Freakishly Flawless
*I might be freak, but I'm a Flawless Freak.
Freak for life, freak for my music, freak for
self-expression that my be out of the ordinary
I'm flawless in self-expression that makes me happy
*I'm flawless with my body, it may feel gross sometimes,
or I may feel flawless myself. My range of confidence is
okay. Either way I am flawless. I express myself with dance;
expressed in the arms of love, or lively with crazy moves
What you think of my piercings or potenical tatoos
does not concern you.
I am a flawless freak that will blossom in my self-expression.
*I'm flawless in my music choice. I'm a freak for classic
rock and the adventures of old. What i would give to
be a freak taking part of that world. The progressive
rock in my family is also what makes me a freak.
Do you even know what that is? If not, it's okay.
I am a flawless freak that will believe in rock forever.
*I'm Flawless with Faith, created in His image
A Jesus freak, Perfect in the eyes of God
He knows my freakish sin and deepest depths of my soul
The sin that harbors in my heart
Still, I am good enough for Him, Flawless and loved