Since I was a little girl my parents told me, "save.
Save your pennies, save your nickels, save everything you've made.
Put it in your piggy bank or in the savings account.
For one day you'll be off to college. Then you can take it out."
I've worked two jobs since I was 12, delivering papers, then Panera Bread.
I saved and saved hoping when the time came, I wouldn't be too far in debt.
One year of college has come and gone and some scholarships I can't renew.
I''m hoping to find some more money somwhere, maybe it will come from you!
I'd be very appreciative to receive this award and I'd put it all to good use.
I work very hard, remain very focused, all while learning what I love to do!
To myself and my family this scholarship would be a huge help and blessing.
I thank you for reading this poem of mine, and good luck with your further assessing!