It’s not the makeup that covers your face, the clothes you buy to look better, the number of likes or comments you receive under your pictures that make you flawless. It is your presence, your inner beauty, your charisma, and the way you carry yourself as an independent young lady that makes you undeniable, that makes you outstanding… These things make you flawless. I come standing on the shoulders of my grandmother, my Mother and the many who have helped me blossom into the Sunflower I am today. It’s the way I respect myself, cross my legs at the ankles, the way I present myself to strangers. The fact that I have realize and know that presentation is key! This is how I know that I’m flawless. I woke up like this, I woke up like this “Flawless” I woke up like this “Shania”, Flawless. I woke up like this to discover a goal; be a GOAL digger, I will dig until there is no more digging to be done. A new day where I can draw on a blank canvas and create something better for my life. I woke up like this because…… I’m Flawless.