Mirror, Mirror, Tell Me What You Can't See
I look at myself in the mirror.
I see a young woman,
Acne, oily skin, brown thin hair not brushed,
Puffy eyes from sleepless nights.
I see only the surface,
Of what this young woman has endured.
Mirror, Mirror, tell me what you can’t see,
Beyond the facade,
Tell me the story,
Of how this young woman came to be.
Once upon a time,
Home used to never be home.
It was only a house,
Where bruises of anger and rage came from a father,
Who said he loved her and called her unworthy.
She was able to free herself,
From the hands and mouth who fed her lies.
She took those lies,
And ultimately forgave each one.
Mirror, Mirror, tell me what you can’t see,
Tell me the story,
Of how this young woman became free.
She found hope in her aunt’s custody,
And moved from the city to the country.
She spent endless nights,
Crying to the mother who could never physically comfort,
Dressed in the color of mourning,
Writing her feelings in diaries and poems.
Singing her heart out,
Lending a hand to anyone,
Knowing she was lucky,
To be alive.
Mirror, Mirror, tell me what you can’t see,
Tell me the story,
Of how this young woman became exemplary.
This preteen promised on her mother’s deathbed
To never smoke cigarettes
And to go to college.
These sacred promises remain kept.
3.65 GPA
Dean’s List
Alpha Lambda Delta
Student Admission Ambassador
Leader at a small rural private college,
To which she calls, “Home Sweet Home”.
She strives to help all in need,
Through her love of music,
Because music helped her,
Molded her into this flawless being.
When I look at myself in the mirror,
I see a young woman,
Beyond her outward appearance,
Worthy to wake up feeling flawless.
Because that mirror can finally see,
It cannot define who I am,
That it’s all up to me,
To tell the story.