We Hide
Why do we hide?
The world.
Influenced by the images we control,
That flash before our darkly lit eyes.
The ideas we have been forced to swallow all of our lives.
Tight mouths.
Tight eyes.
Don’t speak.
Just look.
Just follow.
We hide.
We hide behind our cameras and our phones and our flat screen TV’s
The images we post in eagerness
ones that have been filtered
ones that have been edited
ones that have been DisTorteD
We are told we are
To Fat
To Skinny
To Tall
To Short
We are told that our images show
Too much skin
They are too conservative
So. We hide.
We beileve what we are told.
We follow.
What happened to enjoying the company of others?
Instead we walk around, dead-brained
Clinging to the phones we take pictures with
Hands clenched in fear
We take pictures of the party we want all to see.
When in reality?
We don’t even remember it.
We hide
No one takes pictures of themselves in the morning
No one wakes up and says,
“Wow I look like shit,
What a perfect Instagram pic!”
Because society tells us it’s easier to pretend we are perfect all the time
Society. The sinking feeling deep within ourselves,
The vulnerability that stares blankly back at us in the mirror,
Like our feet have been bound to the depths of the black ocean floor
And we are drowning.
What are we afraid of?
We let others in, through a small lens into our lives
When in reality, your life is so much more than that
more vast
more colorful
more passionate and beautiful,
than any camera could ever capture.
It may seem harsh...But
I am asking you to recognize
To appreciate
To believe
To see
The truth.
That we may hide.
But I promise you your life is valuable
Your life it more than your phone
It’s more than how many likes you get on your picture
You are beautiful
You are strong
You are unique
You. Are. Powerful.
So don’t limit yourself to the things you post
Limit yourself to the path of your heart
The dreams you feel running through your passion filled veins
Don’t let anyone tell you
that you aren’t
good enough
That you must hide behind the filters of society
To be accepted
The only filter that you need.
Is the filter of the warm and invasive sunset that is lit
inside of you
You are more than what we may hide behind.
You are Greater.