A Slave To My Own Feelings
A slave to my own feelings
To my own disgust
I don't ant to be mistreated
Have my love be mistaken as lust
I gave what felt like my all to you
But what did you do?
You thought what you felt was love
But honey, was it true?
If it was, then why didn't you do anything?
Why didn't you push?
Because I was willing to fight and give everything
But you just kept hush
Like a little pup getting shamed for listening to his instincts
For not thinking but feeling
It was all a feeling, a rush, a trip
Count to 3 and our love could've taken off on a rocketship
But no we broke up
Everything vanished
You kept walking
And let your love for me diminish
But mine still stayed
And each night I cried and prayed
That God would bless me with love again
I wanted yours but you're too
Much of a fool to see that you had something good
Too much of a fool to earn me back
Too much of a fool to get your life on track
You're too busy playing games
One minute you're my friend
The next you're back to walking past me again