White Noise
The struggle is real
Kids growing up thinking… “nah it’s no big deal!”
“I’ll hustle and work, i’ll work the grind”
Skipping school, intoxication, “life’s just a big party right?”
Nah the struggle is real
It’s all just white noise,
The american dream is a lie
We live in a society
Where the homeless don’t exist in the eyes of the rich
Children are forgotten, as they’re slowly brought in
The life of poverty, growing each person’s monotony
To justify making the governments economy
It’s all just white noise
Students can’t even begin to dream
Because of a fund’s perfect scheme
Borrowing, borrowing, borrowing
Worry, fear, anxiety oh how can anyone even dream?
Oh how the struggle is real
What are we supposed to feel?
Broken, angry in our own hopelessness
Where the lost can’t find their rest
In many ways, there, they find loneliness
But hope can also be found
That same dark room can abound
A light so bright that all will be blessed
The true White Noise to attest
That yes the struggle is real
And the paths are endless
But no matter how surreal
We can’t be defenseless
So don’t give up, don’t be so selfish
Learn His holy ways and be selfless
The world is cold mad with menace
It’s like its been sentenced
Either be careless and forget
Or give God the glory
Because everyone has a story
Everyone has a dream
Everyone has a purpose
A life unworthy, redeemed
He has the power to resurface
Learn to distinguish
The White noise
Because there are many
And yes the struggle may be real, but
You’re still being molded on His potter’s wheel.