Wisdom For My People
I am a yougin and you might find what i am saying is obsurd
But i need to speak up and say these words
My brothers and sisters
Look what has become of us
Living in a country where people are scared of us
Because black men sag their pants, we act crazy, and tend to cuss
Our people dying everyday because of the label we've given us
We act as if we don't want more than just the hood
Because of ignorant black folk we're misunderstood
Like Trayvon Martin killed for wearing a hood
Or Michael Brown, shot up but still put his hands up as best he could
Eric Garner said he couldn't breath, while his face is in the concrete
Did Emmett Till deserve the fate that fell upon him
People before us put their lives on the line for you and me
So that we could live in this country equally
But you say you'd rather be someone's dealer
Not knowing that that batch could kill her
Then you're serving life imprisonment
Are you listening? are you getting it?
I'm not going to make this sweet, no sugar coating it
It's only the beginning and i ain't even started yet
Hello. How you doing? My name is Taz.
I know about the struggle, the hard life, and i grew up without my dad.
But I don't use that as an excuse.
They told me I'd be a statistic but i refused.
I am 17 with a big dream
I'm going to college to get my Master's Degree
So i can build a business helping troubled teens
Like how my mentors helped me
So i say to you
My generation, stay in school
Enjoy your life as a teen, go to prom
Make your mom a proud mom
Strut your stuff while you walk that stage
Get your diploma so one day
You can have a big office with your degree in a frame
Don't waste any opportunity
Of possibly
Becoming the next Obama, MLK, Maya Angelou, or Muhammad Ali
Not as in boxing but fighting,
So that the next generation
Knows the power of education and where it can take them
I am giving you wisdom are you listening?
Are you hearing it? Am i making sense?
Statistics say that 1 out of every 5 will get my message
So let's put that statistic to the test then
If you understand what I am saying
Please raise your hand
Vow that no girl, no boy, no child, no teen
Will go without the opportunity
Of becoming all that they can be
Speak out, Speak up, and Spread the word
My brothers and sisters let them know that knowledge is POWER
And their lives matter