Flawless Anyway
Flawless Anyway
Rejection and Acceptance are heavy wieghts
Flawless Anyway
When I look up time is Lost
Flawless Anyway
Trust is there or hidden
Flawless Anyway
Within a devision I see disrespect and isolation
Flawless Anyway
Love within a family is Long Term,Remenber!:)
Flawless Anyway
Frustration and anger comes with life
Flawless Anyway
To whom I dont trust I tell them
Flawless Anyway
When death occurs I maintain IT
Flawless Anyway
Forget negative preception
Flawless Anyway
Ladies WE have every right to own our tittle
Flawless Anyway
Unique is calling ME!
Flawless Anyway
Starring in the mirror I get a little skeptical
Flawless Anyway
Trust Me!
Flawless Anyway
Flawless Anyway
Just Do It!:)