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How can I describe my stay?I thought am here to stay,I thought I got no house rent to pay,Despite been in the wilderness,I feel on top of the world sometimes. How can I describe my stay in the wilderness?Even when mast Gen goes off,And no network
Febuary 2, 2015
Math. It sucks but so does my life. Nothing to do, no one to know until...he was at the corner of my eye as I turned, one that I never noticed in the room.
I will remember 2015 as the yearI was obsessed with Starbucks and sadness.When the coffee stains mixedwith tear stains on my notebooks.
If I’m doused in paint--
Shotgunning tiny, colorful pellets
Against my face, neck, and heart
To cover the crushing doubt
Anxiety-ridden pen tapping
Disguised as alluring, melancholic beats
Stress-biting nails bare
Until blackened self-hate
Pours out of the tips of your fingers
existence is fragile
every moment is fleeting
I can not help thinking
this will all be over soon
days pass so slow
but one day you will look in the rearview
everything's behind you
Part of me,Is under control by you.Part of me,Aches for your attention too.The hugs, the lies,The face, the cries.What am I to you? You tricked me,you hurt me,You lied.You made me stay up at night.It brought me to tears,So dont say no more.Your wo
See as it comes towards the seasons of celebrations ,
it saddens me to be the one who brings commiserations ,
A year we entered with nothing but hope ,
When I feel
the bass guitar
thrumming long strokes
inside my chest,
swimming backwards
along my spine,
it reminds me
I am alive.
When I allow
the tinny audio
Cacophony, n. harsh discordance of sound; dissonance:
it's the sound of a coffee cup clattering
rolling on the tile of a classroom floor
the anxiety of the ACT
bolded, capitalized, yelled across
Brick tiles skin in imprints.
Bloody and raw knuckles left behind,
refreshing anger stops and long sorrow christens.
You and I are impossible
to understand, far from tangible sight
and inconceivable to ancient astronomers.
I want to learn more
Education is the key to life
no one can take it away,
and no one can tell me I can't learn
So I want more
I've learned many skills,
I have worked to improve them too
My brother and I learned how to breathe together, but we soon became a set of tools. He was a plow and I was the rake. I collected the stones he threw. I became the ladder when he picked orchards.
I am broken beyond repair and flawless as well,
spinning logic and rendering it useless and disgraced.
I am wrong and I am right both simultaneously and equally,
The seems of my disguise burst at the seams
Of simmering restraint. For, sun-like, beams
The shadowed self through artificial means,
Resplendent force that must demand be seen.
To know myself by peering outside-in
Rauschenberg in '53
Asked Bill De Kooning, "Please do me
A favor! I must un-create-
Give me a work to commutate!"
Erased De Kooning, scrubbed to white,
Gave the art world such a fright!
It's hard to put in words,
what makes this body me.
But trying to be anyone else,
is something I couldn't be.
I wish that I could describe
my life in these few words
I remember when you walked into the room
Your eyes touched mine, then flicked away without a second glance
Honestly i didn't know anything could be so good
Then you spoke and my world crashed and scattered
Beauty is never a careful color
Its an angry amber, a vibrating violet
Courage is never a planned step
Its a shaky bridge, a broken ankle
Truth is never a smile and a wink
Its a broken dream, a sober triumph
When you look at me, what do you see?
I would hope that it would be my personality
That is not what society has taught you, me… we.
You see my #TBT, selfies and who follows me
I am a numbers person.
I am whole numbers,
sometimes only fractions
or percentages,
and not always rational.
Hope you die first that’s all I can think about.
Your love was like Poison that fell down on me like acid rain.
She’s the creativity that flows on paper
The one that gets inspired by many things
The young lady that expresses herself through her fluid movements
If I COULD change things I WOULD
If I was GIVEN the chance to go back in time I'll be first in line
Allow me to present myself
resent myself
present myself
Im Rocky like the fighter, mountain, road that I've walked in on
Im just an odd soul
resident of Chicago where I let my mind flow free
I am unidentified.
A pretty face and name with a unknown destiny.
They ask me to be vocal,
But I AM afraid,
They ask me to be aggressive,
But I believe in inner peace
They ask me to be in power,
What do I find awesome?
Education and the fact that it helps me blossom
Everything from reading to color coding notes
Reading lets me discover new worlds and teaches me cool new words
I always had big dreams.
I want the big houses and fancy cars
living normal, not like the stars.
I don't need the papparazzi or the fame.
All that puts an X on your name.
Please take my advice,
Misused, abused and left sitting confused
Disrespected & rejected
How does one know when all is well?
Don't worry, there's an aswer to the question,
There's no wrong answer, but seek the answer in the lesson
It was as simple as the words that you see me typing,
Everythng Is AWESOME!
It's a New Day!
A Time to Refres and Be a Greater You!
Yes, meaning that GREAT is Already in YOU!
Everything is AWESOME!
Me - Him - Her - YOU!
they say change is a bad thing
I always heat "nobody likes change"
I don't find this true
I live for change
Change brings adventure and beauty and new life
Change brings new chances and adreniline
What a nut
What a crazy girl
She’s lost her mind
She is lost
She has no guide
Her pain suffers
Now I'm not political. I dont vote. Not even old enough to have taxes to do. But some things have been said that simply aren't true. Now i'm not Mexican. But I am a minority of a minority Black, Hispanic ,Native ,woman and left handed too.
Smoking Cigs while listening to post-punk.
What a way to die.
Sipping poisonous punch, staring at neon stars,
observing couples symblozing the synths
Did I accept or reject the lie
Honeslty I am not sure
Don't fall for a girl like me.
I'm warning you now and I assure I'll warn you again.
My loves the kind of wretched feeling that can't leave you be.
I'll make you feel as if you are nothing but tin.
Everything is Awesome
When you know
You woke up
Had a nice breakfast
Hit the roads
Can come back to your momma
Knowing you survived another day
Everything is Awesome
When you know
The music fills my ears
making my soul beat with the rythm
My heart pumps as the notes flow in me.
I'm so nervous and scared, I'm panicking horribly, driving myself mad, my skin feels more sensitive now, hairs risen up, electrified.
If I could make the flow of my hands just a bit more....smooth.If I could make the pictures last long enough in my mind to take the time to draw them perfectly.
Your skin, it breathes
Your hair, it speaks,
Your mouth it loves.
You speak gods into the minds of men
and your silence shakes the Earth that supports you
Its hard to feel awesome, when pain lingers
Dont you hate how things waste away
Here one day, gone the next
I guess everyone has a debt to pay
Laughter and sadness, life and death
This is the cycle of time
Circling the universe like a behemoth
How may I destroy you all?
That your image be cast away
They commentate my rise and remember your fall
Celebrate my life and scorn your dying day
All of the former,make way for the latter
You rested your head against the mossy tree stump
never minding the ache
as you sprawled upon the wet grass that dampened your dress
and your eyes ate up the stars
your fingers outstretched towards the sky, grasping
Break down
Shimmer and crumple
Let them glide with a stride so perplex
As men begin to withstand the precocious
Demands of his brethren
Let the people speak
Forever and ever
Love ballads written proclaiming my undying love
Months of long, late night calls.
Forever and ever
Turned upside down
So fast.
My head is still spinning.
She stares
out the window pane
with the flowers in her cold hands.
Slowly the petals drop
and with them
her face disappears down into the dark.
He poisoned her.
It was too late now
It’s in the way I see shapes in the clouds.
It’s how I feel when the sun kisses the horizon good night.
It’s when the bride and groom hold hands.
It’s the first breath from the summit.
The veins wind their way down the petals of my thighs
the beauty of the earth is found in my beautiful brown eyes.
They drive me
like a clean cut Lambo
down the A1A
with my hair in the wind
They make me
like a dishwasher
violently correcting
with the voice hitting the ceiling
My feet are starting to hurt.
Why the hell did I do this?
God, I think my heart is going to explode.
What if everything changed?
What if it got better?
What if it got worse?
What if it I was happy?
I used to be shy
Scared and alone
Surrounded by darkness that was my own
I never talked much
Afraid of others
What would they say?
I was never popular, teased yes
I am not skinny, I am not fat
but I'm a little on the heavy side
I have brown eyes that I love
I don't have perfect skin
but I'm okay with that
most girls want to look like the models in magazines
Faking life
is all I do
is all they do
for fake is true
they entrap the weak
and rape the poor
all so they can score their whore
the slime and filth
their dirty green
It started with a book
All good things start with a book
I read the story that changed
my way of thinking
The way we are sheilded
In this "accepting" society.
Shut your mouth and listen to what it is I have to say
I will take you all back on that specific day
I was laying in my room listening to the two of you argue
This is me.
boring brown eyes
unordinary brown hair
imperfect skin
a little chunky,
but who cares?
This is just ME!
standing out
I can’t remember the last time I cried,but I can remember the feelingof an empty chest. Seven in the morning
The halls are long and the light is far
Music no one can hear, is in my head
They read me, yet they don't know who they are
I am me
Plain and simple
Born October 1996, 2 weeks early
Into an environment nobody wants to talk about
My name?
It means warrior
And my mom swears I'm am strong like one
Every one near, listen!
And hear,
I've got a topic up for discussion,
that will make some of you start blushin'
You live on cigarrettes and coffee, with a tad bit of sugar. If I didn't know better, I swear you were a thispo blog.
I'm not what I seem
I seem like I don't like people
the truth is I love people
I've just been hurt by the ones
I've let too far in
I seem as though I'm harsh and critical when
My body relaxes and I feel calm.The gentle sounds I hear when I’m aloneare racing down my warm face in turquoisestreams. I like to pretend that my pasteldreams are more than the ocean and seashells.
i guess shes been my friend all my life.
though she was not always there,
she resided in shadows
waiting to pounce to
bestow her perfection
flood my mind with dust and bones...
My perfection is my absolute truth, through the scars and the pain of my youth. The world In which I lived was was not clear skies of blue, but nontheless the only one that I knew.
The sounds never stop!
The whispers trickle in your ear like the rain to astream
Theyre heard all around
The gossip engulfs everyting like quick sand
The tong is the rout to all evil,
Who am I?
I am Jasmine Crosby.
Who is she?
She's an independent, strong, African American who can be stubborn but is very determined.
She is that one person whose mind you change once she has made it up.
Of all the things that need changing,
I cannot choose just one.
This is not about me.
I am a part of the grand scheme.
Michael Brown was not murdered so I can fight for gay marriage
Don't fight me cause I'm noone.I'm the face u see when u look n the mirror.I'm the light that shines to the darkness but yet im noone.I'm something to someone but noone to myself.I'm
Don't fight me cause I'm noone.I'm the face u see when u look n the mirror.I'm the light that shines to the darkness but yet im noone.I'm something to someone but noone to myself.I'm
I'm not going to start this off with the typical line of "Who am I?", because I know who I am.
I jotted down a message to myself in my phone: “Write a poem about watches and bicycles and poetry.”
Is that all he really left me with?
It's 6:27 on a Thursday morning
I woke up with a knife in my stomach and I'm missing you
It's 7:39 on a Thursday morning
With no filter I am me,
Sailing far beyond the seas.
Just me being me,
Just me being set free.
With no filter I can breathe.
I am lonely but I am free.
I am a raging fire,
Flames spit and hiss
They are destructive,
They are passionate,
They are
I am a tranquil ocean,
Timid is new to me,
You bring your presence near and I tremble from nervousness.
I am strong and outspoken yet I blush when you come close.
Who are you?
Tell me where you are.
You are everywhere and I am not
When we met
you told me you loved me.
The people were passing
in an unusual rush.
The mood was like when someone falls down;
as if God pressed pause for a second to breathe.
I never dismiss the different
I don't see a lunatic
Just one who punched their lunar
ticket early
All this observing was worth
the lurking
This world is just a circle, a
It was warm and sunny outside
and the way the brick walls held
that heat inside like a blanket
reminded me of our winters.
The buzzing willow crowd
made me smile
like when you tapped my nose
When asked, "What is your name?"
My response is also a question
Why am I unsure--of the one title I've possessed since birth,
How do I claim to know myself. If I still don't know what I'm called?
I accept it.
I use it to Learn,
To Make me angry
So I can use that anger
To Drive me forward
to make me even more determined
It has Helped me countless times
By Teaching me how:
its the grass burrs stickig to your sock
its the way the water looks wen you skip a rock.
its the water glistening when the sun hits just right.
its how it looks even prettier reflecting th moon night.
maybe if i dont say i am, i wont be.
maybe if i pretend to be happy, i will be.
maybe if i keep building these walls, i'll be protected.
maybe if i stopped taking them pills, i'll be fine.
The truth wasn't true.
The facts aren't the lies.
The truth isn't true.
The secrets are held in the eyes.
The truth will never be true.
The evidence is something a great mother denies.
My personality is not defined by the
Limits of society.
Wrapped up into a box
With a bow tied around it, I am strong, and independent.
Living the life I am choosing and taking a
Difficult journey,
The day I see you
is the day I find myself.
Every day, I look outside the window
and see what appears to be
never seems to be
what I want to see.
Just today, I see you walking
because I know my
Flaws I am
fearless because
I held no fear
I'm not perfect
Because it overrated
but I am
special in my
own way
my flaws are
Im finally finding myself, im finally finding myself, I was alone once upon time yes trapped inside my mind.
With no filter, I am me.
Me is I, and I is she.
She is me, and I love me.
Me is amazing at listening to others.
She loves to borrow clothes that are my mother’s.
feelings smash
collide and integrate
mixing colors like the finger paints my mother made me as a child
one minute i am functioning
one minute i am overwhelmed
and the next i am gone
As a boy I was always told to get a great career and always make sure that I am on the path towards success.
As a teen I was told to stay out the streets, keep my head in the books, and to do my best.
Helpless she cries
As the family she has loved
Is torn apart with two words.
It's over.
She cries to herself
Too quietly to be heard
And says two words.
Why me?
I wonder what its like for a guy to strike out
To finish the night with haze and doubt
What is the attraction if not physical
With these cold hearted whymsicals
What it feels like for them
A rose shielded by thorns
the description that perfectly describes me
you see
another magnificent piece
of God's artwork on display
that's never to be touched
for I fear…
Living life
In an everlasting fear
From what I think
Everybody else
Thinks about me
Instead of what I mean to the
Many that find me
Essentially PERFECT.
I've always hated the saying it will be okay because it almost never is.... i tell people that im okay im fine its all in my mind but the truth is thats all just an act....
A year ago, this room would have been empty.
He would have been confined to his room
Confined to his own thoughts obscuring the emptiness.
Maybe more than a year had passed.
I am but a dot in a mosaic of bottled blood and cultural variation, there is no room for compliance, for heeding to society’s creed only leads to monotonous existence.
And it gets boring.
This is for the girl that I use to see.
The fat, awkwardly tall girl I use to be.
The one who looked in the mirrior and didn't notice the beauty inside of she.
My insecurities had me locked in but I finally found the key.
The world around us,
It’s filtered every day,
Turning it Black and White.
The personality of the
Person next to you
Hidden by the social norms.
Our very thoughts,
A toy needs love too....
You were happy because I was something new and fun to play with,
At first, it seemed lime everything I did amazed and befuddled you,
Where did those times go?
The Way She Smiles and The Way She Touch
Her Beautiful Laugh and Her skin Color While She Blush
Soft As Feathers, Warms My Heart
I Play My Role and She Plays Her Part
When She walks With A Steady Beat
Hair tied in knots,
Lipstick smeared off,
The room that I'm in,
Littered with cloth.
Homework undone,
Bed untidy,
Finding myself,
Dirty and grimy.
I take a step back,
Dreams and drapes
grabbed my attention in
third grade,
then in seventh grade,
I wanted to be a baker,
there I went dreaming again
tenth grade starts
and I can't choose
You know how people
take a look at
and see the bad, the ugly
scrapes and scars
cellulite and stretched
marks along the craters and curves of the
I see all of that and
I don't know why I like the things I do,I especially don't know why you disapprove.
The moment I smile and claim my happiness,
When I'm with you, I smoke less
When you're with me, you smoke more
What a perfect way to describe our relationship
You may be good for me
But I'm no good for you
We are who we are.
We are not the likes we get on insstagram.
We cannot measure our beauty by the retweets our pictures get on twitter.
We are stong and beautiful.
The filters that are placed over my image
Will be removed
The actions I take will occur, and never disturb my mood
The flesh that sags on my skeleton
Will no longer pick at my esteem
Alone again, hallelujah! Alone again.
This year the same as the last:
Scraping the bottom of the barrel,
averting eyes
'You're a good girl, so you get a toy'
I'm a good girl, so I got a toy.
You're so smart, you must get straight As.'
I am smart but I got Cs.
'Cheyenne tell me, why are you so PERFECT?'
i hold up my phoneat arms length,because i spent a little effortputting my outfit togetherand admittedly,i want to show off a bit.
Individuality lost with a press of a button
Creativity limited by the boarders of a screen
Beauty eclipsed by filters
An attempt to imitate perfection
Has become the new trend
That brought an end
They call where I live “The Bubble”
“The Happy Valley”
because whatever problems we face
we hide behind photo shopped pictures
with filtered solutions.
Anyone who breaks the mold gets broken apart,
I wake up with morning hair and morning breath
Am I perfect yet?
I trip and I fall
Am I perfect yet?
I'm not skinny. I am curvy.
Am I perfect yet?
I don't go out with my friends, a lot.
My bones were feeble
My breath had weathered
My voice can be heard as a bare, cracked whisper
And I listen at how fragile we are...
For which my lungs, they were thirsty for air
Refuses to put make up on her face.
Refuses to wear anything nice
I would rather stay in a sweater and sweat pants all day.
I am insecure
I am stressed
What is the cure for all this mess?
My hair is matted, as if swept by a tornado in the night,
My sleepy eyes squint through the bright morning sun,
Arch your back
Now pout your lips
Wait, wait move your shoulder near your chin
Now click
That’s your typical instagram pic
It’s a process
I admit I sometimes hide behind filters
Wipe off the carefully proportioned eyeliner from the crevices of your cherished eyes Clear the golden sparkle of magic from your promising eyelids Remove the vol
Concealed behind every layer of skin is a story.
A unique, inspirational lesson learned
waiting to unveil itself,
just waiting for the layers to be peeled back.
Every heart beats the same.
The hours, the preparation, the blood, sweat and tears
All for that one moment
As the audience claps and cheers at the performance pure
Ecstasy consumes me.
Dang it...what day is it? It's only Thursday? (Seriously?)
Okay okay, I'm getting up. Shoot...not enough time to get ready. (Eh, I can do it).
A quick shower, throw on my school's uniform, brush my hair and teeth.
Sticks and stones may Break your bones, But my words will surely Hurt you.
Without a cover.
My flaws come to light.
I no longer have a disguise.
Look at me ! I'm just a mess!
Banging, Clanging, Singing,
Lyrical tunes spinning,
That’s how I think, not how I write.
Restricted by society,
They say “Don’t say”
They say “Do say”
I am my hands, my feet,
The words I say when I can not speak.
I am my arms and legs,
The songs I sing when I fall asleep.
I am my neck and chest,
The yawn I make when I first awake.
See her beauty, how it radiates throughout her.
Her smile, the most beautiful they say. Similing at anyone who crosses her path.
Her laugh; a contagious, light- hearted laugh that can warm your soul.
I break my bones and scar my skin, persistently flowing with red rivers, flowing into oceans of pain.
This confidence?
A facade, a sham,
a role played in the performance --
my life.
Should the world be a stage,
I shall be it’s greatest
I am not
about to pick apart the pieces of myself
tear out a ventricle here
a molar there
a fingernail and a stretchmark
sew them all together with
I don’t say much. But I speak when I talk. I often stumble when I walk. I whiten my teeth. Stay combing my hair. But I feel that doesn't get me anywhere. I'm impeccably dressed And remain humble still.
Wear you skin like armor.
The glow of your forefathers shines brighter than any bleach-drenched word that tries to erase the “La Illaha Illallah” from your DNA.
The unknown strikes no fear within me
The power found only in You flows through my spirit,
Like blood in veins
Abba, gaze upon me
Abba, You are light
Illuminating the darkest crevices of my path
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say,
In reality society judges every deatil,
angle and lighting help us acomplish a perfect selfie,
pictures can transform anyone,
Strip me of my signatures and you will be left with the essence of my existence.Disregard the opinionated buttons on my backpack,
Its more than just a simple word,
It’s a movement, a way of life.
Too bad society has changed for the worse.
Tell me
why are you here all alone?
Here in the corner
with a pill bottle
and much more Advil
than you'll ever need
I'm so sorry
that no one ever told you
Someone is watching me
Raw skin, black and blue.
Bitter screams manipulate
Frantic shadows smear me
Bare arms ache
Gardens storm behind
Red roses sweat
Lust and death
Reality is the filter.
It's paramount.
It advocates our aspects in every particle of air,
it pumps the hue into our cheeks with every breath.
In every wave of light,
Filters on photographs
hide so many things
like the freckles on my nose
and the acne on my cheeks
Filters on my words
hide the real me
how I sometimes cuss like a sailor
Breathe...Do it, feel that toxic mist fill the empty space that lies in your lungs
Choking on your words, just as you have brought upon by your own volition
I can tell you many things about myself,
But will they be true?
Will they truly tell you who I really am?
I can give you the truth and I can lie,
Either way you may never know who I really am.
Above all, I am a coward.
My friends, my family, they would say differently
They would say something nice, something sweet, something vapid
Esto es mi rostro,
body creaking,
my wrist twisting,
twisting, twisting, twisting...
Sera este mi rostro?
is it the face in reflection shown,
reversed, turned over,
Under the layers of our years,
Beneath that wizened crust,
sleeps the ageless spirit that once set fire to our eyes.
I'm trying to write this poem.
What do I even say?
Do I talk about my life?
Do I talk about my day?
Maybe I mention my merit,
My scores and GPA?
Should I list my awards, or my courses?
Behind the filters
Behind the makeup
Behind the faces of emotions
There is a blank slate.
We start out as blank slates,
Molded by the society that raises us,
Makes us strong,
I am white and I am privileged
It is disrespectful to deny that relevant fact
Because when I walk to the store to buy candy
I don't worry for my life
Because when I see a police car drive by
"Tell me about yourself."
My teacher thumbs through a stack of personality pages,
plops one, unceremoniously, on my desk.
"This is just so I can get to know you all."
My face with no filter is a face I am proud to post
My freckles and my blush are the things I love the most
Many people say I could use some cover-up
But nothing beats the smile I bring when I want to say wassup
Without filters, my photos bare entry into my soul
A crystal clear snapshot of life that Instagram posts cannot hold
When choosing a filter, sadness and sorrow get glossed over and hide
shred the silver from my body.I take my finger tipsand peel the mirrors from my skin.instead of showing onlyreflectionsof others' emotions;instead of showing onlyperfection, I will uncage my heart
They say I have big eyes
So I can see truth through your lies
They say I have big lips
So I can speak my mind
Refresh, scroll, refresh, scroll;
I know by doing this it will take it’s toll.
Covet, envy, you become a green monster.
We want to post a picture too, be another flaunter.
Oh sweet, sweet depression.
How are you doing my dear?
You're pulling me down so far,
Down so far I can't hear.
Oh sweet, sweet depression.
My arms become hungry,
As my makeup smears.
The most authentic version of myself?
For my parents, I am Hannah Elizabeth.
Beautiful, strong, resilient—
On the outside.
For my teachers, I am #133193
29 ACT, 1950 SAT, 4.3 GPA—
I stand in the middle-
of a cicle.
We all stand there-
I suppose.
All around there are millions, trillions, zillions-
googolplex paths I could have chose.
But I am unsure, so-
I am a creature, one they call human
One that was born to live in a society where filters identify me
Every selfie
Everay smile
Every scar
Filters identify me
Who I am to the world is not who I actually am.
To the world they see me as the girl who is always happy and has her life together.
They see someone that doesn't wear make-up because she is okay with how she looks.
Behind the face
There is only me
Out at sea
Behind the face
There is only love
There is only passion
I raise my anchor
From my ship
Out to see
Nightshade waves cascade down
framing porecilin white skin
and red, seductive lips.
Her hips, gentle curves
that have been touched,
At first she seems okay.
If it's true,
What they say
About a picture
Being worth a thousand words,
Why do we hide?
Behind all these filters?
These lies?
I hate my smile.
Abstract Is what I desire
What I admire
About the world
Loving each other like when boy meets girl
Or when Girl Meets Guy
Love catches the gaze of the inner abstract eye
My veins, branches,
The sound, water of life,
My heart beats,
For the beautiful knife.
This dagger, song,
Takes me to another land,
My very essence,
Lies in one frequency band.
Perhaps the window throws the view.
Do you see me here, see right through?
Does this window, a stained-glass face, keep it hidden, a secret place?
I think sometimes I'm not what's seen,
Looking in the mirror I see many things those that vary from style to emotion and such in between
Front view camera #Flip
I look in the mirror
What do I see?
A girl with pimples and wacky hair.
Beautiful? Me?
//time magazine calls us the “me me me” generation-
they say we’re lost in a digital age and no google
search could find us.
we’re made out to be robotic
narcissistic runaways defined in
Here I sit all alone
No one to talk to
No one to relate to
Wishing that one day I won't have to feel sad
One day, maybe I'll find someone to love me
Or just maybe be alone forever.
It’s a list of things
That goes on forever,
But gets smaller as it goes,
That describes who I am.
Every part of the list,
Looks at itself as on a ladder,
And climbs the hill to be larger.
You will never see me perform my poetry
On America’s Got Talent.
Ellen DeGeneres won’t
Read this poem and invite me to
Los Angeles, California to be
Would you want the power to fly or be invisible?
I would love to fly all over the world and see the different kinds of people,
Why wouldn't you want to be invisible?
Because I'm already invisible by just being unequal,
How do I sound?
Through the smile I place on my face
Sometimes I sound like tears (I’m choking back)
From the strain of all of this weight on my shoulders
The Experience of Self
By Andrea Spencer
Silver fingers
brushing soft pine’s needles
-whose frost scrapes
and burns this season-
into her human hands.
Slumber disguises your blemishesCrema smooths your skinAmaro makes you look olderRise makes you look thinLudwig brightens your features
So, you want to know who I am?Are you sure you can handle the answer?So many answer this question with the usual:I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a student, a worker.
I am one whom is full of quirks,
Within myself, weirdness lurks.
To others, I may seem strange,
But to myself, I seem perfectly arranged.
I am vulnerable
I am flawed
I am human
I put on a mask
Try to be what the world wants me to be
It isn't me
I am vulnerable
I am flawed
I am human
I am a perfectionist
America has caught a fever
FIrst it took Oscar
Then it stole Treyvon
Next it was Jordan, then Kendrick then Odin
Following were Raymond, Jonathan then Reinesha
Anxiety:A seven letter word thatKnocks the wind out of me every timeI am called to attention
Behind the big picture
Is a small, fragile woman.
Forget the smile
And look deep into her eyes.
Her eyes tell a story.
A story of:
Trapt in lies, trapt in rhymes
There's no way to compromise
leaving nothing behind
as I follow this dark road
Taking the path less traveled
Was a mistake
I only feel pain
no one to hold
Without my filter
I still laugh and smile with my friends
I still work hard and get good grades
I still play sports and try my best
With my filter
I'm trying to be someone I'm not
To see your sight; one can say is an impossible scene.
Seen only through your eyes
through your lens;
Upon inspection, a lens only is, bootless;
A tool for camera's clockwork;
a construct of viewing
The first time I did i was prepared
I'd tried my best just to impress
No shirt on and my messy hair
With a quick judgement I thought this was my best
Surely everyone else will think the same
I don’t know who I am.
Behind the scenes,
a chameleon in costume.
Dresses of armor and eyeliner sharp like a knife,
I am a woman! #nofilterslam
I am a strong independent woman who can handle her own.
Who is driven to achieve her career goals when grown.
Who is dedicated to a basketball team to stay in tone.
There’s a smile on my face and an air of confidence about me
But that’s not me.
The real me, well I keep her hidden
You must dig deep
Beneath the smile that’s painted on my face
From the bottom? No from the top.From the top we shall drop.We shall drop until we come to a stop.Come to a stop at the mop.The mop is wild and brown.Wild and brown framing the face all the way down.
Who am I without a filter?
Before I adjust the contrast, saturation, shadows, and sharpness of my image.
Before I change the filter to Mayfair or Valenica.
Before I get my make up and hair just right.
My name is Brandon and I am a runner.
I run, I work, I learn.
I am always moving, even while asleep, and love to be outdoors.
I love learning and growing and always knowing.
Empty inside
Hollow and wanting, waiting
Waiting to feel something wanting to feel anything
I do feel
Feeling only pain and anger
I Could talk for hours on end.
Sometimes about the little thing and maybe even random things.
I look in the mirror and what do I see?
A girl with an identity, oh wait that’s me
Perfect, is the overstatement; Imperfect, an understatement;
In between those lines is me.
I am the crayon colored outside the lines,
Insomnia. The result of my overbearing thoughts of a past I can’t change, of a future I’m terribly unsure of. Most nights I barely sleep, some nights not at all. However, I suppose this is what comes of one whose thoughts consume their soul.
I wake up
With crazy hair and foul morning breathe
I post up
Unfiltered selfies to show the real me
Ride round in it
Until my mom need her car back for work
Contrary to belief, Spanglish was never one of the languages I carried in my arsenal against Western imperialism. Spanish was the language I was given from Mexico; English was what I learned to survive and fight against the United States.
I'm me.
And I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry that sometimes,
I'm too honest.
But who wants to be lied to?
Not I.
Not I, who every time I see a cute guy
I must say hi
I don't wear makeup to hide,
I wear it because I want to.
I choose to not wear makeup
not to hide,
not to be seen,
but because I want to.
My beauty does not come from makeup or lack there of,
I've been underwater all my life. It is all I have known. Breathing used to be easy, a simple catch and release.
Until she floats to me. Or perhaps I swim to her.
Her hand feels cool and soft in my own.
Pull back the curtain
that happens to be
protecting a raw soul
from how harsh the world can be
We all can be the same
yet so varied in way
that our filters seem stronger
Once upon a time I admired kaleidoscopes.
A single spin and wonders unveiled
Enthralling crystals contort [such twisted patterns].
Like so, take a spin,
And I will don another face, another persona,
If there was something I could tell you, I would keep it real.
I would tell you this so you would know how I feel
Four. Freshman year. How many minutes, hours, minutes, hours, days, Would it take for the year to be over.
I'm not as skinny as I'm supposed to be
and don't have flawlwss skin.
My laugh is a little obnoxious,
but hey this is me.
I don't cake my face with makeup
to live up to the "beauty standard"
I honestly,
Thought for you.
Not of you.
I thought if I put myself,
In your head
It would be easier to get
An answer.
It was.
It so was.
Music is my voice
Lyrics are my words
A mermaids rejoice
In a broken world
My infectious laughter pollutes the air
Jumping in imagination
With love and hope everywhere
Creating inspiration
Posted 12 weeks ago:
Angled to make my face look slimmer
Posted 9 weeks ago:
Edited to make my skin look lighter
Posted 7 weeks ago:
Blurred to erase my imperfections
Posted 4 weeks ago:
So, you want to know about me, who I am.
You want to know the girl I see when I look in the mirror,
The girl who no one knows except for me.
After the mask is shed at each day's closure,
Spiders rest - Silently, awaiting darkness
collars jingle - one dog rolls onto its Side the other licks it’s paws.
banana’s lay still - covered with brown Spots
I put on a facade.
People think "Oh, you must be an extrovert,"
Or "What an outgoing chick!'
I am loud
There are as many holes in my soul
As there are pores in my skin.
Some are just a surface scratch,
But others branch deep within.
The emotion simply drains away,
My soil no more than a sieve,
You can tell me what to wear,
Casual converse, lipstick, hoody,
I don't care--
I will be me.
You can tell me how to walk,
Straiten my back,
Like it's a rod,
I'll still be me.
A dark waistland surounds me,
all I see is nothing,
but nothing dosen't see me.
The emptyness swallows me whole,
but as I enter its throat,
It spits me back out into the Valley of Nowhere.
Here I am with my eyes opened wide
My jeans covering itchy thighs no lies
Typing at a computer in a nearby college
Doing sociology homeowrk to increase my knowledge
Having four eyes isn't enoughh to see
Who am I?
Certainly not who you see with your eye,
not the person you see online,
you see the person I provide.
The person who tries to act cool,
and will act like a fool,
for my peers at school.
Like the stars effortlessly twinkle against the roaring engines of travelling planes through the night
No filter is needed to see who this is
A girl with such a bliss
Someone who they miss
But in history, they've shown of me what should be
As now I uncover my destiny
Now the filters may disappear
A mirror stands before me
Whispers of hate and laughter surround me
They point out the outside flaws
So I put on a mask to hide the hurt and the pain
She’s a match that’s quick to light
that’s not hard to put out.
Short tempered, but quick to forgive.
She’s a puppy in a pack of wolves
Who am I without any of those filters or fake edits?
Well I am me
I am someone who is naturally beautiful
yet goofy all by my personal line of credit
I am someone with flaws just like anyone else
i'm an 18 year old kid from a smallass towni'm up in the twin cities now tearin up that art school shit (nah)and fuckin up on the dailybut that's just me you gotta put up or shut up
I am the better side of darkness and the dim side of light.
I didn’t KNOW my blackened heart had a sense of what was right.
I take a deep breath,
And the filters are turned off.
My eyes are dark and tired
My shouders - slumped in defeat
My smile is now being worried away
Between my imperfect teeth
My hair comes down
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what if that view is fallacious?
She trains herself to smile that perfect little smile,
Who is she without 1977?
She's a sad, sad girl with a growing pain inside,
The filters hide her imperfections,
Lazing on the beach is where I'm most authentic.When my feet hit the sand, I shoot into the ocean like cannon of fun, bursting with excitement because I am surrounded by "stuff".Lots and lots of "stuff"!
Hands swiping the screen
Hot, sweaty fingers ruining the perfectly delicate smooth glass shield of the device
Two pairs of eyes, feeling the burn of the blinding light
A simple t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of shoes
Staring out the windows, eyes ignited with fuse
Another day where the Earth is spinning
She wonders if there’s a day she’ll stop yearning
Why me? What did I ever to to you?
No, it's why YOU! Why would you attack me?
Why me? What did I do to deserve this?
No, it's why YOU! Why do you think you can do this.
I'm flawed.
Without filters, society calls me flawed.
It's true, I'm flawed.
But what's it to society?
Everything has flaws.
My face occasionally blemished.
Above my right eyebrow
there's a scar
From the day after Four Years of
ignorance or innocence
I discovered the death of my favorite dog.
And all around my arms
Hearts and thumbs up seem to feed our souls
We feel the need to recieve validation by the touch of others through a screen
Filters do not make me,
they don't choose my destiny,
they don't tell me what I'm going to be.
I'm still me at the end of the day,
I'm still going to express what I need to say,
Selfie stick, Vienna filter
Eyeliner, Mac brushes, fake lashes
Pink lips, contoured cheeks
Curling irons, skinny waists
Thigh gap, high heels, short dresses
I see me
Not a me I want to see...
but a me that I can't unseen
A me that is viewed as incadescant in the eyes of the profane
A me that sins to fit in with people that believe
For far too long I tried to walk down your road,
In hopes that it would pull your attention to me
This is the story how I got close to losing myself
This is the story how I became so great!
A mountain only falters in the moment before it collapses
Just as I do.
We stand tall and proud and firm
As the world carves us hollow.
Hello! How may I help you? I greet each and everyone
I’ve said it all for months, yet it feels like I’ve just begun
More orders become messed up
age 7
Schoolyard pick always had me on edge
I wouldn’t be first, always chosen towards the end
When one looks in the mirror
We all wonder what’s on the other side
Is the image we see on the front
Just us trying to hide
Never have I been someone different
Never have I tried to change
Hashtag "no filter"
What does it mean?
No changes, no edits
All just as it seems
A picture is posted
No filter ignored
We idealize beauty
from a news feeds board
Is it possible to be, simply, black and white in this kaleidoscope world of colors?
Is it possible to be, simply, one low note while others are scales, trills, and melodies?
The mirror stares back at me
in many ways it holds the key,
outlining my curvy figure for all to see
and bringing me back to my reality.
No make-up upon my face for me to hide,
Without a mask who can I possibly be?
Well I am me and that is very plain to see
Seeing as I don't really have a mask
There is not that much left that I need to reveal
From my perspective I am simply me
Buckets of rain poured down from the sky,
as though the angels wept, mourning what was to come.
I found myself lurking outside at school,shrouded in a black hoodie
Happiness and joy, money at my feet
why not me?
Families going through hard times
people on the street, fearing things will never be the same
seeing me, makes there day.
Having a little more hope for change.
Change your
Look, change your
Style. See everything through a
Pretty Veil.
Watch what you say,
To wake up with pain,
To wake up with the same thoughts as yesterday
To look at myself without knowing myself,
She looks like she hasn't slept in days
I want to ask if the bags under her eyes are too heavy for her face.
Today I am in my khakis as I am leaving for school.
I did not choose them at random
for they are a dress code rule.
I volunteer each Friday at dismissal
and walk the 1.5 mile trek to the city hospital.
I am a painter’s brush dripping and crossing across the paper.
I am the bold outline of the harsh shape words
That sometimes leaves my mouth before I can stop them.
resposible and inpendent
preparing to my own rent
not afraid of new beginnigs
keeping my optimstic attutude, I'll never stop grinning
senior in high school
working hard not to be another misguided fool
Long flowing hair
Newly straightened teeth
Swimsuit body and a heart that's free.
Flawless is ambiguious
Left to perspective
If you ask me we are all flawless.
Knowing right and wrong
I am sorry for everything I do
I am sorry for everything I say
I am sorry if this offends you
When I look in the mirrorI am disgusted
Turn Tilt Smile Move on
Not a piece feels rightArms too longMouth too smallHair too straight
food sits dispassionate and untouched
content with rejection
white trash bags split at the bottom, wheezing for air
no angel of death stole the breaths of a baby brother that floundered unnoticed in the periphery
What filter to use.
That’s always the question.
Black and white or Mayfair?
Hefe or Crema?
What if the world could see who you really are,
not just a pretty picture,
not just a face,
Things that those will never know
By: Skylar Kodish
Happiness is just one thing to think,
Some believe in him, and others don't.
He can be friendly,
He can be mannered,
Once someone asked me, What happened to you?
What happened to me? What did they mean?
The mirror showed it all.
My shoulders were now sagging and my eyes looked cold.
You would have thought i was born with scars
I walk alone sometimes.
you may ask me how i am,
i will say that i am fine and i will ask if you would like to walk with me.
I walk alone sometimes.
it does not bother me,
Who am I?
I am the seconds in between breaths where the thoughts creep in
I am the smile in the sunshine with the windows down in my jeep
My brain felt all tired out
I am starting it all in doubt
The tragical sense that had in me
I am upset that people can feel and see
For the answer of this is you that drive me crazy
Let's get this over
Change your
Look, change your
Style. See everything through a
Pretty Veil.
Watch what you say,
Watch what you do.
Filter it all to fit
The Room,
Mono, Tonal, Noir, Fade
Why must I use one of these to receive no shade?
No shade for the way my skin has small blotches,
But I notice the way he or she watches
My face.
She is a natural beauty
But she only sees the beauty in her smile
Her dark eyes shine in the sun
Her skin is rough her hair long
A voice with a high pitch tone
I slowley sink
Into the darkness
Of my mind
The demons know me
They call me by name
But they don't care for me
For who could love
A depressed girl?
I’m not a poet I’m a penny flying through the air after you throw it
Off the top of a building or Into the wishing well
I’m wishing well for all my brothers and sisters across the globe
What I show you is,
Not who I want to be,
But what you want to see.
I aim to please,
They say to me,
"Be a tall, thin,
Long haired, white teeth,
Light-skinned beauty,
What I show you is,
Not who I want to be,
But what you want to see.
I aim to please,
They say to me,
"Be a tall, thin,
Long haired, white teeth,
Light-skinned beauty,
My struggle with anxiety is not as cute as my curled hair or my new outfit.
It certainly won't get as much love on Instagram, and the notes on Tumblr will remain at zero.
Don't just listen to the "MUSIC"Pay attention to the message.Its the ignorant that has kept the intelligent arrested.
Pills two of them to be exact.
They’re the same, but together they’re a stronger dose.
Together they calm down a savage mind like mine.
Helping to realign the dominos of thought in my head.
Defines not the whole of my being.
Hosts the absence of vitality and worldly beauty.
Yields contrived images of darkness and the unknown.
Fulfills past shadows of forgotten spirits.
My life's a Friday nightBut it feels like a Sunday morningLike wasted potential and wasted timeAnd wasted youth and wasted rhymeAll waste, all the timeAnd there are days and weeks when you're so blue
Look at me and you will see,
Heart, soul, and personality
No make-up can be seen,
On my face so white and clean
Seemingly nothing to cover or hide,
So many visits
So many pills
Theyre supposed to make me better
but only make me more ill
A pill for my depression
A pill for the rage
A new pill added each year
As I progress in age
She watches and hears the pain of death;
She stares at the flames that has taken the life of her sister;
As tears silently flows down no sound is heard;
But the screams of pain in a firey death;
Discerning marks of beauty from blemish
The tousled mess of curls, uncontrollable
Processed, picked, prodded
Scrutinized, analyzed, ostracized
Ripples of muscles under plump layers
Every morning we look into the mirror
We decide who we want to be today
Are we boho, preppy, hipster, or some other crazy title
We need a name for what we are, who we are that day
What happened to being you
Without the filters,
I become the filter of what I want my life to be.
I don’t care who you are or what you say-
but the digits of pi mean everything to me.
Newton, Nietzsche, and da Vinci make a wonderful pi,
When you see that pretty lone flower you pick.
When you see the random round rock you kick it.
When you see me you see nothing different,
Without fliter i am just an average girl.
A girl with imprefect skin and facial features
The fliter protects me from the public opinon.
the mean comments will not get to me if i have my escape.
Brown eyes that told the truth even before her mouth opened,
Hair so thick the layers of it against her neck warmed even the coldest part of her,
A nose that solidified her father's presence,
"I want to see blood!"
"I want to see hate!"
"I want to see pain written on your face!"
That is what I hear when a person chooses to watch.
To involve themself in a matter more degrading than name calling.
Cut offs instead of skirts,
t-shirt instead of sweaters,
earbuds instead of earrings,
is what makes my life a lot better.
Didn't fake a smile as a kid,
The world sees perfection
My friends see intelligence
My family sees dedication
But what do I see?
The world thinks I'm perfect
My friends think I'm a genius
My family thinks I'm happy
I am a musician
I’m no scientist
I’m no mathematician
I’m no historian
I’m no athlete
I’m no translator
Nor will I be any of those things
I am a musician
So I will be a musician.
Her phone vibrates in her pocket as another "like" is placed on the picture of her postingAs another comment is placed by the people that are boasting
Hide behind social media.It's the easy way out, right?Take the time, look within you.
Who am I in my pixilated form?
I am filtered and digitally altered
It is NOW that I decide to reform
Because I realize now I needn’t falter
"make better"
Let people see you for who you are
Filters cover up your true beauty
If you were suppose to look different
you would have been created different
In the mirror, I see me.
Friendly smiles: here and there.
Don't you see?
In my life, smiles are rare.
Filters seem to be the 'thing.'
Hiding true emotions.
The unbroken willow bends in the wind
Arms, or branches, outstretched, she reaches ever up
Toward a higher power.
Fearing so.
There are momentsThey shimmer in the lights of my eyesWhere I see myselfI see a futureI see successI see happinessBut the moment passesI don't know whyI can't breath in the future
Behind the likes, filters, posts, and hash tags
Away from the screen and into the light,
There’s a girl who’d never raise her white flag.
She carries her dreams around in a bag,
Look, look at me
note what you see.
A smile sweet,
Small blue eyes,
Which cannot meet
Your steady gaze.
Do you, do you know
My efforts to show
Dried tears on my cheekMy eyelashes are dampMy heart is too weakI can't stand the painThough it's my punishment to bearI can't stand the thoughtBut my mind is already there
My forehead is a little too tall
My nose is a little too there
My face is round and my hair just does this thing
I don't really care that insert celebrity name here is dating
A silly pun,
A random expression,
A wacky dance,
Just for a second of a happy glance.
On my mom and bro,
My best friend,
A nameless store clerk
I don't even know.
My body is subject to pointing
out the obvious-
I have curves in odd places,
and yes I wear a size 32 jean-
but that doesn't mean I'm average.
As women we're taught our first words "diet" and "beauty"-
I became the shelter, a safe haven, a building of four cement walls and a celling.
Study enough to survive the storms, and the battles outside of my doors.
There are times when I feel worthless
And others that I'm the queen
There are days when I feel useless
A small circle lens knows the real me,
two brown oval eyes, a small round nose,
a smile that glows and hair that flows.
A girl that hides behind,
heartbreak and tears.
You will never see it in her pictures,
At age six
instead of speaking about my behavior
the teacher spoke about my weight
at the age of 11
magazines taught me beauty was defined
by the amount of makeup I wore...
I hide my beauty well
My baggy sweatshirt
A cloak of invisibility
Protecting me
From being seen
For beneath it
I am a silence
Oppressive, deafening, overbearing
Seeing me
Is a different thing
Than seeing me
I throw up my shield
For a reason
My two foot thick walls
Walls made of words
And music
And the things I love
Dream Big and Dream Small
Dont let the Failures Fall
Step High and Step Low
Choose the Right Path to go
Succeed Now and Succeed Later
Succeed when you Make Friends with Haters
Live Now and Live Then
Gritty, grimey, beautiful, different
Weird, outspoken, random, structured
Victim, survivor, helper, advocate
Determined, resiliant, hard-worker, teammate
Granddaughter, daughter, neice, sister
Selfies? Those arent me
my words represent the truest version of myself
without filters I have never sounded more like myself
people go years without finding their voice
well, I have found mines and made it known
I am not what people see
I hide secrets like everyone else
Afraid of what they might think of me
I am confident without filters,
And strong without contrast.
Unique without overlays,
And clever without stickers.
I do not need a filter.
Hudson may make me blue,
Without a filter
Without the camera
Through the eyes of me
I am a plaque of black.
Without a filter
Without the camera
Through the eyes of others
I am an organic Hispanic.
Days are tough
I put on a happy face
Mask the pain
No one knows
The real you beside few
I feel lost
Tears fall down
People always ask, "why be sad?"
"Just be happy"
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Don't wait for the moment.
No one can give you the world
But you
Red who rose
Violet no longer blue
If you want the truth
No one can love you
Like you
Some people contest with me about my own identity,
As if I were a defined word they knew, that I was not keen on understanding.
Before the night
During the day
We all hide
In several ways
Hair in face
is my way
With no filter on
I have many flaws
face like sand
and nose so tall
when i was eleven
i described something as being “so gay”
and my mother told me never
to use gay
as an insult
because i had two godfathers
and they were in love with each other
You think you know me
You believe I’m like you
Well you couldn’t be more wrong
About the subtext of my psychology
at the age of five do I ask myself "why"?
Why does my dad tell me he has to go away for a long time?
Why am I the only one left?
Why does my mom speand so much time alone with her friends instead of me?
At six years old she can see the world full of wonder,
and her daddy says "Stand up tall baby girl or they'll walk all over you."
At twelve years old she sees a world full of opportunities,
If I ask her if she’s smart,
She would humbly reply, I like to think so.
She doesn’t flaunt what she has, although
What she has is a great heart,
A great heart that cares for all
If I just stood there,
Would you see me
In all my brokenness and beauty?
Would you see
My struggles and troubles
And a past that's stamped with a seal of pain?
Would you see
I painted a life sized mural in my room. Of a lost soul. I made my own paint it was bright red with specks of brown. I don't care about how The cow jumped over the moon, if ball is really life or why the chicken crossed the road.
Here, I stand.
Here, I stare
Like a beggar yearning for a meal.
Incessant cycles of foolish decisions,
My mind agrees to no longer empower
My regression.
Finally, I decide to fight for and steer
"Tact is just saying not true stuff; I'll pass" - Cordelia Chase
No qualms in walking
To the girl who talks behind my back
And talking to her front.
No reason to censor
One look at me and what do you see?
A high school senior just skating by?
The captain of the cheer squad with her pony tail up high?
Do you see the supportive sister of two young soccer players?
If I could change any one thing,
It wouldn't be just any one string.
I would change the way people see each other,
And I would make people love one another.
A single human would never be alone,
I am from the screams of the silent
Who has fantasies of living lavish
But too poor to buy it.
I am from the slow beats of a drum
I am from the unknown
Who I am con't be seen in a picture,
So who am I?
Within four walls, I am comfortable.
I'm lost in deep sea of words on a page, and i don't feel like swimming.
That's what everyone calls me
Like it's my name
Like it's my filter
They say I don't have to be
But it's my only lifeline
If I don't be it, if I don't use it
Lately I’ve been wanting something more
My mind is clear and I see an open door
I’m running, scurrying
I can’t reach the other side
I lost the key that holds dreams that died
"Earth to Alex!"
every day. every morning in AP Gov,
"Ground control to Major Tom..."
Head in the clouds
with an I've-gotta-get-out-of-here attitude.
High Standards. Big Dreams.
It's truly a strange thing, when we're told
not to listen to beauty standards, to live comfortably as we are, to "be yourself",
and then are thrown a fistful of
Here is a poem
About a flawless person:
It does not exist.
Everyone has their flaws.
Some people are kind of clumsy.
Others simply are very shy.
Big brown eyes,
Maybe too slim,
Maybe too loud,
Hair too long,
Maybe too out of control,
We see how the media depicts us,
Women especially,
It all started out when I was quite small
And knew I wanted to be an actress.
For a while I was shy and reserved around all,
But then opened up in my high school classes.
Hate is a good thing,
When it comes to bad things,
But hate is for the next generation.
When they look up to rap kings
Who promote bad things, gold bling, and diamond rings.
Calloused hands and smiles,
Hugs, smoothies and sweaters,
Sunflowers, nectarines and long heart felt calls,
Dyslexia, crazy dreams and hiking,
Banana pancakes, chai tea and laughter,
Let’s get something straight
I’m prettier than you
You’re not prettier than me
And that’s how it’s always going to be
Insert Hair Flip Here
Oh I mean {Hair-flip}
You don’t like that?
The young boy was so quick to pick up a gun but never a
the young girls so eagered to twerk something but never
to desire to learn something
they wonder why they never earn nothing like respect
Authentic versions caught on the slip of the tongue,
And as I hum broken syllables caught in a broken lung,I come off as an oddity within the realm of Normalcy,Because my struggles to be them, they can never see:
"You're white, you're a girl, your life is easy."
On the outside looking in, I suppose:
I am white, I am a girl.
I come from a white family
Born into happiness and health.
Raised with respect and manners.
Living in the big apple you always gotta notice the bright lights.
Feel the rush of people passing by, ejoying life.
You were always there for me,
Even with a damaged knee.
Sam and I looked up to you,
You never had a clue.
You carried your struggles
As if they were light like bubbles.
And so it wastr, it was me standing in this mirror.
Light skin,
Brown eyes,
You know the same old thing.
Light pink full lips that naturally pout.
My lashes are long,
My freakles splattered.
Maybe I was blinded by love, or rather what I thought it was. Maybe I expected too much. Maybe it was my fault, or maybe it was yours. Maybe I was counting on so much more, banking on the feelings you told me you had.
Maybe I was blinded by love, or rather what I thought it was. Maybe I expected too much. Maybe it was my fault, or maybe it was yours. Maybe I was counting on so much more, banking on the feelings you told me you had.
In the lens of a camera, you will see
An altered version of the real me:
An angled frame,
Hair that is tame,
And anything else that shows off my "game".
But in the lens of my soul, and the frame of my mind,
Honest hour…
The purest form of me
Is something that even I don’t get to see.
The lonely, fragile yet caring heart
hides behind The ruthless part
The Authentic Me
by Hunter E Jones
Does the selfie define me?
Am I worthy? Am I pretty?
Keandre Melton
That's me
Came from a family of struggles and hardwork
That's me
Watching my mom struggle because she lost her job
That's me
Big Girl.
I am a big girl,
And they don't cry right?
They don't show off their
Broken bones, broken hearts, broken anything
Like a shiny, new toy.
I have it all planned out
Those 8 litte pills
They'll take me to some place wonderful
I have all the notes safely put away in my drawer
I don't think anyone will really miss me.
Through the looking glass
stands a female.
Not yet a woman,
but no longer a girl.
Through the looking glass
emotions set sail.
A smile that hides pain,
but still greets the world.
My Definition
Us human beings; residents of our minds & slaves of our soul
We choose to see what is only wrong in every journey; what cannot be fixed
I am a nerd.
A textbook nerd.
Glasses, braces, acne, freckles, a giant graphing calculator,
(It actually clips to my belt)
I play DnD in a basement.
I remember my father crying
When it was time for me to leave—
For me to learn to kill
At only eighteen.
To load, shoot, reload,
Until it was mechanical,
I no longer had to think.
if you peeled away my layer of makeup you'd find soft skin and calloused extremities
tearing away he skin you'd see the veins that pump passion troughout my body
Loose and wildGoofy and crazyI am meAnd me am I!
Haha, I love getting into the zoneAnd being myselfSome say I can’t shut upOthers tell me I’m a mouse
I watched a bluebird on a window sill
She sat there placid, calm, and singing.
We shared the morning sun out in the chill,
We let its rays shine down on our faces; freezing.
Snowy layers beneath our cold feet,
Warm lights strung above in a line--
When our eyes first meet,
Your warm hand touches mine,
Beaming Yellow
Layers of makeup coat my anxious cheeks,
Tutus glimmer under the incandescence.
An eerie silence follows applause,
Then darkness pours into the wings.
I am forced to face my fate.
There are those same brown eyes that stare back at me in the mirror every day
Happy? I don’t know, but I could fool anyone
I sometimes stand emotionless and empty inside, but appear complete on the outside
Athletic, studious, quiet
To some, I am plain
Funny, ditzy, and very determined
To others I am insane
I have an opinion-
A strong one, in fact-
That some may never hear
Darkness falls upon my face,
As I walk I leave no trace
My mind is glazed but awake
I know my life is at stake
I take one look to my right
As a sailor clutches his gun tight
Steadily we advance
It took eighteen years to realize I didn't need anyone's approval
That my appearance had nothing to do with my personality
That I didn't need to edit my photos because I am perfectly fine with the way I've grown
She stares back at me with her brown squinty eyes,
her lopsided brows raised in apprehension.
She raises her palm and her delicate finger taps the surface.
"I know," she says.
My eyes glaze over.
Pretending is more challenging
Then accepting reality.
So why pretend?
Why keep up the act?
I don’t.
Simplicity is a desire
To truly unlace me,
Without the fuzzy filter
Is to find a girl who constantly wants more from herself.
She has so many goals,
All of which will benefit those around her,
I lived in the middle of a dead end block
with two enormous random pine trees planted in my lawn
For sale.
My house!
Physically, I'm distressed, but I impress by dressing my best.
Emotionally, I'm a wreck, gotta stay in check to earn respect.
Mentally, I'm cascaded by the replays of the days that have faded.
No filter needed, I will always be me
I am who, I am
It's who I'm meant to be
No makeup, no fancy style to my hair
Natural beauty is the one for which I care
I am short tempered, I am my mommas child
Makeup applied
Hair shines, blow-dried
Stylish clothes picked out to fit just so.
Sitting through art class,
I went to a new school
Where they were all different.
They were not the heard of sheep I had come to know
It’s important to delete cyber bullying because it’s all in the headlines. “Teen commits suicide after being cyber bullied” plagues the news.
I have an obsession with quotes because other people are so much better than I am at putting my feeling into words.
Who am I
When the world is not directing me?
Am I a runner
Who finds her inner peace on the trail?
Am I an explorer
Who likes to see the world from the view of a tree?
Am I a cook
My pictures have been fake for years
My eyes don't sparkle like they used to
I try to drown out my mind with music and drinks
My heart and soul don’t quite work right
I'm hurting on the inside
When surrounded by the people I love and trust most, I am outgoing and very loud. Put me in a room of people I am not close with, and I do not make a sound. Through social media posts, you can see the real me.
Excuse me,
But i'm just tryna get your attention
from this world of mixed dimensions
And worthless misconceptions
engulfing the perceptions
that I am not beautiful
You see,
Born and raised in the house of God,
where the family gathers to worship;
Laying on the couch playing COD,
when bed makes me abandon ship.
Playing on the diamond with a stick in my hand,
I can only be me, whoever that is. From my kinky hair to my stubby feet they try so hard to beat. They can never compete with a diamond like me.
The basic stuff that enchance my beauty, is not me.
What is me , is the word flawless.
I am as FLAWLESS as the word means.
I ask you to listen to me
You hear my words but you only hear, not listen
You have not done what I've asked
I ask you to care for me
You care about me but only to an extent
You have not done what I've asked
Rebecca Harris
No Filter Scholarship Slam
13 February 2015
Buried Treasure
If the world chose who I would be
Things are shaking while I’m not on any ground.I don’t bother shoutingbecause no one wants to hear a sound.Time hasn’t been real while it swirls in my eyes.
I remember when I was a kid,I found digging in the sand the best part of the park,It wasn’t the swings that made usgo so high that we felt like we could fly up into the sky.
I smelled our lips togetherOne last time.My mind drank your taste.Each taste bud remembered you.My mind saved you for one last kiss.Together our lipswere a soothing ocean.Parts of our lips waves.
To see into the essence of my being,
One must scrape away the topical layer of an extroverted socialite.
To take a glance into the depths of being,
A book—Book of Life you call it?
What can your Book tell of the supposed life I have chosen?
Can it acquit me of my unwilling contribution to the institution
that has enslaved my mind, soul, and spirit?
Every day is a gift,
all the days just flow so swift
try to live positive & for others try to uplift...
You are here for a reason bigger than you
I know some time you wonder what am I here to do?
Is it some thing huge & grand, here...
When I was younger, I wanted to be an artist.I wanted to be like my sister who made her room her own personal museum of art,complete with a shooting star as her cieling and a 9 by 12 beach to keep her warm, even in winter.
Somewhere between
Here andThere,
I became less involved in what I looked like
and more invloved inwhat I felt like.
OMG- there he is-
Fix your hair, don't breathe in.
If you do, he’ll think you're fat,
And you totes don't want him thinking that.
I am broken.
Into microscopic pieces.
Pieces that are too small to find and put back together.
They are fragile.
Do not touch them, for they will break.
Let them heal by themselves.
If even possible.
The most desired thing,
The all-consuming and pointless thing,
That so many obsess and hurt themselves over.
There are so many things we all want to change,
I am my scars
They paint my body, and my heart
A story for the reader
If they can see it
The one on my wrist from petting a cat
Visiting a shelter, holding death
I went despite my allergies
To myself the thought of flawless becomes a thought of flaws
Here lies flawless, and here lies me
I appear below flawless
For I sink below into the midst of my flaws
Knowledge is like pearls fallen
On a clean slate. A connect-the-dots;
A complex task; to be taken
I am a perfectionist with a capital P. Let down if I get less or equivalent to a B, because I want to be the best that I can be, and yet, I can never seem to keep my room clean for more than a week...
My body is a temple built upon rolling hills that collide with the clouds and can almost touch the sky.
My body is a temple full of growth, sunshine, green pastures, and sweet melodies.
Add a little here, add a little there.
Hide this and hide that.
Am I accepted if I hide behind this hat?
Can I show you the real me, or will it be your judgement that kills me.
Am I one of you now?
Honestly, I am me.
Many words have been used to decribe who I am;
Dancer. Cheerleader. Student. Daughter.
Some of the common ones.
But not the only ones I have heard.
Look around ladies, and tell me what you seeSociety's telling us all how to act, look, and who to beBeyoncé said it best when she woke up without a flaw,Now raise up with pure confidence, make the doubters stand in awe.
The impression left on a smooth, glass tabletop
can be faded or everlasting.
Blowing your breath along its surface
and slide nimble fingers across and
for an istance, your words,your symbols and your marks
Culture dictates hair be smooth sleek and straight,
Professional hair is not out of place.
It is hard to love your hair when it goes
I have myself a best friend
A friend that's clearer than a crystal
and sees through me like celophane
An unstoppable force passing through that immovable object
I love them. They make me be who I am.
Every once in a while, I'm asked the question:
Hey Ben, why don't you have a religion?
Of course, a quick response of "none of youre business" follows
But why? Because I see flaws. Flaws in the seas and the sky
We tend to cling to the peak of the known,
Terror and the abyss await unless shown,
That the core of the tower is an empty throne,
Or at best, something to be overthrown.
How do you love something so flawed?
How can you stand the image in the mirror?
Lost in the flaws of what you see,
lost in the questions of what could we be.
Don't you feel tired of regret?
The smell of smoke lingers in the air
Blowing towards the crack longing for freedom
to escape its beholder
I am the smoke looking for a place to go
To grow.
I can fly with the wind and
Curly hair- How do I handle you?
Not a typical Polish girl’s trait
Standing out like a red bush
and making me uneasy
I get this nauseous feeling
It was just within that moment in which I had taken a mere reflection of myself.
A true reflection in which no other could see, unless filtered into perfection.
I am a pure, white flower, blooming from fine, fertile land.
Because I have imperfect Spanish,
I am never Mexican enough to those who speak better than me
Because I have imperfect English,
I am always too Mexican for those who speak better than me
stroke of brush
paint drips down,
down until color runs thin
a bulb is formed
fingers run lazily,
dazedly over the imperfection
perfect is opinion
flawless is a flaw
It has been said that all your cells (with some exceptions) are replaced every seven years.
Every seven years, you are a new person.
I was thirteen years old when he would touch me.
My mother is weak
And I cannot stand it
She is feeble, stupid, and plain
Who are you?
And where is the woman that I once knew?
You’re a weakling, darling
A scaredy little ghost
I've gone through adequate measures to beat the monster that resides within me
This thing lay secreted beneath the surface of my skin
Readying to rupture out at any which moment
I am a suit and tie man
with tattoos peeking out from under my sleeves,
black ink that flows from my pen
on to every assignment I turn in demonstrates intellectuality,
the ink that punctures my skin tells a story,
Being impeccable is over-rated,
unattainable, impossible, and even outdated.
I prefer my goofy smile,
and my spontaneous, overbearingly hectic lifestyle,
over that of a life monotonous with perfection.
For the first time in my life I am proud.
Proud of the young lady I've become.
My past is no lnger haunting me; owning up to everything I've done.
I have come to a consensus
To respect my bare hands,
And to gleam at the man I have built
To add structure to surrounding lands.
I have also learned over time
To disregard the closed doors,
I have come to a consensus
To respect my bare hands,
And to gleam at the man I have built
To add structure to surrounding lands.
I have also learned over time
To disregard the closed doors,
To be brought and to age
in a world of masks
To be raised and trained
to forge my own
To be afraid to be without it
At the end of the day
I'm still me
I am not the cutest but i impress,
I am not the most perfectionate but i past the test,
I am a creation just like many others,
I am a wonder, I don't hide what's under,
When I am being me I smile with a cheer,
Ugly, repulsive, boring, plain
Is what we believe others see in us.
But through filters there is nothing we gain,
It’s our own mind that creates such a fuss.
Take away the photoshop and filter,
I woke up like this…
You woke up like this…
Who woke up like this? Flawless.
Saying we look so good tonight,
But how will we feel tomorrow?
I cry at night
Not for myself but for others
For all the pain I have caused
And all the pain I have endured
I've been deemed unworthy
I've lost so many
Including myself
When I wake I look in the mirror awhile
I see my "imperfect" skin,
And my "mediocre" smile
I see the redness and a new pimple on my chin,
It makes me beautiful in my own type of style.
I see hope.
I see light.
I see a love
For life that might
Hide deep inside
His heart,
Beneath pain and sorrow
That tears him apart.
I hear cries.
I hear sobs.
Fights, screams, yells, sirens, ambulances...
No such thing
There is no help
Crying and yelling
Sirens and running
Nobody helps you
Nothing helps you
Overbearing, rotten
I spend many years waiting for that person to treat me like a princess. I did not commit in the past because I knew deep down in my heart neither person was truly ready for the commitment of my heart.
18 May 2014
You have a whole life ahead of you.
You are young and beautiful and have so much potential.
Times may be tough but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to look past that.
16 May 2014
All I want is to be remembered.
I want to be in your best memories,
Or maybe even your worst.
It doesn’t matter what kind, but remember me for something.
18 Feb 2014
I sit here in class,
thinking about your past,
my past. Relationships
are difficult and so
are my thoughts. Too much for you?
I questions your questions
Twenty photos taken
Ten are deleted
Five are retaken
Ten show the camera’s reflection on my glasses
The other five look hideous:
My baby cheeks seem to be bulging;
My skin is flushed out;
Every day I accent the same flawless imperfections of my own personal style
A ten-dollar ring from a gift shop in Gulf Shores
A black leather, metal studded bracelet from the same shop
Click! Snap! Flash!
Damn, I still look fat.
Maybe if I use...No
Maybe if I put on...No
Snap! Snap! Click!
Oh great! Is that a fucking zit?
I don't write for them
The world is not my audience
These lines are not gems
Poetry is not a science
The secret to sucess is what makes me flawless
Confidence is key to a certain degree.
When you keep your chin up and get back in the stirrup.
Nobody can slow you down.
Confidence within
Free from manipulation
Self empowered, justified pride
Confidence within.
Free from manipulation.
Self empowerment, justified pride.
Confidence within.
Free from manipulation.
Self empowerment, justified pride.
I use to feel so disgusted by those hurtful words
telling me that I wasn't pretty enough
slim enough
Fucking up is just a habit of mine.
But it's my life and not for you to decide.
Because in the end we all just die.
But I don't want live to die.
I want to live to live.
That's the meaning of being alive.
I am a series of syllables,
Thrown together with whimsy and chance.
I am a sea of endless thoughts with waves so large they threaten to pull me under and drown me.
She is full of compassion
Poker-faced to hide her emotion
Magentic charm that draws them near
like bees to honeypot, it is seen so clear
Some call her a chameleon
Camouflaged with every story
Who am I?
How do I describe?
Will I tell you the truth?
Or what I wish was the truth?
I'll tell you what i do know
I am changing
I am becoming
My name is so long and hard to pronounceI strive for the best of my ability with every ounce
These filters
This lighting
"No no no, wait that one wasn't good
Let's take another"
We're all so worried about looking good all the time
I'm not deep I'm not dark
I'm simple.
Not a simpleton,
No. I have fun
Outside of the house
Outside of the box
I run and stay active
Face my problems: proactive
How do you see the world?
Is it black and white?
Or full of sunshine?
Do you see flowers everywhere?
Or are they just weeds?
Do see it all bad?
Or like there could never be wrong?
It depends on the day
Whether I feel the need to prod myself for an innate thought
I bask in the inane shallowness that is myself
My eyes still sting when the saltiness of the sea washes into them
“You’re too young to understand.”
“You’re too young to starve yourself.”
“You’re too young to be in pain.”
“You’re too young to have scars on your wrists.”
“You’re too young to want to die.”
Fragile without facade,
honest without harbor,
true without tegument;
myself, I am, when independence holds me,
when no fears bind,
when thoughts course with vigor,
when heartbeats sound strongly,
A Pane of Glass Is As Bland As A Blank Page.
Solidity, Wholeness, Smothness, Are False Perfections
Boring And Unattainable.
A Pane of Glass Is As Bland As A Blank Page.
Solidity, Wholeness, Smothness, Are False Perfections
Boring And Unattainable.
Pay no heed to the pretentious standards.
Low-class, high-class, nothing! In other words-
A worthless ladder of pity and pride.
How well are those on the pitiful side?
They certainly aren't with those in the stars.
Lost Like A Grain Of Salt In A Sandstorm.
Living Life Without Proper Purpose.
Staring Into A Reflection And Seeing The Unknown.
Lost With A Mission
Truely One Cannot Be.
For A Mission Is A Guide
For A Greater Journey.
I like to think I am unique,
that without filters I am that much more special than everyone else.
But I am not more special than everyone else,
because that is an oxymoron.
Everyone is special and unique,
hunched low, pulled down by Frequent insecurities,
walking slow, pulled back by Laced uncertainties,
lost perceptions of what you might think All perceive,
I get fiesty when people get mean
I get bothered when people are ignorant
I don't stop when I'm told "let it go"
I don't forget when people are rude
If you insult a person for a person, I'm at you
I know what the world expects of me,
And I’m pushed to make sure that’s what they see.
But I ask you to look farther.
Marquel has thick, tangled hair.
He has big feet;
and struts without a care.
Marquel has small eyes.
He has big lips;
that tell honest lies.
Marquel has dark brown skin.
Birth of new born killers
high end thrillers
sparse chances, taken with unease
beans and peas,
mark disease and
players can't see me
'cause I was never on a team
in the first dream, I ever had
There goes my throat
As it begins to close
A noose that won’t
Stop hanging
Shaking fingers and
Sweaty palms
I can’t go on
Because my legs feel
Powerful and Strong,
She controlled the room.
She was Queen of her audience,
*Read the poem down first, then read it from bottom up. These two readings represent the filtered self -views of people in society vs. the individualistic view I have of myself, completely filter free*
When you are around
My brain stops functioning
And my heart starts rapidly pumping
My perception of time slows down
But I can't think, only feel
Some say love isn't real
Who am I, through a completely organic lense?
A lense with no skewer or sharpener
no falsehoods or pretends
What am I in an entirely natural glow?
A glow that eminates my true personality
when i hear the word flawless
i think about all the blemishes on my face
the many scars and marks that cover my body
the lion mane that covers my head
and the jagged row of teeth that i have
I feel unnoticed
The girl who stares at her feet while she walks the halls
The one trying to get through another day just like you
I know all of your names
but do you know mine?
why would you need to anyway?
The stinging of my lungs as I inhale in
The smell of burning paper and fumes fill my nose
The smoke disappears before my eye, becoming one with the air around it
My mind is filled with words and phrases
which are trying their best to seep out onto this page,
but they are being constricted.
Its still lines constricting how much my words can reveal my soul;
Looking at a photo
Of myself I see,
Someone ordinary
Someone just like me.
When I look in the mirror,
I’ll be honest and say
There’s a lot I would change,
I wish it every day.
Let me try to explain what it's like to have a mental illness.
Life becomes a watercolor someone left out in the rain.
Flaw Laws
By Samuel Michael Bienemy
Your flaws aren't what make you
Your heart is what breaks you
Your mind is wha makes you
Your body is what frames you
His face was like looking at time itself
Everything moving froze in his wake
A chilling daze spread throughout his cheek
As if one had now crossed over his own cemetery
His nose was curved up into a vicious beak
I can't breatheI cant growI can't reachMy aspirations are made in desperationin the belief that if I don't change my occupationI will become nothingMy excellence is irrelevant
In my own mind, Im already there.
There is not a place. Its a state of being.
Just to be what I need to be.
Not a Model, Not a singer, Not a desperate friend who wants to be closer, but something more.
Everyday I wake up,
I think to myself about absolutely nothing,
From the earliest hours where the sun hasn't even shown a ray,
I rise thinking about absolutely nothing.
That peace I get from nothing,
At 5"1 I like to say
My height is classified.
That's why I like social media
All those "flaws" you can hide.
If you were to ask about the real me,
I'd roll my my brown eyes and shake my tiny head,
Am I Perfect?
My body is small
hardly like a barbie doll.
My hair is thick and dark
It is bold as if making a loud remark
My eyes are almond shape
a brilliant brown i can't escape
Because when I woke up this morning, the first thing I did WASN'T to look in the mirror.
Because before I left this moning, the first thing I DIDN'T do was focus on what I am not.
The definition of flaw is defect or fault;
The definition itself is contradictory to Heaven and Earth.
Everyone is made specifically and perfectly as they are,
So any "flaws" are actually evidence of flawlessness.
We are two different sides of the same soul
This I say to you, my friend
Lover’s Lane shall never end
When we are finally together again
And I’ll let you know one thing is true
Young lust
Simmers deeper than a gigantic tidal wave
The vivacious fusion of the two bodies
Begins to peak into the uppermost realm of infatuation
As they cover each other with outer warmth
Eyeliner, masacara, eyeshadow,
Concealer, foundation;
All to take me away from me.
Which filter to choose?
How to cover up myself?
Maybe people will like me now.
the mysteries of genetics
have conspired against me
blotting, bulging, blackening.
tearing at a person staring
shredding my hope of decency
my one wish to be clear
and free
Perfectly Imperfect
I look in the mirror And what do I see?
I see an imperfect girl staring back at me.
Many flaws do I have, I hate looking at my face,
Good Enough
Many thought rushing through my mind,
Visions of how it’s “supposed to be”.
Am I good enough?
I’m sick of all these images I see.
A line of coal across the lid
A swipe of black added to the lash
Loose curls cascading down
Don't look in the mirror they said
As a child I was a gas.
light, calm, careless, scattered
Now I am a liquid.
taking the shape of my container,
spreading thin, reaching out, searching to fill something, anything.
Someday I will be a solid.
I am a woman. Therefore, I am power.
A typical woman is said to bloom like a flower.
Why bloom like a flower, when you can sting like a bee?
I am fearless, and I will be a queen.
While the world splits meAnd everythingIn twos,The only option that fits meI'm not allowed to choose.When I tuck up my hairIt's not to impress you.So don't tell me what I should wear.
A mere whisper whose mind is as loud as roaring thunder
whose thoughts are jumbled with black and white, no grey,
has big dreams that knows she should be afraid of but is ready to conquer them, that is I.
Who am I ?
I am a lion who is waiting to be heard
I am the bird in the cage that sings
I am the one who has hand out to help another
I am the voice that rings and is not heard
Without a veil
I'm nothing special
Well, not really at least
I have blood running through my veins
And snot in my nose
My eyes are blue
And my teeth white
I have ten toes
Search Engine Status: Filtered.
Search in Images: Beautiful Woman
What you see:
exposed skin
blinding perfection
small waists, thigh gaps, perfect features.
What it really is:
In the Mirror is a gratifying reflection,
a young girl seeking for attention.
An outsider wanting to be thin,
desperatly wanting to fit in.
someone that's been in a frown, constantly being let down.
While your mind sits listlessly on its throne,
mine ventures to the edges of imagination.
Opening up doors you unknowingly pass by,
taking notes all the while,
What is “Flawless”?
Like what does it mean?
You don’t know, well here is a definition
Flawless by definition means without any blemishes or imperfections; perfect
Now tell me are you flawless?
You're in my dreams again and I don't know how you got there.
You've been gone for two years, yet I still miss your smile.
Tell me how I can get you out of my hair.
I'd do anything to stop being so sad over you.
My name is Jasmine
I mean my name is Young
I mean my name is Girl
I mean my name is Woman
Hi there
I’d like to tell you a story
About summer
When it’s hot
There's a funny little saying
You are what you eat
So watch what you eat cause
You are what you eat
Can't have fast food
You're fat
Can't have that cookie
That's sugar
I wear a filter everywhere when I do my make-up and my hair,
black and white is my best friend,
x-pro 2 and rise until the end,
on instagram,
I'm almost flawless,
tan, with barely any acne,
I am flawless from my head to my toes
No clothes or filters can better what’s already gold
I shine so bright and I don't need to be told
For its my beauty within, that makes me so bold
Today we are told to be thinner, eat less, work out more; that our beauty has a standard we need to brace ourselves for.
I’m just a kid from So-Cal.
First in my class,
But not by much.
I bite off more than I can chew
Because I don’t see it as such.
I play sports,
To escape from reality.
It’s a form of catharsis
They said I be flawless
Said I be drop dead gorgeous and unapologetic for it
They said I be temple
Be home to the broken bones those odds tried to stack against me
My brilliance is immeasurable
The Dance
Written by: Stephanie Garcia
When I ride my horse in the mid-summer mornings,
we dance.
The drums pound and two hearts beat as one
working in rhythm and cadence.
As you lay in your bed, eyes shut- waiting to fall asleep, listen.
You hear that ringing in the silence?
If you listen hard enough you'll hear voices.
The voices will tell you dark things.
Behind the filters there is a mask
Never seeing the beauty without them
Always wearing makeup
Always a smile
Without it all who am I?
What would people really see
If they ever saw the real me?
It has become increasingly simple
To build a mask for ourselves,
To pick and choose the best parts of our lives
And put them on display
As if our souls were on sale.
We sell our bodies to the screens
Since last Thursday night,
my three year old man has
Disappeared into the clutch of
My three year old man can do so
Much more than I thought he could.
He plays the keys with more
my chest risesjust as the sun doesand water coursesthrough Motherjust as blood does my veinsshe takes my breath awayand I cry in jealousyas she begs me, pleaseto love myself
We need to be more careful with the words that we’re articulating
‘Cause up til now all these rhymes have been self-deprecating
All the girls obsessed with “depressed” and self-harm,
I've fallen in love with this
R O M A N T I C I Z E D culutre of self-love.
It tells me, "please no one
but yourself.
"Don't care what you look like,
My fingers are faucets
Fixtures that connect my soul to the materials I use to express it
An outlet for the words that hide just under the skin,
Scared of judgment
Eighteen years old! Finally realizing that my life is not my own.
I wait until mama leaves the house, so that I can finally be me.
I close my bedroom door and drop down to my knees.
It comes without effort
Yet it takes so much effort
With the light it becomes burdensome
In the dead of the night is where I find comfort.
Around noon everyone seems to "care"
Here’s a silly poem I came up with. Disclaimer: It is NOT to be taken seriously. I was inspired by a Limerick poem which is meant to be silly and weird. Often times they make little to no sense at all.
Years of bullying and I'm still head strong
Over the past few I'm still going on
Unsing my friends to help to support me
What do I believe in?
Every sunday, as a little Jay
I'd go to church to sing and pray
In the back of sunday service I'd stay and play
But as years came I began to sway
No longer did I feel blessed
Scratch a glass, deform it
Screw perfection
Break a glass, and it is enlit
Bent into a new creation
Your glass is intact, glistening with care
You are vulnerable
Sometimes life doesn’t go the way you want it to. As we grow up, we have to choose. Life goes by fast. You go from playing in a sand box to waiting for a boy who doesn’t know if he should ask.
I was taught that I should chase after who I please
But what if who I please does not desire me?
Growing up in a town of a city, blonde hair with blue eyes was what was considered pretty
Ever since I was a little girl,
I was always told I was beautiful or cute.
From my wide blue eyes To the way my hair would curl.
As I grew older…
Words remembered, encouraged
Me to go forward.
Who am I?
I am a hybird
A warrior who wants to defeat
An underdog who cannot defeat
Why is this who I am?
I am experienced
Took me a while to wake up looking this good
My life had rocks and boulders
They have only helped me to wake up like this
Now look at me
My fingers lace through
The yellow bag straps.
Playfully, I tilt my head to the left.
A smirk on my face.
With curves large and wide that are slick as butter brown hair that glistens in the sun Hazels eyes that reflect the way I feel A bubbly personality for everyone there Short temper that gets the best of me A follower of God,jesus hims
Beauty is a battle people tend to face.
Some cost it; others just chase.
The beauty, the glam, the entire fame,
Small little girl so soft so sweet;
So broken so torn, sometimes she wished she was never born.
Small little girl who looked out to the world,
She saw all the makeup, and all the girls trying to fake up.
People view me as four eyes,
But when I take those glasses off
it’s something about those chestnut brown eyes that sucks you in.
You began to take notice of this young woman’s other captivating features.
It doesn't do a lot of talking
But for something that doesn't speak
It sure says a lot of words.
Sometimes, the camera can be this
Light that shines on positvity
And lets the creative and vibrant vibe come
Beautiful brown eyes why do you hold so much pain inside.
Why is that when the sun catches your eye your always on the verge of tears.
Have you been hurt so much that you can no longer shine the way you used to.
i have no filter i keep it real, always express the way i feel. my words may be vulgar and leave a sting, i don't care i'm spreading my wings. flying high i'll never return.
Flay the skin away
Piece by piece
Layer after layer
What am I now?
Am I
The words tumbling out of my mouth
The thoughts rolling in my head
The despair deep in my heart
Flay the skin away
Piece by piece
Layer after layer
What am I now?
Am I
The words tumbling out of my mouth
The thoughts rolling in my head
The despair deep in my heart
Flay the skin away
Piece by piece
Layer after layer
What am I now?
Am I
The words tumbling out of my mouth
The thoughts rolling in my head
The despair deep in my heart
I’m drowning in myself
I can’t catch a break
And can’t catch a breath
I’m drowning, the darkness spreading
Seeping into my heart
And seeping into the fabric of my soul
I’m drowning in myself
I can’t catch a break
And can’t catch a breath
I’m drowning, the darkness spreading
Seeping into my heart
And seeping into the fabric of my soul
it's hard to believe i'm ***FLAWLESS sometimes
but looking at the evidence, who can deny?
with the way syncopated drum rhythms wrap around my head like a crown
I once heard an old wrinkly man
call his old wrinkly wife beautiful.
I cringed and squinted, turned my head and tried to understand
what part of her old wrinkly face was beautiful.
Beauty has made her choice.
She chose the Beast.
Beauty is intelligent.
She chose her books.
Beauty is kind.
She chose happiness.
Beauty is fearless.
A proud man who always worked hard
Never gave up and reached for the stars
Held out his arms when we'd fall
He helped us be strong to stand tall
Made us laugh through the years
I once told my mom
in front of the bathroom mirror
that there was not one part of my body
that I really liked
Not my small “Chinky” eyes,
that disappear when I smile
Not my dry, rough hands,
I am no stone
I am fluid like the tide
Being born in the flood
In the water the sky had cried
Woven baskets slip along the Nile still
Wonder among the fruitless fronds
When she was a child
She was flawless
Despite her tangled hair
That her mommy
Called “The Nest”
She was flawless
I wonder what I can give,
as far as wisdom goes,
for I am somewhat young and have many years to live.
The cool Autumn wind blows
I love that I think I’m intelligent. I love that I think I’m hilarious. I love that I think I’m nice. I love that I think I’m drop dead gorgeous.
In front a mountain,
Behaind -a trap, a pit, Nothingness.
Let today be the day I conquer.
Those who fall behind,
Risk leaving their head, a life.
Let today be the day I conquer.
It's so hard seeing from one good eye
Because that's the only eye you can go by
At least the only one you trust to guide you right
Can only see half as good through them dark nights
It's so hard seeing from one good eye
Cause that's the only eye you can go by
Atleast the only one you trust to guide you right
Can only see half as good through them dark nights
No knows, why the sequoia stands so tall,
From below, it’s just another tree,
But through the storms it never fall,
Stretching skyward, and free.
It isn’t adorn with fragrant flowers,
I was 7 years old when i was told i was ugly
that i had four eyes and big bucked teeth,
that I was fat with a crooked smile
that not even mother could love me
The rain,
Its such a marvelous thing.
Washing away the impurities
Splashing against the ground
Like small soldiers dropping
Scrubbing away all the ugly.
You wake-up, FLAWLESS
"You are everything,but flawless"
"You are worthless"
"You are purposeless"
"You are powerless"
"You my friend are nothing more, but less."
Art can be beautiful,
or it can be hideous.
Yet in all its imperfections
lies perfection.
It matters not the skill of the hand,
or the depth of the mind.
I am worthless.
I have acne.
Isn't that natural?
I am worthless.
I am overweight.
In whose definition?
I am worthless.
I am too short.
By whose standards?
I am elamef.
To be elamef is to be faithful and take the blow.
To be elamef is to be light with no medium to show.
To be elamef is to be heard but not to be seen.
To be elamef is to be powerful but only in a dream.
I was taught since birth,Trained like a circus animal,To focus only on my flaws,Ache over every splintered quality,And strive for perfection.
Look at the ads out right now advertising “the perfect body”
What is wrong with society?
Perfect is not defined as a flat stomach and a thin physique
But when girls see those pictures, they don’t eat for a week
Life is difficult,
Of course it is.
Do you really expect it to be so easy?
Life is cruel,
It throws things our way,
Things we cannot prepare for,
and yet we make it through the day.
Be yourself
following trends
let the trends follow you
follow the leader
let the leader follow you
be yourself
because no one else can
News styles flood our stores and closets every day, but what you wear won't hide your dismay.
You dye our hair, paint your face, and try to act like someone you are not,
When I look out and see the world today,
It shames me to know the lack of kindness.
That’s why I try to keep evil at bay:
Lack of integrity is a crisis.
I wish to see the world bloom with niceness;
We see them everywhere,
Masks that hide who a person really is inside.
Their mask may have perfect hair,
Or maybe it makes their stomach one less size.
And, maybe it feels like we're obligated to wear them,
As I move once again
to a new state.
I hold on
to all the memories
I go
with a heavy heart
but hopeful spirits.
Now I say to myself,
I’m hecking emotionally aloof
Somebody tells me they love me
So I tell them ‘thanks’.
But like really I’m pretty clingy
I need attention 24/7
But from my close group of friends.
As tears fall down my cheek erasing my make-up stained skin,
My finger clicks "delete" that forces the last of my inferior selfies down a cyber bin.
Beauty is as thin and temporary as the
Skin cells we shed each day, so
Pull out the X-ray and take a deeper
Look, for true beauty lies within
In the muscle that gives me strength
And connects the
There’s always two souls to a person
The one everyone sees from day to day
And the one that hides and waits for the chance of immersion
Because she never witnesses daybreak
A blast from my past
10 years old and growing fast
A sweet little girl
Innocent and pure
My imperfections are in no way diminishing my value!
For I am
I'm not a writer I'm a canvas filler, but regardless i was always scared of my filter. Restricting me from things that could of been, now just a constant repeat of regret within.
Hey, hey ya you!
Remember you are worth more than any star in the sky
From the pressures of life you become mroe like a diamond every day
You're more than an option, but an amazing opportunity
Dear Future Self,
You did it.
Living with no limits. Losing yourself in your passion. Rising up and growing into the best you could be. Your world was waiting for you.
My schedule—
MWF class 10-12:30
TH class 9:30-2
Wednesdays are special:
Go and help out at the elementary school,
And make it to the Drama club meeting by 5.
I turned off the filter you happy now?
That I look like a mangled, deranged ugly cow?
No. Dig Deeper. See what I see.
A volcano range of red hot pimples?
Oversized white girl dimples?
By the illustrious text
within the scripture
of English articulation
the definition of "Flawless"
is "to be devoid of flaw";
it is accepted with general sanction
A quest to obtain
I am I
Corageous but shy
Captivated by the birds
Who are just like I
Stand firm on the ground
But seek peace in flight.
Whether in darkness or in light.
I am I
strong willed and kind
I am controlled by this Bryiana,
What story has my face have told?
Her very presence sends a chill of electricity down my spine
I am Fat,
A little pudge keeps me warm.
I am a Loser,
But I succed because I fail.
I am Angry,
For showing passion.
Echo, you privilege soul
Stand by as I pillage your home
Watch as they rave your condemnation
We have yet to live.
The smiling face in pictures
On the websites that you see…
Who is that?
That is me.
Seeing things with a different light
Looking in the mirror and shaking my head… no
I feel the need to dislike the reflection I see
Too point out my wobbly knees my unpainted toes
In my fantasy I can do anythingI dream, I fly, and soar through the skyThat twinkles with the mesmerising stars of the universe
I am perfect, on the inside
The masterpiece has not fully manifested itself on this canvas yet
But still, I am flawless in His eyes
I wish I could talk to you.
Respond to all the gunshots you fired at me.
Explain the constellation of pockmarks crowning my mind.
But I am just a shell of what I used to be.
You take life by storm,But you do it on other peoples toes.You love meeting new people,But you worry what their thoughts are saying about you.You are the wallflower placed in the crystal vase,
Flawless because I look past my flaws
Flawless because I see the best in others
Flawless because my heart shows through my smile
I am beautiful
I am my mother's lips
I am my father's smile
I am my sister's freckles
I am beautiful
I am not my acne
I am not my scars
I am a work of art built by the universe
Who or what hides beneath the makeup
Or is lost under the facade of clothes
Stripped down to bare skin
Revealing the all natural
A sprinkle of freckles dance
Aimlessly across cheeks flushed with pink
She moves like a feather
That twirls with the breeze,
So she can abate her bad memories
And set her soul at ease.
Take off the filters layered on a picture
and when wiped away all that barely remains
is the thin frame bruised by words,
and a cluttered dark mind that manages
to produces fields of wildflowers.
You’re the whitest person I know!
They laugh and look at me expectantly
Their eyes gloss over
And they fidget from foot to foot
Like they’re warming up for a race
Getting ready to run away from the mouth
Here I am.
Just as I am, right here right now.
This is all of me.
Nothing more and nothing less.
As life continues I only know of two people who really exist; Kris & KP.
As I enjoy the limelight of being a versity athlete, I still find discomfort within.
I'm a product of my enviornment, in the sweetest sense.
My face is scratched-- from that time that neighbor cat clawed me.
Frizzy hair is the norm for me
With a crooked smile and chubby cheeks
Glasses sit on the bridge of my nose
And who can stand a girl with goofy toes
It is always a tight squeeze to fit into my jeans
A step in one direction can lead to a path of endless possibilites and contentment. For as long as you hold the willingness to attempt to walk this path.
Knowing my true identity
makes me flawless.
Knowing that I can overcome anything
makes me flawless.
Not letting others destroy me into
what I transformed myself to be.
I look at you with my hidden eyes
Your smile lights up the world
Blue, green, and gray crystals
In my heart, butterflies twirled
I did not see it coming
At first mere acquaintances
When I was 13 years old, I was sent to a public school. My mom told me to stay strong. To be a tree. With no one to know and no one to know me, I stood alone in the forest society calls middle school.
They tell me emotion is weakness.
They say I feel far too much to create something productive.
But I can't control it.
I am me,
Because of what I feel.
They say I speak far too excitedly,
Walk down the hall,
A glance to the left,
A glance to the right,
The voices never stop.
The voices never cease.
I wish to swim far out and never see land again
Penetrate the greatest depths of the world
Find the mermaids who hide in my dreams
And become the girl I always wanted to be
How can I say Im flawless
When the world tries to make me feel less
How can I say I'm smart
When Im not on top of the honor roll charts
The world tries to tear me down
How can I say Im flawless
When the world tries to make me feel less
How can I say I'm smart
When Im not on top of the honor roll charts
The world tries to tear me down
It used to be so easy
To let others get to me
'Not enough' they would say
And I would believe them
How many times did it take before I realized the power of their words?
It's like looking into a broken mirror.
Each snapshot captures a different shard of life,
Reflects only what I want it to.
The pieces are glued carefully together and framed.
My flawless trait started when I was eight
but there is no denying the fact that I am flying.
Over expectations because this is my nation.
Everything is spinning
The floor is completely gone
And in the beautiful silence
There is a resounding song.
No, it’s more like a tone.
A buzzing or a beep
That makes insanity seem so sweet
Pale, blemished, perfect?
Freckled, scarred, flawless?
My skin is stained with excess ink from all the times I created my idea of art.
My nails are broken and chipped from years of playing guitar.
In knowing I am not perfect
But I aspire to life’s challenges
And I remain myself
Growing up, I hate myself.
Every time I looked in the mirror, my eyes would pierce into my soul with a hate that I thought would kill me in and of itself.
Stand straight, shoulders back, chin up, eyes forward.
Think fast, speak little, assume none, shield all.
Be good, follow rules, don't question, respect honored.
Stay quaint, fall in line, don't be different- so banal.
The girl on the cover of the magazine,
The one who was created with photoshop,
The one who sees the magazine and doesn't see herself.
The all-state basketball star,
My buck teeth are beautifulThey make me look like a bunnyMy one hidden dimple is gorgeousIt pops out when something's funnyMy pale skin radiantLike ivory pearlsMy strong assertive voice
I used to pray. I used to pray that when I woke, my skin would be clear of imperfections. Clear of freckles, clear of bumpsI hated being different, noticed, ugly.
When I wake up I look in my mirror and see the
Most real version of myself
Dark circles
Crazy Bed head
Drool on the side of my mouth
And freckles everywhere
I walk into the bathroom i turn my head as my eyes interlock with the me within, I SEE
With you
I was born into a world of loss and pain
But I still live my life happy worshiping
God’s name
My mama working all the time
People in my generation are odd.
We all seem to think we need filters.
On our pictures,
On our life,
On what people see about us,
But not on the words we use.
I have no filter.
Without all the filters, without the different poses
I know who I am and God only knows it
I am free to be me in my crazy condition
My wild mind could be shown at an art exhibition
I squeal in the silence of my bedroom
When I am excited
Because I am just me
I sing out loud
While my headphones are on
Because I am just me
I listen to myself talk
I am bipolar and thats okay
I've tried to hide to hide it, tried to runaway
I am bipolar not an outcast
The mistakes I've made are all in the past
I am bipolar, I've learned alot
I am bipolar and thats okay
I've tried to hide to hide it, tried to runaway
I am bipolar not an outcast
The mistakes I've made are all in the past
I am bipolar, I've learned alot
Less flawed than most
spotted scales
hairy knuckes
I am one of a kind
I am the kind of one
who has wrinkles streaming from their eyes
Smile lines
I am perfect in my own way.
Everyone is different, and therefore I cannot compare myself to them because they are not me.
All I can do is look at myself and decide that I am who I am, and who I am is beautiful.
I look in the mirror and am proud of what I see
It took a long time to get here
Loving my body and who I am starting to be
I was able to push past my fear
I have two legs to run and a body that is strong
Its dark and quiet.
Except my night light that shines like a star.
Some how bringing comfort to the emptyness that seems to be lurking around the dark.
My mind begins to conclude maybe its my soul.
I was smart, but was never good at math.
"The numbers don't lie," my teacher would say.
This theory of rationality left my consciousness
A duller black and white than the atmosphere of the room
Does being black mean I am a criminal, uneducated, ugly?
Does being white make me superior?
Does being Hispanic make me illegal?
Does being Asian make me smart, capable?
Unfiltered to me
is quite possibly
a detriment rather than a liberty.
In the grand scheme of emotions
and perceptions that enter our mind,
I gradually weigh my options
I am not delicate but I will wear pink.
I am not frightened but I will cover my eyes at a horror movie.
I am young but that does not mean I have a blind eye.
I am female but that does not make me weak.
Just like my girl Rosie.
Don't mind me if I get a bit noisy,
Cause I'm standing up for all the girls,
All the girls around the world.
It's a positive thing.
I am…
A lot of things
Many things
Not flawless
If you were expecting something else
I always tell the truth
As I will now
Yes, we all have flaws,
But it is not until we recognize such flaws
That they truly exist.
Without recognition
We are flawless!
You may mess up,
And so will everyone on this earth.
The thing that makes me flawless is my undying sense of hope,
my ability to find the silver lining in every starless sky.
I am a field full of daisies
I am a night sky full of stars
I am a sunset over the ocean
I am a swan in the lake
When time dawned first for me
A cry tore from blameless lips
Unbeknownst to I, naïve
That nothing pure remains
Indeed, the world blew through my lungs
Such earthly wisdom I inhaled
The photo taking business changed with a filter.
The way that men, women, children, and teens could look at themselves changed.
A new desire to impress and maybe look a little more tan.
There is nothing above me but white and blue
Yellow leaves, from the maple tree that lined our street
Falling stars race across the sky; it makes me fall to my feet
Me, I think I’m average, not perfectAverage guy, with average grades.Pretty average situation...But then I stop. Average? No.Perfect? No.
When I walk down the street, I feel their eyes
They look at me but don’t know why
I used to stay in my room and hide
Scared of judgments, Terrified.
One day I took a glance in a glass
I am a drop of sunshine in a doubt of uncertainirty.I am a comforting voice in a crowd of chaos.You have a hard time following me? Try harder, because I lead out.
You say I’m okay
On the outside
So I must be alright
To keep going
But have you once thought
About how I feel inside
There once was a girl
Who held her head high
But you’ve stolen her confidence
And you’ve made her cry
Everyday I wake up
I stare into the mirror
And touch all the beautiful
Pieces of my body
That I've been ashamed of
I am just an Untitled masterpiece,
With the flaws of Judgement,
Others throwing colors at me,
I just want to sing in harmony,
and let others hear the tune of my melody,
But when I am alone,
It is not my curly hair
It is not my so called perfect smile
or even my bright green eyes with long lashes
Raped by the words of my brothers and sisters.
Their eyes watch as I fall.
But I will be the one laughing,
As I rise higher than they ever could.
Constantly worrying about others’ needs.
What about me?
My soul reaches out for comfort, contentment even.
I bask in the ways they teach me, the ways they want me to learn, to memorize.
What to wear, how to look, what to feel.
I begin to feel routine, I'm comfortable.
I'm not just who you say I am,I worked hard to get where I am today.It took everything I had to just get out of bed to face difficulties.You laugh now but I am serious.
“They” say there are certain standards to conform to
That a lady needs to watch her mouth and hold her opinion.
“They” want to mold me into society’s ideal unflawed woman who bites her tongue and cooks in the kitchen.
You are not invisible
not in any way, shape, or form.
I know you see things differently.
you dont have a "set in stone" way of thinking.
You think of evrything, possibly, too often.
Why do girls spend sixty minutes on their make-up when they can spend five
Make-up doesn't define who you are
Your words and your actions
Those define you because those words mean a million more
I look to the stars above:
I see the galaxies, swirling
In a brilliant array of light-
Now I look at me.
I see two eyes
Colored with the heavens' imagination.
I see freckles,
The ability to have flaws is flawlessness.
Having fears of insects and the ocean,
And let’s not forget bad hair days.
Seeing past others flaws and insecurities for who they really are,
Yes, I am an African American teen girl and well educated
Martin Luther King Jr. paved a way so I can say I finally made it.
Day by day I face discrimination
From this so-called united, free-willed, and lawful nation.
I am the observant girl,
Who notices behaviors and attitudes and overlooked values.
The girl who has few friends,
Someone who chooses quality over quantity.
I am a food lover who likes to finish what’s on my plate,
Round face, pointy eyes,
dark brown hair, no disguise.
A quarter Chinese isn't too much,
but I think it is enough to count.
Of course, that probably doesn't
mean too much to you people,
Oil perculates from the deep yellow skin,
a false smile perfereates deep from within,
the heart feels like this could be a sin,
waiting for the alarm to go off so I could begin.
Get your own big chair.
I think it has been long overdue.
You should just grow some beard hair,
and buy some new fucking shoes.
Those words will never be spoken now,
we're head over heels in shame,
"Your flaws are your perfection"
This what I've always been told
That I am perfect because I am not
But I disagree
I ask questions
Too many questions
I ask every question
But I am given no answers
"Why should my work
Be worth less than a man's?"
And I am greeted with silence
I try to control myself
But the temptations are hard
My thoughts are to strong
My mind is long gone
I try to control myself
But not when everyones there
My eyes see all wrong
What makes me perfect,
is the fact that I’m not.
Imperfection is beauty.
Something most people forgot.
Scars on your wrists
and fire in your eyes.
When I say you’re beautiful,
Don't tell me..
How to feel, what to do , what to be
Don't tell me..
How to cry ,when to lie, how to see.
Don't tell me..
It's not the world but it's you, look at the thngs you do.
Disaster is written in the scars that are made from a blade.
Dark circles suffocate the light inside me, and create a darkness that doesn't fade.
imperfections go hard with their dance along my sensitive winter skin.
I'm white.
I'm lower middle-class.
I tan in summer and pale in winter.
But is that me?
Am I just a loose shell covering a jumbled amalgam of bones and sinew?
My cells, my atoms, my DNA, just building blocks
Staring in the mirror as I wipe away the day.Cold, alone, and vulnerable.Looking at the real me as the mask fades away.Scared, beaten, and longing.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say.
Mmm ...
Flawless ?
Bossed Up !
Flaws ?
I prefer my ways to who I am
I wake up everyday feeling like I am the only one of my kind
The only one who will do anything and everything
Bossed Up!
How the hell do you judge people?
What have you done that is so great?
Where were you when I graduated?
These folks have no lives! complaints , attitudes, nosey, and rude!
They say there was a bang
And Earth appeared
In a black blanket
Of billowing stars,
Shimmering gas.
Then we did,
Erect in a crooked world,
Painting love on the walls,
Who am I?
Am I the mistakes I made,
The wrong decisions I thought were once so cool?
Who am I?
Am I a follower of the "in crowd,"
The coward afraid to speak against the popular kids?
Green hair,
dressed in all black.
Do these make me who I am?
My outward expression
can define but one thing;
what I choose to portray
may be not what I seem.
I look to my arm,
there lie my flaws
flaunting their discreet disgrace.
Though despite the scars
and a past so raw,
I know I am not my mistakes.
For beauty is within
I am so terribly,
deathly, afraid,
of what when unfiltered
my mouth should say.
Do I speak such terrible truths…
of honest opinions of wistful youths?
Or do I lay upon such speech
I know I'm not useless, on sidelines I don't sit,
I put my time into everyting, for people, I won't quit.
I'm one of those unique ones
who sees beauty in all,
so when it comes to BITE me....
I am
N aughty. When I am #nofilter, I eat the forbidden fruit, I hurt others and myself, I do what I'm told not to.
My bottom isn't the biggest, my thighs aren't the thickest
But I'm perfect exactly how I am
My cheeks aren't blemish free, everybody doesn't have to like me
But I'm perfect exactly how I am
Cry your final tears now,don't hold it in
For tomorrow holds another chance to live again
Keep your head held high in confidence and pride
Just let go, relax, enjoy the ride
Things will pan out in the end
I am labeled with words,
Shy, reserved, quiet,
And I am judged,
For not going out more,
Not having a plethora of friends.
I don’t think before I speak,
But I say what I mean,
To the girl peering in the mirror,
who, for some reason, thinks she is inferior,
because her hair isn’t straight,
Trying to invent myself.
I'll juggle it all and make all the right choices.
I'm overwhelmed.
Like a cloud stretching to cover the entire Earth.
It reminds me that I am small.
He called them to the sea
A boundless tempest raging
Those of little faith witnessed it made still
Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum
Made still for the faithful to come
Without the storm
No, I'm not a Babie girl
I'm not the fastest swimmer
I'm not the smartest student
I'm not the best daughter
I am Kenna
In every sense of the word
I am inside jokes
and finger pricks
and two a.m. cheezit cravings
and study hall naps
and tear stains on a pillow case
and stretch marks
For better never worst,
Whatever to see a new year.
Maybe another hurst.
Children always come first.
Facing your biggest fears.
For better never worst.
Dinner followed by dessert
i am
and if given the chance
i would change nothing.
not my hair
or my body
or my situation.
they are what make me
i am composed of my
when you love someone
you love them in spite of their flaws,
or so they say.
i say you love people and
you love their flaws the same.
when you love someone they become flawless.
Without filter, I am free
without camera, I am me
I am everything that is exactly who I'd like to be
Without selfie, I am self
A wonder in and of itself
Beauty comes from with
Not from makeup and chemicals
Beauty if how you are born
You come in cleansed
I'm flawless because I am a woman.
My hair curls into spirals and my skin is tinted tan,
I'm flawless because I am natural and do not get my courage nor confidence from a man.
The door opens.
One step to your destiny.
You peer in and see the faces,
The people who are looking straight at you.
Will you fail?
Will you fall?
Hesitation sets in
How could you love someone like me?
Why was it me .. the one you ended up falling for?
I stop and wonder why are you here?
Do you even care?
Or I'm I just another pawn in your game..
That you will throw away
The letter placed on my birth certificate indicating that I was born with a vagina.
Filter or no filter.
What has this world come to?
A life where we depend of social media
to tell us what we are.
A life where people believe that something such as a "filter"
I listen to the same music
Over and over
I must be insane
I listen to the sounds of smiles
Echos of a multitude of factors
Footsteps on old, tough stairs
It's scary when you realize what's here
School is almost over
Graduation is almost here
Nothing has prepared me
College is close
How do I fill out FAFSA?
How do I win scholarships?
The sickness in my stomach
Matches the sickness in my head
And the aching in my head
Matches the sching in my body
And the hurting in my body
Matches the hurting in my heart
A blurred photograph can make a lot more sense than a clear one
Look at the way she moves her arm to hit his head playfully
Look at the way his face is blurred dodging that hit
That action is day to day life
After all we've been through
Are you going to throw it all away?
Trash it like it was nothing?
Am I nothing to you?
Was I ever anything?
Why can't we get along?
We're a family
On a big planet
We all matter
Why not get along?
Why can't we get along?
That night I felt beautiful
I was confident
It showed
I went alone
A couple friends and I
I was beaming
And giddy
And happy
Until my date left
When I was five
You would pull my hair
Call me a doody head
I wouldn't care
That was okay
You made fun of me
I didn't comprehend
When I was eleven
You would whisper
An hour every morning spent on my make up and my hair
I switch my outfit three times befor I walk out the door
I dont do this for the attention of some flawed attraction, but
I do this for me.
The tears burn as they run down my cheeks,
And slide down to my shirt.
Sleep has hidden itself for weeks
While I ask, "when will He end this hurt?"
I try so hard to smile
I am writing to let you know
you are not alone.
No matter how romanticized the rogue in you becomes.
For all my wanderlust roving dreams of distance, I am writing in hope you know
your heart is not a fight club.
Today when I look in the mirror,
I know that all I value is shown,
I will have no fear, nor flee as a deer,
I can not conceive how I must have grown,
To allow myself to perservere,
Filters are like masks.
We use them to hide.
We pick them to accent certain qualities and hide the flaws we don't want them to see.
You look around a see a girl. You don't know who she is or where she came from.
Seems odd.
But it's just me. You've seen me I'm sure. I live like this.
She sits at home thinking of him
With a tiny light that is dim
Her mind races and runs
He takes her breathe from her lungs
When they touch it becomes a flame
They realize they are both the same
I am a lyricist not a musician
I write words that speak to your soul not the heart
It may seem uncertain but the lyrics that I write show the hidden feelings within
I am perfect—without flaw.
Which is to say, not a single trait I retain is held in low regard.
Not one thing of my person can be looked down upon, for I am flawless.
Black is the color that describe my past
And the color of who I am
But what black is not
Is also who I am
Bright, with a mind that think right
With different shades that show my true might
Covering, protective layer, skin
For the body is just a house that the soul lives in
Covering, protective layer, skin
For the body is just a house that the soul lives in
I’ll begin with telling you who I’m not,
Although, sometimes I like to smoke a lot of pot.
It dowses me in a state of peace,
Keeps me from transforming into a beast.
Shit, it helps me see and think straight,
They said things behind her back,
They said them a lot.
She started to believe them.
She was upset until he came.
She questioned him.
"Why don't I have perfect skin?"
"A perfect smile?"
When I hear the word flawless,
I think of precious gems like diamonds.
The thing about a diamond is that
Its flawlessness isn't about brilliance or perfection;
Unpolished diamonds look like every other rock.
I am here to undo my mistakes.
To let you enter my world
Since I made the mistake of leaving you out.
My life is not the easiest
But it's not the hardest one either.
I have a life where I can do what I want
My eyes sing a song of gold
My smile is prepossessing
Lips soft as a cushion
This pretty face is a blessing.
Practice makes perfect
It took 17 years for implementation
I am Someone
smells of freshly baked bread and cookies
mouth watering
I want to talk with a
#nofilter, #selfie, #natural, #fleek
Hash tags are the holy grail of most social media websites
I can use them to show my followers what I'm wearing
Or show them the memories that I'm sharing
I never really understood why
Instagrammers hashtag
As if it were some kind of excuse
To say “Hey! If you think I’m ugly, it’s because I have
I find it rather unnecessary to
Searching on social media you will not find me
I'm too busy practicing all the right degrees
The filters hide my fears and flaws
Your half naked pictures should be outlawed
Erasing the impurities from my flesh
Flaws and all I will continue to stand tall, because after all... I am beautifully flawed.
When I look into the mirror , I see smooth brown skin , sharp eyes, a button nose
What is beauty?
What is beautiful?
Depends on what you see
Someone youthful?
Though pictures are less than truthful
Cameras are off kilter
Making perfection doable
With layers of filter
Some people say I’m selfless.
That I wake up and put myself on the back rack,
But it’s definitely not that.
When I wake up
I look in the mirror
past the dried slobber and nappy dew
All I want to be Is the girl on a magazine,
But she isn’t real.
All I want to be
Is that girl all the boys see,
But I know her body is that way naturally.
I don’t hate me
But I want to change me.
They tell me my skin isn't perfect
and think I can control it,
like it's my choice to have acne,
and I can just make it go away.
It's my body, not yours.
They tell me I need to eat more,
I wake up, put on my clothes,
wash my face, fix my hair and look in the mirror with disgust.
Yes, I'll do it.
I go to school and walk to class,
I can hear them behind me, laughing,
She doesnt know she poor, Even when life tells her in many ways Her refrigerator becomes empty. Whenever she is hungry she can't even find a whole meal. Her family barley has enough food to last them until they can get more.
From today until tomorrow, years later to forever
I want to make an impact that would change the world
There are moments when we see the violence coming and no one is in sight to stop it
I am flawless because
My temper is short
And my hair likes to be a mess.
I am flawless because
I can remember history dates
And algebra is confusing.
I am flawless because
I can be lazy
Drums of the Serengeti
Red dirt
Dark faces and bodies.
They call Americans copies.
Full of History
They always seem so pissed to me.
Diamonds are born.
The life of a young woman is boundless and untamed
There is no way of telling where she will go next or who she will become
The crazy twirl that destincts
Who she is
The girl I was years ago is gone
She was fragile,
A subtle kind of beautiful,
yet strong
In mind and opinion.
She was clever,
Quick to respond,
while clouded
With silent doubt.
She was a conformist,
I can feel my health dwindling,
spiraling downward.
I thought these feelings would dissipate with the snow,
but they show no signs of leaving:
An apology is much overdue
For all the harm I've caused;
More so with the harsh words,
Which daily fell from my tongue.
The cuts and bruises once came
From being young, wild, and free.
Curly Hair
laughing eyes
Big, bright smile
laughter wrinkles, slanting
towards well traveled eyes
painful and dear
memories treasured in the heart
have a past
many scars
use them to break down bars
let go of your fear and dare to succeed
now you know
that's the reason" they're always lookin' at me "
be bright, be bold
The struggle to progress...the power to drive
none will ever no how hard i tried
with evil on one shoulder and the other with pride
no fear in my heart, but yet tears i cried
See just before fire was sent to the rain
Before I even saw a glimpse of the pain
Before the arrow was shot through my heart
Before peoples' words could tear me apart
There was hope! Yes, little but there was Hope
Tell me where these flaws derive from? Itching from the grass under our feet; to the hands we so dearly want to hold. Is there a text book, a guide of some meticulous sorts. Iv never found a universal perfection. We spit that word out.
iPhone 5s and the conformity has started
Promised not to follow the pack yet I got the Xbox one regardless.
I'm charged to the outlet, with my device in hand
Confronted every day by the simple recurring question
"Who am I?"
For so long I defined myself
By what I do
Rather than who I am.
When the day came that what I did stopped,
Who I thought I was
When you look into the mirror you are unable to see the beauty that you possess deep inside.
Your reflection in the mirror is the spitting image of Society spitting words that make you cry.
Too ugly.
Too fat.
I hate this moment
I dread condolence
There is no hiding
This time today
My knees are weak
My mind is bleak
I cant conceive
a way to believe
That I am strong
I am the future
I am a leader
I can contribute to changing the world
It starts with me, with you and I together
I am a strong believer in a good narrative- and a good ending.
With my big, hunky teeth and pizza face acne I think I was set up as an underdog-turned-hero.
Because high school was the stage, the script became way to predictable
If CHANGE were loose change-
Coins found haphazardly in the seat of a sofa or trapped in the crack of the sidewalk
The world would be a different place
Loose change with little value
196 lbs.
Born 9-22-97
30 inches of golden blonde hair
Roughly 38D
3.69 G.P.A.
45 in her graduating class
Predicted score of 1850 on the SAT
Studies 3.64 hours a night
I am beautiful. God has made me into the woman he wants me to be. I am not defined by the number of likes I get on a picture or the number on a scale.
Self- image turned to self hate.
Something was dead inside, and no one could relate.
They took that piece from you.
You were lost; there was a hole.
You hated yourself, you had no home.
What do you want me to do?
What do you want me to say?
I don't like you the way you think I like you I am emotionally attached but not to the point where i will cry over your name if you leave.
We were young and in love
We were a fiery passion
You were just playing a game
You just weren’t that into me
Ah, behold the beauty of the world...
The great protectors of the forest...
by the hand of man
The great oceans of the world...
by the hand of man
Got out the bed, flawless
Fixed my hair, flawless
Got dressed, flawless
Ate breakfast, flawless
I can feel my blood boil.
My eyes picking out all the imperfections.
Harsh criticism that makes me bleed from the inside out.
They said it could never happen, so when
you told me to give you my hands I gave them to you.
I even smiled.
Now I am tied up and I'll probably die.
They say better to have loved and lost,
When the term "Hearty Chuckle" comes to mind
One might think of a large lumberjack eating a pork rind
Mom and Dad you can't write my script, this y'all will never understand. I am my owm person,I do what I want, not meetings yours or anyone else's demands.
I am John Daniel Gresham
I am not perfect, far from it in fact.
I am a sinner, and I'm a teenager.
I am a rebel with no cause.
I make good friends, and I also make bad friends.
Everyone is unique
Different talents, different abilities, different attributes
No one is the same
Different eyes, different hair, different skin
We all have one thing in common, though
My generation
Green, brown, and blue.
These are the colors of my energy.
For we are one in this small world.
Our lives intertwine, where together we can thrive.
Or fall.
I am
the definition
Of a proposition
In a commission
Between a division
Watching the simpsons
It’s hard to make a transition
But this is where I make a decision
I am
Not weak
In a male dominated society
It is hard to be a woman
You have to do things quietly
Only to be proven
a fool,
Trying to act politely
Thinkin it makes you look cool
It will take you away from your mother
It will feed you, clothe you, & raise you under its wing
It will deceive you into believing you're becoming a man
It will give you anything you want
Let me stand out. Let me stand out so I can be me. Because the me that I am, is flawless, and wouldn't change a thing. You may call me names I don't agree with, or labels that I don't accept. Let me stand out and be different.
What makes me flawless?
Well simply the fact that I choose to be
I’m not looking for approval from anybody but me
I’m an individual
I have my own thoughts and my own mind
Who am I? I'm no one
I'm someone, that no one sees
I'm outgoing
And I'm "here"
So why do I feel invisable?
Because my name isn't my name
My face doesn't look how it should
Beauty over Depression
Derailed and Disastrous
Why do I feel like this?
Empty and Eerie
I have memorized all the break up songs
Cried a thousand times
Remembered your beautiful eyes and face
The memory of what’s behind it
Breaks me up every time
I want to say I love you
when I look into a mirror, this is what I see,
my reflection staring back at me.
She has brown eyes and short brown hair,
doesn't like the way she appears.
She understands it's just a phase,
Quadrant I avouches positivityNo matter what angle you gaze fromEvery daybreak, we wake up in the origin
We have all been told
do things before you are old.
We sit here and laugh in their faces
and continue to walk at leisurly paces.
We go through elementary, middle, and high school.
Perpetual darkness was all I seeked
It was all I knew
Ugly hurt shaped my heart
And sadness filled my core
My insides so full of pain
Some people call it being rude
Some people call it being exaggerative
I call it being OUTSPOKEN
People say it's annoying
People say it's unnecessary
Wake up, get ready, Go out.
Smile, Conversate, Engage.
Leave, Sleep, Repeat.
These things I do,
I say I love, Bring me pain everyday.
Wake Up.
Wake up to a world of hate and pain.
I can see you
But all you see is yourself
This one sided mirror has a power
Power is something that can be given
Something that you have given
Something that I have given
To you
Eyes can only see the physical world around us,
Is the physical world the only thing that matters?
In a world where people are judged by their appearance,
Rather than how they've acted or what they've done,
To say something is perfect is in its self-flawedPerfection has always been an ideal, a dream that would never become realityWe do our best, though it can’t be achieved actually
It burns like a thousand suns but it does not destroy me instead it fuels me
Like a lighthouse
It guides my path to a destination called destiny
Nobody knows this one thing about me
Right here, I am a cancer survivor
No please do not run away and flee
The strongest I've ever been
A societal strain
Recites lies and prompts pain
But I
Refuse the abuse
Fight hostility with happiness
And affliction with bliss
To be durable
I woke up in this body
Without any glamour whatsoever
Loving myself forever
Without idolized beauty
Sounding a little bit loopy
I woke up in this pattern
Without a round tootie
If my hair looks different, I probably washed it today.
I find flossing to be inhumane.
I sleep in a nest of dirty laundry, and it's the most comfortable thing ever.
#SweaterWeather means I am #NotShaving.
burned 4 Fingers by hitting
my Lamp instead of the snooze button
dropped my phone on my cat, earning a huge scratch on my Arm
I've come to terms with who i am.
Sure it took time, but here i stand.
Flawless looks hard and seems unatainable
but flawless is all around.
The way I can dance, my love for singing,
Everyone is beautiful,
Perfect. Just the way they are.
Some might even saw, flawless,
I mean, all humans have flaws,
But are flaws really flaws when it makes them who they are?
Who could describe me better than myself?
Is it my stay at home mother who keeps me happy and fed?
Or my little brother that drives me crazy?
How bout the best friend that lives miles away?
The world describes using filters
and wearing makeup
as a way to hide our true selves from the world
I'm Seventeen.
I talked to my counselor today.
The school won’t let me back to class without a note from a therapist;
Light, Camera, Action
The day begins.
I do not wear makeup on my face
Maybe some on what i show
There is a mask
My words have meaning;
no one reads them.
Listen to me, oh Muse, and help me tell the story
Of the young man with great determination.
The one who worked for years on a single goal
To turn his belt the darkest of all colors.
I smile
Then continue cutting
What would mom say?
And finish my drink
We pose
You beat in my temples
Find inspiration
Why Me?
Why was I cursed?
Having a huge chest
Is definitely the worst
Nothing fits right
I can't ever find a bra
They're always too tight
Or not tight at all
My back really hurts
What is human existence?Is it to pronounce our unfathomable desires in a rush of uncertainty?
Remember when girls went through that "selfie" phase?
It was like for every picture of their face that they posted
The hashtag was "no filter"
Followed by a billion heart emojis and smiley faces
Too plain Miss Jane
Hair pulled up
No foundation, just her natural blush.
How plain Miss Jane
Eyes neutral
Fair skin spotted with rose scares.
Pretty plain Miss Jane
Sit down and view my world
Let me take you in
They say my name
As if it is I that should be ashamed.
And yet, I win another battle
It is hard to unwrap beauty
To hope for others to see past the lies
A blank stare of your nudity
Or a porcelain face in disguise
Underneath the flters
Where I would rather hide
The boy:
Eats alone everyday
The girl:
Runs to the bathroom between every class
The outcast:
Doesn’t know why people hate him
They all have stories to tell
Do not ask me a question,Then at my less than quick reply,Mark a zero for participation.
life is not perfect, now isn't this true
and believe it or not neither am I or you
but perfection is not everyones dream
friendship and love will mend a tear in beautys seam
Although our faces may stand behind a electronic shield,
Hidden from reality,
We can still detect the truth if we were to peel,
Peel the colors from your pictures and disocver the unreality
So you wear the newest fashion, the camera flashes, but there is no passion.
The color of your lips and eyes are rouse; does anyone even know the real you?
A smile speaks for itself.
It can make people melt.
But can you see what’s going on inside?
Can you see their true self?
A smile holds a thousand words.
A smile can hide away what they truly feel.
108,000 steps or 54 miles until they reached the unknown
The goal was always freedom but would it be on the other side?
Freedom to express your voice, to be heard , to be seen
I remember the way the filters made me look,
so beauiful and delicate, something looking brand new.
I rermember how the tilt of the camera changed the entire view,
Out of the ground of mystery I sprout,
Bearing the fruits of eternity.
No one really knows where I begin and end my journey,
And what I will bring.
Love and joy bloom on my branches,
When I sleep, I dream.
When I wake, I stumble.
In the summer, I work.
In the winter, I cuddle.
Listening to music, I am the lead singer.
Watching a movie, I'm running for my life.
How quickly we come to forget
Those who do not sit with us
Things that don't affect us
For an instant we care
Then we move on
It's been eight whole months...
When I was little
I was too friendly; always talking to strangers
And my parents were afraid that a dark man
Would take me away and I would never be seen from again
Only what they didn't know --
I look in the mirror and what do I see?
A young lady, matter of fact, a young woman that wants nothing but to succeed.
Succeed as a collegiate athlete,
Succeed as a college student,
"I woke up like this,"My favorite singer said."I woke up like this,"The words ring in my head.What makes me flawless?What makes me perfect?I work hard, I play hard,but always remain studious.
Behind closed doors
I am lyrics I can relate to
And sad songs on repeat
To block out the world I’m not sure I want to be a part of.
Behind closed doors
I am scattered papers, pens, highlighters,
When no one else sees it, when no one else hears it, when no one feels it; THIS LITTLE BRAIN OF MINE does.
Through thick and thin, thoughts lost, and emotions gone; THIS LITTLE BRAIN OF MINE is there to find them.
I am one of the Flawless,
The ensemble of ladies and gentlemen,
Who choose to be lighthearted and humble,
Misunderstood, misconceived.
Judgment by society.
Look to me, what do you see?
Silence unjustifiably.
Wickedness comes, it comes in the forms of Drug's, Greed, Envy, Lust, Glutonany, Pride, Gloth, Rath, Lie and Steal. So many fall under the wicked spell and lose sight of everything they have right in front of them without even realizing it.
Short, wavy , black hair
Beauty marks here and there.
Small eyes,thin lips,
Little waist , wide hips,
a term of perfection.
A definition of popularity,
often overused.
But to define myself as
I address my flaws.
I am
a million voices.
Insanity is Madness
Madness is Deranged
and Bedlam and Chaos and Mayhem fight uproariously for center stage.
Yet in the insanity is my inner quiet
and in this quiet
I find there is still Hope.
My hands are clutching my hair
I’m trying not to swear
Nothing is working out
I’m going to shout
Everything’s going wrong
I just wanted to belong
Why can’t they understand?
Underneath the beating blanket of society,
Underneath the glamour ,
and glitz,
and cotton,
Home is where the heart is
But if the heart is not at home
Does it curl up in a ball
Or does it find a place to roam
Home is where the heart is
But in this house it is not warm
No Filter.
More than just a recognizable hashtag on social media.
Use this to prove a point?
Not every bird is born with the instinct to fly.
Not every child is born into a world of pretty pictures.
Some must crawl before they walk, doodle before they paint, or wobble before they soar.
Yet me walk in your shoes so I can soften them up so your feet don't touch the hard ground you step on.
Scars on my hands from the kitchen knife mishap,
cat-related incidents like claw marks or the time the cat food
The chameleon of a word, shedding connotations like a snake sheds his skin,
the word that haunts me, defines me, good and bad in the mouths of peers,
they let it slide out like warm butter
Why am I flawless. This poem can end here because I can simply just say I'm flawless because I'm me. But, I don't want to leave you with any curiousity, so, here's why I'm flawles.
A man of wisdom and everlasting truth
If I was there, Sir, I would have yelled "Don't shoot!"
So who the hell am I?
Let's see...
I'm a fricking nerd-dork weirdo with barely qualifyed coolness,
I'm an anime weeaboo and self-proclaimed "voice-acting officinado" of sorts,
When I was 11,
I was told to branch
Out of myself,
but the twigs
grew in weird
When I was 12,
I sat on a fallen petal
and broke a twig.
It hurt.
I am a contradiction.
Happy, sad.
Yes, no.
Black and white.
But everything mixes.
One moment to the next blurs
and I am lost.
But am I?
I know the road well.
I am not flawless.
I have flaws.
But I try to live my life lawless,
break down my walls.
We all are born with no filterBloody, cold and scared,comforted by the maternal love,the one which loves with no conditions
A flash so loud,
That I cannot see myself.
I am witnessed in a photo.
Vaguely understanding who the girl is...
That I glimpse on glossy paper.
Lights cannot hide laughter lines,
Vignette, grey-scale, sepia, vintage,
always hiding behind the filter.
Air-brush, inkwell, face bright, spot healing,
feeling pretty behind the filter.
Social media filled with thousands of pictures,
Looking in the mirror you'll see something that naturally I think is horific,
cheeks too wide, mouth too small, eyes although pretty in color are not big enough to stand out.
Remember to be kind
You musn't hit boys
You can't wear pants
Only boys wear pants
Young lady, cross your legs
Always smile and be sweet
Girls are made of sugar
I am a flower. I am beautiful an strong but when I was a seed, I never thought I would've grown to be as tall or smell as sweet as the other flowers.
Four walls and a register ....That never fails to show me...it's inner most partsFlawlessTis truly a wondrous form of captivationMechanical contemplation...
I don’t hide under a mask of makeupI don’t speak daggers to othersI don’t care for violence
I wouldn't change a thing about the world
Because if it wasn't for the curelness
I wouldn't have been the beautiful woman I am today
I wouldn't say I'm flawless to the eyes that lay on me
When you look into the crowd
She won’t stand out
She’ll be in the background
Watching, observing, learning no doubt
She doesn’t post pictures on Facebook or Instagram
I'm awkward,
I'm silent,
I don't try to get to know others'
and when I try to fake my emotions,
some of my friends don't buy it.
I really wear my emotions on my sleeves,
I wear a mask of stoicism.
Even if the violence,
The irritation,
The hypocracy and hate,
They get to me and cause my blood to boil.
But, I can't let them get to me.
My mask is what keeps me calm,
I look at me and I see scars
I look at me and I see fright
I look at me and I see exhausten
Do I truely see
Or am I blind
Can I really see
I thought I was ugly
I thought I was trash
Being told I am not enough
I get hurt because I care too much
I turn to things that help me up.
The art of makeup makes me forget who I was
I got myself a new identity since I cannot go back to what I was.
You see this walk?
It is the walk of defeated man
Of a man who is living
Only for the hope, that one day
It will be worth it
And that one day
It will get better
And for a girl
I am not perfect.
Mistakes are my best friend,
So I practice saying sorry.
Awkward was a word made just to describe me,
So I keep my head down.
I laugh at the wrong times,
A shot in the dark
An idea that just might jump start your heart
A tiny spark
A shot in the dark
I have no apology for my theology
I need God and so do you
This hallowed land,
Where the ancient fell
Our ancestors, enemies
And friends
They have died upon
This hallowed land
Many tears we
Have shed
Over battles lost
With lives the cost
People, people; listen to this world.
You hear the anger, and you hear the war.
Our family is hurt, and our friends are gone.
To be flawless is to shield away,
the people who think it's okay,
to make me feel THIS way.
To be flawless is to take my fears,
turn them into shears,
Society, today, is filled with bullies and hate,
and with many different social media sites to help cyber fiends.
People making fun of how we look or about our weight.
Boys and girls with acne who have only dreamed
I wake up in the morning, look in the mirror
And think "what can I do, to look as pretty as her?
The girl with the brown boots, the one with the curls.
The one who every guy and girl admires and who never bores
Without filters
I can fly
While filtered, I was caged up like a dove ...
In Noah's Ark
Through the filter ...
No one could see me waiting
I was going crazy
My anticipation always waiting
Born from destruction and fire
Cruel to the bone I became
Underneath a fire raged
But the surface was calm
I choose to be Naked.
First went my phone with a burst ,
my luminous guide darkened.
A daughter needs her dad so he can teach her his morals and life lessons, she needs him to teach her how to be strong, and a daughter needs him to help pick up the pieces when times get rough and he is gone.
By: Claudia Hauslauer
My young sister asked of me why all these models are so skinny. I had no choice but to reply this is what society wants us to be.
I am one of the most flawed people I know
But this is a good thing, as I will now crow
To be flawless is to be flawed, perfection is ruin
And to be flawed is to be flawless, this is being human
What you see before you is not what I see in the mirror. For the mirror knows the true person who always hides behind the mask. Tell me, is it true that the most common mask we put on every day is a smiling face?
How can I tell you who I am?
Through the snap of a single square.
It is hard enough when face to face,
Look closer if you dare.
How can I show you who I am?
With a simple crooked smile.
I was made like this;
created by a higher power, who took much of her or his time
to make sure she or he got all of this right.
Just because I am a woman
does not mean I will not fight.
The inside of my thighs are curved
and speckled with little tiger marks.
They are mountains seen from above,
they are the nature within me.
She sits and wonders to herself,
How she wishes she were someone else.
Her hair as flat as books she reads
And eyes the shade of polluted seas.
Turns on the computer and there she finds
Everyone wants to hide who they are these days,
Because they are afraid to be judged by those who don't approve.
Here I stand, naked and afraid as I show you who I am.
I am that girl who smiles alot,
I never love half-heartedly,
Helping those around me kindly.
The flames of niceness burn bright,
And for that I will not be contrite.
Caring strongly is not a weakness;
life is like a flower its not created nor destroyed,it grows and grows until it's not care for our loved. love is like a flower that blooms if you wanted it to, if not it will die in the atmosphere in which we call earth.
Everywhere corner of this crowded room
is filled with images of photoshopped beauties.
Every rack is covered with girls
who drown in perfection.
Every man by their side
is sculped by angels.
I am flawless from my head to my toes.I can get the beat and groove like nobody knows.I can rock it, I can shake itMy bank account can't break it.
In my senior year, I took my final high school English class.
Advanced compostion.
We were told in this packet in the mail a week before school started that we'd read a lot
And write a lot.
I am Flawless,
Just open up your ears,
I am Flawless without photoshop
Now wait, this will make your jaw drop,
You look inside the shiny magazines at the glamorous models there
A mother, stolen of her children later had to hear the countless tales of their fate
The engulfing waves of the sea filled their lungs before they could cry,
As soon as I see a filter
I feel awful
I need that filter for life.
Am i lying? IM LYING.
I dont want to lie.
I want to be true to myself but
I am strong
and willing.
I have so many good things about me that make me "flawless" but
but im not flawless.
I'm like the girl from Frozen only I don't like the cold
My whole body feels like it is going to explode
I hide my shame with gloves and shaky reassurance
Because all I seem to have left is endurance
A single mother in search of something
As bad as things get
I'll never stop searching
Trying to pick up the peices
Of a broken young girl
Trying to smooth out the creases
The filter on right now is called "heading 3." I have the basic font on.
To not live in the status quo means to have no filter.
My name is Parker and I strive to live with no filter.
I wake up, silence. The earth applauds. My very life-meaningful. It has a cause. I breathe, I feel. I am existing. Lights, cameras, who needs them? I make myself who I am. Fame and glory? Just words overused. Respect is the real reward.
That was the only word to describe it
Scared of living
Scared of not living
Scared of failure
Triumph that is the new word.
"You're so rough,
The way you speak,
The way you hold yourself."
I am not soft and sweet,
lipgloss and gossamer,
lace and vanilla.
No, I am not.
Pick yourself apart.
You won't
look at yourself as a whole.
You will
detect every flaw.
You refuse to
embrace every stunning compliment.
You desire to
When I was a young child, I loved myself.
I confidently strutted my polka-dot sweater and striped skirt,
Every day, I see filters -
Filters on photos
Filters on speech
Filters, filters everywhere.
But I refuse to have a filter.
Without a filter, I am me.
Hey there Lonely,
I want you to know that you aren't alone.
That you aren't the only one.
And I know that that blade, those pills -
They are rather tempting.
Trust me, I know.
There is a girl,
Quiet and rare,
Who refuses to speak,
Or show herself bare.
She isn't quite skinny,
Nor overly large,
Yet each day that passes,
Makes life rather hard.
More contrast here
A bit of saturation there
Is this an interesting way to stare?
What’s the correct stance for a bathroom pose?
Does this shirt convey my knack for prose?
It’s up to followers I suppose
I am a yougin and you might find what i am saying is obsurd
But i need to speak up and say these words
My brothers and sisters
Look what has become of us
Living in a country where people are scared of us
It’s not about the skin tight dress or sky high heels,
It’s not even about how that silly boy makes you feel.
When I wake up in the morning,
My hair’s a mess, acne all over, and that breath comes out with no warning.
a picture can show so much
Smile,show off your big smile
The one that cost thousands
Payed for your orandontist vacation
use XX-PRO it will make you look tan
I am flawless because I know that I am not perfectI understand that perfection is unnecessary, unattainable, and unentertainingI am flawless because I am real
I was little when disposable cameras were "the thing"Polaroids were fading out.
I would pose for my mother in my new school clothes
Silly faces, ballerina, peace signs.
If you take a look at me, with my piercings, my unnatural hair that feels more natural than the mousey brown I was born with, you can guess
I will change the neighborhood I live in with kids selling drugs because their parents abandoned them
I am bound to you.
Every moment spend together,
Makes my love even better.
The littlest things you do,
Proves to me that our love is truly true.
My eyes no longer get wetter,
Who am I you ask who am I
I am just like every teenager around us
A teen with high and low goals
A teen struggling with the harsh reality of growing up
A teen trying to succed
All I am in life is a complete mess up that ruins everything
No matter what I do; I always manage to mess up everything in my wake
Everything I do leaves a huge crater that will sting
Without the makeup,
without the filters,
the walls I’ve built,
and the mask I hide behind,
there is a girl.
Plain and simple.
Outspoken, stubborn,
quirky and loud.
I am kind and very shy
Don't ask why
If you'll just stand by
To watch me suffer
From the things I offer
Without consideration
I know i shouldn't dwell
I just want acceptance and recognition
Sometimes I stay up all night and feel my stomach
Feel the stretched skin, the scarred skin
My beautiful skin
I stay up all night and count every beauty mark as if they were stars
It takes a lot of patience
To be a girl like me.
To work so hard for lots of things
That my friends all get for free
It takes a lot of courage
To be a girl like this
I grew up in a world,
el mundo,
le monde,
of seven billion people.
Everyday this number grows and grows
and trust me it shows and shows.
From the depleted renewable resources,
This feeling that's inside of me,
So deep. So dark. So hllow.
Makes it hard for me to breathe,
To hear. To see. To swallow.
This need for something I can't have.
For joy. For hope. For love.
To know oneself, is to see yourself through others eyes. Through strangers words. Through societies lies, and still be able to sleep at night with your head held high and heart still beating.
Then the wind blows harder sending drifts of snow across the cracked parking lot
The stinging air slowly turns my face red as I trudge towards my destination
Apparently you didn't want me
But I ain't Trippin'
I'm Still Livin',
I can listen to Drake all night and never get in my feelings
And the shit we're going through
I tried to fix it
A fleeting glance,
One last chance
To make it right,
To forgive with all your might.
Inhale slowly, letting the light sink in.
Living with all of the guilt and sin.
Feeling the darkness,
Just little old me.
I stand here before you,
but there isn't much to see.
I stand, blinded by your magesty.
Your glory and your beauty
overwhelm me.
And I am nothing.
Flawless is not a thing for humans.
Flawless is a thing for gods.
And that's okay.
I am human and I am real. I am not flawless. I am not a god.
But, that doesn't mean you shouldn't love me like you love your gods.
She came to me
Eyes filled with tear and she began to confine to me,
She said
"I fell in love with him because i thought he was best for me,
looking at the entire world in an illusion
I am beautiful, I am fine, I am kind.
I am naturally blonde, Pansexual, a straight A college student, and genderqueer.
I am beautiful, I am fine, I am kind.
I want to help out someone who falls get back to their feet,
I want to make a difference.
I want to help guide someone who may be lost along the way,
I want to make a difference.
The past is always
reminders and warnings,
but we must also
to the shouts
of the present.
The future
remains silent.
Not perfect. Not by any means.
Just walking with a purpose to fulfill my dreams.
I stride with these small steps. Pride in every breath.
Standing tall at 5foot2. I dare you to ask the question...
"who are you?"
These thoughts were better left unsaid,
Residing deep within my head.
But like a child sworn to keep
A secret, the words slowly creep
From my lips into the air.
I chose a truth and did not dare
Love comes quickly
And leaves silently.
It bears no envy
Or grudge of any kind.
Love leads leaders,
Gives peace to peacemakers,
Provides hope for the hopeless.
They say love is blind
Is that a thing?
When I look down I see a disproportioned girl
When I look in the mirror I see an unsatisfied girl
When I look into my eyes, I see an empty, sad, and lonely girl.
Oh squiggly line in my eye,
Why can't I see you, why are you so shy?
Oh squiggly line in my eye,
You always tend to leave to 'walk right by'.
Oh squiggly line in my eye,
All my life you sang me one song,
To go to college
And gain exceeding knowledge,
That I would need to succeed,
Now you say
That I may have to stay?
For you cannot pay
Everyday i walk around and hear the word CHANGE
And i think to myself.
What is change , is it being different
A twisted family portrait this has become
Weeds winding around my neck
The very ones I planted
Be cautious of what seeds you drop
Within your spirit
But I'm surrounded every day
I am passionate,
I fear what I do not see
I feel for everyone
I am passionate
I walk with god every day
I cry for what is important
I am passionate
I love to make art
I love to work hard
Mom, you do not have OCD because you like clean sideboard.You are neat and I congratulate youbut you do not have OCD until your head is filled with a montage of shattering plates,bursting lightbulbs,smashing vases,
I walk with pride down the hallways of this hell hole they say the best moments of my lfe will fill
I stride past the girls who will one day grow to be everything they think I am
Nursed by society to only think “thin”.
Was taught by aging and time to despise my own skin
In a society that makes me cringe,
Where growing up nobody wins.
Merriam told me about how in fishing, a safety net can rid of impurities.
I didn't tell her these were my insecurities.
That within each creature,
lie a heart, a soul, a mind- maybe.
I see your wisdom before I see your age
I see your personality before I see the color of your skin
I see your attitude before I see the religion you practice
I see your ability before I see your gender
Most of the time i am confused and wonder which should i choice.
So many choices it seems i cant relive stress.
Im so focused on doing my best that i dont even do good on the test.
I am fire.
Relentless. Feared.
Powerful beyond measure.
I am the night sky.
Wonderful. Mysterious.
Expanding infinitely into oblivion.
I am the sun.
Brilliant. Fierce.
It's going to be hard you know.
I know.
You'll probably pay student loans until you're fifty.
I know.
These classes you want to take are rigourous.
I know.
Housing isn't free you know.
I know.
I forgive. I forgive you even when your the last person who deserves my forgiveness.
Because that's what I do. My heart is bigger than a boulder. The weight.
What about the boy at school
Who alway sits alone
Becaus people think he's too weird
Spoiled. You can call me anything you want
But warning: you do not call me spoiled.
I mean you dont even know me.
I am a complex math function
that you cannot understand.
So, what do you do first?
Step 1: Factor completely.
Extract my primes and variables,
Red Dresses by Clacie England
An invincible, cautionary soul
Holds itself high above it’s worth
No misgivings; a person is as tall as they want to be
Breaking social stereotypes
don't tell Me how to act or who to be,
how to act or what to see.
I don't need anybody to control Me.
instead I'll just be Me.
shy and fierce,
wild and refined.
quiet, crazy, loving.
I swim inside a sea of ocean blue.
It shimmers so gaily, so tried and true.
It turns to tears cried throughout the night
As men in Afghanistan try to fight.
Then transforms to red of blood and fire,
Strength isn't found solely in soles Good isn't exclusive to the most holy of souls Strength isn't found in your designer Good is good without a reminderWisdom can be beyond the pages
They say...
A little less fat, a little more exercise
A little less sweat, a little more deoderant.
A little less mess, a little more hairbrush.
A little less hair, a little more razor.
House #1
I don’t remember House #1. My mom told me it was an apartment in Santa Monica. Babies are happy anywhere.
House #2
My hair, long and brown
My face, straight and concentrated
My body, short and ordinary
None of it matters
I can get through
Whatever life throws at me
My strength
My desire
My dedication
“But still beautiful…”
Every day I wake up,Breathing life into my system.Inhaling the wonders a new day.
A day that’s going to break me down,Tear me aroundAnd show me just how flawed I am.
It takes a lot of thought, to compete in this competitionpondering, pondering, pondering, if I should even submit my submissionbut I think I have what it takes, so please give it a good listen
I am Beauty,
I am Grace.
I am the Sunshine
In this wonderful, beautiful place.
There is jelly in my thighs,
And jiggle in my step.
My belly hangs low,
And my plate is always full.
What if being authentic was all that mattered in this world of always having the next big thing? Being what everyone else thinks you should be, doesn't matter.
The eyes of the self; Still looking for myself;
Impossible to see. But possible to try;
I am fierce be on compare.
The way my hair shines and sways as I walk.
Many haters watch day by day.
I do not believe in high heels
I cringe at dresses.
But I do love when my eyeliner flicks perfectly on both eyes.
Eyeshadow hurts my eyes and I am allergic to face makeups.
I will take hundreds before I find the perfect one.
It is imperative to pick the correct filter.
It needs to make me look tanner
while also concealing the bags under my eyes.
i was a large, vast ocean
i had so much life inside of me
and i took that life and created more life
my waves crashed all around
eventually, i fell in love with the sun
look at me, look at me and tell me,
what do you see?
Short hair and a wide smile.
Glowing skin and big brown eyes.
I am me.
I am my father’s short temper
and my mother’s contention
i am beyond words and ink-stained hands because i've always thought language to be a
to thought
“You walk funny.”
These words have plagued my school experience.
No one knows the reason behind this walk,
They don’t know that my muscles don’t work and I’m slower than the rest
Slow motion it's what it looks like to live in a life full of music
music in my vains, music in my ears, music in the rain, and in the warm summer wind.
Only do I feel like my life is a movie, not only a movie no,
Lack of confidence
that is your immortal enemy
No one doubts yourself more than you
Somehow you cannot outrun these thoughts
They are just there
Ready to kick you when you are down
I am not interested in being seen as ugly as a flea-ridden rat or as attractive as a shiny pearl,
And I care not for taking "selfies" or using social media to acquire friends or followers.
When the 8 year old girl starts dressing herself
as she has seen models on magazines,
that's how you know what society has done wrong.
When she looks up to others for fashion "inspiration"
My jeans are not size 0
I have train tracks across my teeth
In front of audiences, my stomach becomes a loud dryer with sneakers in it
I cry dramatically with tears drowning my face and soaking my shirt
A word that holds much meaning
yet is all based on perspective.
The view of this world
can be seen in magazines -
VS angels and the Kardashians.
They’re worshipped and adored
Cold plastic is what I see
It’s all you will ever be
Whispers and actions
Divides our “family” into factions
Rumors and back-stabbing
Anger from her blabbing
“Second family” yeah right
I am not the scared person
That I used to be.
I’m stronger than that.
I always was.
And the day I refused,
To bow down to fear,
Was the day I became myself.
It was screaming like a monkey,
I see pictures from middle school,
pimples, plump cheeks, people staring at my quiet demeanor.
I was not happy with myself.
I would look in the mirror and wonder why I was the way I was.
Then one day,
I hope I forget your eyes
And that I couldn't look way.
I hope I forget your smile
Because it makes me wish you'd stay.
I hope I never call you
When its late and I can't sleep.
Bleeding because it paints the pictures
so heavily spilled
in my mind.
And seeing the crimson upon my skin
Gives me pain that makes me real.
Crying because
It makes me view
some few years ago... in the 90's i enjoyed being a kid which was fun... yea very lucky... i remember we used to call ourselves batman, spiderman, superman... who were actually fictional superheros...
I am from Teddy, the brown nosed
secret keeper,
from the heart of my impeccable savior.
I am from the impossibly high imperial
castle that protected me from countless
encounters with “el loco”.
Brittle and Bones
but Dust upon you
Skinny feels Clones
and no one really knows
How Skinny really sounds
the crack and the rip of my Skinny girl moans
The E D is crowned,
This is me and my hair,
No, it doesn't have that white girl flow,
But why should you care,
It's healthy is all you need to know.
Yea, I know my head is nappy,
No, stratch that, it has kinks,
Put on the mask.
The mask is worn to rid your fears.
You are afraid
Of harmful words in a slingshot.
You are afraid
Of hidden judgement ready to be uncovered.
You are afriad
Since I'm destined to be a coffee ground,
I want to be fertilizer.
I don't exist in your bookshops or museums.
I don't have a place on your TVs or radios.
You'll never hear about me.
Who defines beauty?
And where did they get their degree?
Why is it that the "perfect body" evolves with each new, passing trend?
Is it a deeply rooted, primal need to fit in?
My patience is flawless.
I think firstMy logic secondMy reactions are methodicalAnger is quiet and checked inInside a mental hotel.
Being 13 years old,
Getting to step onto the court with the “big kids”
A sense of pride spewing out of my parents,
She woke up like that, she’s flawless
But I woke up disoriented, messy-haired, and a hot mess
Myself without the mirror
I am reserved,
Hidden behind a wall
To protect me from the world
My scars are my greatest beauty.
They are my greatest flaws,
But they are what make me flawless.
Each scar tells a success story,
Something I’ve fought
And overcome.
Club foot,
Eloquent prose is a filter of mine,
Making me look like the sun always shines
Behind me, slightly to the right,
with my hair always flowing perfectly
just right.
I am not who I seem.
32 pearly soldiers stand tall
32 white warriors guard the crimson life within.
Gnashing, crumbling, biting,
I am flawless, for I wake each morning with an open mind.
I am flawless, even when the mirror says otherwise.
I am flawless; I always have the opportunity to learn something new.
I am flawless; my words can move a crowd.
You ask me who I am, I am me.
I am short, but I have high expectations.
I am little, but I have high goals.
I am the only one to listen to those who need to be heard.
I run this, yes G-town.
No don't be scared cause you see this crown.
I'm bossed up with confiedence.
So intelligent, you look pass my radiance.
I'm so knowlegeable, it'll make you feel dumb
To be Flawless,
You must accept Yourself
For who you are
And how you look.
Everyone is imperfect,
Everyone is flawless.
We are all amazing in our own way.
Be yourself and you are flawless.
Who am I?
I am me.
I am strong, proud, happy, yet sad
I am flawed but I am perfect.
I have green eyes.
I have brown hair, naturally at least.
I am amazing.
I am sassy, sweet, crazy yet sane
His eyes glowed as bright as the North Star in the summer night
I wanted nothing more, but just his name;
I see me one way.
You see me another way.
You see me:
Short with brown hair,
Thick in the legs but perfectly shaped body,
A face of an angel,
Pretty brown eyes and soft brown skin,
The movie star with the quirky nose
The policeman with the gunshot wound
The millionaire with the weakness for chocolate
The teacher with the graying roots
The zoo keeper with the allergies
The life of a writer isn't always words on a piece of paper.
In a small town lived a lonely girl
Haunted by her mind,
She left her nest and began to fly.
Tears of sorrow and happiness
She had cried.
Life is a roller coaster
As life goes up and down
The one thats make it steady
Is someting i can control
School work
Life is a roller coaster
As life goes up and down
The one thats make it steady
Is someting i can control
School work
The thing about flawless
It doesn't exist
everyone tries to hide their flaws
its impossible
many thought I was flawless
but they didn't know the real me
no one knows the mistakes I have made
Let the music play...
To end the illusions of...
Pride that cometh before the-
Fear like a snake consuming itself,
I have strong eyes and a weak heart
I'm going to break all your laws
I have an iron fist and deadly bite
I'm going to break all your laws
I have long legs and a short temper
Beyond this skin is a soul.
A soul that is more than generic terms like: pretty, cute, and sexy.
I have a soul that was made by the celestial gods.
They sang hymns and I came into being.
Paralyzed by my own mind games
Chaos surrounds me
Yet it doesn't
I can't move
But I can
I don't react
Yet I should
I just am
But am I?
Words overwhelm me
Everyone struggles
Yet no one
Gives a flying fuck
Tearing at my soul
Are the words
"I never loved you."
Salty drops fall as
She loses
Her composure
Descending down into the depths, driving
Every ounce of vital oxygen out.
My lungs shut down and I’m past reviving.
My vision blurs as my mind fills with doubt.
I can’t go back. Not now. I’ve gone too far.
Letters, words, and sentences
Are fashioned from the
Black scratches that stain
The pure beauty of innocence.
Writing their own story,
The murky thoughts turned
Into something lovely.
Doubts rip through my mind
Leaving nothing but the
Smoldering ruins of whom
I once was in its wake.
A shadow of who I was
Begins to emerge from
The ruins. Ash filled smoke
No, I did not just wake up like this,
I was created and I was born like this.
I'm perfectly imperfect.
Not caring what the others do,
Its up to me, all that I do,
Don't you worry
you are flawless
not a speck nor fleck
caressing your bony cheeks
the fissures of your parietal lobe
quite exquisite in form
the jawline structure
superb in every way
I am made
Entirely of flaws
But make
I am still
I am the goddess of my own domain
With the ability to change the world
Through free verse,
I don't believe,
that the pages of my life
can be seen.
Life was not made
to be described
in big, or small, words.
I'm flawless because I'm different, I don't follow.
I'm not that girl that wears what everyone else is,
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings!
I lord over the great power which create myself:
of muscle, tendon, skin, bone
Sick and broken is what they thought
So far gone they thought I couldn’t be taught
But here we are twelve years later
Alexandra stands taller, smarter, and greater
This poem that I have written was inspired by the song Flawless by the band MercyMe
Misunderstood in a fragmented society...
Flawless held within the heart is significantly a part of myself.
Without makeup, what am I?
- a normal, brown-haired, blue-eyed girl
-who gets acne just like you
Without a filter, what am I?
- an Aspie who always talks about what she likes
Fear not the doubter, the dissenter,
Let your creativity flow!
Allow your muse to wonder,
With an unobstructed show.
Listen not to those who hinder,
Everything that makes you grow.
I look in the mirror and what do I see?A girl that's too skinny looking at meSo I go and I eatAnd I gain a little weight
The light that shines
From the inside out
It's beautiful-I have no doubt
I see your light
It's not like mine
It's brighter, stronger
All the time
Can you see my dulling glow?
I am flawless.
My hands show wear and tear from the work I have done.
I reach them out to everyone I know, I go everywhere they need me to go.
I am respectful, as I do what they say.
When you are on social media,
You usually see the fun in peoples lives,
Or the beauty of it.
You never really know who a person is without filter
Nowadays, people are constantly insecure.
Romeo and Juliet?
Just stories
Kissing in the rain?
Wishing on shooting stars?
Walking along the beach?
My question is why?
Why do you want to fill me with pain and envy?
Click, Snap.
Pushed up her chest and arched her back.
Made that stupid kissy face to see how the boys would react.
She always posed for the camera like that.
Behind the painted mask on my face
I am a girl with dreams that I will conquer one day.
I am shy, but outgoing to those that are close.
I am friendly but reserved to those I don't know.
I am beautiful
I scream to the sky
I am beautiful
I scream, no deny.
Then the sky turns grey
Here they come I think
To decieve to lie
And to hurt me.
All my life I’ve hidden behind books,
But who am I without them?
Am I athletic? Funny? Do I have looks?
I’m searching for myself in all my brain’s nooks
I have accomplished a lot in my lifetime:
Discolored Skin and Acne Marks..... I am BEAUTIFUL!
Stretch Marks and Scars...... I am BEAUTIFUL!
I am wishy-washy.
Not the wish-wash of a washing machine,
but the wish-wash of water.
Fluidity is a beautiful thing.
It is unreliable though, that fluidity,
Too fluid.
Who's wild and crazy
A girl who's set free
someone who listens but can talk to those in need
She stands looking in the mirror
and what does she see ?
what she appears
to be
a young woman of faith
filled with promises from above
Her flaws run deep
yet she is washed clean
We live in an age of desperation
We're in a constant war but not with other nations
We fight ourselves on everyday situations
We're born in a bubble deprived of sensation
Life made of misconceptions
Took about 30 pictures, only 1 good selfie yet it's not good enough to post on instagram, yet...
Let me go update this one with a filter, which one is it going to be today?
Two months ago,
as I stared at my skin in the mirror, I asked myself why.
They told me it would be hard,
they told me the side effects might be harsh,
but they never told me
my disease would make me die.
Flawless is an image that people want us to create. A way for all of us to find a way to sedate, these feelings inside of true hate and remorse. Which is why I try and scream, but it just comes out all hoarse. This idea is just a way to try an
Accepting. Powerful. Integrity.
Looking in the mirror these are the words I see in me
I See a Queen
The warmth of her soul equally coheres to the fire in her eyes
Misconceptions of color began
with veins.
I heard they ran a shock of blue as cold
as my lips when they touched my last lover,
but the anger I felt during the fallout of
They keep trying to tell me I should be happy.
Ok, I am really trying,
I mean honestly I ain't cut in almost 10 months now.
People say that it's pathetic when someone is that sad,
I am flawless because I have had people to help me rise above.
I am flawfless because I push myself to become a better person.
I am flawless because I have passion for life. I want other people to be as flawless as I am.
will be the death of me,
Admonished by
life's many things.
As I regain my fallen feet
this fallen world has
timed my beat-
The bleeding of my heart.
Perfect and Normal, hand and hand,
Neither exists at all.
Try to gain one, try to gain both,
Try and you will fall.
How could there be a normal?
No one is the same!
How could someone be perfect?
Ignore the norms, that's what I do,
Phones and makeup, hair and shoes.
Filters I suppose I keep -
I keep up my modesty,
I won't swear and I won't lie;
Plain and simple is my style.
Break out of the shackles of society,
Go where no one has gone before,
Go strong and be sure,
I used to see all my imperfections as hold ups, yet he has always seen me as flawless. The longer he loves me, the more I begin to view things as he. I am beginning to see myself as he sees me.
This mourning I realized
I had bags below my eyes
so I peered in the mirror
hoping to see them clearer
I am temporary
I am fleeting
Vivid to the eye
Soft to the touch
with a laught that could make the church bells ring
I contain a shade so murderous that light is extinguished from existence
My muscles, tender.
I stumble and fall
It is agony
To get up again,
But I do.
Because if I fall down,
I slide much further-
Further than where I
Want to be...
What are filters?
Filters are cover-ups, concealing the truth,
Concealing the true identity to which the entity does not wish to share.
They cover, so others do not see.
From press, to speech, to a selfie,
If people only realized this is as loud as I can be
I won't bray like a donkey just so you can hear me.
Just because I'm not boisterous and annoying
Dosen't mean I'm also always boring.
I was told to write about
An aspect of myself that is worthy of
And admiration.
But I say,
Every part of me
Is more than worthy.
I may not always seem
The kindest.
"Girls can't like sports"
"Girls can't do that"
"Girls can't"
I can list numerous stats on different hockey players
I can do a slapshot that almost rivals Chara
I can play a sport that is filled with men
"Just because I don’t wear the most lavish clothes does make me imperfect.
Even though I don’t talk like you doesn’t mean I’m not worth it.
What makes me flawless is the color of my skin
They try to determine it by the texture of my hair
And simply not by the person with in
I am perfectly flawed into a flawless perfection
I'm human. Not my sexual orientation or my disorders. Yes I'm lesbian yes I go through things yes I have disorders, and what? Because I experience love I can't be human? I fell in love with a person not a gender. Because I'm "emo" I'm not human?
My kind have been here longer than most.
We are warriors,
Nobility by deed.
Worshipped for our beauty and strength,
Yeah you.
Listen up closely.
If you can dream.
You can achieve.
The only thing stopping you, is you.
So lace up your shoes, look in the mirror, and go get it.
I can't take it any longer.
History repeats itself, I bet you'll see tomorrow.
Experiences pass us by, one after another.
What you people don't see is that we all end up next to eachother.
This is me. I'm weird, random, and Flawless!!! Though things weren't always like this my past is in the past and all that lies ahead is my future. A path less traveled on but its my path out of the dark.
I wonder what they're all after.
My closest goal to reach is hapiness or laughter.
If you don't enjoy it, why do you do it?
To pay for things that you do, and then when it breaks, you pay to glue it.
Life is reeling in an enormous fish.
Out goes the line, reel it back, and out it goes again.
Don't force it, give the line some play.
The fish will be caught when it's ready, although it was never ready to begin with.
It led to my silence.
For a year I let what happened control me, let HIM control me.
I was scared.
Flawless, how you wake up.
Or Flawless, putting on your makeup.
flawless, getting clothes for ten dollars or twenty.
Still flawless getting Prada purses by the many.
Flawless, depicted as how you are seen.
I know that I have it in me (I have it in me)
I know that I have it in me (I have it in me)
I have it in me -
There's more than meets the eye
I'm gonna spread my wings and fly
Flaws come to mind
Flaws manifest themselves inside
Diamonds from the rough, hard, coal, they shine, and climb
Flaws inadvertanty make me shake
They chill me to the bone
I woke up from a dream
A dream of fantasy
In a world of endless possibilities
In a world where I was who I wanted to be
My insides were once a forest.
It has since been torn down.
It is a grave now.
Lilith, Baby Cat, Booger Ball, Booger...Bean.
You knew your name before I did.
I fell in love with you when you were first born on the fouton.
Your eyes were closed, you fit in the palm of my hand
When she sleeps, her jaw sometimes slacks and her tongue sticks out
And her eyebrows, which are very expressive, rest too.
When she sleeps, she wraps herself so tightly in the solitude of her blankets,
It's not your looks, it's not your words.
It's everything else, it's you.
You complete me, when you're not here i'm so alone.
You're all i want, you're flawless.
Though she is fragile and shy,
her eyes tell a story she cannot hide.
Green as the leaf of a rose,
her eyes attract you. Why? You don't know.
Though she is fragile and shy,
I am beauty
Taking and making from what I can
And fast pacing, embracing, and front facing
Love, but don’t touch
I am peace
Creation, devotion
She makes it
The best that she can
She holds it up
Like cupping water
Keeping her cool
And splashing cold numbness
Up on her face
Sleek, fine
Her curls are gone
and all that matters now are drawn
eyebrows and boys to wait on
Help her. She thinks they won't tease
I am not perfect, why should I try?
I am not you, why should I be?
I am not ugly, why should I lie?
I am myself, entirely, flawlessly me.
Tears have etched paths through the make up covering my scars
I am stitched together
A patchwork of
Stunning freckles
Flowing cowlicks
Delicate chewed-up nails
Soft, smooth birthmarks
Beautiful scars
Perfect imperfections
I kept running,
Until I had to stop
I curled up into a ball
My arms hugging my knees tightly
Before I knew it, it was raining buckets
And my face was wet from sobbing
As the sun rises the stars fade away
When the beams of light slowly flow throw the curtains
Reflecting it’s glamor onto my skin
Making it shine brighter than never before
Awakening with a smile
Things are never just Black & White.
For me, things were more Black & Blue
It wasn't a pretty sight.
I've lived long enough to know how it goes
That lovable feeling, keeping me on my toes
I've lived long enough to tell you how it ends
The infamous "we can still be friends"
But what I can't tell you is why
"Flawless, flawless, flawless." I keep on saying it, reminding myself. Hey, "fake it till' you make it."
Our image is our pain, our weakness is our way,
Insecurity makes us forget we ever felt anything different.
We feel like the only way to love ourselves to impress the others.
What makes me flawless? .......
working hard towards my goals each day
does not come easy, no way
I had to push myself even when I became discouraged
I am woman hear me roar
Says the Sage to the Boy:"You're mortal, you'll die.Do not aim to live forever,but rather learn how to pryyourself free from thestone settings of the ringsof your fellow men.
Harsh words, harsh thoughts, hurting:
Mirrors, magazines, television:
Running, crying, fighting:
Open arms, shelter, love:
With respect and admiration there must be challenges and hardships
Without it there will be nothing
To earn respect, takes humility, hard work, and heart
To be admirable, there must be positivity, energy, and strength
The pain spreads like a slow-burning fire,
As I walk down the cobblestone street.
I got here! I got here! I made it after three.
Three surgeries, I really made it abroad;
No Filter, No Make up, No Dress up
Just Me
With my big red glasses, with my big baggy t-shit, with my big nose, and my big toes
Just Me
Without straight lines to define me,
I'm all curves and colorful hues
Being flawless is
seeing the beauty in your flaws
Being flawless is
accepting your flaws.
Being flawless is
knowing you're unique.
Being flawless is
being you no matter what anyone says.
Who are you to tell me
Who I can and cannot be
What to wear, what to share
Is only up to me.
I'm not one to boast, in fact I'm not all that great
I've got flaws just like all people do
No filter
Through the lenses of my peers
I stand without fear.
For I know this is truely me
and all I may be.
No filter
From my black curly hair
to the tips of my toes
I embrace my butt
and curvy figure
because that is what I do
being yourself is beautiful
I am strong, independent and fierce
I am a woman
life is a bleesing but life aint fair
blows from each direction put a knife right here
dreams aint distant but they dont seem near
so the first we gotta do is face our own fears
It was Simple
Something that was so easy on my nose
The spoon fell
Trying to balance the egg
The most peaceful moment of my life happened
as I was laying on the ground of my doctor's office unconscious from malnutrition,
and I didn't realize that I'd passed out
I am beautiful?
See I am in between, medium, in the middle.
I am not light I am not dark, they call me brown skin.
with the right filter I am light, and with no light you are blind.
I may not be a stick thin model,
my thighs may not have a gap
my face might not be acne free
my stomach, certainly not flat
I could go on all day about my flaws
and what I can do to improve
You were born to be real, not perfect
and to know in your heart that you are worth it
I was born to add to this thing we call life
I work and work, I grind and grind,
Go about my day with leaving nothing behind.
I train night and day like there's no tomorrow.
Because the thought of failing fills me with sorrow.
I woke her up with a kiss
After a night of making love by moonlight
In a twin bed of a back room.
I went and made her coffee:
Her arms wrapped around my waist
Meant to be there.
You fall in love like your shoes are untied.
And as you're stumbling over your own love ties
You say the most beautiful things.
"Your eyes are my favorite color"
But your favorite color was red
I was born Flawless
Through the blood and veins of my ancestors
The chocolate glow of my skin
The beauty of my heritage
brought into this imperfect world
yet delivered into this world by greatness
I was staggering, drunk, holding onto my cousin as if she was now my physical crutch as well.
It was pitch black, the trees surrounding us, and if they weren't attached to mother earth,
I was just a twelve-year-old Vietnamese boy.
I was my parents’ love and joy.
I wanted nothing more,
Than to be successful in that side of the shore.
But the day when I moved to United States
Do you feel that?
That feeling of pure satisfaction and highness?
Oh, how I love that feeling.
The feeling of the liquid being push into my viens,
The ideal image of woman.......
does it exist really?
The world is constantly changing so therefore that image is changing with it.
The dancer stands on the stage unmoving
Eyes watched him with intense stares silently
Music starts to play, volume improving
Beating, he feels his heart race violently
Words will never break me
Loving my Amazon structure
Easier said than done
Seen in magazines
Seen on runways
My hair is frizzy, messy, and unkempt;
My face is rounder than I would like it
But all of those things aside and exempt
I am me, and that's what makes me perfect
I am not "fabulous" I'm FABUMORE
Me is a face
Me is a mask I wear
Me is a cover I have to hold on to
When people ask "Who are you really?"
I hide in a cloak of ashes
I say what they want to hear, in hope that they may accept me
Being inside the mind of
A teen
That thinks himself
Far behind flawless
Is like being stuck in a cell
With a few exits
But not wanting to leave...
Until recently.
My flaws are listed
The reason I am flawless does not come from society
Society everyday tells me I am less
I am not smart enough
I am not skinny enough
I am not kind and I am not selfless
In a perfect world
Nobody would hide
Behind veils of emotion
Or veils of nonemotion.
In a perfect world
Nobody would hide
Behind petty filters
In pictures.
In a perfect world
Kind heart wrapped in wire
Guarding the what she holds most dear
Rushed hands bleed from the futile wrenching
The blood painting her heart red
Careful because she hid the gloves in her mind
I am a young woman with a thirst for an educaiton
The one with a mind
Flowing! Flowing with creativity.
The writer who's goal is to share this power;
The power that is imagination!
That's me!
I didn't wake up like this,
It took some work,
From tired cashier,
to sad weary clerk,
I come from many places,
High far and low,
I've seen many faces,
and continue to grow,
Icy finger tips extended outward, should I?
Should I take ahold of such gentle masculine palms
drawn out towards me and bring them to my chest so heartedly?...but instead
I look downward, afraid to meet your profound gaze
As you look through a crowd of clones who hold their heads down, you'll notice a girl who walks with her head held high
Although, she doesn't realize her beauty
She'll stand alone, always looking towards the sky
Was it worth it to look at me..
and then walk away.
Was it worth the smile,
the enegry you put into charming me.
You taught me to care,
to believe in myself.
But you lied.
I share my story
And I dream
I am not what anyone expects of me
I am beautiful
And strong
I will always stand tall
You can say what you want,
What you think
Who am I?
I used to ask myself.
The harsh words i used to tell myself left only an impression as I turned my back on yesterday.
Today, as I look back at who I used to be, I Am Proud.
Flawless am I... Well, maybe so.
I am who I am, right?
Perfect? No, for I in the sight of greatness am yet flawed.
But seek out the truth yet I alone remain in the light of flawlessness.
Where’s the humility in writing about
The perfection of a person without a little doubt
That anyone is spotless or ideal honestly,
Maybe one or two, and of course there’s me.
But Humility aside, I am pretty neat,
I am a beautiful woman
But my mind body and soul
Is confined by the powers of this intertwined worlds
Of what we call social media.
The filters of normal, Kentucky, slumber, and rise
Everyone has flaws,
Some are crippled and debilitated by them
Others wear them as badges of honor and character
The emptiness consumes you
It eats you from the inside out
So slowly and carefully
That you wont notice until it had become you
The emptniess within becomes the emptiness surrounding
And you cant escape...
The world is loud, society is, well, social.
“You’re so quiet and shy.” the public would say.
Little do they know, I am different in a unique kind of way.
Is it me or just the pain insideThe life I have, I cannot hideWhat I see in the mirror is so realIt shouldnt matter how I feelClose the door to doubt and insignificance
There are just so many different Me's in this cruel cold world,
But one thing is for sure in that Kaleidoscopes of Me is that person is Flawless in her own way.
Beauty is only skin deep I once was told
A beautiful face could carry a heart of cold
But what about the others who shine like gold ?
Not defined as beautiful in the next teen magazine.
I woke up flawless, as I do, each and every day
face mask on, tea in hand, in bed with my hair astray
Sitting behind you is a girl who creates
Not that you would notice her of course
After all she is always silent
Just sitting there carefully jotting down notes
Today in life people aren't what they appear
I look at today and shutter in fear
Am I the only one still sincere?
Im the only true soul left on this sphere?
Because I respect myself
because I believe I'm beautiful
because I pour my heart into my work
because I give my all
because I don't give up
I am flawless
I am no diamond,
no gem, nor sane,
nor a narcissist if such
becomes my name...
For my flawlessness is known by all
it is the reason for your fall,
where you lack I excel
There are many things I'm not,
but all the things I am
and all my wonderful glam
make me shine as bright as the sun is hot.
Because I'm DYNAMITE.
I`m logical
Very knowledgeable,
Can name all the states
In alphabetical sequence.
Albert Einstein can learn from me,
Charles Darwin can licks my boot for thinking I’m an ape
I awake in bed,
The light shines in,
I raise my head,
I rub my chin,
I look in the mirror,
I gasp at the sight I see,
It is even clearer,
How amazing it is to be me.
We are who we are,
Please do not use my good looks
As an excuse for your blatant impertinence
Of course I look “pretty damn fine”
But I did not get dressed with you in mind
Your threatening footsteps,
Lingering eyes,
The heart beats to that of a mind
In time I shall wait for you
But that's of a different kind
In which we'll finally live that of a life we were meant to
Listlessly waiting for a love that was never mine
I am not perfect but flawless, yes.
I can quilt a blanket and endure much stress.
I am a woman with muscle on her bones.
I am the queen of many thrones.
I smile and yet I hide my pain.
Life tries to put me down
Bring me as far as below the ground
It doesn't want to see me succeed
It wants me to fail, never to excede
But time and again, when life brings me down
Different Magazines Calling my name
Telling me a claim to fame
Telling me what I want to hear
Telling me to have no fear
Looking into a paper mirror
I feel perfection is almost near
You let the mirror control you every time you gaze at its reflection,
I have so much to do and so much to say
And I know that if I was able to remove that one thing from my chest
that one thing that keeps the light in
I don't hide with makeup
Social media? Nope
Don't say YOLO or 'sup
Give it up, there's no hope
Silence is my filter
No expression, no voice
When dancing, I'm perfect
I don't care what you say
My one night of respect
I'm doing it my way
Dance without any thought
No plans or needless faults
Why is it that we don't know that we are beautiful?
Why is it that there is always somebody that wants to put us down?
Why is it that ugly is the definition of the outside, yet the opposite of the inside?
Who am I ?
I am too many people at once
a lover, a optemistmt, a naturalist , a lover of literature
a hater, a pessemist, a materalist and a poetic amateur
I am me,
No one else is me.
I am unique,
I am special,
I am perfect as I am
I read, I dance, and I sing off key
I have cats and a dog and family,
All special to me.
One thousand questions.
And maybe one answer.
Each day is a new adventure.
Curiosity killed the cat, but fuels me.
Each task I do is designed to see
If I can answer one of my questions.
I am me
The old T-shirts and faded blue jeans
Pajama pants and slippers
or Moccasins and a sloppy pony tail
Who am I?
I am different.
I will never follow anyone else. I am my own person with my own mind and my own beating heart.
I am beautiful.
I had been dating a boy for two years, seven months, and twenty eight days when he raped me.
I am Christian Phillips, there is no need to cover that up or change it. I don't consider it to be plain so why try to rearrange it. I couldn't change myself even if tried. Simply because I don't want to look different and have nothing to hide.
I am the Great Bambino,
No wait the Great Bamboozled,
They got me out here like you are good for nothing man just useless,
A confused young man where no where to go
Fields of Green
Mine, in my mind
I tend to them
Labor of love and ambition
No one sees my work
No one cares
All but me just seem to forever gaze on; simply stare
Worried about tomorrow
Do you see this skin just sitting around my bones?
I know you may not like it, but i have to call it home.
It's all pale and freckled, except for these little red spots.
My photographic anatomy consist of
confident bones that deny filtered crutches
My four-cornered ribs cages every spoken word
Without a single doubt in my mind,
I know I am flawless.
My art is flawless, my song is flawless, my beauty is
Perfection is boring,
Faults are unique and give definition to my name,
I'm the other type of Asian that everybody goes what the heck at
"Why you not studying 24/7 with your textbook in your left hand?"
"Why you got a mic instead of a pencil in your right hand?"
There may be bags under my eyes,
but that's to be expected
when you work nights.
And my hair is never styled,
who has the time?
I tie it into a knot and dive
into homework to be done,
and work
As Little girls we grow up looking up to our mothers
As CHildern we look up to Tv Stars
As TEEns we look up to Magazines
As YOUNg adults we look up to super models
As WOMEN we look up to god...
I see those girls staring at me
Always judging, but I just hope and plea
That they're not talking about my broken self-esteem
For they don't know what I've seen
I'm just so hurt inside
i am not flawless
i give up too easily
i never fill up sketchbooks
i make my sister upset
when i'm nervous, i cry
when i'm sad, i shut people out
when i'm scared, i don't talk
"I woke up like this"
But flawless isn't the word I would use
Flaws and all
Makeup we abuse
We choose to hide and mask the real us
Behind the fake us
With the fake us on the forefront
I put on my dress, do my hair, my makeup, boom i'm flawless.
I'm thanked for an act of kindness, I feel flawless.
I scored the winning goal in my soccer game, wow they think i'm flawless.
That person behind the camera
Who has black hair
Who has really bad grammar
Who talks with a corky flair
That person who always hides
Who is a nervous wreck
Who never takes sides
My failures do not define me
My weaknesses do not define me
Only I define me
My triumps do not define me
My strengths do not define me
Only I define me
My vurnabilities do not define me
An ever-retreating journey
Into the caves of my imagination
I am pretentious
And cold
Withdrawn from the modern world
The jeans
You once adored
Love everybody for who they are
Not for what society expects them to be
Whether they are boys wishing to wear dresses
What makes me flawless?
The fact that I am everything EXCEPT flawless;
but have the confidence as if I am...
What makes me flawless is the LOVE I have for my flaws.
My flaws make me who I am... They define me
I am
A sinner.
The world
Corrupted with
Anti-aging potions
And never-ending notions,
That life is about
That I am,
So perfect in fact,
My name is Sam.
From my head to my toes,
From the wrinkle in my nose,
The perfect five foot height,
The perfect far-sighted sight.
Filters come,
Filters go,
Read between the lines,
And then, you'll know.
Make-up, nail-art, hair-dos and fancy clothes,
None of it matters at the end of the night,
I don't have a flawless walk.
I don't have a flawless personality.
I don't have flawless beauty.
I'm not a flawless worker.
I try to keep my love flawless,
Especially my love for animals and God,
Mischievous, intelligent, blonde, daring.
Relative of hard workers.
Lover of God, animals, the outdoors.
Who feels confident in my Lord,
Freedom when riding my horses,
Me without a filter
is a home without the realtor
I'm independent
I'm meant to be more than
what society's telling me
selling me without the sticker
that says I'm old, off the kilter
Feelings in this world
Letting go of the tragedies
A lot of people experience
We all get swirled
Lest we make our strategies
It's that trap muzak
misspelled rap muzak
or crap muzak
either way it's that muzak
I miss the days when Raven Symone was black muzak
hope Musiq Soulchild comes back
but not back muzak
It was a drowsy battle that yearned for sleep.
The light and the darkness.
And I found myself in it.
Instigating and terminating its intentions of cruelty.
But what if I mistaked its cruelty for consideration?
I am wild. I am spectacular. I am wildly passionate. I am jealous. I am human. I do dumb things.
i am flawed
i have
F ears of the color red of animals of my life being monitored of spiders of bees of ants of germs of failure of loss of death of gaining weight of being a burden of of of
This bag of bones never fits right
This skin they're in too big, too tight
And the slick acid of anxiety barks and bites
And the shape of my face never quite nice
But I love myself anyway
Long brown hair.
Big brown eyes.
Gap-toothed mouth.
Breasts big size.
Long nailed fingers.
Cold back heart.
Fat filled stomach.
Such unique art.
I am different.
You banished me from my walls
Replaced all my tapestries with portaits of you throughout my halls
Like this place was some sort of shrine to accomodate you
But I am the prodigal son
People ask me why I don't date in the same way they'd ask a sick man what's wrong with him.
I am as strong as the woman who raised me, I am as brave as the father who helped me, and I am as valuable as the god who created me.
-Brianna Todd
I sit here wondering
Why i have caused you so much
You walk away
I try to get to your heart
But you shut it down
Today i sit here wondering what i have done wrong,
My patients are long gone
I have cried out so many tears for you
For all these tears
There comes a price
I've done everything to
Show you that I will
Keep holding on, but you
In the world fulled with sins makes it hard to believe in the faith which still lies beneath my soul.
I never thought that it would hurt me, When I used you as a cover up, I pretended to love you as opposed to the one girl that, Never mind, You would never understand it, I wanted Gabby so bad, But I didn't want to come out of the closet yet, So I
I wake up, #FLAWLESS.
No make-up. Bra-less.
Should I wear jeans, or joggers?
Every morning I go through all this...
20 minutes til I catch the bus,
Eyebrows on FLEEK, hair looking plush,
In the real world there's nowhere to hide,
no touchups or retakes or black and white.
In the real world I try and I try,
to be someone different,
someone hard to come by.
I am something real,
I am not what I say, but what I do. My words may lie, even to myself, while my ations are always true
I accepted Christ as my LORD
That means he will reign over my life.
When Christ comes in and makes me new
I am made FLAWLESS to him no matter what I do.
I am viewed with a clean slate
Love was all she longed for,
all she needed.
She didn't believe in it
because she had never seen it.
And what she thought,
that it couldn't be real.
She didn't show or reveal
Who are you behind a filter,
we try to look good and be someone we are not,
just look in the mirror and see who you are,
God makes no mistakes we the way we are from design,
why change perfection with a filter,
I'm bird caged in a human body.
I'm only can be free in my mind.
Where all my dreams can come true.
The music never stops.
The stars can be seen all day.
And my love is always next to me.
I may not be the perfect girl,
but let me give "flawless" a whirl.
I'm tall and awkward,
I'm too loud to be heard.
I know not everyone likes it,
but I rarely care a bit.
I'm #flawless because well,
First we need open minds that could in brace new things, second peace with our inter self and with everything in the cosmos and finally a love for everyone
He let it touch his lips
When he breathed it in again.
I stood there watching.
Every puff and every time he let it in,
I watched.
He let it touch my lips
If flawless means making mistakes,
then yes I am flawless.
If flawless means crying when you are sad,
then yes I am flawless.
If flawless means sometimes choosing wrong,
then yes I am flawless
I am me,
there is noone else I would rather be.
Sure I have OCD,
but that only expresses me.
Yes, I love photography,
it is my way to feel free.
Writing is my way to say,
Help,I am not okay.
When I grow up, what do I want to be?
A sailor sailing the mighty sea?
A doctor curing many pains?
A legendary soldier who slays but never gets slain?
Her story started like everyone else
She had two parents, two sisters
And lived in a house
She had friends, and family for miles and more
Not knowing the rain was starting to pour
i am a bird
i fly towards the sky
no boundaries to keep me contained
they try to catch me
pull me down with their words
beat my wings
but i will fly
those things cannot hold me back
What makes one flawless?
Is it the looks?
The long hair, coke bottle body advertised in the media?
I promise the definition cannot be found in the dictionary, nor encyclopedia.
A simple, different, and determined person is the best description of me. I’m a simple student at Hebron High School who works hard every day to accomplish my dreams.
Beauty is not something seen but something taught
Many women do not know true beauty
But I do
Beauty is not something you wear
Beauty is not something you can cake on
Beauty is not measured
Don't look that way
Don't say those things
There's another pretty woman
Look away from the screens
They are supposed to define you
The heart with the touch of Midous is mine
The unbreakable will
The calculation of a great mathmatician
Body do you see this?
Or even hear this?
How they talk about you as if you are a piece of meat
As if you are something that they can use
As if you are something that can be replace
Red like shiny rubies
Squeezed into my favorite heels at the dance
Painted blue like a clear sky
In my favorite flip-flops at the beach
Any color I want them to be
Different shades of purples and greens
Her eyes sparkled like onyx
But her head was bald
She walked slow but steady
Wasn't sure about life but she was ready
And she
Was beautiful
He lost half his face in the blast
I didn't know what you meant when you said our love is flawless,
Did you mean that I was perfect?
Or that you were?
I see him, my heart flutters
Yet he sees me and he only sees my body.
Am I silly for wanting him? No I don't think so, doesn't he want me?
My friends shake their head, but I'm in denial of their obvious truth,
do not change for other people, for change should be voluntary.
everything about you is (insert positive adjective here).
you are flawless.
STOP PLEASE. I am just a tennager
I am not Jada
I am Chandler, yet I feel her hurt inside.
There is no victim, but the outcry of sexually hurt women
Society's expectations like an avalanche
Cascading down
I bear it until I fear I will suffocate
And then I run.
How much better it is
to be told you have a beautiful mind.
Not just your appearance, but
your thoughts that scatter and mix and create.
Your feelings and beliefs and your emotions.
You start your day off with no filter
Then look in the mirror and see a flaw
The flaw no one notices but you
Your heart drops with insecurity
And so does your self-esteem too
Society, expectations, me.
Society sees me as a flower,
expectations see me as the lost sheep,
I see myself as Llailyn.
Yes, Llailyn: Jay-leen.
Smart, goals, family, smart, goals, family.
Follow the path down through the forest,
Outgrow fear and continue as night falls.
Find the man inspired by Horace,
His screams louder than the raven's squall.
Even if I am constantly critiqued
I stand,
happy with the head on my shoulders
I don’t care how many magazines tell me I should look in the mirror and hate what I see
Because at the end of the day,
Today I want to say to all of you.
I’m not a fan of a whole group chat.
If I want them to know,
Me, I’m flawless in my own way,
My definition of flawless isn’t what you think,
I’m confident not cocky,
Comfortable in my own skin,
I don’t look at what other folks have,
Because I look at what’s within,
Everything just seems really fragile
The sophistication of a thought virus
That erupted in my soul
Free flowing voices in control of the stream my mind takes.
Constant struggle to hide my face everyday and cover my mistakes.
Have to be 4.0, straight A, never stopping, floating through like ghost hauntings.
Sometimes I forget.
I forget what makes me myself.
But when my siren calls for me
I must obey.
The scents waftng through the air.
The sounds of mixers echoing thoughout the kitchen.
I want you to see
the part of me
that glass so often hides.
Scrolling down your Instagram feed, you would barely even recognize me.
I want you to see
the part of me
that is hidden by makeup
The scratches that flicker the surface,
They are unforgivable flaws.
We spin a web of lies in its face.
We risk choking under its gauze.
So cunning the spider is.
Writing new names for the pig.
~Influenced by Night by Elie Weisel~
Never shall I forget
The long night I was seven times cursed;
Seven time sealed.
Never shall I forget the children's faces
Whose bodies turned to smoky wreaths
I can help it; I can focus on other things
But it seems I’m self possessed on creating love.
It’s a vague light, opaque at best and maybe because
I need things to be perfect
The clothes I wear are colorful
The clothes I wear are fun
The clothes I wear are happy
The clothes I wear are me
When you look at me
I hope you think high of me
I don't dress down
I dress up
There is an obvious difference between me and you
Between quiet and loud
Big and small
I am combustion-- The Big Bang
Expanding infinately
Exploding with passion
“You’re a nerd,” “You’re ugly,” there are so many things people say to knock us down.
But don’t listen to it, it’s not true. That is not how we should be defined.
All the comments and all the looks, they cause us to drown,
I hope...
Because I care...
Because I love my friends...
The powerful message...
Jesus taught me
To love your neighbor as yourself
If it wasn't for that
We all have dreams to strive for
a goal to reach to reach for
we just have to wait for the right moment
to get success like the Romans
I am Flawless
It feels like when I don't speek up I'm jawless
I step up to the plate everywher I go; I'm fearless
I would never hurt a living thing; I'm harmless
I am my own man; I'm ownerless
Sometimes I wish my you were a piano
So I could understand every chord and melody.
Though you are a memory.
As my mahogany instrument.
One measuring cup.
2 teaspoons of kisses:
1 for whom you will spend the rest of your days,
1 for whom you consider your biggest mistake.
Waking up day by day,
slowly trying to take the stress away
Days going time by time,
I know that I am more shallow plains than mountain tops,
I am more gladiator than gambler, more human than man,
more rusty fork than sliver spoon, more explicit content than censored radio,
Who am I? You should know who I am. Standing tall, with my head up above. Looking beyond the present in hopes to build a future so strong no one could even grasp the concept of going backwards.
I was ten when I found out, on that coldhearted day
That the only one I loved, had truly ran away
He left me without notice, without warning, without a clue
One white kid in the whole neighborhood
All my friends spoke Spanish but still I knew the truth
That every one of us wants the same exact thing
To find a safe haven and to have a family
There is many bad things in this world,
Racism, Sexism, Disease, Terroism, Hunger, Homelessness,
It seems endless,
Hopeless even,
But what if I could change one thing,
She doesn’t need to worry about the size of her body,The length of her hair,The color of her eyes.To know she’s perfect.
I am the crew
Working backstage prepping you
Making sure you look right and
Think perfect thoughts
Ready to face the world
I watch from backstage
Hand you bottles of confidence as
Yes I know I am not perfect.
But who are you to point that put?
No matter what you say, my confidence will remain the same.
I will feel beautiful.
I will feel pretty.
Becasue I am flawlessly flawed.
The controlling controller roams in
her controlling world, thinkinking highly
of the crazy cool adventurous odesseys
she embarks on.
Her blanket is her cape to escape
Every morning there is a bucket of bricks on my back.
It slowly reaches to the top as the skinny and the fabulous come in from their room of perfection.
What is behind it?
The void
The abyss
The unknown
Behind it is whatever it pleased to be
If the worls is a stage,
And we ar the plaers,
Then we hide ourselves,
Costumed with our parts.
To the world, our viewers,
We are characters,
Destned to play our parts.
Behind stage, we live,
I'm Flawless
Not because my skin is clear or my body is perfect
Cause I'm Far from both ..
But because I love.. I love hard ..
I'm flawless cause my loyalty runs deep
I used to think that because my legs weren’t
Twig thin
That I was ugly
That no boy would ever find me
Beautiful enough to touch
That no girl would ever think
I was prettier than she was
I am the girl that wears a lot of make up, which hides who I really am.
Eye shadow, eye liner and foundation, I wear it all.
The make up disguises who I really am;
I wish
You all could see
The small girl behind the facade.
Behind the facade
That does nothing but show off
And try to prove to everyone that she is a woman.
When really
I have been boxed and labeled,
and am expected to reach a certain location,
but I've been lost in the mail,
I am who i am, idenpendent and strong minded. In today's society beauty and perfection is all that matters. If im not skinny enough, pretty enough or perfect enough then that means i'm not good enough.
I may not be my mother, tall, strong and bold
but who I am is who I am and that is all you need to know
What is beauty?
Everyone has different opinions about beauty.
But what is beauty?
Beauty can be big,
Beauty can be little.
Beauty can be light,
Beauty can be dark.
Spaced out from the liars, shit talkers , homophobic remarks appearing from thin air .
Eyes locked at my chest and jean inprints. As society search desperately for clues.
Put your makeup on, go to the beauty salon.
Get your nails done, my dear loved one.
Curl your hair, keep it slim their.
run an extra mile, keep your smile
Just so they could like you?
Broke a vase and crashed a car,
Told my Daddy I wasn't going far.
I choked on stage
Tripped and fell
I am definitly not hollywood,
Oh damn well.
Got a drink dumped on my face
I'm trying to act like I'm invisible because I know that you can see that I'm not #perfect.
But I know that if you could see the real me that is not my blotchy skin or curvy frame, you would be #shocked.
I make people laugh. I make them cry.
All I do is try to live another day.
I work to provide for my family and pets.
Nothing will ever get in my way.
I need finanical aid for the future.
Look at me
What do you see?
Young, black, short, mean
Somewhere in between?
I look in the mirror
You know what I see?
A queen
Staring back at me
Not the tallest
I'm not the best of sons,
and it's hard to miss my family when everyday they're part of war.
I live with scars that just won't seem to end,
but you know what?
They're my medals and best friend.
There is beauty in the folds of my skin and the crease in my brow
Underneath my matt of hair and freckles
There is power behind my quiet voice and my timid thoughts
Seeing past my unsureness and doubt
I wake up looking in the mirror
Brush my teeth
My horrid breath no longer existing
I change into an extravagant outfit
No longer feeling insecure
I put on a mask of powder and liquid
Feeling perfect
i write and i write but how can i describe the feelings that i have yet to experience with words i can't even begin to know the meaning of?
My personality
never lacking originality
formed intricately by the different motives of my ancestry
creating me to be, who I be
no matter where I go,
it always comes along with me
I love it
As a child expectations make us. Growing up we feel them break us. the expectation to suceed. The expectation preasure is to much. The preasure is felt harder and harder. Expectations build our struggle. When we struggle we learn.
The Girl In the Corner,
Yes the one all alone,
The one who is in the pouring rain,
She has had a troubed past,
Cuts that are like sleaves going up and up her arm,
Her parents both gone,
I am not just your Facebook Friend,
Not a profile picture,
Not another one of your precious likes,
Not a tag in a post,
Or a name in your chat box,
I am a living, breathing person,
One day I woke up
Thinking I had had enough
This world this life was filling me up
with lies that told me I could never be enough
But when I looked into the mirror
thought about how those words made me feel
Who wins you might ask?
Well of course, it's up to you.
Wether you keep the mask
Or be true to you
Life is a game
No one wants to play
And the only two things that can be quite left
They say Dijah you'd be a baddie if you only lost a couple pounds
I'm not going to dit around and act like I ain't thought about it
A perfect body is more appealing but it's funny how
I am Short
I've known this for long time but I just don't undertsand
I am Short
But I'm tall in spirit
I am short
Once a friend said:
"Your eyes are always smiling"
That was one of the nicest compliments anyone has given me.
My eyes are not anything to "ooh" or "aah" about,
The corset is now off,
Putting all the guard down.
What if they should flout or scoff?
Sea of shame, go ahead, drown.
Fabricating to care,
Pitching bad self esteem.
Yet they gossip and stare,
I would change everything
Not just for one place
But for all the races
Or else nothing will change
Things would be the same
So we need some change in the world
see, if you can change your thoughts then you can change your world
if you can change your world, you can change your lifestyle
dream big, have ambitions, have hope
I don't wake up perfect
and my teeth aren't white
but if there's one thing I'm proud of
Hurt is not an emotion. It is a growth that multiplies with you as you age, spreading like cancer to your heart, and hardening it to the point of never wanting to feel again.
I never was the girl who had it all
Hell, I was the one who had nothing at all.
But here I am,
I stand before you
proud and tall.
No money nor connections,
just sheer ambition
you thought this time
it would go by the book again
it almost always does
you know the one
it's my own edition
but its always the same story
or it was supposed to be
When i say this just know its true, you are beautiful because god made you. You might think your this or your that but just know that your eveything someone looks for , even if you think your fat.
Big dreams with big plans
My ambitions evolving, improving each day
With adults that have to say
"Get a real job"
The feel of a clean sheet
The satisfaction of a job well done
Emotion is effortless,
Pain is simple to show.
All aspects of us,
want to shine.
Pretending is cloudy yet
the sun is hidden behind,
Lies make you fake
But who wants to cry?
Driving a Honda Accord,
GPA 3.5,
Just got a Netflix account,
Volunteer at Hospital,
Big Girl,
People often hide behind barriers, just to hide their emotions. You dont have and idea of how people are feeling today or how they might react to something you might say.
I sit here,
thinking of the future
remembering the past
and longing for the passion of the present
I sit here,
unamused, broken down, and confused
I would love to show the real me
But she is hidden behind a curtain
I must not show her until she is deemed acceptable
Unfortunately when she is acceptable she may be dead
Im sweet as a school student
Im a cool sweet learner
I create sweet nails
Im a sweet manicurist student at a insistute call milan of cosmetology
Tattoos extended across the entire human body a sign of past mistake
an eternal judgment from society.
It happens to us all
The weak, mighty, and small
Each one taking carful strides
Hiding behind the veil of lies
We can’t let them see them see what’s beneath
For if they do, what might they think?
Armies of one on a shared battlefield
We are soldiers, and soldiers bleed
Blood drips sluggishly from our wounds
As we fight for others' greed
We should work together as a team
Stop being poor
You’re assuming we got here because we’re
Well news flash we’re not
Stop being poor
Single mothers on welfare
The road that lies ahead in our minds
is often bright and shining
To others, it's dark and gloomy
and every sunrise is a dread
Caught in the middle, I'm paralyzed
between fear and hope
My name is Jahmire, I'm at a point in my life where I must face my fears and remove the bitter taste of tears. Time to look in the mirror, emotionally see things clearer, finish my intellectual and moral education and be something pure.
Vernal and cheerless,
juvenile and morose,
thrown into the world,
a beautiful black rose.
Long live those Chicago nights
When there was pick up games instead of fights
Long live those chicago days
Where the kids lived to play another day
Come home Chicago we all miss you
Have you ever seen a man
That chose blindness
Tore off his eyelids anf gouged out his eyes
Who would close themselves off
From such a beautiful reality
It isn't hyperbole
Don't you scoff
Us verses them mentality
The other guys are always the bad guys
We war to protect our people
Because those other people are dangerous
Those other people war to protect their people
Two beautiful trees stand side by side
Two beautiful trees get the same sun
Two beautiful trees get the same rain
One beautiful tree stands satisfied
The other's roots reach for more
The chamber is cramped and crowded
No face faces another face
For compassion this should be challenged and changed
I was poured from the well of the sky, where even the rain is pure
Trickling from the bucket, where I froze into the mold I was made to be
College is cuffed
to a broken bank.
We starve to stand as equals
in an increasing unequal unity.
To change we must look at the cost
of what we are reaching for as a resident of life.
What are really discussion
hit hard facts that leave you dazed like concussion
how can money come when there's no reproduction
who hand's the dirties like uncles seduction
I work,
harder than most.
I speak,
with caution.
I step,
with great care
But, it doesn't even matter.
Her shadow is bigger than mine.
I am king skinned Earth wind and fire brewed in one tanned skin That she taught me to sing and sing and sing Loud enough to reach gods ear before those rotten insecurities do With a mouth played instrument passed down a line of great lips A taste
Not knowing what i was going to see
I found my self in a place where i wanted to be
to start a letter
no one knows,
this generation
has yet learned
to grow
in love,
or simplicity,
to be
of what used
to be,
Writing is something one learns how to do through life
Writing is a way to connect with others
Writing is a form of speech with words and no sound
when i write i write for others
i write for grades
I am who i am
so why shoud do ifeel the need to change?
but i do, i do
an it is truely lame.
i spend countless hours obsessin over small thngs,
like:what about when summers over?
Vulnerable puppies wander aimlessly down the highway.
They are deemed undesirable mutts.
Battered creatures.
Emaciated hounds.
I know your fears,
And sense you tears,
I know your dreams,
And sense your smile gleam.
Although you share with me
What others will not see,
I am silenced by your brushing hand,
Heart broken by many
Body used by all them
All that I can remember is that they loved me for my face and body
They didn't care for who I was but only just as a prize
Imagine a world where the unintelligent have a chance to thrive
Where every race and gender compete equaly
Where a nation is run by people
where all families live under the same roof
How could one shirt
Be different from another?
A name
Can change the game, my naive brotha .
How could my pants
Bring me such shame?
An extra sharp design