I Am Flawless
I am judged
Called names and tossed to the curve
Kicked in the stomach
Told I am not good enough
Laughed at
Gawker at
But that just means I am envied
Means I am different
I shine above others and blind them
Those that mock me, tease me, bully me
Called names and tossed to the curve
Kicked in the stomach
Told I am not good enough
Laughed at
Gawker at
But that just means I am envied
Means I am different
I shine above others and blind them
Those that mock me, tease me, bully me
Those that will do anything to knock me down
Those are the ones that need my help
I, the person that is called names and tossed to the curve
Who is kicked in the stomach
Laughed at
Gawked at
I am flawless
My hair
My eyes
My smile
My life
I live
Those are the ones that need my help
I, the person that is called names and tossed to the curve
Who is kicked in the stomach
Laughed at
Gawked at
I am flawless
My hair
My eyes
My smile
My life
I live
I breathe
I cry
I cry
I survive
I feel every verbal punch but don't back down
Hold my head up high even though I am broken inside
I live through the abuse
I shine
I live
I love
I breathe
I am flawless
I feel every verbal punch but don't back down
Hold my head up high even though I am broken inside
I live through the abuse
I shine
I live
I love
I breathe
I am flawless