Beauty Without Pleasure
I am a beautiful woman
But my mind body and soul
Is confined by the powers of this intertwined worlds
Of what we call social media.
The filters of normal, Kentucky, slumber, and rise
All perpetuate the beauty in what we have within ourselves.
The use of filters helps to determine both the light skin and dark skin labels
That makes up the makeup we mask ourselves with to control the beauty that underlines
Who we are or what we want to become.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But the eye of the beholder stares directly into lens of that
Instagram film and decides “this is who I am.”
And then you meet someone and they fall in love with a
Beautiful picture with captions that tell a simplistic story of your life.
That filter made you pretty.
That filter made you powerful.
That filter started your career, and
That filter labeled you a catfish, and now you cannot win.
These filters underlie what true beauty really is,
So much that we forget the power of intelligence, and brains, and personality
These traits that bring more within.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and not through the lens of the film.
You are a beautiful woman
And using no filters will always win.