Warm coats of sugar
Grab a strainer, filter or sieve
Cover those ugly scars
God forbid they see
Who you really are
I’m not supposed to show my quirks
I’m supposed to make them think I’m cool
“Oh, I don’t look like my picture?”
Who the fuck am I trying to fool...-_-
I’ll tell you who I am
Without a sieve to spread my worth
You’ll see the chunks, the grains and pebbles
Because I’m not flour or talcum; I’m earth.
I actually don’t want to run and play
A book and a cheesecake are all I need
This body and act are just for show
I’m a “fat-as-fuck” nerd underneath
I’ve played all kinds of sports
And yeah I can be good at them
But competition’s not my thing
I have other precious gems
I like to work-out and run
But I do it just for me
It’s personal -not competitive-
And it makes me feel free
I’m not the typical teen
I actually like going to school
Learning is my passion
But I tone it down because it’s “uncool”
If I could only eat bread every day, I would
But lo and behold there’s other food
So catch ya later cheesecake, and rolls,
If I ate you forever, it would be lewd
People think I’m a nice guy
Well at least they got that one right
But you know… I can still get mad
I’m kind, but I can still fight
If I find lonely fifty dollars on the floor,
I’m keeping it…its mine
I won’t turn it in
Finding cash is not a crime
But if you dropped a bill of fifty
I’d stop you in your tracks
I’d pick it up, dust it off
And then I’d hand it back
I believe in karma
What you get is what you’ve given
I try to give my best
To better my life’s position
I’m actually a creative person
I love to sing, write, build and color
The art’s just for me though
I don’t like to show others
I sound Ok so far right?
I haven’t confessed any crime
I’m not coffee
So then why do I filter all the time?
What am I trying to hide?
What am I trying to show?
It’s the thing we all fear
And that I know…
We fear being judged
We don’t want to look bad
We’ll coat ourselves with sugar
We’ll pretend that we’re glad
Well if I take my sugar coat,
And hang it on the wall
You’ll see the thing I wear
Says I hate filters most of all
Like a woolen coat or mask
I put my filter on
But it doesn’t really mean
My authenticity is gone
The mask that we wear
This coat that we despise
I don’t want to put it on
It isn’t me. It’s full of lies
But like a coat, it’s necessary
It protects us from the cold
It covers up our weaknesses
So certain strengths we can withhold
So now that I took my filter off
And you’ve seen a bit of me
I’ve got to put it on again
A person I must be
A person with a hidden truth
Like every person is
A truth much too big
To fit through the holes of a sieve