How quickly we come to forget
Those who do not sit with us
Things that don't affect us
For an instant we care
Then we move on
It's been eight whole months...
These girls still aren't safe!
But this doesn't affect me,
Why should I care anymore
The popularity has faded.
This DOES affect YOU!
These students,
They could be your students
Your neighbors, YOUR children
It wouldn't be so short lived then ... Would it?
Imagine YOUR little girl. She just turned 13
"Finally an official teenager!" she says with sass
Her favorite birthday present, a dress she picked out
The party was a disco party with her friends
At school she is eager to learn,
History is her highest grade, but she likes writing the best
One day she goes to school, a little nervous because of a test
But then... she was gone.
People stole her and her classmates
What will happen to them?
You only hear whispers and horrors
You do everything in your power to help them, help HER.
and you'd pray that others would do the same
You'd reach out to larger organizations and get the word out on the internet
Maybe someone will care enough to help...
but we aren't them, so why should we do anything
there are more important matters at hand...