United States
See map: Google Maps
Without a veil
I'm nothing special
Well, not really at least
I have blood running through my veins
And snot in my nose
My eyes are blue
And my teeth white
I have ten toes
And ten fingers, too
But these don't define me
What defines me is on the inside
Or, is it the outside?
I am not what you see
Even though I am, technically
I'm me
And to me I may be someone
And to you, someone else
I'm me
But who that is
Isn't just up to me
I'm me
But I'm surrounded by others
Who are them
But only to those
Who know who that is
I'm me
Without a veil
But maybe it takes a veil
To make you know
Who 'me' is
This poem is about:
My community
My country
Our world