For a long time, I hid in silence.
Hoodies and oversized sweaters
Comforted me.
Self esteem? Nonexistent
I didn’t know who I was
Who I wanted to be
I thought appearance was everything, then.
Through my brown eyes
I saw disappointment, disgrace, a disgusting creature
When confronted by the reflector.
No smile crossed my face,
I didn’t dare reveal
My impaired pearls.
Rejecting bread
Any other edibles
Was my solution.
Colored contacts,
Altered my dark eyes.
Transformed my smile.
Intrigued me with what they could do.
Best friends at the time
Yet they only made the gashes deeper.
It all changed me
That ugly duckling was long gone.
Self esteem was finally born
At the peak, I thought
Little did I know
I had just hit rock bottom
My appearance changed
But that didn’t mean the wounds had healed
I didn’t change.
I had only put a mask on
To cover my imperfections.
Those sweaters got replaced
By material things.
The suitors, I thought I knew, vanished
The allies, I thought I trusted, betrayed me
The faith, I thought I had, deserted me
I knew right then and there
That I had only set myself up.
I finally understood that,
The opinion I have of myself
Can affect me more
Then those of others.
I finally understood that,
I didn’t need to be skinny,
I didn’t need contacts,
Braces or makeup
To be who I wanted.
I needed love,
Self healing
Before anything else.
It took a good minute
To get myself situated.
I finally took the time,
To let the wounds heal
To forgive.
I found myself
And now
The only person I want to be
And will be,
Is me.
I refuse to hid in silence
I refuse not to be good enough
I know who I am
I am strong
I know how to fight for what/whom I love
I am courageous,
I was never one to follow the crowd
I am intelligent
I know I can succeed
I am independent
I refuse to let someone have control of my life
I am caring
I tore down those brick walls
I am humble
Because I’ve seen what my mother has done for me
I am so much more that meets the eye,
But aren’t we all.
I have found my truth
I know my worth