and safer living conditions for all people
In this life I can do nothing
I refuse to believe that
A simple idea can make a difference
Have friends around the world
We should be proud to
Disregard their safety to advance our own nationalistic objectives
It is not right to
Concern yourself over another nation’s problems when our nation has its own
Go ahead,
We must ask ourselves, what we prefer.
Friendships or conflict?
Without friendly international relations
We will be fine
It is ridiculous to think
We might be in need of saving
Helping further peace in the world
Global peace organizations are
Completely out of place
No one can say that they are
Great, inspirational and effective
In the years to come, they will prove to be
Failures, having done nothing to further peace in the world
The future does not see them as
Valid, life preserving organizations
The United Nations and People To People International are really
Mutual understanding is impossible and
It is definitely not true that
We are capable of truly communicating across cultural borders
I really feel that
People who think this are ignorant
How can you say that
The internet can actually be useful
Nothing important is ever shared over Facebook
You can’t say that
The protests in Egypt were aided by foreign contact through social networks
“Communication through the internet is imperative”
This is a lie.
Language is a barrier that most people are too lazy to overcome
It is much easier to be ignorant and keep a narrow view of life
Some people believe
In order to grow peacefully we must change our mentality
We need to educate about global conflict and cultural differences
I believe this is not true.
People cannot reverse their thinking
Now read each line from the bottom to the top.