I Am a Mountain

Sat, 02/28/2015 - 20:38 -- CoNull

A mountain only falters in the moment before it collapses

Just as I do.

We stand tall and proud and firm

As the world carves us hollow.


Birds and butterflies know nothing of my world

As I know nothing of theirs,

But our desire to fly is as equal in intensity and importance

As a mother’s need to protect her child.


The words that fall from my tongue are heavy and brittle and quiet

When I defend myself

But become fierce and strong and powerful

When defending

Anyone else.


The love I possess stretches as far as the sky,

But as the sky coats the earth,

My care consumes me

And causes me pain.


I love too much.

I love too many.

I do not love myself.


I am standing tall and proud and firm

As the world carves me hollow

Like a mountain.

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