Slam the Filter and Break the Glass
In a perfect world
Nobody would hide
Behind veils of emotion
Or veils of nonemotion.
In a perfect world
Nobody would hide
Behind petty filters
In pictures.
In a perfect world
Everyone would be proud
To be who they are
And not care what others think.
In my perfect world,
I am who I am.
I am the unfiltered
Quiet guy
Sitting in the corner and saying nothing
Until you come over and speak to me.
Even then
You may get no response.
I'm shy, I can be irritable, but at least I'm not the annoying kid
Always arguing with the teacher.
I'm the one that people forget to remember
At least, until they meet me.
Then it seems I'm unforgettable
But not entirely desirable
As I make plenty of mistakes
And don't always learn.
I'm the curly haired, 6 foot guy
That people notice but don't see.
I could be in your class for all year
And you'd still have no idea who I am.
I don't give much away about myself
Or my emotions,
Even to those close to me, I can be a mystery.
Within my walls my imagination flies free.
But outside my walls I can't even
Go up to someone and say a simple
"Hi, I'm me."
My curly mane is my most recognizable feature
And paired with my glasses and facial hair,
I might be recognized.
But what if I got rid of it all?
Shaved my head, got contacts, and shaved my face.
Would I still seem the same
To everyone who sees me?
I know I'd be the same inside,
But on the outside, I'd be a new person.
Maybe less forgetablle, maybe more.
But for now,
I'm still the quiet guy in the corner
That won't say a peep until I get to my friends,
But even then,
I still get absorbed in my thoughts.