Let the Walls Fall
Break down
Shimmer and crumple
Let them glide with a stride so perplex
As men begin to withstand the precocious
Demands of his brethren
Let the people speak
After centuries of being battered and beaten
Their voices should rumble with a vengeance unlike any other
Let the civil wars begin
For the Civil Rights Era has rule upon us
Because rights are only right when you are white
And your color matches those of the wretched oppressor
Let the buildings shake with thunder
As the rumble and roar of history becomes our present day
And awful future
They say let freedom reign
But I say let the madness, chaos, and anger
Be seen,
And Reviled
Disillusionment prevail in a society
Plague with laughter
Of the suffering of its keepers
Of the blood soaked fingers of its builders,
Welders, creators, innovators, leaders and musicians
These people who engineered the heart of a society and nation
Of these people who placed this country on a map
So large and revered
Let the walls drop
Because they represent coercion
As they are the container that holds all else inside
These people's freedom is condemned behind these walls
All of their dignity held
By the century cruelty
These white masked beings dominating presence always to be felt
Their hands clasped on the backs of these people
Both the convicted and innocent doomed to a lifetime warranty sentence of harassment
And we stand in protest as our fated judgments have yet to wilt through the years
We stand as young vibrant men’s faces turn from laughter of the pure joy of youth
To the melted sour scowl of persecution
Their failure is of a failure of a nation
Their tears is made from the sweat of their countrymen
So I say let the walls tumble
And let the pieces fit where they may
We live in dark times,
Although not everything that is dark is bad
Everything that wrong lies in the shadow
As the new day appears
These other things and half-truths reside in an unconscious place
Let this place become wakeful
Open, eyes open
Let us watch from the mountain tops
As the world burn gold and red and yellow