Small Little Girl
Small little girl so soft so sweet;
So broken so torn, sometimes she wished she was never born.
Small little girl who looked out to the world,
She saw all the makeup, and all the girls trying to fake up.
She saw magazines, fake teens and things she can only dream to be.
She got shot down by the public because she didn't fit the subject.
But who are we, to judge, what could be?
She cried alone at night because she was not good enough " to be right."
All her thoughts all her dreams depended on how her body seemed to be.
At least that's what she thought.
I'm here today, to say, she is not the only one that has been shot down and I say it's time to stand out.
Who cares if all the perfect girls get what they want, who cares if we have to fight for what we love.
Who cares! If we have to scream if from a roof-top, we are not little pieces that you find in a junk shop.
We are people too, we have a voice, we have rights, we have abilities that shine like a thousand gleaming lights.
It's time for our voices to be heard, for people who can't speak the words.
It's time we stand out, it's time to be proud, of who we are; not what we need to be.
It's time to finally be free, it's time to hear our plea.
It's time to stop feeling like we have to be perfect, it's time to stop feeling like we have no pride or that we have to be the perfect size.
It's time to be free because that little girl was once me, but i've come far in the face of reality.
I've come to know, just how far people will go;
To make you seem like you're not meant to be,
Like your just another face in a book, that doesn't deserve a second look.
But today the small little girl can be free, to be what she, whats to be.
Not to be judged by the face of humanity.
That small little girl doesn't need to be perfect,
I'm not a figment of a side effect or child neglect.
I'm beautiful on the inside, I'm heavens bride, who can never die, I've got him on her side.
I no longer needs to cry, or go off and hide; because I am beautiful on the inside.