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If you stand strongly with and for Liberty I will fearlessly join you If you stand firmly for Freedom
America.   The land of the free, they said. The home of the brave, they claimed. But now? Now, it feels like a dream deferred,
One peaceful morning, a sunshine to admire, Just three little birds sitting on top of a wire. One was blue and the others were red,
For crying out loud Due to the outcome I was not particularly proud For more than two centuries, election days go and come
Slave girl unchained yesterday sings an unchained melody Freedom tastes so honey sweet Dancers rock a drumming beat   She is breathing freedoms air Free from sorrow Free from care  
Slave girl unchained yesterday sings an unchained melody Freedom tastes so honey sweet Dancers rock the drumming beat   She is breathing freedoms air Free of shackles,free of care
If I were an angel, I would have been Lucifer. Not for the darkness or the rebellion, but for the light I once held and the questions that burned within.
"Hush hush" The silence kills me Pin drop. Cold and haunting, It claws at my throat, screeches gainst my hollow ribs, tears my bloodied heart apart.   My mouth opens.
  Amidst the ash and rubble heroes stop to cry, and pray for those who perished as Old Glory waves nearby.   What can we do to tell them how proud they make us feel
Words Loaded Like Weapons     Freedom is not found Freedom from the binds of one cast aside whether god or government quickly replaced by the other   Government for your life here
Let Haiti be absolutely free Haiti is the father of Freedom and Liberty Haiti is the first nation to forever ban or abolish slavery
If it is God who chooses leaders, then he has failed. My people are starving. Others are dying Because of the Man He chose for us.
Stark white beaches contrasting glasslike water enchants; drawing many souls close, so close they are engulfed in it. Hopelessly consumed selfishly by the veneer opting to idle
What race? Human race? Stop talking about race Start talking about space Start talking about grace Start talking about behavior
The taste of joy, so crystal clear, It’s the feeling of a soaring soul, An escape from chains that take their toll.   Freedom, the right to be yourself, To speak your mind and not just shelf,
Letter Love discovered a Lover♡
There was a long time. Growing up that I didn’t know any better. I sinned against man, and God. No one explained me the difference between right and wrong. So, I kept on sinning.
There was a long time. Growing up that I didn’t know any better. I sinned against man, and God. No one explained me the difference between right and wrong. So, I kept on sinning.
Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Never, never tell a good Poet what to write Or what to say. The Poet always tries to be right To be on the good and the best side of history
I miss you only if you miss my smile
Powerful words,Truthful words,Honest words,Brave words;This is exactly what the Doctor orders,For a nation, who's trying to fight the horrorsOf blatant racism,
How controlled people drinking closed off behind orange barracades Regulated Their fun and the environment they have it in are only as far as authority allows them to. Their freedom looks on the surface
Their own happiness, their own pleasure becomes the suffrage for freedom With a capital I, Individual Capital A, the artist Capital N, the non conformist Found in the letters of my name
Non sei nessuno Dato che non sono nessuno Sei qualcuno Come io sono qualcuno C'è una sola umanità
You are nobody As I am nobody You are somebody As I am somebody There’s one humanity Let’s thank God and Jesse
Girls must have the undeniable rights to speak,And the God-given rights to choose and pick.Girls must have the rights to be educated,To be respected and to be protected.Girls are human beings too;
They swore and they lied Women’s rights are tied To our weak democracy
                                Only God is Supreme Humans can never be supreme Don’t believe in Supreme Court
This is my gay poem My poem about pride And about finally coming out to my parents after 23 years But you know some news falls on cotton-filled ears Never bothering to ask where they got the cotton from.
I was 16 years old when I finally realized that I was gay. When I finally understood why I had so many girlfriends, But could barely speak to other boys I was 16 years old when I first kissed a boy
Be not afraidTo fight the right fightsThe hate, the hatredTo regain your rightsTo end bigotry, racismFascism and nepotism.
Democracy is about freedom of speechAnarchy is, without a doubt, the oppositeOf democracy, liberty and freedom to wishTo hope, to dream and to confront defeat.
Liberty has been taken hostage, abducted in many parts Of the world Freedom is often smothered, suffocated in many hearts In this world
(Dedicated to you, my Brothers and Sisters)
'I am' as travel as howling wind; As free from prison at nightmare's night! After had many years of torment glint! As quell the people their torrent- fright.
Block this, block that Black this, black that I am sick and tired Of seeing the hatred
Self-imprisonment Is the worst form Of punishment Still, it is not out of the norm
A bird in a cage. Watching all the life around. Captured, full of pain. Alone, only thoughts unbound.
♡ Bon appétit to all my fellow Haitians and friends,Who will be drinking, sipping, savoring soup joumou,Which is made of squash, neck bones, macaroni, oxtails,Carrots, yams, celery, parsley, and countless vegetables.
  Bon appetit a tout Ayisyen zanmim yo,Moun ki pral bwè, manje, deguste bon soup joumou,Ke nou fè ak joumou, kou koden, makawoni, ke bef,Kawòt, yanm, seleri, pèsi, ak lot bon legim.
Unlike, Snow White in the celebrated enchanted story, my sable sista sports a coiled crown of glory. She use to press her strands straight, or level her thick crinkled mane with lye.
So many colored faces in a crowd set in 1960s apartheid.   There was beats and poets that rang and sang of being black.   The stars could burn your hair off.
They say our generation tries to grow up too fast  But we live in a world where we are to live to others’ expectations and grow up.   
looking up at the sky seeing not rainwater, but the blood of my brother’s and sister’s.   I have no eyes, i am in chains.   Here I present a man
Haiti, Haiti, Haiti, a Terra dos Mártires Haiti, Haiti, a Terra dos Primeiros Libertadores Haiti, a terra de muitos bravos escravos
Ayiti, Ayiti, Ayiti, peyi dè Mati Ayiti, Ayiti, Peyi Gran Esklav Ayiti, Ayiti, Peyi Nèg Brav Yon Oazi ke zòt vle trayi.  
while traveling abroad within the confounds of your mind you will discover the passages entering through those the gods and goddesses have granted access throughout your mindful jog
            Haiti (Ayiti, Bohio, Quisqueya, Saint-Domingue) Is a long ago Kidnapped country Before the parturition of the harmful bayonets
Haïti, Un Pays Kidnappé   Haïti Est un pays Kidnappé, il y a belle lurette
This is not a recrudescence of racism In America or in the world, but rather A continuum of malfeasance, antagonism And hardcore cruelty of the systemic horror
Myriads of Haitian-Americans will vote in the next US election We are sending stern warnings to the current administration We will vote for one party and we will rock the boat
You must change You're doing yourself a favor Your life is a story Your voice is the narrator Life is what you make it Create your reality Don't speak negative
Unseen and Unheard the smoke torches this small world the earth cowering, shrinking back turning the crust from green to black we're scaring her
Unseen and Unheard The smoke torches this small world Trapped, Stuck in this cage My breath filled with rage, this world hasn't seen Trapped down in this ravine, overuled by the supreme.
He fights every battle He seizes every throne He brings bloodshed and destruction To every home   He kills with no mercy
Now They May Stop My Ability To Have Some Stability... Because of A LACK of Earning BIG CASH... !!! But What They WON'T STOP While My Mind State Is Living... Is Verse That Breeds Thinking In Poems I’m Bringing...
It’s A CRISIS... It’s A CRISIS... !!! MAN Their Talk Is PRICELESS... !!! It’s A CRISIS When Ish’ Happens To Them... ?!? Like Gun Violence That Leads To DEATH... !!! But When It’s BLACKS... !!!
I Write my poems freely on the walls of the room By looking natural sky through window's eyes, The stars may add their beauties so me bloom; My face is flattened as lonely air that flies.
Todays’ Speed of Life Is More Than Trife... !!!!! In Fact Like A Rifle It Can Quickly Stifle Or Shake Like Trifles... !!! When Stability’s Made To Make UPGRADES... Just To Keep Pace With Life Today... !!!
Now We Know Folks Are GAGGED In Ways That Are BAD... !!! And In Ways That Some Use Within Their Sexual Moves... !!! But What About Masks... We Should Think About That... !?!
It’s CLEAR That These Words Are Now Words of TRUTH... !!! People Need To Learn To Take The... Rough With The Smooth... From Poetic Crews To TV News..... Everything In This World Is CLEARLY NOT ALL GOOD... !!!
Sitting in a desk Back bent over a laptop Fingers flying across the keyboard No need to stop for a breath No need to wonder what people will think All you have to do is Write what you feel
If I ask when you won your freedom, Could you give me a reply? Could you list the names of men And women who fought until they died?   Could you tell the tale of those who fell
Aphrodite’s bliss- Never came close, to this. To be Gibralatar Barred against the briny black rock. There is freedom- You can’t have in marble arms.
My days are the yearning kind Desiring for what only God can provide  Looking elsewhere for what can only be found inside  Luke 17:21 set of mind 
BLACK AND EVERY LIVES MATTER Much more to humanity than being White or Black, no inferiority nor superiority. No African No American and nothang like Asian. All I see on earth is humans.
Previous month wasn't just the end of beginning of new month. It's not just how time flies. But how time upgrades to new stage.
THE GREAT MAMA AFRICA @60 Mama Africa flashes white across greens Sweep it on her marshes and swamps Smear it through forests and savannahs Small paradise a piece she choose to offer
Beautiful black nurturing Mother, Throughout history there is no other,
AFRICA I Pondered What's African Time.⌚ I came to realization, why Africa is yet lacking behind.
Better Dayz! These goes out to the people in the penitentiary!
Hold On Be Strong! 💪 These those dying on the Bedstead! Stand to your feet no defeat. Never let anyone tell you harbour no disease. For the secret of a mighty wealth is a sanely health.
So a thunderstorm A really ugly fight Four days of not talking Maybe just another break But we know that a break isn’t a break
When you turn up the loving it heals the broken parts of me. You create a love so strong it takes my sight, it’s blinding. Feels so damn good, there has to be something special about me.
Writing washes clean the sins of my heart. Giving voice to the good, bad, and ugly parts. Allows me to share times when I swam with sharks. I get lost in it, stopping is the hard part.  I have been to some dark places that are hard to revisit. Enc
Without us, I lived as though I didnt give 2 fucks. There was no we, no possibility of an us. There was silence, no arguing, no bickering, no cussin', no fuss.
And we are at it again, why do I go back to him out of all men. Just to sit and pretend, like I love him again.  Like he is actually a friend, but worse than letting a stray dog move in.
HEY... My Name AIN'T Jane... !!! Big Virges' PERSONALITY... Does NOT Embrace... CALAMITIES... !!!!!
On the auspicious occasion of August 15th(tomorrow), I would like to wish you all in advance- 𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆!!
It was 73 years ago a nation called India was born After liberated from the bondage of a colonial power An empire so mighty even the sun dared not to set Some chosen men and women of honour fought against all odds
there has been little that is  quite as freeing as running naked into the ocean under the light of the full moon
Watch and listen  You will find a breed A man, slave to that thing Alwayse on the prowl In the wild I stand Testing these creatures Choosing to be free    
                     ✍🏿️  .Am I Free?.  ✍🏿️ Life as we know it, lives lost, hope fading, Riots in our streets, business set blazing.
Ya Know ... We CAN'T ALL BE ... ... Artistically Free ... !!! It’s A FALLACY To Truly Believe ... That Artistry... Truly Deals In FREE Speech ...
We are built from everything  you told us we couldn’t be.  You told us we couldn’t be loud  so we screamed in silence and  everyone heard. 
I’m falling  and falling  and my back is  burning  but I’m freezing  cold  cold  and the wind is 
I wanna live, And not survive, I wanna be free, stop counting to three, Just like a bird,  flying from my past,
Calvary, calvary, calvary Gave His only progeny What a great love for humanity That bought us back - God's property.   Calvary, calvary, calvary Calvary took all the misery
We are independentWe are free.Yet nobody can hear me. We are independentwe are free.Yet nobody can hear me. Many innocent lives were taken.And now we must awakenTo the sheer horror of death.
Sada Massey The Aftermath? ( What happens next) June 1/4/5, 2020 What happens next? After the protesters have grown tired and WEARY Then gone After the FIRES have been put out
When I look into your eyes I can see A version of you you keep locked away deep inside Trapped in a tattered cage amidst a storm of darkness spewing a violent rage with no control it sways
Freedom- a nobler word I have never heard. Freedom- so that you may triumph, countless masses have died upholding and defending you, with courage and pride. Freedom- so that you may live,
I never thought that escape was possible. Not until I met you. Even with a collective half of a car and only the change in our pockets to serve as a fund, you gave me wings and a south to fly to.
Germany is a warzone: barren, silent, Shivers and angst filled the air. No more hope for us Jews, we are isolated. It is unfair.   It was time: soon to be dawn,
There's fear. Apprehension. Paranoia, If you will. We hide. We hoard. We gossip to our fill. I'd rather just be free. To laugh, run, and embrace. I'd rather take that risk,
High up in the mountains on a clear, starry night, far behind me is the gleaming of the city's harsh light. Before me lies a valley clothed in fog's misty shroud. These mountains don't know
My future has been planned for me, and I must follow blindly.  Will I seize my freedom with force, or walk the easy course? It's easy to accept my fate,  but I'll carry the weight
Flowers need the sun. 
Living life without a careDon't even worry about my hairHomesickness snakes throughout my skinBut every day is a win As a person, I have grownMore than I could ever have knownI have become braverEvery day I feel less a stranger I pass landscapes f
The mind has a funny way of playing tricks on you, Even though you have it planned in your head what you want, your mind still takes over and tells you what to do.
Is freedom merely illusion like a mirage, so real, so clear? Do I struggle in vain to reach it, just to watch it disappear? An elusive, distant shimmering dream, promising sweet salvation?
You stand up for what you believe is right, but the world looks down on you, it's alright. You will face many struggles, but others will look at you and chuckle,
“Ticket to Freedom”    All I want is to be free.    I don’t want to live by
These Days It's CLEAR That Mind Control Is On A Roll ... !!! Because LOST Souls Now Live In ... "FEAR" ... !!!!! FEAR of THIS And FEAR of THAT ... !!! FEAR of Thinking They've Been TRAPPED ... !!!
Fly away little bird. Spread your golden wings. With the Zephyrs as your guides, Close your eyelids, And soar little bird.
Do you call out for help with your eyes Do your stone muscles relax Does your blood start to flow Do your eyes start to cry Do you take a break from being still to just breathe –             
I wonder why the great flag waves in the wind— 
It's Hard TO FIND Some ... " Peace of Mind " ... !!! When What Surrounds Makes You Feel Down ... !!! MANY Now Try ... Good Old Coc' Lines ... !!! To Ease Their Minds In PRESSURED Times ... !!!
From China To Some U.S. States ... And CLEARLY NOW ... In The UK ... Many Choose To Live ... " Behind Closed Gates " ... But The Word MANY ... " EXAGGERATES " ... !!!!!!
There's been the bad, I used to crack a smile, while I cut myself -Clinically- insane   And there's been the good,
When the gesture of kneeling demands to be heard And the rainbows in the sky earned their own parades, People are excited to check name boxes on paper, While goddesses of the workplace are finally being praised  
O, Father you are a great planter  You’ve planted my seed in this island  and watched me grow into a tree
O, Father you are a great planter  You’ve planted my seed in this island  and watched me grow into a tree
  I am free After years of enslavement After years of racism After years of prejudice   I am free The lives' of the people before me Tell a story of resilience and perseverance
Dreams are among the stars In sight, but out of reach Til one falls, shooting fire. Seeing this must then teach The law of desire
I'm SICK of ... "RESTRICTIONS" .... !!!!! "DON'T say THAT and DON'T say THIS !" ... What's The Point of Having Lips ... !?!
The freedom we seek isn't always from a foreign rule Get freedom from being slave to your doubts Get freedom from fear of uncertainties of your life Get freedom from fear of falling from cliff of your ambitions
Why Do We Have MOUTHS ... ? If We Cannot Talk ... !?! While Those Who Should SHUT IT .... !!!!! Are Building A FORT ...
Splish Water laps over my hiking boots As I ford my way upstream a Wild highland river The wind gusts with an exciting promise Of grandeur just uphill.   Breath heavy Heart light  
  Free me  Free to be free  We lost what It might mean to be free Freedom lost that wasn’t ever had  Mourning the loss of what we were told was bad  Told what it was to be free 
Do You Believe In ... ? Freedom of Speech ... ? Freedom of Thought ... ? And Freedom To Teach ... ? Or ..... ? Freedom To Do ... The Things That You Please ... ?!?
I waitedFor a callYou did promiseFrom the land of forgottenNot that you didn’t tryAmong the serpentile queuesScared facesLonging to hearWishing not to fearBetween the dreaded shadows
Dreams The ones Waking you upWith a feeling You don’t like Bad or worse Wishing Well it’s just a dreamHow do you knowThe vultures in the skyLaughing You don’t know
We cut their tongues,Not that they will not speak,We are not deaf either,Not that we have the heart to heed.  
i feel the sensation of pain. the course is which my blood flows around in the tubes my body owns. the sensation i feel from the relese i need. I feel the sense in which i
i feel the sensation of pain. the course is which my blood flows around in the tubes my body owns. the sensation i feel from the relese i need. I feel the sense in which i
After: The White Man’s Burden by Kipling 1899After: Cool Hand Luke by Stuart RosenburgAfter: Preamble to the Constitution of the United States
You can see the pain in my eyes as  I Struggle ____ But with the lord catching me before I stumble ____ How can I lose when I choose to  Remain HUMBLE!!!!!       LOWELL C.I.  
Leaving all of the pain  Out of the way Gotta make it right  'Cause I am better than that  Doubt and constrain Played with my brain Now I am goin' clean Make sure the lights are gonna turn green
She could spread her wings with the birds and the bees and follow the sun as they became one Rays of fire soaking through her pores and wrapped around her bones it lifts her up higher than everyone else 
o the terrors of being locked in a jar   (to have a 360-degree view of a world u can’t touch what is life with an airtight lid hold ur breath
  Soon, I’ll sleep again, I will feel no pain,   For a little time, Peace will be all mine,   My mind will seek Freedom from the past,   I’ll be carefree,
I’m just a brown boy WITHABLACKBOOK holding on to blue feelings. I bleed red blood I have red eyes bloodshot.   gunshot. another friend gets killed on the street
I took a drag and hid behind the rush it gave because when you're high life can't be bad   I pushed the pain aside and let the smoke take me with it while locking my fears inside  
I am not your magic wand. I will not come when you beckon for my flesh. I will not grant your every wish like a genie in a lamp, a slave to your waking whim. I am not chained in bonds of service. Nathan is a free elf.
Don’t give up and never give in Keep fighting the fight and someday you’ll win So don’t give up and never give in I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again   This world will not greet you
This world today is a tangled mess of opinions and hate and opinions and wait. Stepping outside is like stepping into a court room except both sides of the room are calling me guilty.
All of a sudden you’re falling   You’re running a marathon, free like a bird, but then all of a sudden you’re falling.  
So many poems these days remind me of a college poetry class presentation. Not the students who genuinely want to be there there. No, the students who took the class for an easy A and are now forced to write to pass the class.
My cries awoke me to harsh lights, unfamiliar hands, and cold Placed in my mom's arms, at peace, curled up and consoledRunning, and hiding, and balls flying, the world was mine, I was told
Looking in the mirror, nine years old,  Almond eyes blink. And I hate them, wishing they were bigger.  Shiny dark hair, smooth honey skin  In a world full of blonde curls and blue eyes.   
How can Men control our bodies When They refuse to wear a condom Or Even knows how a tampon works Instead of sticking them  Up your nose Why don't you educate yourself because
There are times I wish it would always be the middle of the night. Everything is calm, still and you can hear everything beyond your door if you listen well.
November 19, 2017, at 1:29 in the morning, my heart was broken and restored, all in the same moment in time. That night is imprinted in my memory, and on my hip, in stark black ink.
The melody no longer rings the same, and no, the harmony is not to blame. It’s the years spent in an orchestrated song filled with root beer chords, where the days are long.
Radical Self Acceptance    You are of my kind,  Uniquely divine,  A different breed of beautiful unlike anyone I have ever seen Clothed in angel energy; Beam and radiate fully now
Adulting   Adult is a four letter word. It’s more dangerous than others Because it denotes segregation Between the old and young,
I thought that i could fly - like the birds so high in the sky. But i never learned how to take flight, letting all the opportunities pass me by.  
O Miles Per Hour Freedom, foot on pedal Propels my machine of metal   20 miles per hour Windows down Volume up Off the grid
We are honoring those who fought and died for the USA.We are honoring our deceased soldiers on Memorial Day.Many soldiers fought and died so that every American can be free.
You stiff my breath Make my throat go numb I can’t say a word And you want me say a lot   Why do you have such cruel inflictions on me? Is my soul not enough for you to keep
You stiff my breath Make my throat go numb I can’t say a word And you want me say a lot   Why do you have such cruel inflictions on me? Is my soul not enough for you to keep
America The Brave They say America is the land of the free and home to the brave. But what about the minds here that enslaved?
Growing up Sounds fun right? No rules or regulations Just being able to do what comes in sight   Little did I know, it's not all fun and games I'm not longer a child I'm getting older now 
Your voice slips and rolls like honey. And, your tone sounds just as sweet. You treat me as if I were a fragile bird. Your gaze opens wide and centers on me.
Intransigent, tenacious ,I am. I am very pious and belligerent when someone disagrees with the word of God. I'm learning to be insouciant about others malicious opinions on  their beliefs
There are good and bad people in this world. Doesn’t matter who they are. Love is the only thing we need, The thing that really defines us.
I exist In the subtle rhythms The periphery of perception In gentle sea breezes And silky laughter  In the dance of falling leaves And dreams I lust after. I construct my reality
I’m a good person, with a bad past   Happiness could never last  Coming from a broken home with broken dreams      I never went through life with ease  I thought love was a scary thing
We are created without consent Given to those with supreme claim to us Molding us in the image they see fit Until conscientious, awoken from youth   We are expected to live with respect
White Dragon Boy  eyes glistening upon the sky  Swirling and flying along in Avalon Free as ever was Knowing the world finally set you free To your actual form  White dragon boy
PowerrewoP © thb    01/09/2019 17:08:52 wednesday   P O W E R shimmers wind
we are flocking togetherthere's no-one to leave be the aim and the arrow VVVis for Victory that's a lucky escape
Before... I was a humble slave Bowing before your wishes. I attempted to craft myself to your pleasing But it never lasted.  
Gravity, Gravity, Is there something you aren’t telling me? Constantly pulling me in, Never pushing me out to go farther than I’ve ever been,  But instead drawing me closer for eternity.  Gravity, Gravity, 
Fear.   She envelopes us like a cold day without a jacket. Shivering like bare shoulders, chills climbing in the crooks of collapsing collarbones. "I am afraid," the voice taunts, always behind us always there.
For the longest time,  I let it encapsulate me.    Fear gripped me with its  frozen, harsh, ugly hands.  They were unrelenting.   I would tell you a story  of suffering  of  pain 
When I was a kid My opinion meant very little to others I was told that silence is better than to be heard This became a problem for me Because society constantly made me out to be the enemy
I want you to tell me again, because I couldn't say what I wanted too. I need you to tell me again, because I wanted to say what you expected me too. Please, just tell me again,
Uncertainty Solitude Responsibility Failure The feeling of wanting to hide under your covers from the world Everything changes after 18 You leave your house
You taught me to be silent You stole my voice You told me to be small You stole my strength You pushed me down You stole the ground from underneath my feet   But today I stand back up
Finally, I'm free from you free from the pain you give free from the anger you clinged to me free from the hate of what you've done to me free from the fear you've bestowed me
I sit idly inside my mind before the Train arrives. I wander between my ears, behind my eyes - wondering where I'm going.   I am lost in outer space. Yet I maintain these chains;
Repeating what I've done once before,Recycling "hello" and "goodbye" pricelessly.Rethinking my decisions isn't needed, thisRealistic world I've grown used to, I want toRedo the world in hopes of something better.
We fight to bring hope  to the hopeless…   To the voices who have refused to work out of fear of being hurt   for an idea…   Our words are our greatest weapon
I have a journey in mind What can be sweet and kind About this world in which we live What does this morning give?
Life is long Like a race We have to run We need to beat other runner But what’s the purpose?   You don’t have to run When you don’t know your destination It’s okay to stop
Unified in our individualism, we collectively suffer… We live in a system defined by hierarchies and divisions yet we still say it’s for a greater good that will eventually benefit everyone.
Hi, I’m Mentally Ill but Is this actually a surprise?  I mean were you not able see past my fake smiles, my fake laughs and the fake face I put on each and everyday.
The only creature  who truly knows freedom: high-flying bird   Give me freedom or  Give me DEATH! I'll settle for rights.    A 16 year old  with car keys in hand
It is here where we lay our scene:A young fair maiden in a garden greenShe goes to smell the flowers today;They dance and whisper peacefully
What do you believe in?Do you believe in the sky?Do you believe in the things that pass you by?Do you believe the answers they tell you, when you ask 'why'?Do you believe in truths or in lies?
I am an empty vase Fill me with flowers And I cannot but be beautiful.
Years ago, when the earth Was as delicate as a new born doe A huge land mass got split Giving a piece of land On which we stand, upright and still Ancestors turned into humans
Tears of joy in a rain of hearts. Clouds spread across the wall with flames engulfed by a passive wave. In this day I found my pain, My freedom, And my closure.  
someone scream when the night falls for me in the West and for you In The East at the moment we both blink   for when we rush  through our safe doors and plunge into stardust
A bird who loves his cage and his view of the tree Is still a bird in captivity The loveliest of cells still has the power to derange   I wanted so desperately to be free The tempting breezes to leave me be
in a world so blind i am the only one who can see the damage that has been done,  the pain that has caused so many to bleed.   a world built from a dream forced into a reality
Oh, say, can you see by the dawn's early light. What so proudly we held to our chest with a knife. As we broke the chains of freedom that stopped a wicked sight. For years we trapped our feelings but now it’s time for the fight.
I wake up each day, a new dawn,  a new beginning, filled with new possibilities  letting yesterday's failures fade and yet they stick to me like the sap from a tree. 
Dreams   I.   Dreams begins with a spark That ignites the flames deep in the dark
On the Tube  The great city that is London ,Connecting,Making it possible for the masses to get everywhere,Commuting. Going here, there and everywhere,People are like ants,Non-stop movement,Seems a little pants  Yet without the inhabitants what wo
We see who we are, Daily,We move forward, internet,Technology . This is the way things seem to be,Functionality,Yet we are more than our daily lives,Genetically  Looks, build, hair, eyes,Physically,Behaviours, attitudes , Personality. Traits, beha
  so there she was hiding in the shadowcowering in fear of what he would say if he found out she was one of those people he spoke of,
Everything starts with yourself. You must exists in order for this to be existing. It starts with you first accept yourself then others will join in acceptance.
The doorman stood lanky and tallWith a suspicious eye that watched over allHe stood only three steps from me And I thought and I asked what it's like to be free
Can i breathe? , yes  Yes i can  Can i see?, yes Yes i can  Can i live, no  No i can't My life is a gift , that i have yet to open But i'm scared my gift , isn't what i wanted
Dear mom I know that I am loved  
Really good to get, Consistency, Wrapped in bed feeling, Warmly.   Slowly drifting off, Peacefully, That cosy sensation, Securely.   Difficult time before with my sleep,
Meetig first time, Exciting, Meet halfway, Compromising.   Get there before you do, Mind starts wandering, Think what to say, Want to appear interesting.   You turn up,
It's been long,  Struggling, Living life this way,  No longer functioning.   Sporadic moments of clarity, Showing, That life is not, Dsyfunctioning.  
I must be cautious in the words i say; I dream to be educated in every way. To banish opression that keep us down; To uplift whom feel submerged as if they drown.
Too many lives lost, Haunting, howling, crying, wailing...the voices of our ancestors. Understand this, my brothers and sisters:
Hitler, I'd like to meet and to him I will greet Why do you hate the Jewish fleet Their bare feet march down the narrow street As Rabbis wonder if their maker is who they are going to meet
He made me follow his commands And obligated me to become a housewife I didn't have this life in mind, these were not my plans He stopped me from achieving my goals. he didn't let me strife   
This piece is a comment on gun violence in America, an issue I am incredibly passionate about. I participated in the March for Our Lives in my city and have been a vocal part of my community on this issue.
Notes flying ‘cross the page, Singing hope and singing rage Of how they plead to be free of the cage And dance across the page.
I've always wanted love But now I don't want to want it. I always craved touch  But dislike it when you touch me. I've always wanted loyalty And to be treated like I'm royalty
Sanity. We can't always be it.Sanity. What everyone presses you to be.Sanity. The normal of life...But... sometimes you lose your grip on Sanity... how do you get back?
I let you in, though it was hard   I let you in, you saw my scars
My head Inside is dead   My life
He Hit And Ran Slam bam No thank you ma'am
Low to the ground Try not to drown Felons are we
The dreamer of dreams A sad tale indeed Got lost inside Her own fantasy There was no escape For she'd lost her way With no one to guide her She was there to stay There is to be
Light in the darkness A little flit of faith On the wings Of tiny things Breathe again Let it go Cry and drop The weight On your back Spread your wings And fly free again
Wild & Crazy, Names given to me, Growing up this,  Apple scrumping and fighting, No support in the family.   Divord parents immediately, First in the playground, totally,
Making moves honestly, Criminal Past, Unashamedly, Back to front, Identity.   Find oneself, Completely, Letting go of things, Easily.   Getting clear in my head,
Drink, drink, drink until you drop, Laughs, tears and banter, Belly hurts so much, Think I'm going to flop.   Drink, drink, drink until you drop, Get me an eighth, a quarter,
I sit in the back of a dimly lit room Dancers swiftly move in unison in front of  me Staring at her gleaming costume I never thought I would be free   My eye met the movement inquisitively
"Yo es fuerte." I met a girl who had gone through hell She had gone through and come back again I met a girl who had God in her eyes She had escaped without a trace of where she'd been She told me not to cry
Today I saw a beautiful dream It was somewhere from within It seemed so real at the time - I wonder I dreamed that love has ruled the world That no one is sick or hurt
17, the first time,  Huge lower back pain, Great agony, Wanting to stay in bed, an eternity.   Exhaustion followed, Many days that passed, Concentrate on nothing, How long would it last?
I know it's not right, Know it's not fair, Make a decision, Don't seem to wear.   Consider myself a good soul, Liked by all, Friendships a many, Often the last to call.  
Been this way, Ever and an age, Stuck in the headlights, Yet it's the day.   Busy am I, Tirelessly, Making things work, Unproductively.   Treading water,
Fish Tale, Fish Tale, in shades of green and blue. They hold so many colors, and they hold so many hues. Fish Tale, Fish Tale,
Online match, We both swiped right, Could of been left, Sigh, I didn't see the catch.   Meeting for first drink, Totaly mystery, Nerves, anxious, and misery, Absolute pure clarity.
Being the oldest, Of all three, You took charge, Immediately.   Care,  Material Support, Yet not, Emotional Legacy.   Tells me, You are suffering, Despair,
Starting out full of love, Alert & playful, Sometimes lonely too, A dark cloud on the horizon.   It start so early, Difficult to tell, When the madness began,
Wake up in a tearful mess, Locus of control, upside down,  Minds a racing, Head trumping to the sound of despair.   Fighting to grip reality, White knuckle ride, Pure insanity,
Laying like a corpse,  Dawn of a new day, Familiar sinking feeling, Feeling full of dread.   Struggling to get up, Herculean in effort, The emptyiness is familiar, Head for the shower.
I know it's not right, I know its not fair, Every time you look that way, I just can't bare   You flick a switch,  becomes so bright Only you can douse the flames of desire, 
I am a rare and wild virgin flower in a field filled of poison ivy.  The kind of poison that's been infecting my life and trapped inside me.  And as I become wilted no longer able to get up, my family has been by me. 
The day of rest, for the nations best.  But who really stay in bed? Body clock, kids, and intsa too, make this very distracting for you. Try as you might, to switch off from this, the sun rises, disturbing
Backwards, forwards, side steps too, forwards, backwards I'm getting a little dizzy, can I get off this ride with you? Not knowing what the future would be, it don't matter, we're going for it, you'll see. 
I'm not sure, I can take much more, Living my life I'm not, Things started out oh so promising, Then I began to rot.   Tiredness and doubt fill my mind, Even when there is so much to do.
“How do I grow?” Asked the rock to the tree. “I want to have arms, so I can move and be free.” “Is that what you really see?” asked the tree.
What people fail to see is the chance to be free, The power to be more, the chance to open doors. Like a locked cage inside where the pain won’t subside,
I sit there on the bus, taxi, train or cab . Stopping oneself from  giving me verbal jab.  Composed I go, along this journey, where all can see.  Everything seems fine and dandy, to thee.  Smiling, working, and 
At first the illusion is good and proper, promises a many, it is hard not to faulter.  Time ticks by and the terms comes through, wow this is expensive, but we will make a lot of money too.
Screaming, fighting,  sacred food was the symbol of the 1980's. The weekly baths, always a storm, I went last, only to find the water had gone luke warm.  Dadday gone working in the mine, factory, or some other shit pit
It started out oh so long ago, the fog behind leaves a clue, but not something resolute. The times of the day were directed by the signs, yet those favoured the unfortunate working class towns .
There in the corner, looking oh so pretty. Oh my god, what a beauty, what treasured a site to see.    How's it possible she's so fit,  She seems so right. I see her stare, everywhere,
Walking around all day, feeling like shit. The night before was  difficult, whilst laying on my pit. I lie down at night, feeling totally spent.  An hour or two quickly passes by and then wide awake again.
Planting seeds is easy when you all you do is watch. It becomes embedded very early that alter to this path you'd  be awash. Later on things seem normal, in the family home .
Started out, Observation of 2 other entrepreneurs, Watching them make money, Started to burn my head.   Knowing I had the ability, Match them head on instead, Asking friends to join me,
The distance between us was this thin metal wall as the world passes by and no emotion would fall into the distance where echoes were heard but not a sound from people
Coming up to 7 years of age was a magical time. We smiled, laughed, and life sailed swiftly by. Getting to the old age of 8 saw a massive change ahead. My guardian angel was often missing, replaced with an absent father,
Depression is a selfish illness in that it makes you think  solely about one thing; Oneself.  You try in vain to conquer these demons yet find it does little to  help.
I recall our first sibling school picture, me all curly haired,  smoothed skinned boy, immaculate in uniform.   Later changing school, being in the new house, 'our house' ,
I'm not starving like most of Africa, or trying to flea its war  torn borders. There is no looking out of a single celled room, an externally locked door, and a four barred window. This isn't my reality.
She let's down her hair and sighs. Her head hung down. Her heart sunk low as a single tear ran down her face. She couldn't help but wonder When would this nightmare end? When could she truly smile again? Only god could answer her.
I relinquish running away, Whatever I do, I feel astray. Sensing jinxed from head to toe, Now it’s time to face my foe.   From all the undying tears I’ve shed; Though unseen, my heart has bled.
What is the problem with a kiss? Nothing that is what people would say but if I add in one word gay one word they freak let me try this again. What is the problem
Open your mind Ditch the confined Of the nine to five Waiting on the weekends To start the process Again, and again
Let's turn the page I have a story to tell About being on stage And how I fell I'm attached to strings Yet I want to be free Everyone else sings While I wish to be me
What do we believe is in the sea?  How can you believe there’s nothing more to see?   A blue so deep no light seeps through    I wish I could see that part too.
Sometimes the things we can grow, learn, want are what people are not   Protected but desire demands freedom   Security but never chasing after dreams  
the Corners of my life were my home. pushed into the spaces in between—unseen, side by side, shoulder to shoulder beside other shadows of Perfection.  
  and I am sitting in my bed and i see the water turn my doorknob, dissolve the door hinges and all I can think is that “orange” is the only word that has ever seemed to rhyme
Many things I have been taught by the eloquence of words   most important and the same overlooked… I need not speak to be heard.  
A mind of wonders, Imagination locked inside.   Idle hands, desperate to be untied.   Expressions bleeding, through the veins.   From the wild mind,  To dormant hands.
confinment  to this body, this place, this time  doomed to live this day  over and over again    a wave crashes on to shore  steady as the old grandfather clock  the path worn down to dust 
I love youOh dear god I love youWhat words are there to say other than that?What else must I say?Just look at youYou're beautifulGorgeousStunningFantastic 
freedom  freedom to release every loud thought that you believe is screaming at you  courage  courage to rawly drench these pages with pain, with joy, in solitude no perfection lives here
It cast a line that became more like a path, whether words of pain or wrath could become Beautiful Monsters of sights unseen but in the mind of one.
Free to be? Who? Me? I hide under this umbrella, ignoring the rain. We all have one. We've all done it. Only my pen acknowledges the cold and gusting wind. It does not judge,
Within human introspection comes a price, A revelation to the darkness of the mind. Venturing inside requires the roll of the dice, Are you ready for something not so kind?  
Slavery...the practice of forcing an individual to work, With absolutely no pay.Hustling early morning to late night in the fields,With undoubtfully no say.Day by day, the slaves pray,To make it out alive, knowing they must stay. Bull whips constr
Right, veering right,Left, swooping left.Orange cones, white lines, speed bumps Preventing me from zooming so fast.But I wouldn't because... I know me.
Some things feel like freedom but it isn't. A kiss can hold you still like a shake in your breath. It can rattle your heart and break your chest. dreams can come true and dreams can shatter
Love is unconditional. Love is happiness. Love is inspirational.   Love is inspirational. Love is eternal. Love is kind.   Love is patient. Love is rejoicing. Love is peace.
When I think of the world I'm afraid to look at what it has become. People struggle through the darkness that has risen all through out the pastures of their very land.
The flock finds nothing to worry about. For with the cold sun, It shall fly south.   The lion wrinkles not Despite its kindred loss.
I don't know where we are going but I hope its forever. I don't know what we see but its blinding. It's insanity. It's pain, but its so desireable. I look into your eyes and just forget what hurts the most.
I did it because I have been             trapped all my life The air was loud, whipping past my ears,             deafening my thoughts, my doubts No regret seeped into my soul
It has taught me expression, but not through hate, anger, or ridicule. It has taught me to show my feelings, without foul language. It has given me an outlet, to express my hate towards society.
as I look back at my page  a mess of words  a smattering of double entendres and single-line metaphors  I come to realize that my poetry  is nothing like yours…
Self-expression is something that has always been difficult for me. I never know the right words to say so others can truly see the troubles that I face and the emotions that I feel.
Leaving me broken Out in the open How can you call that love Leaving me stranded Alone and abandoned How can you call that fun knowing im damaged Bruised broke and bandaged
The waves of the icy shore reached for me, Clenching their fists before my feet, The tips of my toes cried in agony, Begging for some warmth or heat.   I was relentless, Baring what I could,
What is the boundary of freedom? Whatever you discribe it as- it never fits its definition. For we know no freedom. Only the lack of. No matter your location, we all have the same amount of freedom-
I see a dove, a dove without its wings, Like it cannot fly, one cannot be free,  And so my heart inquisitively sings, What is the freedom that one can agree? For possessing not freedom is what feeds:
Who gets to decide? Is it you or is it I? Who gets to decide what is right?   Who can say what is?
I didn't know I could fly until the paper looked back at me and I realized that the words  were telling me that I could fix myself I could smile I could be happy I could and will
Distorted reality  Blinded by society  Waking up The sleeping souls Rising up Stop doing what you’re told Think for yourself  Don’t have to act like everyone else Freedom is yours
I know that these chains will break. But when I try to breathe I’m suffocated by your dishonesty.
Struggling to survive in bondage to the queen of Egypt. As slaves do we render unto her a taxation of our time, possessions and even our lives. Her vain satisfaction has caused pollution in our oxygen.
Thank thee, Lord, for living. Thank thee, Lord, for death. Thank thee for the ashy air  That fills my bony chest.   Thank thee for misfortune, It took me by surprise,
for so long you've been sinking belly full of stones i press my lips to yours with the notion that breathing outward might send you upward  but somehow accidentally i breathe in
  I do not decide who I am, for who I am is decided by another Some may think I strive to harm, but some may see me as their brother.
Reaching out into the darkness of night I count the flickering stars, and watch the leaves dance like flames glowing in the moon's silver light. The wind runs its cool fingers through my hair,
What is freedom? Is it the brainchild of purpose? The essence of existence A false reality made by unfathomable content Freedom squirms in the antagonized grasp,
Assembly line world Green paper conveyor belt Only love escapes
Dear Me,   Soon, you’ll see, very soon, when the moon’s out, In a glorious afternoon where it’s rare  To see her scout amongst the chaos ‘round, You will see a girl starring eastbound and,
Dear Mommy,   Let me start off with the fact that I love you And that I really appreciate everything you have ever done for me But you are not without your faults In fact, you have quite a bit of them
It’s 4 PM here in Georgia, And I’m enjoying time with my friends We’re studying and laughing together, As we enjoy diversity through our peaceful lens.  
Dear Life,   If there's one thing you've taught me It's that insecurity is tangible. That everywhere you turn You wonder if you'll ever be enough.    You look at those around you
Dear Self – Doubt, How does it feel to betray the trust of someone who believed in you? Perpetrating as a friend, a perfect someone to depend. A trusted advisor, your logic a realistic perception of truth.  
If being a "liberal" Means that I can plainly see what's wrong with the world Then I'm a liberal If being "evil" Means that I believe women have the right to choose Then I'm nefarious
Dear fear,
I'm stuck,I don't know which path to take,They tell me it's all wrong,But it seems perfectly okay.
Dear Failure,   The constant fear Of you looming over me; The constant terror Of the shame you will bring. I am barred in the shackles That bind me to this prison.  
It’s just a silly little game; Like chess. We’ll move, then they’ll move. We’ll dance in circles until one of us gets too dizzy to continue. The last pawn will eventually fall.
To you, the struggling rainbow after each dark storm. To you, my gorgeous warrior, my faithful sun. Do not stop fighting, but if you must, do not let yourself be silenced.
Made me feel like  I was being caught in the rain. Slow scattered drops of water,  Cool on a warm day,  Sent Worry and Desire on a race.  Should I run or watch what happens?  
Why do you make me see the world the way I do? Why can't I see it the way I did before all the bad news? Why are you showing me the pain from people around me? Why do people find comfort in you when I can't?
Dear Anxiety,   It seems strange to be writing to you When you feel just like another part of me, An extra appendage that I can’t amputate
They all think I'm running away, but I'm flying towards day.
Dear Failure,   You do not define me. I don’t care what you are or the power you have. The pressure you give each and every day. You may trigger fear of the future at every waking moment but
 Many of Our Major Experiences Normally Take Seconds   Written by: Eric Fraley
           Alone AgaIn Hello         Darkness, My Old FrieNd       Second, Mintutes, Hours To Days    As TimE PassEs, Wishing My Body Could Decay
Some dark nights ask eternal dreams As souls wallow in dull discontent, But bright summer days and deep blue streams Give answers to the greatest of torment.
The last signs of life, At the end of all things. At the edge of your knife, Sweet reckoning rings.   The executioner reigns,
Condemned by the nature of society, The status quo that instigates conformity. To rebel is to take the forbidden fruit, To enter the garden and be dragged through the Inferno,
I know truth to be little else than a blade  which use changes with the wielder.  Molded to a scalpel, it is made as a doctor bringing relief from tender, hidden pain.  Truth can be a saw, gnawing through
As the day passes I see the colors Of my body changes .Saffron throat ,Orange hands ,Green legs ,Grey hands ..
The injustice,  The stupidity,  The sadness,  The rage.    This year has shown,  The world's a big stage.  The villains on one side,  Good versus bad.   
Liberation, She called it, Discharging pet Lovebird from the Foreign shackles Named commitment  
Freedom takes on various forms like fake friends do, They change based on who they take a liking to. When I am alone in a quiet place is where I feel tranquility,
Jesus, please guide my way Show me how to live Godly day by day Please show me how to love my friends and family And for all my wrongs, please forgive me You're my Friend, so I’m glad to hold Your Hand
Everyone wants liberation from something.  Seconds, minutes, hours go by Of which everyone is counting.  It'll be just a moment before you can  Finally fly, But after all, you're just a man. 
  For a moment I heard your voice, for a moment time stopped just so I could notice you. You’ve changed so much, it’s clear that everything between us is now different.  
Dear black brothers and sisters,
We run further into the night The city lights gleaming, city lights singing We live for now because the time is right The promise of youth and its inevitable time being
In a mad world he mad king rules. Carried to the thrown on the shouders of an angry and desparate mob. Wielding pick axes and pitchforks with black lung and black hearts where Black Lives Matter is a thing because..
My voice! You heard me right. Elections are coming. I will vote to make my speech known. My voice!
Dear World, I made a choice, I chose a chance A chance for freedom freedom for all For immigrants, for natives For love, no hatred. Hatred is a weapon A weapon I will not use.
Dear America Do you hear your bombs blasting overhead? Do you hear the little children crying, Do you see them dead? O America, Open your eyes! See the destruction you have created,
Running. Its not something
The music box plays no more Without knowing there's more in store For she escapes through the color of sound No longer wishing to be around A violin plays so faint The colors fall
I loved like a sloth. I clinged to him like a life source, like a sloth clings to a branch. I fought for him to see me , love me, want me. I used all my strength to stay  in the safety of his affection.
Because I love you I have no fear To be me.   No matter how far I wander, I have a place to be.   You and me
Because I love you, you should do what I say. Because I love you, you can't hang out with your friends. Because I love you, you can't wear that. Because I love you, you should stay home.
We are born, We live, we die. We get married, or don't. Have kids, or don't. Continuing to live Is an option. When we die Is an option until it isn't. Loving someone is never
  I want you. For who you are alone while holding hands with me. Freedom I hug you, because yes, because no. I hug you to empower you, never to become one.
I walk out of my house with a smile, I feel today will be great. During advisory I rush to the library Because of an unfinished essay.   I sit there and type Typing as fast as my fingers will go.
In the road walked a woman with a bleeding soul her heart was dragged into a ditch  her mind was stuck in a dark pit  walking the long and lonesome roads her eyes stared into the naked woods 
Text me when you're home Safely Did you eat? I can buy you something Gave you all my love All I could give But what I couldn't do was Forgive
Choking , controlling These misguided manacles They don't know true love
She feels lighter, somehow Something soft and gentle in my arms The same pink mouth and doe-eyes The same soft skin on the back of her neck
Because I loved you, I felt worthless Because I loved you, I saw myself surrounded by darkness when you were supposed to be my light Because I loved you, I saw blood on my hands instead of your fingers between mine
Because I Love You   Because you are mine, because you are yours   You've seen me at my worst, and held me true   You've seen me real, I am free   An open book, 
“Carpe Diem” is a phrase that I am introducing to you in the hope that you will remember what it means and why it matters.   I brought you into this world. I gave you a home, food, and guidance.
Walking on eggshells in order to please you,  you said that if I didn't listen you would sabotage me.  Send my pictures to college admissions, tell my parents that I had begun drinking again. You claimed it was 
We are all cardinals in the night,  standing bloodred against the shadows as we strive to hide.    Our feathers conceal tears  which have sprung from our veins.    Soar to the sky. 
What does it mean to love? Is it a title? Is it to act like a vital?   No, it is much more. Much more than I can implore.   It is a feeling a feeling of believing.  
stop think about what you have done with your life have you succeeded yet have you paid your dues have you found love in life
This place is like poison Killing me from the inside out And leaving what's dead to rot   The people force me to put up a facade To whitewash the tomb that I have become  
An empty classroom, The buzz of a fly against the windowpane Overlooking bright wheat fields and dust and sky, The scent of musty carpet and new paper in her nose,
What is freedom, really? Is it a group of people in suits, A mob of people saying, "Back to our roots!" Is it a tangible thing that people can hold? The definition of freedom is quite out of reach.
I long for the abyss spirit and love beyond the universe from my family especially my mom and sister I long for I crave for a deep conversation a passionate kiss, adventure with not knowing where I'm, moonlight lit by millions of beautiful bright
A path with nothing to fear. Walking on a road to nowhere. A path with nothing to see. We can chose who we want to be.
We didn't start the fire,  That's what they say. And each generation, Must suffer and pay.    Don't ruin the country,  I love or behold!  Ruin, decay, destruction...
Never will I waver,  From love of this land,  Never will I fail,  To stay and stand,    Shouting with a great voice unto all:  "This land, God's joy! Justice for all." 
Once upon a time, in a tower- tall, far and kept away lived Rapunzel, a secret princess in her day   Her father, the King made a mistake he could not take back
Happily ever after, was such a big lie All I ever seem to do, is sit alone and cry Yes, he rescued me from the tower and made me his wife But the life I live now is barely a life!  
Once upon a time there lived a princess by the name of Aurora. Aurora was the typical privileged princess with wealthy parents. All throughout her life Aurora wanted to be the person her parents wanted her to be.
Water rushes without the light All alone, a lonely plight A whoosh of air, I’m not alone A bright, bright light Your face then shone.  
The symbol of my country Mean more than what I see A pelican flag is a symbol That is fierce and strong and free Our flags that flies across the land Waves red, white, and blue
A woman who speaks her mind without hesitation. A woman who follows her own path and dismisses the disapproving voices. A woman who knows her limits and knows that we are lifelong learners.
This deep pit of a heart Was soon filled with your love and affection.
The Everlasting Sunshine After The sun is the light of my life Shining so bright and so clear when Even that I'm near. When I'm sad the Sun is right near to say no matter where
Darkness... Endlessly it spills into eternity. That primal void of light was a screen across the sky. And it was... But yet it was not.
Since when did Princess mean damsel in distress?   Since when did beauty become our strict standard?   Since when did worth correlate to marriage?   I am intelligent 
My heart it aches for unrequited lust To bear the pain of full romance I lack Capacity to join my soul I must Admit my conscience has begun to crack  
They hurt my feet these slippers red as a beet I don't want to go to a fancy hall or wear makeup on my face  in this "gorgeous" sheet. but those horrible sisters and mom they say
People like you are dangerous creatures, hiding behind smiles, favours, and preachers.   Fallen from grace, says you, just beacause you don't want to feel forgotten too.  
It's All A Lie Staring into the eyes of another Knowing deep down your in love But the other denies But you know it is a lie When he confesses He has excuses Upon why not to follow our love
Once upon a time... Oh, how cliche does that sound? To a hero I must always be bound I must always be the damsel in distress For no one else can wear such a beautiful dress I am a beauty for that I am sure
Dear John,   If you thought the altitude was bad in Colorado, you should feel it up here.   In one breath, I am gone. Sometimes, my mind goes with it...  
The weather was too cold thinking if my travel was a mistake said to my heart, covered by snow Everything is going to be alright   Blooming like a jasmine, was I Trying to mold myself into a new world
Algo está pasando Que hemos visto antes. La gente está temblando Tienes que poner tus guantes Y prepárate a luchar Que el presidente está ganando Que sigues ciegamente como ganado
Welcome to America. The Land for the Free. Be whoever you choose. As long as we agree. Welcome to this country There are things they Try to Convey. The Dreams, the Goals, Freedom...
"Oh, you can't!", they say. Yet, I do. "Oh, they won't!", they say. This may be true. Yet, I have my own God. I don't need yours. My God busts through glass ceilings, and laughs at doors.
No ill words of disrespect shall part my lips about my mother For her land has raised me well Her morals carved in my soul But yet I hope
The great I know is the one that tells the thieves' liesPeace and happiness you decide your own lifeBut once lives are taken for reasons of the unknown Concepts such as hatred, as to detest our natural skintoneThey say I might die tonight, I might
Land of the free and home of the brave. We take the world's pitiful and their worst. Freedom and happiness is all that we crave, The poor, however, are forever cursed.  
The story begins long ago, A new world they called it, Ready for civilization. Like a diamond in the dark, Its heart began to pump the blood Of freedom.   Freedom from And freedom to,
What a glorious place is this, that the freedoms of speech and religion prevail. What a devasted place is this, that th stifling of free press exists. What a magnificent place is this,
America is a place of love ,  a gift given from the lord above . a place for chances and for life,  being successful comes from strife. times will be hard , times will be trying
Where I’m from, The ocean hugs the coast And kisses the sky To remind the sun and Moon That it is in charge.  
Land of the free And home of the brave That’s what they’d say. Yes, That’s what they say.     But then like a plague
Battle We the people have an obligation To escape this persecution in search Of a world in which we can be free Victory Now that the hard work is done And over with, we deserve a break
The United States is one of the greatest to exist For its freedom of our citizens will forever persist. Some say that freedom is a made-up ideal
America,The land of the free and home of the brave,The ‘epitome of freedom’ that is said to have saved,Those who were previously held and enslaved From those in our society who corrupt and deprave. America’s real intentions are disputed, Our leade
Founded from christian belief  Hoping to find relief  After several wars  It has left the great nation sore  Every soldier who has died  Every family who have cried  They fought for our freedom 
Founded from christian belief  Hoping to find relief  After several wars  It has left the great nation sore  Every soldier who has died  Every family who have cried  They fought for our freedom 
Oh, your undesirable acumen If irony was a country  You tell our children that it will be okay  When they are seventeen you break the news Not the awfulness of you The tragedy of being the best in the world  You are so naive You are so ungreat    
My country has the sounds of freedom.  My country has the laws of justice. My country has the land of liberty.  My country is my home. It is a home to me and to many alike and unlike me.   
Am I Brave, as they say? Or do I continue for my fear Of failing? Equality, Individuality Unity, Diversity The archaic American Ideals
She stands so tall with her golden torch high As she paves the way for dreams to take flight With a glimpse of you most let out a cry They know their potential has reached full height  
America the Great, America the Free, Right?   If we’re so great,   Why am I scared Of the shackles of student loans?  
“Can you hear me?” I choke out through jagged breaths  I watch the world I’d once known crumble into ashes as an odious ringing invades my ears all around me is burning but I stood there frozen  “Yes, we hear you” 
Land of the FREE All good all bad it's never just that easy Once great, great again? Please try and believe me
o say, can you see the walls rising to isolate us? by the light of missiles and violence. the problems will turn to ash, ash, ash. poisoning ash, killing our earth. what so proudly we hailed as a great change for America.
Oh Great America   Restoration is the key to the future; Not revolution. We are a country formed through rebellion. Enough is enough. Fix the problems you hold within.
The war on drugs still rages on In the slums of harlem, the slums of detroit. We pride ourselves on a free market but the most Free of all is one we do not allow.  
America is great, Full of perfect people, Speaking perfect language.   They say speak child, you are now free. For here is America, the land of opportunities.   So I speak.
Red Green Gold Red White Blue, what is it in color what is it in you, what is it about me, my color makes you hate and doubt me, my color is my reality, my color seems to make you mad at me, my color is brown, not lay down on the ground and shut u
I sit here in the morning Sipping my coffee. Every single day Something stops me. I read the news,  A disaster here and there, A sprinkle of protest,  A dash of terrorism,
America was created for all No matter what size even short or tall Yet not everyone is treated the same Throughout the years there has been little to no change The demand for equality is great
We police the world We see ourselves as perfect We see wrong in all.
We watch the news today just to see  Hate crimes, tragedies, natural disasters Few cute story's are mentioned Few happy endings are told It is filled with blood and unhappiness Our country is great
Nothing more what elese to say?  Have our days been counted? What to do but pray? I live a life of oppresion  And being brown is my obsession But how has my color helped me? 
9:17 you shot me a call unaware of why you were I had answered your voice was filled with joy I remember your family walking in you were telling them to leave (like always)
She was darkness, she was light, She was beauty in my sight. She was mad and stressed, She was sad and soon became depressed.   That girl is my rock, She is my raft,
We fought on the frontier. The lush forest became a labyrinth, laying the groundwork for our tombs. Food was scarce, water deprived, and the shelter, hollow as our bones.
I once believed in the American Dream. Now its dead, like Malcolm and the King. I have a dream. One day, freedom will ring. 
America, the almighty and great indeed Whip lashes across our backs Shackles around our hands and feet   Make America Great Again? Fought and died for freedom for the future with no recognition in history
I live well My parents feed me every night My stomach is never empty The latest toys fall into my lap A stay at home mother for me to cry to   I had not realized
A group of kids make a political joke This group of kids call themselves “woke” But what if I spoke But what if I broke The silence The violence All you'll see is defiance America the Great?
Sometimes we think that, Others are spoiled, and we are victims. It is proposed, “This country is dying, failing, a broken system,” “Was it ever great?” they echo, Each election hastens shock and recoil,
America. The land of the free, and the home of the brave. Stolen from the Native Americans and built by the Africans This nation was never truly free
America is where I can be free And I knew that I asked you why can't I be? You told me flat   "You have no control" you told me  you chose where I'd go I'm not free. 
America the Great? do we rate? There are homeless and poor... So we could do more to aid and to feed to help those in need. There also are wars, hate, crime and pollution.
Freedom is tangible as glass stars. While it shimmers and shakes under the sky, It burns quickly, flickering out as dusk rises.   Beneath the ashes the small ones scream, Filing into the streets below, 
I think you cannot claim every person on your soil If you only want ones undefeated by their toil Some of them collapsed under your burden Some of them used to think they were important
America seems too hate  even though putting themselves on a bate discriminating souls, unknown to them. they seem not care.  can you even bare the word free. meanings across the earth change.
you better watch it, then rap it. twirl it like Beckham. you know what your saying, your binging on hate.  she wearing her crown. they tell her it's forbidden unknown to Islam,
A  w  a  v  e   to a stranger despite their shore may capture a smile through times of war. Running               for
Zero to thirteen to fifty Farm to factory to firm From dreams 'till fate From duty 'till freedom In justice In unity Unwavering that waving Unstifling that soul
Freedom for you or freedom for me, To die for you, or for country? Is this not a choice, but instead a goal, what does it mean for us to truly be free?  
Blank, we start with a few lines Color has no life in this world Soaring white eagles over monochrome pines Black and white clouds swirled Build this world of black and white Nothing is blind in our sight
A Place of white supremacy Lies a little white girl like me There is no hate when I pick a mate But only if I decline the straight I pick and choose which side I fight on
America? Known as a nation reborn, Through war and tragedy we still uplift our hopes. We take each other by the hand urging them to hold on, There are the men that choose to face each other causing hate and struggle.
7:53 The door closes behind me and I slip in, Unnoticed, hopefully, And granted free. Late.  They walk in late. "Sign the clipboard." Stamp of feet as the herd obeys.
I won’t turn on the news when I watch TV Because I can’t handle the things I know I will see Instead I watch comedies and try to push them from my mind
America is not free, not until everyone has the same rights as you and me. We? Us? Them? Who am I to say we are the same. They fight to walk down the streets. I fight just to marry the man of my dreams.
Time machines were supposed to be cool Not for prejudice to take the rule. Have we reached the end? Can we make amends? Trump this. Trump that. Take off that hat. We know what your hiding.
Land of the Free Home of the Brave America the Great Land of the Tall Trees and Pariotic Flags Home of the Vegetable Gardens and Christian Standards America the Counrty of Living and Chaos
Each day you wake up  and each day the pledge is heard some stand up and put their hand on their hearts but others stay seated For is it really true? One nation under god with liberty and ¨Justice¨ for all
Day in and day out, the tension rises, What does our red, white and blue really mean? Can we avoid this terrible crisis, Or will our fear prevent the twilight gleam? I recall when we weren’t so divided,
You want me to pledge allegiance to the flag..A flag what’s patriotism should have disguised to meThat it was bred to
Freedom The power to act without restraint Freedom The state of not being enslaved Freedom The power to choose the religion we align with Freedom The power to choose what to say when we want to
America oh, America. A nation home to many. America oh, America. The foundations of your values have been revered by many. Liberty is your creed, Freedom is what you bleed, yet many still feel agony.
Oh say can’t you see, The home and land of the free…   The free...   Each day one more decree, enforced over me.
A walk through Washington D.C. would be incomplete Without a stop at a trickling fountain - The object of a thousand dreams And pennies flicked up high, Like the work of our forefathers
Two souls live in my body One has endless American pride The other likes to hide American I am called by brilliance Mexican by my appearnce Land of the free and of the brave is for the snobby
I used to think that my cowboy boots and pecan pie Were all I needed to survive As the summers were filled with the Fourth of July and state fairs A supposed sense of freedom was in the air
What I want to know is Why there's riots in the streets  Why people can't afford to eat  Why my black friends are scared And hoping that their lives can be spared  People are a mess 
Should I be afraid to walk outside because underneath my clothes is a black man inside?  Who is the child underneath the white sheets being gun down while playing with his toy in the streets?   A mother is crying, down on her knees, for her child'
They look down upon us and Scoff, chuckle, take us for fools. Fatten our heads with campaigns, Ads that destroy the competitor,
What does it mean to be free? To be on your own To be left alone To not be under any control Are people really free in America? Of course We're the land of the free Everyone is welcome
What does it mean to be free? To be on your own To be left alone To not be under any control Are people really free in America? Of course We're the land of the free Everyone is welcome
Welcome to America All are free in this land But if you are black Equal rights you cannot demand. Welcome to America All are free in this land But if you are Muslim
Roaring through the Purple Mountains Majesty Comes a thunder deeper than any ocean And from across the golden fields and valleys Comes a great people in motion
How is it, the country we live and accept the very fundamentals frowned upon 250 years ago These cardinal virtues is what we are established on How is it, a baby in this day and age never see the abhorrent perks of this world
The sun is in the sky but I find myself asking why. Why is America beautiful? Why is America great? Does it need to be great again or was it ever? We call ourselves the land of the free, the home of the brave
Oh America, I love to call you mine. If I had the courage I would fight for this land. I feel useless compared to those who give everything for this land. For this land, I shall become the best person I can be.  
That great flag flys high above us, it says freedom for all Freedom for all has some terms and conditions though Must be of a light or fair skin tone Must be of a christian denomination Must be a man
(inspired by "America the Beautiful". Some lyrics used)   O beautiful America: your amber waves of grain and purple mountain majesties have turned to gray. You crowned thy good with brotherhood,
I simply visualize a place in'harmony...on my way home from work. But these torns have grown over my'path, constantly... stepping into climax!
Chained to the ground, accept it Live it Chin to your chest Tears stream down your face You count your days till emancipation   Hope in your heart, deny it Escape it Head up high eyes to the sky Chains rattle as you struggle You count your days ti
O time, you bittersweet rival. An elusive assassin of life, wanderer without death. A beginning that cannot bee conceived, An existence best considered imaginary. Of you I have mine own,
Alone Always appeared Similiar to drowning But today floats effortlessly Lovely
The American Dream By Ryan G. and Joseph G.      The nation I reside in holds a dream To live a life of wealth and to prosper
As a child, I went through a very brief period of childhood before I was thrust into a world where monsters are not only very real, but a constant factor I had to face.
  Shallow glimpses,An idyllic panorama.Fields of Elysium, here on earth -As far as the eye can strain.As wide as the voice can throw.   
A year is the blink of an eye That sheds a tear, That makes things clear. A lot can change, And stay the same.   As the eye opens And sees the light What once was a blur
Over the course of the last year, I have experienced a significant amount of change I graduated high school, leaving the security and stability behind I lost some friends
There  once  was  a  little  bird Who    just    wanted    to    fly “Spread your wings and leap,” The   other   birds   told    her,
I used to think that it was all about the money and the things and all the fortune and the diamonds and the clothes that money brings\  
They prayed for you to succeed in all you do But what are you supposed to do When all you do Is make people proud? There is nothing that speaks to you And they speak to you
Freedom is a state of mind that I've learned to conquer Through determination, motivation and dedication   I let society’s wicked tongue Destroy my resilient figure
Day one. The Year is born, boom! Fireworks gleam above shaded cities today. Years back, fifteen, to be exact. Beat. Mother's love? Pah! 2016 sends her away. Feel unhindered. Free, they say.
Deceivers, yes they do deceive. Believers, o how they believe. Take heed to the warning, Let me be, I must proceed.   Blindly walking in misconception, Twenty Sixteen was a year of deception.  
What is a year? What can it befall? Does it bring happiness or fear? Does it bring anything at all?  
All my lifeI have never owned my own suitcase.   Every family trip or vacation I borrowed from my mother or even my father, in order to stow my belongings for the road ahead.  
The excessive beeping shot through my ears That of a cellphone Rather than the alarm that brought me tears The controlling boyfriend is what I feared   His voice shot through the phone
For four years I waited on this moment.  As a freshman in high school I assumed that the only thing standing in between me and this moment was forever.
It is a scary thing to admit to yourself How you were sexually abused. Especially by one that you trusted. How he left me, in flames I combusted.  
Freedom The sunset glows as if it was a blazing fire. The whole sky turns a pinkish purple, As a bird soars with the wind beneath its wings. We are free,
United we stood, divided we've fallen.
There is a lot I have lost but it may be worth the cost. They say I must wake up from my dream but what does it mean? I have cried out for answers... but all I recieve is cancers.
At night I feel it I feel hit I feel split Between who he wants And who I am
Shout for joy to the Lord, and worship gladly;Come before Him with joyful songs, asserted grandly;We belong to Him, He made us, pasture of the majesty;Enter his gates with thanksgiving, fervent and radically.
Straight lines, straight letters, straight figures- how uptight. Curved symbols, curved numbers, curved people- now that's not right.  I'm a straight line, or a curved number, maybe just bent? The realization, the notification, the mental places I
Sunshine other than the Rays outsideThe sunshine I see everyday of my lifeWhile in person or dream or my thoughts dailyI always recall you're passionate eyes and you're sweet kissThe burn between us is the spark they sayThe sizzle of love cooking
I look over the city watching the void of my lifethe birds can escapebut, can I?
JoyAngerLoveI fell in love with Jesus last yearMy Lord and SaviorDied for me, Rose...for meAnd I am in love with HimAnd He is in love with meWe are oneAnd I am free LoveJoyAngerI am angry Angry all the time nowMy Savior didn't do this but life jus
Freedom is a fleeting thing. Hard to work for, hard to get. And once you grasp it, it flies away again.........
Do you ever get that feeling The feeling of wanting to fly But your wings are broken Every word unspoken   Do you ever get that feeling The longing desire to run But your legs are paralyzed Your nerves are tranquilized   Tell me the truth As my so
my heart beats with the thunderI fall away this afternoonmy betrayal permeates my mindI think of leaving soonA year has passedI've gone my way with strange freedomI feel forever and a day
I can only see you in the mirror we shareI know you are not beastnor phantom, but you take careto show me each daythat I am yours andyou are mine.I miss you when you're goneand you miss me too
Those moments of immortality they hit us in bursts; bold bright beautiful remiding us that we are the stars that shoot across the night sky the storms that rage against the gulf shore.
Time goes byAnd I am still inside this crystal globeDaydreamingThinking about how life would beas if you were still here.  
Twenty score years ago, and some The evil merchants crossed the waves Gleeful as they raped and pillaged Their cargoes of dark-skinned slaves
your love is inferior, like cheap wine, bitter; you suck the oxygen out of me until i am empty again. your hand on the steering wheel,
Why am I here I am behind a computer screen when I can be out exploring  I want to travel the world Climb Mount Everest Swim between the Canyons in the sweet light blue water 
I'll own it if I have to: I'm a liar to the core. I'm a liar through and through,  but I don't want to anymore, It's old,  what's more, it's tiring I can't lie 'til I lay expiring,
It is a place that does not discriminate any race. It will put a smile upon any face. This place I speak of has the power to heal whatever the case. All that is necessary to unlock such feelings of enjoyment is three
If you can hear my voice, Speak up please,   Quivering in the shadows, Frightened of presumptions and Prejudice, I shut my voice to hinder Judgment. I am silent for The sole reason
She flies too high, sings the cages bird Her wings are too wide There is no fear in her eyes She flies too high, sings the cages bird Her wings are too wide There is no fear in her eyes
”im not hungry” , says the stomachthe stretch of the esophagus is in yoga practice with my stomach lininginstead of dining there is immense thirstoften for fine winewhich feels like kisses past my tonsils
Somber winds beat against the door fallen words halted by the sound  forgotten ways yearn for the past feelings once erupt are now bound   without words how can I express, 
As the sun slowly rises  And gently wakes me with the touch of its ray, 
“Namaste, I say”   Tension in my shoulder,                 Strain upon my spine. Worries trapped in my brain, No time for cloud nine. So my skin gets colder…
In College, it's pushed upon me... but I just won't do it... I've went through too much to go down that path... Call me lame, boring...but I must do what I feel whats right.
I'd rather be spending the summer days Picking thorns out of my feet From trying to find out all the different ways My imaginary adversary could be beat Than wasting my time trying to be
As I toss and turn dreading my alarm sound, I think. If these were my ancestors, they'll be up in a blink. See they couldn't get an education or they'd end up dead.
Walking souls, not discovered, No one knew their names, They yelled until their lungs gave out  and silence came through their vains  told they couldn't be  dreams flushing out like toxins through them,
I need someone to hold me, To wrap their arms around me and  Squeeze the sorrow away   But I know I can't have that sometimes, And that's okay; It has to be    Release me from this anger,
My heart's pounding. It's almost time, Time to jump. What if something happens? What if something goes wrong? Too late, It's time. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... JUMP! I'm falling...
The cold breeze caresses my faces as blades of grass gently prick my back. The little voice in my head instructs to inhale and exhale, to relinquish any worry, frustration, or hate. 
She was beautiful like sleeping in on a Monday morning. No, she was as a caboose arriving for the man about to break loose across the tracks,
Little birdie, Fly away from home, It's not so scary, Out there on your own. It's a beautiful world that you ought to see, Don't be frightened, Because this nest will always be here,
Does water ever expire? Does love ever end? Does hate have a pure reason? Or is it simply because We're all different from one another?   Does freedom have limits? Can words ever have
Welcome to my wonderland, My world of make- believe, Where everything is perfect, And nothing ever hurts me.   Welcome to the dream world, Where nothing is ever real, As we fly around Neverland,
Every morning I wake at 4 AM. I wake at 4 AM and I am ready to be free. I am alone, walking the streets of darkness and wonder,  enjoying my time for me. I realize that this is who I am, the girl who wanders
I'm falling hard, but it's my time to go.  Be who I'm destined to be they say, but what do they really know.   Senior Year.    I've had enough of this crap, I'm done. 
I find it quite difficult Impossible even To mask how I'm feeling. It leaks out from my expression Flowing out from the cracks in my facade. No matter how I try, I can't help but make it clear
Society can't heal to humanity we're just profanity everything is vanity and no one has sanity. But when my ink touches the paper crease, I am assured of some peace. 
The early morning sun rises on the south Texas skyline. Around me, I hear everything; voices, beeping, the soft croon of Her Voice. What a world I exist in! I eagerly look forward to life!
"Having a Coke with You," I thought I had fallen in love with the protagonist of "Beastly" but really the works of Frank O'Hara made my heart swoon, the poem soon became an embedded memory.
we learn to hate to slice and maime to choose our possessions  and keep souls bound and chained   every mortal wants to be immortal every one wants to be free what is keeping us so imprisoned
Starting with a simple word, creating sentences into rhymes a neverending pattern that must be followed with a solidarity of sadness. Words flowing from my brain onto the paper, 
They speak in broken English and they lie with silver tongues, They swallow down old whiskey and they smoke away their lungs. They cursed me for my difference, they hated words I sung.
I've heard of poetry and read about it too but never thought of the doors it would open for me and you I had the power in my hands  to connect with my inner self, a girl whose held back many words
They say speak out. Let us help you, but Little do they know that what they say can help us might Just push us over the cliff of torment.  
Your face in between these thunderous thighs Guiding me on an ascent to cloud nine on the way to meet the most high In between these sheets is where our love lies.
Cleansing myself with words from God Uttered through melodies of Truth Wrapping themselves around my broken heart Soothing my soul.
Passion isn't something you know is there. It lurks in the bellies of darkness and in the shadows of all light. It isn't the calm before the storm, or the storm itself. It is the aftermath. The mess, the complexities of the unknown.It is the quive
In the biting cold I walk, Barefoot and in tattered attire, My dirty pants, ripped at the knees, Folded at the waist and tied to my body By an old and dirty rope coming apart, This is me, this is morning,
Can you imagine words with no voice? Can you imagine pens with no ink?  Can you imagine paper with no empty lines?   Every word  is a tear that didn't escape. Every line
Life without love is lifeless. Love without life is bitter. Everyone knows I'm a sinner, and they keep posting it on twitter.
I hear the cool whisper of wind Blowing softly through my hair I see the vast escape before me And for once I don’t have a care   Why lower myself to worry Why ponder what you think
I am the bird of the weeping willow. I whine and sway I cry at bay. I toss, I turn – I yearn, I wish. And whisper to plead, set me free from the swaying, the willow that whispers.
You told me to look inside myself. And find the answer to your riddle. To reach into the deepest caverns, Of a heart that’s damn near shriveled.   You want to know about my life,
They give us a limit. They say, "Go far, but not too far." They say, "Go big, but not too big." They say you can only do so much. They say slow down, nows not the time. They say watch your limits.
I want the shoreline, the foamy white waves colliding into rock like soldiers sparring in battle; the horizon brushed with soft strokes of lavender, rose pink and azure; the low-toned
  Suffocation. Pent up emotions Boiling up inside me, begging For release. But how?? Is there any way to release the pain?   Talking doesn't help, only hurts Ignoring my heart only allows for
Segregation, to divide based on class, race, or religion Freedom Why have you betrayed me? I am a black child My race is your legacy I am your first born son So why must I ask you
Poetry is an expression and release An outlet to the overflowing plugs of life- a place that listens when the world denies your existence. I write to be heard. To be understood and for my opinions to be considered
Over where the family sits and enjoys the company they share;Sweet melodies are sung by flowers of the past:the horrors that happened there.Unknowingly they carry on-not one asks what occurred.
Fake smiles, fale people, All that surrounds me. Walking past the windows Gives us a glimpse of what we are missing.   The people outside look joyous. Free to leave! Free to live!
the darkness consumes the heart and the battle with God begins, but with the power of the love is revealed through his amazing grace and now im free from the power of hell  
Sometimes when i look in your eye's I see the solar system other times when i look in your eye's it's like your soul is missing like night and day
Still feeling alone.Everyday. Every night.I got myself, but I'm wanting more.Wanting something different.Another person in my life.
to the wild spirit woman of the carved and sacred desert, move freely in your primal body glistening with moonrise dance to the current of the boiling river as the dam collapses
Surrounded by a novel immorality sometimes I feel as if I’m living as a casualty. Merely just another being on this earth know there’s more to my life than what I think it’s really worth.
We go in and say our peace, stay to ourselves leaving in disbelief. No need for unwanted keep and a trial should be brief.   These are citizens of a country they have a right to be free.
Life . . . live in a world of endless possibilities.Express who you are with no apologies.Say the words that your brain and your heart fight over.Do whatever you want with careless ease.
I thought I was a sociopath. There was something missing in my mind, No feelings, no time, The tears that once created streams were now damned by these things.   Just write.  
A river of cool blue calm It reaches my ears in this early dawn The shades go down  Color dances around This is the greatest and most soothing sound The element of free It is the best place to be
A girl's mind is like speghetti So, brace yourself and get ready Expectations are always high Romantics things make us want to cry Love is love There is none above A boy is a boy 
“The Bird Who Never Flies” written for those who never managed to let go of something they love.   She always looked at me as something I could never be.
To test my limits and my will. To go on a journey far away. I will find what I need. Although I can't travel far today. Or live for the thrill. This pen and paper make me feel just as freed. 
These mountains carve deep and break the surface of my skin Press down on my fragile veins They burst with ease and suddenly I am free.   A spectrum streams from my body My skin begins to breathe
A little giggle Soft and light   In the darkening night it comes out No one’s around I don’t have to be me I can be me
You are boundless andI enslaved; you want limitsAnd I your freedom.
Black, I am Black We are women We are recognized The pain is gone God helped us regain our confidence and strength We faced our daily struggles
I was told that my friends were no good. Single parent home, shattered family values, This was no Leave It To Beaver production.   I was told that my friends were no good,
I have a story A story of powerA story of cultureA story of familyA story of resistance
People talk about how opinions don’t matter but I think they do. I am united with my fellow poets as we embark on a journey leading us into deeper thoughts. You wonder what being a poet means to me, and I say everything.
Emotions are quite the interesting thingsIn this daily walk of mineSuch fascinating and terrible creaturesTo have such control over my actionsNo matter my mindThey lead me on a leash
The waking world I’ve realized Is limited And can’t surprise   The busy, buzzing Mind inside
I adored the beach, Which became my oasis when lonely thoughts plagued my mind.  Juice from the mangoes I’d pick dripped from my full lips as I bathed in the clear waters, and the afternoon sun.  Sweet sounds of Erykah Badu’s singing voice filled
They chained me to my walls, The metal pieces well-hidden underneath my decorative dress. I lived in a prison bedecked with flowers and jewels. They exclaimed “what a palace fit for a princess”
If the yearning has passed and I am no longer aghast in the rooms of my heart, I’ll be going now.   If desire has ceased dripping from solicitous lips, the future is a yawning abyss,
New York is where it began, I knew I'd be the worlds greatest fan. I had an imperishable fever to roam, my hair would never need a comb.  I knew to be truely free I would have to lose all that was "me."
To vote is to be a citizen of your country. Your voice can be heard and be put into word. It is your way To seize the day
Financial Freedom  
We the People,who had a dream,and never told a lie.We who fought for what was right and waved our flag up high.Jolted from the embers of a trailblazer's fire and shot from the barrel of a musket.Shackled and chained and segregated we who rose abov
The thing I love most in this absurd little world        is no one person or object or song that i've heard  or feeling or gem life lesson ive learned but the       freedom to express all of that with my words and 
Freedom to choose Freedom to lose It is a thing we all hold dear It movs up in tiers Not important in our adolescence but everything in our adulthood But what if it could Be stripped away?
No gods, no mastershere. From none according toability tonone based on need. Free at last.Who could survive without hope?
Before my window I now stand. I see the trees and grass and land, That for so many of years have stood, Attesting loudly to the good.   I see before me as I gaze, The people free to go their ways,
Ask most people what they can’t live without and “It’s easy,” they say, “food, water, air.” But For me, It’s not food, water, air. It’s freedom. Freedom to be who I want to be.
Ask most people what they can’t live without and “It’s easy,” they say, “food, water, air.” But For me, It’s not food, water, air. It’s freedom. Freedom to be who I want to be.
As I was fighting for you, I realized I was fighting to be lied too, Fighting to be denied to put my heart inside you, Fighting to be cheated and be lied too,
Stranded am I, by this enslaving isle of fear. Captured am I, by its fell whispers in my ear. Where can I go? Where can I run?   Surrounded am I, by the ocean of worry.
Blood shed Years that can't be returned Lovers that died  Mothers that stll yearn Yet we have the choice To bypass all despair  And keep what they fought for  But some would choose hair  
I need an escape. I need a chance to let everything drop from my shoulders. Hiking, plodding along, even feeling that burn in my lungs clears everything away.
In the distant, there is a broken mirror, I can’t see myself clearly, Yet the promises that it upholds bring me peace… Peace.  
I miss my family every day. I think about each passing grain in the hourglass. I think about how desperately I’d rather be free than be here. However, I cannot begrudge the calamities which have been delivered,
It's not something that you can touch. It's not somehting that you can see.   It's something that you can buy. It's soemthing that you can be.   Other people have it. Other people but not me.
Their owners were scared of mental liberation, What could only be found with an education.  Forced ignorance squanders original thought  Lowering expectations, fueling blind spots. 
Skip after skip pressing forward and rewind, No not an old dvd, these buttons hold my favorite pastime Spotify premium, my one and only true love, holds the key to endless amounts of music
You've held my my hand whilst thus far, Barricading my innocence from the outside world, Preventing me from the "exploding" star, Casting me onto stage and act out a somber cry and curled,  Those cries were real as one's heal, My freedom shout cou
Two feet slap hard on the black pavement. The blur of the city scape flashes by Forcing my eye to watch the bustling people, to watch to rustling people,
Limp limbs pulled taut, Head high, gaze empty. Strings pull lips into grimaces Everyone sees through and believes. The day begins.   Clumsy stumbling through daily routines,
There once was a girl named Beige She spent all her days in a cage If ever she cried, No person would buy And she was left with nothing but rage   There once was a boy named Jack
StrandedBehind the miles of oceanSand piled up like hoursAnd dark just dark:     Empty.Just water, andSand, andDark, and    Me.And I needHow I needI need     Air
The only thing I need to survive may seem a little strange- although it's not so much a thing, either- but the only thing I need is my companion, my guardian, my reflection, 
Nobody knows there is a cage, / That you have been shoved inside.
The world is falling apart around me People screaming and crying for equality Yet I still sing They try to shush me and my tune Looking at me like I am a loon Yet I still sing
That wall is in the way This wall is out of the way All walls keep away Something in the day But on this night  These wall did not put up a fight But it hid the light
  You are more than what you present You are violent and rude but are you content? There is something more to you If only I knew I question the words that come out
I love that you stand taller than me your soul  is the closest thing to heaven I've ever felt God knew that so he built you accordingly  
My home is the sky where I fly freely. Where Mother pulls the aba off my back and Father leads the way while we soar. Where Sister’s wings are soft and vibrant and we chitter and chatter and twitter
You are the Earth's most stunning mytery. Scientists have tried to figure you out. Under a shade you hide your history, Nobody seems to know what you're about.   I guess you think you're being humble,
I am art. I come off the walls when you least expect Like a chameleon I come in disguise Illuminating opaque hearts My wings radiating iridescent hues Of purple Tantalizing your mind's eye 
My own silence most terrifies me While freedom is my savior We must close our eyes Rise above the noise And speak louder than blockades I need my voice to say no I need my voice in highs and lows
Illuminated by the infinite sublimity Of the seemingly half-real form of this man’s body weighing her down, She sinks beneath His solid shadow,
We hardly laugh. Do you remember your laugh? I love to hear children laugh free.   We have it covered; Our real laughts are covered, But the laughs of the young are free.  
Distance The water crashing upon the shore and the need to breathe. Salt doesn't make good air and neither does space.   Time A misconcetion of the ultimate thought
Some need money, talent or fame. They play life like a inconsequential game. They move their pawns around the board Adding more money and gifts on their massive hoard.
Just Black By: Jordan Edwards Whatever we say or do we just black. JuJu black, milk chocolate, caramel, vanilla  if theres a notion that your black, your black.
You ask me to tell what I can’t live without If taken literally this isn’t hard to figure out I need food, water, a roof for my head Air and sleep or else I’d be dead But clearly this is not what you ask So diligently I'll tend to this task Life,
I get to decide my own destiny.And if I want to be a rebel without a cause then so be itbecause in the end I won't live my life with any regret.I don't want to live in fear. Fearing what life will bring for me because I didn't want learn how to fl
Morning bells boom betwixt lofting ashes and Unsheathed blokes razing the town; Pirates about pillaging and raping As they please; Militia have fled the town.   Morning bells strike as the hanging and
Long Live the King by Christian Betancourt   God Bless the soul of Martin More than just any ordinary man Perhaps braver and bolder Much more in touch with his convictions
My identity is being erased Slowly dissolved until all that’s left, Is social debate and controversy   I am dismantled, disfigured, disgraced You stomp on my dignity And make jokes of my body  
All I need is freedom... Praises to the authority When majority Promoted white robes as a conformity Of your suppression Waiting too long for legal protection
On a painfully thin edge, and trying desperately not to fall. Constantly swaying, constantly breaking, and rebuilding, and reconvincing that just jumping isn’t the right thing.
I'm on a spiritual high And it'll keep going If you happen to see me I'll be glowing   It's not me Who you see Cause I wasn't free But now Christ is in me  
Let the sun rise up And the earth fade away Every soul cry out Open up heavens gate    We are gathered here Under your name Do away with fear And seek his face  
What glory it'd be to walk and trot down full roads winding where no one can see me being free to spit on pavements and climb up trees.
I'm scared Scared of what's to come Scared of what has happened Scared of what is happening Scared of what could happen
Out of the night that covers me, In the shadows of self unseen, Only the spark can ignite me. As I thank the Higher Power that be, For the courage to be a shining light.
There's a formula for everything these days, and I can prove more things than I can understand, And I can fact check the stars, number the sand,
i was the nobody in the hall, the loaner on the wall, i’ve walked in those same off brand running shoes that’s why this new poem  that i wrote right here is dedicated to you.
Living a life full dreams and pondering where I would be, fathoming the things of this world that I could bring. Staying humble and hard working is part of the game unless you give it up and end up in a life of shame.Why so ambitious.
Caged bird     I want to roam free in the wild I’m scared   I want to experience the world I’m scared   I want to know love for the first time I’m scared  
It continues beyond the hardships of one lonely soul. It reveals the truth behind a hidden, haunting ghoul. It charges the explosive passion within oneself. It ends the overbearing pain one once felt.
I see the morning's ocean, vast, and wild, A million things could happen, but I am no child. The salt is satisfyingly everywhere Reminding me of the fair Mannered place,  Where everyone knew what to chase.
dear world,  and people that love math,  and shapes,  and lines and boxes,  I think you should know that these things are dumb and pointless.  (except circles) 
I want to be set free,  To get away from this living Hell.  I used to have no worth,  But now I have a story to tell.  I felt so alone,  But then you found me.  I noticed your perfection, 
Open your eyes Can’t you see This world’s lies Are not the reality   This world is broken It hurts us all When we look at the fallen And hear a freedoms call  
Landmines Claim the Ability To disrupt, To contain, To destroy, To supress, To unhinge, To contract, To dismantle, To idle. <br /> All while
I sat by my window Looking out at the calm night sky I looked out to the ocean The waves calm and still as they crashed on the shore
Those who dream... Do you dream of relief? Do you dream of happiness? Do you dream of another world? Do you dream of acceptance? Do you dream of release? Those who dream... Those who dream...
Leaving behind a title, Breaking the barricades; Calling out for revival, Hurling out hand grenades; Fighting for survival,  Peeling off charades; Waiting for avowal,
Surviving for myself in a world alone. Living for myself until my heart decides to come home. I love my father
What am I I am free I am strong and I am me   I have let my burdens slip away through my written words They flew away on swift wings taken by the flock of birds  
I was shy. Always would deny,  Hanging out with friends. Time went by, This hurt me in the end. I eventually opened back up, Leaving self-consciousness behind. I found happiness,
I am free.
The Head is a circle, it’s a box. It’s a wagon wheel driven with endless talks. Space, time, actions; Thoughts, emotions, and reactions; Cluster, fuse, collide and burn…
I am but a shadow of light.  I am darkness, but He is white.  He is my strength in the storm,  My courage when I am worn.  The shadow that is me  Haunts, creeps, and begs me to flee.
I am not a prisoner. Though I am bound by the shackles of life, I remain strong.  
As the wind blows And the birds sing Free is what I’ll be   When others mourn For those who died Free is what I’ll be   You might be chained
I am a growing tree  but I'll always be cut down. They tore out all of my flowers,  and threw them on the ground.  Yet I'll continue growing, I'm never going to stop.  Even if they all uproot me 
As I look all around me, I think of everything happening and weep; I thought I was free, but it seems I am returning; to the thing painful to be, made of emotion constantly turning.
Giving a voice to our "History", "Leaders", "Legacy", "The Elderly" and "Advocacy" The Widows Cry LoudCopyright © Vivid Memories September 18, 2015The Birthing Poet – Rebirth4Love Nlistic Souldier
For a while I forgot my Troubles For a while I forgot my sorrows I forgot My Debts , my failures My mistakes, my fears words I regret saying Words I regret not saying
Are you not entertained as I pace around in your parade Follow your rules and be stung by your commands Be swept up in fear by your threats and arrogance Not understand why you treat me if I do not feel pain
I am Survivor Anne Who has been cast away, who could never meet demands by those more cruel by the words they say. And though they spit and punched and screamed and tried to tear her dow
Unassuming stealth, Trapped in a social net. "To be or not to be," I ask. I could break free, but I am weak. No faith to be found anywhere. Struggle, Struggle, Struggle. An opening!
Wake up early --  10 in the morn. Outside your house I beep the horn.
May America's youth, Never forget,  The price,  Of Freedom. But more so, May her leaders, Never forget, Who does the paying. ~ Ricardo
  I was waking up for the first time Seeing what's real
In the direction of which my heart relies, I find my own warmths life support To embrace the endless swirling sky, my towers never err and fall short
Pack your suitcase, get on the plane Barely four, barely knew my name   It's time to leave my home behind In search of freedom and peace of mind   Brand new country, "paved with gold"
I want to live in the jungles of your bones, Explore the facial structure that makes
I Am a Caged Bird Enclosed In Bars of Education Judged by Social Standards I Am Being Watched By The Eyes of Vultures I Speak of Flying But They Cover the Walls I Am Fighting
Breaking silence, her voice, quiet hope to create
Sometimes I wonder How could I make a kite fly Even when weighed down by a boulder How could I make these diseased things happy They want money and my everlasting plea to be their servant
I wish I was a bird, you see They fly oh so freely Tiring as though it might be Their strength is spectacular really Maybe their diet it key Birds are nothing less than awesome  
So, what makes a person not racist? Because a non black family adopted a black girl or boy, they can start dropping racist comments? Stop using that as a decoy.
  Life forgot my passion there And handed me the key; For what possesses better snare Of curiosity?   The key, ornate with golden leaves And “Carpe Diem” divine,
Learn' to write Poetry, Always take'n by Force. Swayed'n by the Man,  At'n no time Free, Just'n like a caged Black Bird, who'n never celebrated Freedom.
Looking up at the sky, Either dark or bright --
Here I am staring into reality,
I'm trapped in a room where the door is always open When I try to flee I find a sadder story has been awoken For I have wondered into yet another cell Only a grander stage in which to scream and yell  
If silence is the most effective weapon, then ignorance is the bullets. If Christianity is founded up being a "good person", than none of us are getting into Heaven.
When we are young, We learn to form our own ideas. Ideas that fill our minds Like stars fill the night sky And emotions fill the hearts of lovers.
I can change like the flip of a dime I am unaffected by the ravages of time I can be unforgiving, unbelievably cruel But I can also be the most gentle, you know
Diseases are taking overAnd sicknesses have prevailedIn this chemical world of oursMan playing God has failed.And it's not just the pills we takeBut the chemicals in our stuff
Like some monument to comfortyou shirk dutyyoustroll the reckless streetson some shapely saunter throughthe pages of a mystery novelyouwindow shop for marvels
    ...Listen    It is when immersed in a moment of silence    that all the universe breaks forth in song    and I a recipient    simply sit in awe    of the wondrous symphonic orchestrations
    The rustic life, pastoral scenes,    the basis of idyllic dreams    the simple ways of nature come,    its harmony in total sum.    These country settings, warm and real,
I felt the burly city too,Of brick and horns and sirens,Of rusty metal and broken glass,Of monolithic stone reachingFor the underside of space,And despite the raw strength of it all
Nature likes citieskeeps man stackedon top of each otherout of her wayso she can roam freein fields and mountainsdown gentle streams .
No hawk ever spoke onthermodynamicsyet they soar on columns of air—Sometimes I see the pillars in the sky(a colonnade of winds)I enter in at the palace gate. .
I LookedI looked for lifeon a dusty trailkicking a rock for milesand I saw a shooting star.I looked for lifeup in the skywatched the birds soarand saw shapes in the clouds.
 Am I lost or have I looked too far into the truth into the valley of death where we all perish in? 
All that glitters is not gold, So how dare you be so bold, To say that the best things in life are free? Well, no one is free from impunity. You only have the freedom of speech,
Awake and sober, while in a state of sedation.How can this be? I have no explanation.Bored with digging in this life’s excavation,
I AM BLACK. Blacks fought for freedom. I AM WOMAN. Women fought to be counted. I AM GAY. Gays fought for equality. So why am I still fighting for freedom? My freedom is confined 
Obsessed by what I'm supposed to be. But aren't I supposed to be free. Free to thrive not only survive in this world. Always racing and chasing to succeed based on greed.
I'd rather be a free, black sheep of a soul or stiffer than a piece of coal than be bound at the neck, wrist, and ankles by the chains of labels and stereotypes
I am in an empty casing. My soul is hitting walls and edges.
Amongst the dulled murmur, a clear song rises.   Even as the chains bind our arm, our hearts soar free, only hindered by the limits of our imagination.   
With unsteady hands and a shaky spirit
I live my love aloneno freedom chimes its bells
It's like locking up a butterfly in a cage. It'll fly around feeling trapped looking for freedom.
Many years ago, in a house of neither brick nor stone,
These ups and downs don't mean a thing
Maks the complexion, but not the soul.   Masks the outward blemishes, but not the soul.   Makeup is like a mask, covers the face to disguise reality.   Do not steal you identity,
Clarity although I knew it was not my fault
Oh, I've got no problem eating alone. Make no mistake-- I can eat what I want when I want it. I can think how I look like I go where I want. I can see whom I please, Say what I mean,
In the constant praise for our country We forget the misery and suffering That persists within so insidiously.   We have worked tragedy unto others The real calamity is how we let it be
My Love, did you know? The sound of your voice was and is sweet and so sincere. The taste of your lips was and is sentimentally divine. Your touch gave me astonishing goose-bumps.
Enslaved by thought so I carry the tale with worn feet, My kind was contained to cultivate something sweet. Sugar cane working, Rays from the sun start to sting- My ancestors with worn feet wished for fresh wings.
*/ /*-->*/ Where I once was never to be the trees do fall the night never to call  
Papa, my beautiful papa. He doesn't look at me anymore.  His smile has disappeared from his face.  Papa's bones are as thin as the weeds out back. Remember papa? 
Living in todays' and not tomorrows satisfaction Those choices turn to bad habits It's just a matter of time before they reign havoc The air is tainted, it was never pure The temple is broken, the walls are torn
Broken hands... Empty mind. I look at my watch and it says, ''Go time.''  I feel these chains holding me to the ground and I cannot move. Life is a dance and I just want to fucking groove. 
they don't see the darkness hugging you in an icy embrace they see warmth radiating onto your lashes onto your skin some even comes from your heart within and maybe just maybe
As a boy I was always told to get a great career and always make sure that I am on the path towards success.  As a teen I was told to stay out the streets, keep my head in the books, and to do my best. 
Crying, screaming, with a runny nose until your voice is hoarse,  suffocating slowly from all the noise even though there isn't any force, 
Words can’t even begin to describe On account of I ain’t no scribe But I got say I hope I make your day When I tell you the truth You are a hero to all us youth
My bones were feeble My breath had weathered My voice can be heard as a bare, cracked whisper And I listen at how fragile we are... For which my lungs, they were thirsty for air
She stands atop our tallest structures,
A Penguin can’t fly. The poor flightless bird, confined to the land and sea, with wings weighing it down: gravity. Me. The girl who dreams to be a penguin, yet fly,
Who am I but a figment of my own imagination? A lie. An idea I’ve used to claim the land of four nations. Who am I?
People always make analogies Saying birds are free; they want to be birds. What is a bird? Nothing more than hair.
I am so tired of being grossly comatose.
I put my feet to the street I've never felt a heat,like this,my souls(soles) melt with each step I take,I wanna make a break, and run for it,like Run Forest!but
Stuck in the same routine, change only when I come clean,mean what I say everyday, it's the only path to a brighter way,light comes throught from within, grin with relief from forgiven sin,
This is to say I have borrowed the makup remover you had in the bathroom drawer
Walking down the street, life moves slowly As I run into people and fall onto the rough concrete. Bitter voices and yelling catch my attention, But the powerful wind propels me into dangerous roads.  
even within nature we are confined  in chains   from the depths we crawled    toward the sun     into the trees      wiping sweat from our brows       liberty
                   Freedom    12/22/14 The beauty of freedom, the splendor of knowing To explore anywhere, of your choice, of where your going A value that has no price, that many, have given their life  
It is futile to cling to something so fictitious. The world fades away. White.
In the beginning I was always scared. Never able to say what  I thought or felt. It was nothing less than torture. Forever crippled by the fear of being unnaccepted. Always tiptoeing trough life like perpetually crossing a lake of thin ice.
A snow storm blows its way across July I wait for tears, To feel this pain Hold on, I am not falling You are not my faith Not mine Sick of trying to live off your love
I've looked at the tips of Icebergs Of various dimensions and shapes  For only so long my wonder can remain concealed What lies beneath this monstrous piece of ice?      
You look.
Boredom is killing us.  It makes us reckless.    Veronica Russell
Wings, born with them but always kept pinned. Never able to truly live.
I can't believe this is it. I can't believe it is here. I can't believe this is my senior year. I have lived with these imbeciles for years. I can't believe I'll finally be free: Be free to finally be me!
My mind is filled with words and phrases which are trying their best to seep out onto this page, but they are being constricted. Its still lines constricting how much my words can reveal my soul;
Will I find Salvation Once I find Redemption  
We are enslaved By ourselves We are enslaved By each other   No one is free It is but an illusion No one is free It is a surreal idea   Freedom means
Can you imagine this world that wakes up right before our eyes The trees shake, the sun shines, and the grass never dies
In elementary school, recess was the most important time of the whole day to us.
If it isn’t my skin, then what shall it be? The two arms and legs that extend directly from me? That enable me to run past the wind, and jump the hurdles in front of me.
From the ashes I rise to be held no more from flames I am born 
Old Town, New City Bussing tables just to make seven fifty Got no time, no sleep When I muster emotion, I go deep Feeling down until I hit the town Rolling through , running around  
Life is monochrome, or so they say. A repetitive cycle of time, repeating daily.   What has gone, will come by again. Where is the color in life?   Soul against soul,
Thoughts unhinderedTravel spry, in the form of prose,Observation won't ceasewhen the world slows.
Don't tell me.. How to feel, what to do , what to be   Don't tell me.. How to cry ,when to lie, how to see.   Don't tell me.. It's not the world  but it's you, look at the thngs you do.
Without filters my pictures ar
Having nothing to prove, Only one path to choose. She spins around and about, Not having anything to lose. No respect is given through love, As the effort comes from above. Still spinning-
My chains loosen as I realize what you are How long have I been against these bars? Why hadn’t I seen this all before?
In a male dominated society It is hard to be a woman You have to do things quietly Only to be proven a fool, Trying to act politely Thinkin it makes you look cool
Me I am different. I know I am different. I think differently. But how am I different?
It's hard for me to say That some people can't accept diversity Even in the world today. People can't marry who they love Simply because they're gay.
She formed from cosmic dust. A ball of hollow gas with a dash of wonderment and arrogance. She has long flat feet that used to dance to the heartbeats of drums Her thighs are like logs Thick and sturdy
What can you expect me to do? After always telling me I'm so little, so few. I'm never enough, not for you.
“When I get older I will be stronger, they’ll call me freedom just like waving flag.”   Langston Hughes had the blues when he said
  Take Flight
I see the colors of black and white
This beautiful world,
All of these battles fought before, no one will win this war. Madness driven by coexistence,
A man on the streets Holds a sign saying, “Freedom!” But what does he want This man with a sign
May I be frank with you, college essay? Thanks.
Don't wear an upside down smile No matter what your life is worth while Take it from me, I lost my daddy But I refuse to let that terminate me Yes I miss him Yes it hurts
What am I? A person? Or something more? In the darkness, I see the light arise. The battle is won,
She was a beautiful gleam of light –that last bit of gleaming sunset that strikes through the sky like the chiming ring of   a spoon on fine crystal. She was a lone dandelion seed floating on the breeze,
I am a Mormon
"I am no bird," That's what she told me. "no net ensares me." Those words are true.    You strived to be more than a bird, but, You found yourself caught,  defensless, trapped.  
Sitting in the pale, lack of reminiscent memory covered bed sheets, of a musty condemned motel, lying on the outskirts of Ureka, Nevada. Four eyes and two hallowed bodies
Saturation, warmth, crop, sharpen.Silence, stare, sit down, be quiet.
anxiety. Nervous tics Fidgeting Stomachaches Headaches Thoughts scrambled   shaking. Hope it's not visible Vision blurring Is the smile convincing?
Freedom, what a word. It is so obsorb.  Freedom in a filter, perhaps so. Some however, will not let the filter go. Afraid to let the scars show, Afraid to be less then pro.
She ripped off the photo filter like it was a band-aid My skin was red And it was uncomfortable I lay there like a child in the fetal position Then it all came back  
I'm bird caged in a human body. I'm only can be free in my mind. Where all my dreams can come true. The music never stops. The stars can be seen all day. And my love is always next to me.
Welcome to America! Land of the brave and free.
"America, the beautiful," you once were said to be.
    Everything just seems really fragile
 The sophistication of a thought virus
 That erupted in my soul
It's really weird 
IS it crazy for me to image myself different in the sight of what my past was.
One day I will never forget Was one calm, fall night. Among the leafless trees and the unfathomably dark sky
Walking on my OWN; I can see clearly,
Corrosive stares deteriorate the fragile filter my fears create. This pseudo sense of normality, is a dam for my creative profligacy.   Beneath this exoskeleton of perfection
Just wanting to be free of this burden No more worries And no more thoughts To ponder on until something happens. So many things running through my head Starting to make my being decay
Serene, still and calm I lie, Stretched beneath the heavenly sky, Lapping the dewy grass around me, Silently I ripple and smile.   For long, long days, I watch the birds overhead fly,
Art, Abandoned and angry. Alleys and attackers. Alone, Alone, Alone.   Art, Abandoned and angry. Avalanches and alligators. Alone, Alone, Alone.  
These Castle Walls are stronger then they look. I don't  have the power to break them down, not as it took to raise them up. I don't want to destroy this beautiful master piece. Whoever built this, must have alot to worry about .
Are we one? It's hopeless I know this devoid of devotion.       So tired of the maddness and sick of emotions dividing the classes and poisoning the masses.                       So I'm strictly devoted.
Release me from this cage, These wings are mine to keep. But like a bird with broken wings, I will never fly again. For it was you, Whom shattered my dreams to fly.
Apart of me rolled over and look at the coldness of my
Butterfly change Let your beautiful colors be seen Let your wings go free It’s time to come out To share your beauty To bring some joy To spark some fun It’s time to fly high in the sky
I left this one blank. There is no freedom. It doesn't stop. NOTHING IS EVER BLACK AND WHITE
  Dear MOM, I know I never said this,
   know how the caged bird feels;  A beast too beautiful, too simple to unlock  The machine that confines it.  Defines it.  Controls it. 
To wake up and see a part of me
There are demons pressing in on me. There are demons pressing out on me. It's as if when my eyes hit the mirror they hit the bullseye for my body to grow. the  bullseye is really a trigger.
People can be nervous about anything everyday. Some may be hesitant to try a foreign dish,
It's the way you approach me as you look into my eyes and saw the real me.
Behind the curtain Beneath the skin it's different than what's in front Out for others to see Eye contact feels like lasers When people are staring, it feels like the world is closing in
Fantasy Surreal, Whimsical Frollicing, Flying, Dreaming Fun all day and all play, No fun and all work
Who's hiding behind the locked door? No one seems to hear me. Who's behind the curtain? No one seems to see me. Who's hiding behind mask? No one seems to see who I really can be.  Why are you hiding? 
To be honest, I am wrongest, When I pretend to perfection. I shouldn't say "I'm quite okay." When it's not true anyway. I'd like to be To ev'rybody The person who I ought to be.
Human kind, which I am a part of, is an organism able to create and solve its own crisis,
"Wifie" You make me sick Saying it cutesy As if it lessens the bounded meaning   I'll hide behind a smile Pretending I understand When in al honesty, I just want to push you away
     I screamed but only piercing silence was heard thus I took my seemingly rightful place as the invisible nerd.
I eat cereal with a fork, All I want is a stork. I eat pasta with a soon, All I want is a coon. I eat parmesan with a knife, All I want is a life.
Tonight, I can write about a broken moment in time,   About a lone wolf, Whose power and grace fell, As the heavens would cry, Shunned because she didn’t fit in, Didn’t agree with the status quo,
Thank you to those who gave me the opportunity the live my life. To those who sacrificed their lives for the lives for others. To those who stood up for what they believed in. To those who knew right from wrong.
I am onl
"In spirit I am free. Free to spread my wings. Dream to fly, do I. Dream to experience new things. But in physical, I am caged. Caged till the end of my age. No. Freedom is not free.
Circumstances may neglect you No matter how people Bring you down to feeble And let your self-esteem low and blue   Only fools burn bridges Of one’s failures and foes
When love and hate collide,mixed emotions I couldn’t help but cryConfuses the soul I couldn’t hideAs I faced you that I already bid goodbye
Peace is a nonviolent war
When you see me, My tall slender statue, Fashioned to rule. You expect the typical teen. In the drugs, alcohol, sex pool No way, sorry, not my destiny. Boyfriend yes, fun yes, free to be me,
Roses are red, violets are blue,  
To that homeless man who sits ashamed on the streets
Freedom is a word that makes you think of the past, where freedom was trying to be a word, that everybody needed, that everybody wanted, but did we get it? NO!
Far beyond the evergreen treeDoes the raven fly.High above the mountains tallWhere his harbors lie.
Light shines through the darkness, and keeps the world alive, but some light cannot penetrate the dark that dwells inside. That requires a different light, the one that He provides.
Noise is overwhelming, Distracting, Crowding.   My ability to hear is a gift, Yet it can also be a burden. Noise.
My reflection is  a mirage purely an image  Based on deception hidden with lies buried in secret It whispers happiness  to me But all I can see in
Let us arise swiftly Let our movements be done Abruptly  Like the wind  So that they may never catch us Us, We who lay in the shadows  Hiding in the darkness for we know no fear
Blue, clear skies where the fairest of the flock is marching alongside the wind Purplish black thunder clouds singing with immense bass, while lightening dances to every note Your smile makes me smile, your embrace is my shield
Running, running, running. I always end up in the same place, always end up seeing the same faces. Faces of pitty. That's what they are. They look at me and see pain, they try to help, they try to console.
Hush, it’s okay There’s no need to take a peek. What are you doing, trying to look in so deep? Do you wish to be clawed at, do you wish to be scorned?
  When you put so much in your life but not getting enough out When life keeps on letting you down Just leaving you with so many frowns
Baby, you make me smile. You make me want to run a mile. Maybe even let my responisibilities pile. Baby, I wanna stick around for awhile. Just for you, I will exile all those who try to be hostile.
A youth with a lot of topics to express. The words come natural and the note pad is what I stress. The keyboard is my happiness, because without my thoughts I'll be a mess.
its time for a change its time to be heard real life problems  in teens things have gotten so absurd the pain  these kids experience  every day break the chain stop the rain
Wake up Ameirca!
These words cant even express my love for you they can only entertain ones mind We had many things in common but was not common was our time.  when i heard that you were gone  i couldnt help but to cry.
School ends, and we all cheer.    
Why do they stare a me like I'm so different? Is it because my skin color is the color of warm hot chocolate mom would make for me and my siblings on a cold morning
Do you know what it’s like to be left out of the crowd? Do you know what it’s like to have no friends? Do you know what it’s like to feel like you are your own best friend?
Father sent to jail locked behind bars in a cell hit moms up said she had to pay bail On a false battery charge police up in the yard and my pops was pissed
Let Me be free to make a friend without worrying about their color So I won’t offend   Let Me be free to go to the party and not be pressed For being the girl wearing the best dress  
If you want to live, Live! feel the breeze caress your face as you walk on the stars
This beautiful music - The key to my "Someday" That is what I told myself, And it was true This beautiful music got me here This beautiful music got me through A childhood of pain 
Today I saw a homeless man, so I decided to buy him lunch. He said with tears in his eyes that he had not eaten in days and said thank you so much.
Freedom is within you: Through a window, Dawn light trembles. Can you feel me in the ebony darkness? My voice carries on Hushed night air, Wends wayward wings To your dazzling soul
It's not that hard to stand and fight when the war isn't a physical danger. What we're fighting against aren't armies and guns and soldiers. Though we fight with just as much might and anger.
Freedom Strings     For weeks I’d practice In the dark of night Guilty of malpractice
Love me. Hold me and never let me go. This world is too heavy for me to carry by myself and I cannot deal with these demons of mine on my own.
Fantasies are swirling In my head I must get out I must live them instead   Traveling is what I want to do- Traveling of the heart and feet To the mountains of the world And oceans blue
I am Who I am, no need to explain, just like the flame of the fireworks, in the sky, sparks for my life.   I am Who I am, it is time for me to fly, never try to catch me,
Troubled in school with  a rough past He signed a couple papers to start fresh Now being tested mentally and physically yet always comes  last Pushed to the limits with aching limbs yet he pushes on
Restricted to elements and principles Technical lines behind computer screens Dying inside the artist screams Let Our Freedom Ring Colors that have to have reason Not just for feelings of a season
Flowers Bloom, when molds of this world are broken, when the walls of conformity are torn down and personalities are set free The Sunrises, when hate dispates and love reigns
Once a little girl, so careless and free, Curious of life and all she could be. Introduced to this world with no map or instruction, Took a wrong turn down the path to destruction.  
Floating--- Going no where. No place to be, but everthing to see. Nothing can compare No limits-- I am free!  
When your young you are given expectations Goals set by your perants 
  R.I.P my dearest cousin Michael McEachern There are so many things that you never get to say, But when you can’t find the right words, It keeps you up at night,
Don’t Start, Do- Don’t Fight. The clear. Plain. Mirror.   That keeps me…   Alive?   It.  
I am not a bird, And I long to be free. The net has ensnared me, I have no escape. Tighter it strangles me, If I try to loose it. Tighter it gets, With every thought of freedom.
Tears, pain, fear, shame...
How to be demonstrative of positive? I suggest gladness is an evocative, And through a consequence of the causative; a presence of your highest prerogative.   It’s rare to find care in a world of unfair.
The person beside me didn't study but I heard they got a 92 seating looking at my test doesn't even look like I tried my best.
Behind The Curtains  
Hey! This is a poem that I wrote describing the unfair economic system in America and how I feel being a woman of color in the USA and the daughter of refugees.
I am proud of myself. Can be honest? Looking through my past poems, my past words, my past thoughts, all I can think is how far I have come.
I made you believe me… You didn’t have a reason to doubt… Why would the first words I ever spoke to you Be a lie? It was psychotic.
Faith People say that we are molded by our experienes I have looked death in the face I have seen friends perish People have burned before my eyes My future was never certain Each day became a gift
Today I'm feelin' good, I dare you to change that The sun greets me with a smile while birds sing at my window I'm grateful to be alive, I was blessed with another chance
Freedom to feel, Freedom to know Freedom to speak, to live, to go, Wherever your free life takes you.   To Freedom we're born, cause others have died defending that Freedom, our nation, our pride,
With a great, burning passion I fly high into the sky Far above the clouds Heading towards the stars Following the wind without question Knowing up here I'm safe And am blessed with new freedom
There are millions and billions trapped in a tunnel Trapped in society's idea of and stuck in a funnel of cliche's mediocrity and C'est la vie We numbed to death and city causaities Dont shoot 
Freedom is a full tank of gas, the wind in your hair, the date on the calendar. It tastes like the sun that comes and melts the snow away, and smells like the fair that comes to town, bringing elephant ears.
As a seed we learn and soak in experiences and hurt. Our growth is formed solely in our direction whether we follow the light of the sun or the dark of the room. But to learn in the right we must be taught by another.
The moment I tried to just do something positive  There it goes again that knock at the door can't you hear it 
I learned long ago how to be strong; to hide my fragile heart.No one knew all the while, I was broken from the start.
She has her own life. She has her career,  travel to a 9-5. She wore a pants suit to the office. She loves the salon and the mall.  On weekends her and the girls go out and party.
The green physique stands right before my eyes. She represents the freedom from the cries. The crown she sports is like Apollo's rays. She stands and holds the fiery, golden blaze.
Had I a thousand mouthes, a thousand tongues,  to speak endless streams of honeyed- or bitter- words to your heart, I would. Oh, I would! So, perchance (no matter how meek that chance), you will hear them and be inspired.
no soul in east williamsburg thinking about something other than walk my baby to school today, pour me a cup of iced coffee and put the lid on, someone spare me some change for a metrocard,
Honey dew drips down my spine my veins reach out to negate existance of this vine oh silly me i will be free fall is coming in due time... then i will dance with the others
When my soul aches, When my heart swells,
Why is it a chore to stay alive, Why do we laugh when we want to cry, Why do we hide behind a mask,
Amber numbers glaring in the dark With a piercing cry, they shift. Snap the button; sink to the soft feather bed. Drag a weary body for a dead and dreary day.   A path to follow, Worn in the floor.
One voice  speaking out to the world  I speak for the youth that are constantly being silenced  Freedom to speak  confused as violence  my words, can be used as a form of protest 
I thought about what it would be like Without you. I thought about how that would change me For flowers bloom and trees root With the beckoning of spring, And the chills of winter
The journey awaits Get ready to embark We don’t want to be late It’s almost time to start   The ship is ready Strong and tall It is steady And sure won’t fall  
Have you ever had a secret in which you've held awhile; You see in the eyes of others that you're perceived odd or even vile; For you being different does not make you gross;
Sliding down a cliff of glass, Seems to be full of grace. But when the reflection catches my glimpse,
Identity Who are you? The biggest question to ask yourself Who are you really? Do I know or should I know?
They say that the pen is mightier than the sword; But the only blood that can be spilled is from the writer herself, The battles waged are those within, And the King served is one unknown. Shrouded and covered.
People say that life sucks and then you die But I've always wondered why? People who say this don't know the joy and the laughter
You are not expendable
You stand still and watch everything around you  you notice things differently then moving around 
The rush you give me is addictive.
You used to stand so big and tall;
  Here we come, a busy people trotting to and fro. You’d never guess; we hardly let it show.   In fact, I say, neither would they. They can’t tell, themselves. We’re blind and dumb,
A blowing wind, 
First Impressions A nice smile, soft brown eyes,A look that’s worry free.
She puts her pen to paper and it moves without any conscious thought. When she's done,
How ironic it is to be controlled by the ones who should encourage expression
Through glossy eyes I view the world In colors to beautiful to describe But all you see when you look at me Is a young man with starry eyes   It's not like I haven't faced a crucible
The way in which we live
Once Upon A Time the Pen was Mine to Write the words No-One wanted Heard     Then one day I Started Caring Became less Dareing the Pen was Lost Rampent Thoughts Fought  
  It is useful,sometimes,to have an And Then, It is a more subtle heartbreak than a The End, And filled with more love than a full-stop.   We often think how rich we are,
Are we a free people, a free country, with a truthful servicing of liberty and justice for all?
An experimental poem…   I asked professor for the color of blue Professor told me of the color of you Blue. Bruises on your tongue from speaking of the truth
“Hey look!” they shout with glee, “Our most dearly beloved goddess approaches!” The citizens look in awe at the great goddess Chizuru Who provides her formerly starving “children” with sustenance with a blink of an eye
Locking into place, the Guardian stands strong keeping the red marks hidden from all drawn upon a surface to which they do not belong. Loosing stance, only for a while, the Guardian falls  
Imagination is what keeps me inspired My brain is like a vacuum Drawing in the dreams The fantasies I create It keeps me writing Reading Performing Designing
Where you supposed to go when your home aint even home happiness is in the gutters have to close up all those shutters see these people here dont love us  so all we got is each other 
The yellow lines just inches away,  I collapse right before it, deep into insanity. Not knowing how or when I’ll wake up from the death-inducing coma.
We are the children of Red White and Blue,
Let me list the things that are on my mind The FEAR is gone and so is the strife
Cocooned. Trapped   in lucid pristine existence. Sheltered, Hidden,   from troublesome reality. Delicate wings, You stretch them to fly,   but ensnared by the inexperience,
Stars are shining In the great black sky Where the universes fate still lies Our future is uncertain We can’t predict the beginning or
Enter head on, in your binding. So called companionship, misinterprets For; contract. For it will be a "duty" and "privilege".
I walked with my head down Noticing every crack in the ground In order to keep from falling. I walked like that for years Until the day I looked to hard at the ground And ran right into you.
Freedom. Who said we have freedom? The Declaration of Independence? All that is, is a signed piece of paper.
Attention Deficit All Alone (ADAA) By Derick Gentner The crumple of paper in the hall, a pen hitting the floor,
I crawled but then I slipped I sought to be but bumbled I walked and then I tripped I dared and soon was humbled
A dream thats lost means that all hope is gone A dream thats found means that courage is back on Things that you follow means nothing at all Its until then that you realize to go for a chance
No thank to mani-pedis I'll pass on the spa   Spend your paycheck on produce
  I once saw a billow, Rising above the throng, It’s turbid hue polluted by, The clouds of dust,
Wasted freedom adjourned by the linguistically-challenged society. A wreckage in my brain driving me to the point of insanity, manicuring each  segment to be 
i want to live.
Circadian Rhythms    Have you ever noticed the circulation of the sun? 
What makes my brain tick? It happens when my thoughts just click. Through my eyes, I can see A great big world in front of me. My mind helps me make the right choice To help me find my own voice.
The mind, body, and soulAre explorations on their own Humanity is rich in curiosity And our livelihoods come in all shapes and forms Only ten percent of our mind has been achieved
The illusions that
Some of my people steady actin like they weak
I feel the pressure of the walls of this box pushing from each side, increasing, squeezing, and as it gets tighter in here, the pressure builds builds into an atmosphere chaotic enough for lightning
Too inconsistent to be myself, I am three thousand pieces of a mask Ripped up and stuck together With brittle glue and strings: Promises But they never hold. I’m a shape shifter,
People get so creative these days. All we ever hear when a new, un usual thing comes up now is "well, thats how it is now days." Sick they say! Sick! Am I sick?  so disturbing to some so interesting
The pit pattering of heart stills Earth stops, water spills Thinking of ourselves as nothing? Passionately desiring for something Others forever against us Not wanting to hold us or defend us
She doesn't discriminate against age, sex, or race , 4 million in her evil clutches, she and her minions are taking over our children's minds leaving trails of broken down bodies,   
Could this be true The words flowing from your lips Such hurt you scream Such pain you cause me Love can't be forced fore it is a force in itself Tell me to love her when I'm in love with him
I am alone Every day I sit At the edge of my home and I whisper to the abyss Later I return Hoping to hear A whisper clear From the Abyss
Dearest Teller of Time, Why do I continue to carry you throughout the day? You do not forget, You do not forgive-- never pausing for me...constantly impatient.
Crumpled pages of a tattered heart. Broken quill of a feathered pen. Blured words through tearry eyes. This is how life ends.   Colored paper fresh off the press.
You're going to leave a mark on this earth,  Weather it's on your tombstone  Or your way of living!
Freedoms more than doing whatever the @#!*% you please, It's taking your new trust and using it to seize, Every dream or goal pondered about in your head, And acheiving them, making them reality instead.  
America, land of opportunity, but those who can't afford the dreams in folkslore in myth, about stablity and a white picket fence no these things cost your soul, your limbs, and your sanity
Love is funny.  Love is weird.  Love is knowing.  Love is guiding.  And to those whom it passes, it is unintentionally hurting.
Here it comes again, The inevitable void In the pit of my Stomach.  
    Hi I have a few disorders ones you cannot pshycally see
    Soft spoken curly haired girl You've been quiet for so long That you always second guess your decision Labeling them as wrong It all started when you were a child
A beat A rhythm A hook A chorus
I wish I listened. My only escape is here. This paper has wings.
Verse 1 Only: Sleepin while we're walkin but now we ain't stoppin/ Culture be always changing but God stays solid/ People be croppin the picture they dissolvin/ Forget about absolute we want our own option/
God loves girls of all shapes and size, and I get really sick of hearing all the lies.   You're not a piece of meat to be flaunted around, No matter how sweet the boys may sound.  
There once was a Boy,
nobody left, and nobody died, but the family count went from six to five. a daughter abandoned, shunned, alone, because another girl's heart was the place she called home.
The color of the night time sky Deep and never ending The color of sun kissed skin The color of many people manifested and bound by pain Black the color of pupils which help connect You to a person's being
Open your ears, Lift your mind,
Gay. G. A. Y. G as in "God hates you." A as in "abomination." Y as in "Why haven't you killed yourself yet?"   "There's nothing to be afraid of!" they say "It doesn't matter that you're gay."
Oh Yes, oh yes, that is me,  The kid whom You made free. When people shall come hither,
Guns don't kill people freedom does  how many have died under liberty's judge do we call it freedom because their minds are freed from earthly restriction
innocent little girl oh how your innocence has been taken stolen from you like a thief in the night a thief with so much power a thief with so much aggression and anger
Geocentric? More like ethnocentric. America is the center of the world, right? The world that revolves around me. My world. Egocentric.
Today is the day I will be heard Today I will emerge out of this shyness I will let the world know I no longer will stand injustice!   Today is the day I will be heard Today I will say
Where am I? The question we always ask. Trapped in a box wearing just a gas mask. Let me out. I can barely breathe. I want to be me, but you don’t fucking agree?
I  am the same inside.
Tears roll down my cheek. They wash over my dirty face like a flood in the desert, Whisking away the filth and barrenness, Revealing the rich brown underneath.
When you feel - you feel deeply;
Freedom: an ultimate goal, but which is unattainable. We can never truly be free. If we ever get what we want, We're stuck in this endless state of wondering; continuous "what if's" haunt us like the paranormal.
The chains are gone, and I can finally walk
Surrounded by a sea of people, I close my eyes and listen: voices rumbling; feet patting, skidding, clicking; bursts of chuckles and snorts; sneezes shooting; people embracing.  Now in the quiet I hear but more: the lub-dub of the heart
A passion is a longing, A deep down tug or sorts, That pulls and guides you every day, To new mountain tops and new ports.   My passion is very special, It involves all of you,
One of my old poems:   Sometimes I feel like a puppet, Pulled along in another's hands Obeying the orders to do this or do that My every rebellion already orchestrated
In the short lapse between life and death, an individual is taught by society who to love and how to act.    It angers me that so many people follow what they are told. 
Modern Society
When you look at me Jay My world stops completely You make me feel special Especially when you tell me that you need me
Everything built up, bottled up. Feeling like there’s no way out. Needing to be set free To show your true potential.
Tears drip from a dark, weary cloud Soaking the world in a wet darkness Dampening the spirits of the grass and the trees So even the sun has it’s head bowed. As the water falls below It depresses the people
Mirror, Mirro
Did you see that? That, there. That lady is staring at me. She keeps looking over here. Do I have a booger in my nose? Is my receding hairline showing? Twenty years old with a receding hairline.
Often times my father will say,"whats with this generation today?"And I'll stop and think about what we've donethat is so goddamned bad Obviously the foriegn warscorruption in the state
"Speak Your mind."
Poetic essay   Before I write a poem, I think. Every day, A child is born from imagination. Every night, A child is put to sleep inside inspiration.
Chemistry makes my brain cells popNot knowing is what makes me rock.Like a stone that will grow no mossI must push to let others know my thoughts 
"Who Will Understand"In the light of his eyesLet him tell me no more lies
"The Unknown"Tossed and heaved into the unknown
      Live life in love, for love is free; as is a smile,      Though sparingly are they given      And mistakes are felt, and apologies dealt,      Though seldom are they forgiven.
Tell me do you think I am blind?To the continuous jabs from mankind?Or maybe you would like to just keep me behindIn step with those composed and confinedIn a world where equality is so restricted and unkind.
    This is for you: mom, dad, sister, brother, cousin, friend, Teacher with a grimace: “Never, she never pays attention in my class.” “We’re sorry we’ve taken her to see a specialist” Why?
My Mind is of the Forest, wide and everlasting, Yet subtle in its dominance; its same frailty— At Wind’s command the Trees do bow
Society is a mess We have boys turning into men In a society that says It's alright to be disrespectful It's alright to be sexist It's alright to be rude to women They're told we don't deserve respect
Be anything Just not one of them  
  Just because I'm shy 
#what?   Why does this pressure just make me freeze. Why do I constantky watch myself in the mirrior instead of stick my head out of it's cage. All I want is to live my life outside these bars.
It's hard to confess I haven't forgiven or forgotten
I write to free my mind To suprise myself with what I find It gives me wings So I may escape and be alone on the sea   I write to free my heart From those who tore it apart It gives me shelter
When I was eight, I tried to hand my crush a cookie he stared at it and said, "do blacks make their cookies different?" I stared at his bright freckled hand and fire glazed hair
Hiding in fear from the hate of pure dissatisfaction.
If I could live free
                                                                I worry that the heartbeats will no longer be beats but soft thumps  
Through high and low Through chaos and darkness Through the depths below and when you've tried your hardest   Be still and know   All the days seem long And the hurt runs deep
Filled with judgement, we live our lives sensored by what people think and others' motives. Why? How come we express ourselves by the standards at which people set?
A deep breath, inhale..exhale, a deeper thought follows.
   If I Could Fly   If I could fly, I’d fly to you If I could fly, I’d fly in the blue, And darkness too I would travel the globe, And bring back trinkets and doodads, With pictures of beyond
And then magically, I was staring in the face of my 14 year old self.A face filled with joy and passion and promises of love.And a handful of butterfly's for the hopeful ones.
I pushed my hand against my chest in search of a soundbut my heart beat was no where to be found.what a tragedy I must be for my heart to have abandoned meI pressed a little harder but still couldn't feel a thing
Locked and trapped,
Summer rays burn,
There’s a place far away inside of meAnd I come close but then it goes—This sweet place is from my dreams of eternityFrom the heart, the open soul, it’s immortality
As the sky grows bitter, finding us disdainful,                                            And cruelly draws its cloak of night, Our fingers you mix to gently lull Our unblinded eyes to rest and restore might.
Back, Forth Creak  Forth, Back Creak  Thunder pounds down on a bleeding soul Lightening flashes across the jewel eyes of a Hummingbird Golden gates surround her
Here's another shitty poem, about wanting to be a bird, about wanting to be free and the longing to relieve of all the fucking stress that we all have to deal with.  I want to fly the fuck away,
You are like a flower in the way you soak up the sunshine and demand the attention of those around you who can’t help but notice your beauty
The atoms of imperfections fog the mirror these two eyes stare into They search for meaning in the midst of it all  Life is still a blur  I carry the shackles that forbid me  That restrict me 
  Sing the isle, that, veiled beckons gently neath the stagnant haze of June’s inferno   and loudly, like the sound waves beat upon the coast as they mix us in with plankton  
It follows me during the day and then falls asleep.   It is as dark as night,   And mysterious as space.   It makes me laugh, it makes me cry,  
  Don't imprison me with your determined boundaries of fear and unhappiness  My love is real, unwavering Don't hold me so close, so tight I can't breathe  My breathe is for you, unheedingly 
Your fear freezes your ability to see my dreams Your fear keeps me trapped and unhappy Your fear is determined for me to follow the masses Your fear is soul crushing
My body is trapped My mind is free The spirits that swirl from my body must flee and feel around me the air that they plague a mystical sense so close and so vague 
America the Free~ But freedom has a price Tears fall from the innocent As they watch the souls of their loved ones Tumble to the heavens Questions unanswered Nothing yet gained
These walls surround me. They box me in and drown me. I’m floating down the river that flows from my eyes. - My life is so boring I forgot that I died I tried To make it work.
Have you ever, Taken a step back for the gratitude of your own work. Taken a step back, For the appreciation of the piers. For a wider look on the world, A look that digs underneath false notifications.
Yet my path grows my story will never change. It grows, it calls, and it even bleeds, yet never asks for help.
Free HimBut what has He done to free himself?
Trying to be defined by who I am in your eyes, But what are my definitions, What are my standards? When I look in your eyes I see a misrepresentation of the girl that I am
Merging onto streets. We flood as an aid to those in need. We see the pain, cries, and pleas. Freedom is so everlasting.
The key falls into my hand. The door opens. Piercing noises around me Subside. I have to hide, before they take me back.  I run Into a never ending hall of doors Leading to infinite worlds.
no format no “right” way to exist but capitalism was prescribed
I saw her again today In the corner of the lunchroom eating alone. Her parents are never really home And I wonder if she wonders, How does a girl, someone so different
I hate locking my heart away.
My Mind; My only mind; The one I hold dear; So dear; Without such; My opinions would be non-existent; My thoughts would be nothing; Nothing for I; Nothing for anyone;
We're all the rap-chattle of the world The odds and ends of broken finger bones and type-cast surfaces.  Men and women from every walk of life Welcome here to the ragged masquerade.
Close eyes, see your dreams Close mind, feel our beams Hover night, why it is so long One shake, one shiver The night, will be cold Inisght, none will be seen Tickle Tickle Tickle
Lost. Broken. Alone.  No where to go. No where to hide.  Exposed. Broken. Out in the open. Is it worth it? Can I get past this pride? You break me. You rearrange me. You carry me and change me.
Let your words be unchained, your thoughts unhindered. Release the power you hold within. Let every thought filling every corner of your mind out, like butterflies released into the spring air. Speak freely.
  Land of the free? Oh, what a joke   Free is being able to go out in the day, and not worry about getting harassed.
I wear the mask that everyone wants to see, It changes constantly with every glance, Each one displaying different facets of who everyone sees me to be. Everyone has these masks we wear so willingly, some unknowingly.
Don't move,
The dude on the news going on about all the world but we do not really care its all about "me me me" when kids in schools cant believe in themselves  creating all the heartless hate 
this is no cliche says the DJ as he's playing songs
If I could I would Fill the empty place in hearts To move on in life
Another day One of hatred and greed A world of sin with no consequence For the deed No shame For the world is the same Keeps on trudging Day after day But stop
People are starving Becoming homeless and dying We got to make a change By making a committee we can arrange  
He stood at the crossroads, looking in all directions. So many options open to him   Five roads is more than enough   He must find the one he is searching for. The clouds begin to come
The power of the mind is the greatest of gifts, Without these tools life on earth will be quite a myth, Is our soul in our mind or soul in our hearts, Why do we wait so long to start,
Slap me with your words and crawl into my mind  where you'll find me or what's left of me.  Grab me with your hands, handle me like you had handled me. Gently, 
Mi Cuba An island paradise Crystal clear waters Bright beaches Swinging palm trees Nature from all over   Mi Cuba A communistic island Equality for everyone
Words escape me when I think too deeply for far too long. Sometimes I contemplate whether the things I inspire are wrong. A perfection to acheieve in the world of precision.
I arose from the ashes Sparks of life ignite from my very being Majestic and free I am As I spread my wings and sore with nimbus For today I will let go of the past
All of her life she had been trappedIn this body of a girl,And if she did not have cropped, messy hair,If she did not wear loose clothes,If she were not me,She would have been beautiful.
Standing i
If I could change something  what would I do? Would I make a new building or create a zoo? No I would change something more important The life of a child One who is unspoken
I am fragile And I have worn down my bones to the quick Where my words have become quiet whispers and my yelling is deaf Where I have no reign and my tears have not stopped
I would change the availability of music concerts because music inspires us to become more than what we are and at times better.
Some things man should never know
Each step I take, Each spin I do, I'm seem to be a little more free. The bright lights, warm on my face, Spotlight me, as I leave my soul on stage.
Shadows keep us Stuck to the ground What would it be like, To finally fly?   Shadows: Fears kept together in such a way To create nightmares, Such worries keep people on the ground.
I'm stuck in a box full of language and clocks. my chest is squeezed tight and I can't love right.
Too often girls hear the word NO. NO you can't go to school- you're not allowed NO you can't get a job- it's not in our culture NO you can't leave the house- it is too dangerous But I WANT to go to school
Let’s just think If there is one thing that could be changed The thing to be changed would be drastic It would affect many people and many countries
The Dream Flight It's quite a sight Watching that plane soar into the night. It's quit amazing how she twists and turns, But don't think of the bad stuff like how she might BURN.
If i had the power to change a thing- no matter how big or small what would it be? it would be nothing at all.How would we know what love is if we havent experienced the hate?
The Few. This way of life is not for everyone; Most think we're crazy, which might be true. There's no black, white, or brown, just green. Serving my Country  with pride, Along side my Corps family.
America Is the greatest country in the world Yet we have so many problems Why do we pay for school?
Carrotsticks. Carrotsticks to invisible pink unicorns. Carrotsticks to alien beings in your head. Carrotsticks to spirits. Carrotsticks to flying spaghetti monsters. Carrotsticks to Olympian Gods.
I know all too well these feelings
"Resist" she screams running from ash Broken and torn but not turning back
Funny how we used to be so in loveand the sky's the limit was a frequent term...usedthen abused! My hair ripped from the rootBeaten for just an opinion... bitten for just a word spoken
I stand here before you with a smile on my face trying to determine my place in this race for success.
I am not yet grown but i do have a mind Like a canvas with a painter i am drawing my own picture let me live as i believe not as you choose  for you are like the the eraser of a line yet to be drawn 
Stand up and hear the cries With anguish they cry, With despair they suffer, With hope they hold on, Hear them cry. In haven, she is broken,
If I could change The World i Would change our generation from being Vanity slaves to Vanity owners of inspiration, the found hope of
Imagine you are in a box you cannot move the tiny space only allows you to lay awkwardly there is a tube down your throat filling your stomach with liquids you have never tasted solid food
I look out at the still black water 
    The power… The power to act as one wants… The power to speak as one wants … The power to think as one wants … The state…
My power. VVVVRRRROOOOO FFWWWOOOOOMM WUUSSSSSHHHH That’s what it feels like this wild rush. Adrenaline coursing. Power crunching. All under my hands, my wings.
They tell me that your love is one that can't withstand their reality.  They claim that all I need is a grasp of familiarity.  A look-see into the future so I can stop wondering where I ought to be. 
Society: Be yourself, but not like that!That’s all I seem to hear.People encourage you to be unique,but blast it on Facebook that you’re weird.This world seems to love to bring you up,
Look at the reflection in the mirror  Freedom is our fight  make a right for equality.
Birds soar through the sky,
Determined Warrior                 Pelted by deadlines             Mauled by knowledge             Held accountable for so many
Golden Angel   Living time lord Immersed in vast expanse of technology Ingenious beyond comprehension A man of good will   Fathering those of your own bloodlines
What would I change if anything?How about the price of education.This country is built on freedom.But how free are we really if the shackles of student debt are locked tight for years?
I want to give freedom! I want to give it now To the African child thrust into warfare at random to the the millions starving men, women, and children to the thousands of kids 
My mother stares at me as I finish the last of my dinner I see her incredulity at the idea of being full She has taught me from a very young age Young ladies are meant to grow in, not out.
I must change I do change I will change This was the promise I unknowingly made when I was born into this world of beautiful malice My freedom to exist and demand
Speak softly, don't rush ahead Things are real,
  Change my life make me a professor Who do I pray to? Who do I call on?  My life will never be the same  Don’t Let Athena see my sorrow Don’t Let Zeus hear my pain
I am one One person who has more added to his life and gets parts of him subtracted from both left and right Im in the negatives, but i stay positive
When I first met you, I was cliched With tropes and trie beliefs Which were only platitudes Of the firends who gave me grief   About being happy.   But with you I feel free unlike the
For every child that cries at night, Rewind back to your own early times, Every laugh you laughed, every song you sang, Every child should experience the same.  Do not all children dance joyously, you say?
The stars; so far yet so near. Though impossible, I can feel their soft whispers through the night. Rippling in my ear, each has a story to tell, A story of the beginning, the now, and the end.
Life is no competion for death It is obvious to me now   I am not struggling In the least   I am only hesitant For my mind has been filled wtih fear propaganda They say it is permenate
  Welcome to my Nightmare   She broke another bowl today. It was the second one this week.
hidden behind Bars
Change isn't just a word, Nor is it a bunch of letters crushed together, making it sound believable to our ears It's a movement It's a wave It's for the good and for the bad  
I can be what I want to be Through my volition I will cut off these arms And in their place will be the real me A pair of wings To be free To go further than I ever have before
A dream ensued before the eyes of a man. who left the World and ran. Goodbye lies, cheats, and hypocracy. Freedom of will and a loving decree that is the World which I wish to be.
Imagine, A world without hate, A world without oppression, A world with peace,
Why does it hurt when, I keep things bottled in? I need to let these thoughts free, I'm just afraid of people's thoughts of me. Love me for who I am, I wish they would,
Inception created by conception    Brought this vessel towards direction   On this map with no compass rose     Breathing in uncertainty  
My love for equality is so great,
I look around and feel all the walls closing in trapping my thoughts my feelings my voice deep within I look into this glass tracing my imperfections with my fingertips a tear drops from my eye and sails across my lips a ship containing my fears
Sometimes I look in the mirror and see myself in fear. What I see is a mess and I think of a makeover and nothing less.   Our government, while always great seems to need the same help as of late.
I told you I loved you. I told you so often I began to believe it. I lied to you every day we spent together. I told you that I loved you. I told you so often that I swore it was the truth.
A world without pain Would be a sweet summer day No more hurt No more sorrow No more wishing to look like the worlds definition of beautiful   A world without pain  Would be a comforting song
This is for the girl
"So What?" you say.  "I don't care about what you want.  We don't need you. You're not qualified. "   I wanted to be in your class.  How could you turn me away?  I worked so hard!   
A War on the People The Government is Evil Solution, Bullets
Ignorance may be bliss but it’s time to risk awareness. Knowledge hurts, but nothing in this world is painless. You may have a thirst for love, but I have a thirst for wisdom.
Astounding beauty Ascending angels so free, No captivity.
watch me walk away you can run your fingers through the space i once filled but you will never know the skin within its pulsations follow only me and vanish as i do much like the stars i need to move
To Walk a Mile in the Rain
 I am a woman, There is nothing to be ashamed of. I bleed once a month, sometimes twice I have breast, hips, thighs and booty. I am a woman, There is nothing to fear. I am the accused lesser sex
  I’m not quite sure if I still have lungs  I feel like I’m respirating I still smell I still feel my chest expand and deflate I’m still alive But I don’t feel like I’m breathing
Potential.  A simple word that overwhelmingly carries the weight of Life. A simple word that was repeated in my head, yet I did not understand what it meant. I did not see what it meant.
Call me insane, but I'm trapped. In the confines of my house this time, not my mind. Maybe both. "Because you're a girl", replays like a broken cassette tape. Just bear it. Just breathe. Wait.
BLUE---As far as the eye could see.The colour had swallowed us for so many monthsWe forgot about the others: brown, green, red, and gold.GOLD---A speck on the horizon smaller than a grain of sand.
BLUE---As far as the eye could see.The colour had swallowed us for so many monthsWe forgot about the others: brown, green, red, and gold.GOLD---A speck on the horizon smaller than a grain of sand.
Wild horses just run free Nothing to stop them, just run with the breeze They can believe in anything the world is theirs
I stand in the center where the four crossroads of the world meet. I look up as the late night darkness settles in, but not in this city, we never sleep.
Get off of me— You dreadful chains, You sable smog. You make my life miserable—             So uncomfortable.   I want to see the world. I want to feel God's breath on my skin.
When I close my brown eyes I drift  away, To a faraway place that no one knows, A place where there are no clouds, storms of grey, A place where I can go, be on my own, A place where insecurity is not shown,
Free from it all. No more tip toeing around.
Sweet angels we are, and sweet angels we'll stay For it was nurture, not nature, that made us this way. Perfect curls and silent glossed lips, A pretty face and smiles to kiss.
Barely stepping beyond the limit of my vegetative zone, is where the true sweatness of life dances.
We live in this world together I can’t run from you And you can’t run from me There is a limited space of land & sea No matter where you go "We are connected in an inescapable network of mutuality
What dream is not crushed? What child can blossom? What has education left, But a dull set of robotic minds?   Yes ma’am, no sir
i try to be independent, to tell them all that i can do it by myself. they smother me with their worries and their fears. i want to live my life as i see it. but they want me to live my life as they see it.
Loneliness is such a bitter-sweet word Who else to you know better than yourself? The more you're alone, the more you know About what makes you tick.   Yet, what if there's things best unknown?
She wakes up in the morning She pours a cup of coffee             She thinks:             What is it to be Free?             What is it to be an American?
Free to be whatever I fancy Free to be the grandest To record the world like Tom Clancy Or take the climb atop Mt. Everest Perhaps heal the wounded with my hands
Every day voices circle all around me Telling me what I should or shouldn’t be Why don’t you play with girls’ toys? Why do you spend so much time with boys? You should go shopping more with fellow females
A fly in my chest or a hornet in my head. I feel some emotions blossoming while others I have found dead. No longer biting my tongue, I let pent up intoxication loose. I try to be me 
O captain my captain answer
Here i am
My heart is barred in this chamber,  Where the brain wont let her run free. Oh how she wants to get out  The lungs laugh, The stomache snickers  "Silly heart", they say with glee
  I am ready to be free now. Funny to know I’ve been trapped for so long, Not remembering what freedom felt like.   As a young bird there were no cares. Until that faithful day I feel from grace.
A veil of severed glass envokes memorial of ranging battles, Dusk to Dawn, man to monster. She loves him, she loves him not Painted face, cherry lips, talc powder over truth "Smile for yourself," She said.
Further and further 
You’re afraid Your stone heart is being pulled away, This bruised thing you held on to when all else had gone astray You feel yourself break, But remember how gray your life was And even just in one moment
A hot boiling pot of water
I am a bird of which flight is unfeasible and to be airborne is to be exiled
It was a place in the 1940's where all the foxes still hung up on swing would go to lick the floors and taste the walls. Vigil and roaring, it held the blistered soles of vagabonds,
We let these little rivers flow
In honor of MLK day, I wrote this poem.  He had a dream for us, and now it is our turn to make his dream a reality.  R.I.P. to MLK and his queen, Coretta...this poem is for you...  
Bound in contempt, Spokes of spine pierce raw skin, Like spears of war slaughter innocence.
I am the one the leaders should answer to, I am the one that began a nation, I am the one who fights, the one who dies, I am the one you depend on. I am the people!  
Have you ever stopped to see How all of our lives might be Without those who died for the red, white, and blue Sacrificing their lives for me and you Do you even give one thought
  When you wake up to go downstairs be glad you have a bed,
If only I could fall just a little bit in love with you. I see it in your eyes, I know you wish it too. How much simpler would life be, if only you belonged to me?   The world has proven that I misunderstood.
That day was just another day of rain. There is no other time where I have felt more pain. With overwhelming fear, and doubt on my mind. I fought every day to stay alive. What reasons did I ever have to stay here?
Relinquish control? Is my life not mine to live? Let me live my way. 
Clean, innocent Unaffected by time   Full of laughter, dreams imagination, and life   Antebellum...   But no, no it's ending Erasing that clean beginning  
See the dandelion snow?
I was brought into this world thinking I would be free. Wrong. I was pulled away from my freedom with the strings that conncect me to this world. Master control me. My body. My mind. My heart.
All he ever did was push and shove, his body boring heavily into mine. "You're so ugly and useless," escaped his lips like venom so clear, and so fine. I let the words drill into my mind like sharp knifes engraving my skin.
she ran through the woods with the leaves catching on her heels damp wet earth clinging to the soles of her feet her hands  the branches each strand of wood saying hello to her calloused palms  
They look at me with eyes of animosity,Trying to make sense of my feelings,I refuse hugs, kisses, and smiles,Why can’t I love?It’s a complicated process,And very hard to watch behind a glass,
Quiet and Serene, At ease and peace, Nothing Else exists Theres a breeze blowing through the trees Music flowing through my ears And sound from my mouth   I am alone but calm Thinking flows deep
Launch me into the atmosphere, So I can float among the stars.Sail me across the ocean,
A Runner’s Tale The gun goes off, the world is still, then all things come alive. The chaos moves to the forest’s calm. This is where I thrive. I move like wind up to the front, to head the wild stampede.
  If I died today My spirit would pass away. My bones would turn to dust Before tomorrow turns to dusk The moon would still light the night sky My corpse unnoticed by passersby
People say I'm crazy. 
I was presented a dream. 
People say I'm trippin'
How can y'all be stuffing your faces knowing that the children of Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Africa, Bangladesh, Syria, Lebanon, and etc.. are starving?
  We are a disjointed body, crippled by their oppressive strength; they strive by walking over us.   Our rights don't matter until the november polls;
It doesn’t matter to me Where you want me to be I want to be free and fly And I don’t even have to be high As I fly from here through the sky On my way to the ocean Where the steady motion
Freedom is a word they use to ease the pain of broken hearted mothers.Freedom is an illusion your only is free as the powers to be allow .Freedom is a trap for you to speak your beliefs so others can condemn you.
A practically endless stream of copies lines the shelves at just about every store we can think of.It’s printed so very often.By so many different publishers.
People may think that because a bird has wings it is an emblem for freedom.  a bird can be caged and domesticated If we had wings we would fly but you can only fly so high until you lose oxygen or get tired
Speak your mind get shot. Speak your soul off with your head. Millions of people and you're upstage. You're speaking your mind but your words they aren't yours.
  We are ever-changing, Constantly running through a cycle, Sometimes in circles like a unicycle. We are the washer and dryers of life, Rolling onto our second load.  
Memorizing data to spit back out verbatim That’s not learning Banking our self-worth on a letter That’s not learning Staying up so late that the book get’s blurry and our brain gets fuzzy That’s not learning
The birth of our nation, with colors red, blue and white We will never forget, people willing to fight Tyranny heald the people in chains But heroes were born, fighting in snow or rain
Her hair swings down her back, Her Nikes are pounding down the pavement, Each step leads her to a new world, Water starts to fall, landing everywhere. She spins with the beat while the water spins with her.
The light is cold. The day is dark. The only thought I have, a spark. The only breath I breathe, my mark. In this ever-changing world.   The mirror is the truth, my face.
If your layin in your beddwellin on worthless and dead ,wordsthat are painted red, when they've already been said, . . .still layin there in your bed . . . 
Lay down your head my childI promise things will be better when your eyes openAnd when the night becomes dayWe will still be together forever and always
I love you and you love me too our relation binds us close. We may not want but time ahead
     Who do you think you are? You think you have power over me, the ability to suppress my creativity and freedom of speech.  
    Thank you faculty of education,
Dear Mom and Dad, how are things with you? Has everything been alright?  Did everyone sleep tight? Me in a shell, to tell you the truth, I can't complain, it'd make things worse.  Am I under a curse?
When I was young, I had all sorts of freedom; To roam about as I pleased, I could even eat Edam. Now school has come around, And that freedom is gone; No windows, just homework, and learning of
Dear my love, whose name is unknown I’ve encrypted my unspoken words onto this heart of stone   Each waking hour, each restless night, every passing moment all a paradigm
  Can’t you see my eyes are pouring?
My heart and soul shined, when I heard that prohibition had died. No longer will the public be blind, By the governments non-factual lies  
  Happiness is but a myth of life,   A satire of it's own design.
What is freedom besides a word?How does one achieve freedom?Is freedom just an expression?Perhaps it’s the opposite of depression. Many have fought to defend it.
Tactics tactics we need to move.
In a crowd you are bound to spot him He is standing so very tall Not too much impresses him He has seen and done it all. His hair is short, eyes are sharp, and not a smile is seen
Rejoice in the eternal fires that govern all seasThe glimmering spectrum which truth revealsAttain the enlightenment you so passionately seekThe marvels in the ancient language you now speak
Oh sun, Oh sun How he does rise To watch the cheerful play, See him illuminate the skies, And hide before each day, Oh sun, oh sun What warmth he brings, To ever leaf and flower,
My dialect is catastrophic. Viciously it consumes the minds of those who surround me.  To catch only a whisper would reveal the sadistic sense of my nature.  At least to some. Those who merge opinions with facts. Bellowing assessments of "this gen
Freedom is one of life's many virtues. Possibilities in endless numbers. Creativity, through freedom, flows true. Stagnation and life driven asunder.   The seed of a plant with many a fruit;
The bird wanted to be freeFrom the cage he was stuck in.The bird wanted to be freeTo sing his song to friends.The bird wanted to be freeTo create a mother-bird.The bird wanted to be free
  The future is unknown to anyone. All we can hope for is the best, Until this short life is done. Blue, brown, hazel eyes of all earthly guest
That by Israel, the Palestine are the True Chosen, And that the Chosen be the Devil's Synagogue. And as that, Anarchy is Order; & Leadership is Chaos.
I'm tired of pretending I'm happy. I'm tired of pretending I'm okay. I'm tired of pretending I don't care, when there's so much more I could say. I'm crying out, but no one hears.
Freedom as I choose my own route, The world before me, my past behind me. The shackles fall from my wrists and I embrace my full potential. I rejoice in what each new day brings me.
Fifteen, my body curved like a question mark as you delegate my presence to your fingers like a Jesus prayer. 
Cry... that's it, just let it out, cry. No one's here to judge, so just let the tears fall from your eyes. Release... If you keep it bottled up how can you expect any peace? So please...
You're not right for me. No one is right for me. I'm not saying it out of pity. I don't pity myself. I'm not tired. I can't even say I'm depressed anymore. I'm empty. I'm void.
The sickly sweet feel of metal on skin, it calls me. I must resist. Ive walked that road before, I have the scars to prove it. It felt so good at the moment, but, like a temptress, left me wanting more each time.
We danced in the rain soaking wet We were bathed by the heavens A fresh start for a new place a new summer a new us We mastered the slides and slid down the slopes shouting
His velvety soft muzzle gently felt my face. Each whisker tickling my soul. With a foot in his stirrup I lifted myself on to his back. Hugging his neck, I could feel his heartbeat
Along with the wind My mind flows As a cool breeze Kisses my cheek And bright, colorful leaves Fill my eyes Such a beautiful sight Within walking meditatiion
Yeah, I'm white Never Been in a fight But my dream is to knock out some lights Talkin' 'bout dreams, one-a mine's to be free Ya see, my parents lock me down with a key Yo, little do you know about me
i just want to fly walking is boring and running has become so difficult i just want to fly my legs have become so tired my heart is beating too fast i just want to fly i don’t want to collapse
butterfly , my butterfly fly away. why do you insist on staying. soar this world as you are ment to be. you need to for once open your wings.
Changed. To be different from the world. To be different from the people around you. Surrounding you. Crowding you. Changed. To be free. To live your life your way. No one can control you. Because you're...Changed. For the better and the worse.
Hey Girl! Why are you walking alone on the beach? Hey Girl! Don't you see a storm is brewing? Girl turns to me, with her long hair and dress billowing in the wind, and she says,
Let it flow, let it be Out on pages from your mind Grammer won't get you fined Spelling doesn't count on creativity Single minds don't get their way english teachers set up laws
She stands on the cliff The waves, gray and white pound on the rock, Unbound and majestic   The wind whips her hair Fresh, warm, salty. Carrying the cries of the gulls.  
World where write holds soley penta letter, fixed since Kings death.
WE THE PEOPLE: We are no longer people; We are gaurd dogs.   We invade others in effort to help But we can't even help ourselves.   Let us set up our people there to assure yours get along
I like to let my imagination run wilder with every darker shade of the night sky, as the sunset melts away onto the other side of the world, like sherbet ice-cream left on the counter for too long.
Take that old test down to the basement Time to prove it doesn't mean sh*t Take a big red marker; paint a target on it Stick it to the cardboard, the way I wish I could stick it to the teacher and have done with it
So we have rights We have the right to life and liberty, to the pursuit of happiness The right to worship however we like to freedom of speech and expression Sure we have some rights, and they make us who we are
To the land of the free, to the home of the brave We sing these words proudly for all to hear But what aboout those who we still need to save? The lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders; who still live in fear  
The power of nature surrounding my body Light fills each stream of air We spend hours in our selfish habits But we won't take two seconds to care   I live for living not just to get by
When I dream, I dreamed of taking flight.  My Wings clean, pure and free. I was so free...  I could fly as high as I wanted to and I wasn't afraid. I felt like I could conquer all; overcome any challenges ahead.
Help me believe that youre the right man for my believe that you can stand to be the mother of my future childrens...
I had spent days, what had seemed to be months clenching to the piece of life I had. I was lost, in a chaotic silence, hoping and praying for redemption, for savior.
Time by the second A limit of control that is less than a minute a minutes that can be morethan hour less than a daybut favors twenty four hours  A state of mind that is limitedOh' Grand Design that beckons  twelve of night and twelve of daythat r
When I look at you I see freedom I see a future and a path which could lead me to a happiness I've only ever dreamt about. The girl who bites her tongue who hates her skin and her mind,
What was it you were thinking?That fateful day you leapt,out of those burning towers,as we all looked on... and wept.
The sweet reverie of a little girl in a Cinderella dress Does not hold a demise For no person shall attempt to withhold her She has imagination creativity innocence virtue Let her twirl
DIG ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING GRAVE!Stop burying me in past memories,Forgotten conversations,Guilty Temptations,The unending persuasionsTo take you back-  NO!
It's the beauty all around, that calls sweetly to deaf ears. Persisting that it's presence be found, but not many hear. A voice melodic, story hypnotic, with love and sadness intermingled. Eternal love and freedom began with strife.
Life. Wrap me up in it. Feed me it by spoon. Or drown me in it. Just, leave me to submerge. I'll be fine. Just...Let me be. Let me live.   I'm under lock and key,
Freedom is what everyone strives for Yet we all see it in a different way. We long to break free of all life’s difficulty And yet we can’t help but stay
"...and we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men were created equal..." 1776; It was a constitutional statement that society swore under the honor of god But isn't it odd
Time ran outI stood stillFelt full of doubtLooked out of the windowsill And as I thoughtA little moreI heard a knockingAt my door
Setting myself free might of been the answer to my conflicted mind sunsets ago, but somehow I forgot that freedom comes with a price.
Here I am. Broken, scarred, thrown, trashed. I'm nothing more than your puppet used to your manipulation. Your tight grip on my life has me suffocating and struggling from my last spoken wish to be free from this torture.
Everday is always wild To the world, I am just a child Trying to live a perfect life Without causing any strife   Day and day I must hassle It's like I work in a castle
Lion Lion in the plain,Giant paws and golden mane,Licks his lips craving meat,Scans the plain for prey to eat.
Her alchol level is high , her self esteem is low, as she stands on this roof alone she looks at the ground down below she's ready to jump but her tears are in the way
  Dysphoria Sucks   These feelings can suck my non-existent dick but shit That just makes the dysphonia worse doesn’t it?   My dysphoria peaks when my estrogen levels do
I peer into your eyes,they quaver and fillbig, somber: greenthey overflow and spill. The tears thunder down your cheekslike the towers in the daythey crash and they screamfaster than anyone can pray. Your flushed cheeks utter gaspsof horror and pa
Running through the motions  Each day, In and Out  Hard to remain focused  When hustling about "Come in sit down take out your books!"  Can't you see the way it looks?  My peers and I are not the same
Up above the lights shine, down below my reflection I see.  Looking around I’m lost, lost at sea. A tidal wave of emotions stirring up inside me.
The sun rises rises in my soul. The rays dance and  explodelike lyrics hitting the ear. I am the song. Illusionsshatter like glass. I morph into a dazzling tapestry of shadow and  light. Thesetting sun no longer reminds me of death.
Hands hold on to me I am tied to your heart Release is what I seek Needing freedom
I've returned form Never Land, To the place where you're told how to dream. I've never enjoyed it here. These sadistic people who want me to think, Think just like them. Into the melee I sink.
At five years old, I hardly understood The tragedy that had just occurred. I vaguely remember my kindergarten teacher Frantically racing from one room to another Desperately trying to gather information
Who is to say what a win or a loss is? I believe the magnitude of the win should be measured like beauty Only in the eye of the beholder, should it be judged.
I can't believe I was so blind, To see the mistakes I made, To see all the chances I could have taken, To see all the things that went wrong, To see all the things I could have prevented.  
All I wanted was freedom, I mean we live in America. We are all about being brave and free. However I think we forgot the true meaning of freedom. We celebrate our freedom with family and fireworks but still lost in our chains.
You look down on me-those cold, calculating eyes Just watching, waiting, prowling around my work-waiting for me for me to fail And when I do: NO!  That powerful word
It's wrong of me To want to be equal. It's wrong of me To not feel like a woman. Or a man. It's wrong of me To not be sexually attracted to anyone. It's wrong of me
  Put me in a cage Let me run in my head Tell me to wear this  No wear that instead Do you ever get tired of bashing me around? I am not your personal clown
  My Demise Abandonment overcame my being in the beginning, Tick. Tock. The clock chimed days away before my hopeful eyes
The bell rings. The anouncements come on.  THAT has been our morning every day of the school year, for the past 3 years. Now we're seniors, and I still see this sad, sad routine.
Bags under her eyes, but ever alert Sleep was a luxury she can't afford. Always moving and never staying long Trying to look to the future, but the darkness of the past blocks her way.
The twenties are calling. Can you hear them roar? Traditional restraints began falling, Awakening these times that were spent unsure.  
Individuality is a rarity We live in a world of carbon copies Of mass productions A world where uniqueness is taken for granted And similiraty is highly evident
Imprisoned, trapped, confined, Prey to those who hunt us, but blessed with genius, with cunning. The wings of freedom on our backs provide our only hope; the gateway to the heavens,
They took me as prisoner And locked me away All the while I shouted, QUE VIVA, CRISTO REY! The guards confronted me with anger They knew I would not be swayed Because even more, I proclaimed,
  Like a prisoner The solitary black bird is locked in his cage. Bars of oppression Separate him from what he could be. His feeble wings Never have opened Never felt the freedom of wind
The sounds of a sweet bird; lively, buoyant, and free, The sounds of a bitter bird; bleak, melancholy, and confined.
The butterfly flys My butterfly fly with me I will fly with you
I hail from the highland halls of Hermosa, Colorado. It is from this homely dwelling, That I have gone out into the world. I have traveled far || from corner to corner.
When I look around I see conformity. We try to be the same to maintain a sense of normalcy but it just constricts our voices. The world is closing in around us,
Another war in the name of peace The rehearsed lie that you speak Your deceptive words are at a peak If you try to steal Liberty, she will make a creak   You are selected, not elected
I feel so anxiousI’m supposed to be somewhere else but I’m hereLostHurtI refuse to conform.I can’t just conform Just becauseI need a legitimate reasonI’m to oldTo conform just to listen
  People living, people dying People working, people twerking People love the way you lie Hot dog, baseball, apple pie Cell phone, iPhone, 3-4G
“Be interested,” everyone tells me,but this interest is so hard to be found;There is only apathy.
Once I was hit in my back so hard I didn’t understand how the death I am destined to meet escaped me.
sometimes i walk barefoot in the streets of queens the smell of wet cement is all but too familiar to me pile of dog shit on the sidewalk gum stuck to my filthy native feet
I stole a peek inside today, and what peered back left me in dismay.   I myself, I must betray, today I shot myself, and walked away.
if you never stop questioning what you're toldwhat you're shownwhat you're guaranteedwhat you're spoon-fed by the hand ofstingyswinishshrewd and slybusinessmenwell that's half the battle.
Falling from the heavens Shining bright as he goes He leaves a trail behind him, Left for others to follow   Do not try to catch him Let his last wish come true He'll go in a blaze of glory
What is freedom? Is it the light I see in this dark place? Is it just a word, or do I give the meaning to it? Is it the feeling of floating freely in poisonous water? 
I'd make a contract and sell my soul, I'd wear the mark that bounds my soul, for he's a demon, I'm his master, he'll do what I say, just for my soul, I don't mind for I'm unhappy,
Four walls with one door:   a mirror and sink;   water washing my hands   and I go free.
they protect our nation and way of life they are ready at moments notice there might not be many but they are proud can you guess who I'm talking about
We are undefined by words alone, the ones who stand, the rolling stones. They will say stand out in a crowd and try something newBut heaven forbid that you actually do.
The woman stood in front of the table,  her sad hands holding his flag. It's days like this that when she can't cope. She can't seem to forget the day they called, informing her of his death in battle.
I'm sitting at my window, It's hot, Everyone on the block awaits for the wind to blow, Blue skies, Clear minds, Letting my words form and flow, As if in labor, Words are born and prepared to go,
The darkness consumes me, Taking over like a poison I can't control. Mt dream is to be free, To take control of my heart and soul.   Trapped behind bars, day after day,
it’s totally pride and god, i’m scared out of my mind to be known like i have some devilish secrets to hide the fear is crippling and only draws inward   but this soul’s designed to reverse the cycle
I'm a chromatic entity A colorful enigma; different hues of reasoning Vibrant as a rainbow, dim as a cloudy shadow Are you understanding me? A red rocket soaring free; just let me be
    If you were to nail September to a door and cut off a college students broke weekends You'd find me born on September 15th
They tell you to smile to keep from crying But what if you're tired of trying? Trying to hold it in Trying to fake a win When you know very well that you've lost What if you don't know what to do?
I dream of the glistening glare as I look up into the sun. I dream of the limber grass bending as I touch. I dream of my little boy making a homerun. Is this all too much? Yet, you still ask me if I could see
It releases me. I release myself. I release my thoughts through the pen onto my journal as it listens. The thoughts I don't speak out loud, the thoughts that don't make a sound. The
  A Pen and some paper, This is all that I need, To express the various emotions pent up inside of me. I let these words that I write flow so freely, From my heart to the ball of my pen,
The words flow from my heart And into my revolving conscious Where at the jot of a pen they part, And with revision, I am cautious.   Poetry is me, And I am poetry.  
Sometimes I speak and lose my thought My tongue the trap on which words are caught Or simply I am blank in mind and have no rebuttal for some time I am not the most intelligent, nor can I speak on the most relevant
I have discovered a joyThe ecstatic silenceMastery of babbling tongueSelf-control
Why I write there's so many reasons! I write to feel joy. To feel pain. To feel despair. To feel angry. To feel appreciated and free. To feel wanted. To hope and believe.
Elementary School Lessons Patterns Identify that which does not fit Eradicate
My heart is beside me, I am dying.  This room has turned black and stillness grows on.  My chassis slows and I die while flying.    These last thoughts go to paper as they dawn, 
every once in a while we all need an escape from the world where we've all been placed to give us a piece of mind and pacific state with getting away theres no particular way you've got those who use
Wings that fly, burning feathers in the breeze. Soaring higher than any drug could take. Roaring sounds come from underneath the steeze.   Falling feathers land hurting them to shake,
With words I sing. Letters are the language of the soul My heart keeping time to the rhythm of my spirit.   With words I am immortal. My anger in the jagged edges,
I’m only a little bird Trapped in a Cage Barred down by the rest of Society   They strap me in chains  Forbid me to fly away There's nothing left for this little bird 
  It’s hard enough to get my thoughts together, Especially when I have to speak and have others try to understand me. While words fly around my mind at a thousand miles per hour
why i writesuch a complex questionbut to save time, ill take the simplistic approachwriting is just a part of me,it comes deep from within my soulit give these people a look into my journeyinto my life
I close my eyes as I fall asleep, I dream I can change the truth into reality, My understandings shallow,  But still gradually expanding, Searching for the profundity, and only found a shadow,
Poems are my purpose, my resolve A analyzable way to express myself  Follow along as you feel involve To a meaning that could include yourself.   
Writing gives me the power to feel free Takes away the anxiety Enforces me, encourages me, strenghtens me When i'm too shy, too scared, too timid, not having the gut to say something out loud
Seeing the lines right in front of me, like everyday life -- I notice the sparks and lights mirror what's inside. The beauty is not new to me, but some of us forget. The true face of everything -- the beauty that lives.
Some people write to understand Others do it for empowerment just to take a stand . But why do I? See I write to also understand To understand who I am Revealing parts of me I never knew existed.
Every day when we wake up we look at our phones, we look at our schedule , at all the things that have to be done
Back when I was small a young girl touched my soul I couldn’t have been more than maybe six years old She opened my eyes to recognize no fear
I write because I have too many scars on my wrists I write because I don't need to add to my collection of hospital bracelets I bleed ink into the paper I spill my thoughts to people I won't ever meet
Poetry is a beautiful thing,  it doesn't need any reasoning.  You write what you love  you write what you feel. Holding nothing back,  that's the main thrill.  Write about love, about sex, about life, 
When the pain gets too bad when the world makes me way too mad when I refuse to cry When I just want to die My anger and frustration goes to words   I may not always be able to speak
Quiet girl, quiet girl Speak up? She’d rather die Tenses up in conversation No one wonders why   Never talks to anybody Isolation is her self-defense Hides behind bangs too long
  my earliest memory of you was back in India, when I visited your house for the first time since we left the country
I’ve always hated my reflection. It taunted me, Broke me, Nearly killed me.   It chained me up So that way The thoughts couldn’t escape.   Each day I would look
charm eyed stare down honey I see you shrinking did you know drunk men aren’t always drinking?
What is freedom? The knowledge to do what you want to do, The wind blowing through your hair, The view of an American Flag waving on a warm summer evening,
The whole world is screaming Everyone has an answer and none of them are correct It’s a mass of conflicting ideals of religion and politics and argumentative tones
Her heart had lain dormant for a while, Licking its wounds and building barriers anew. Building barriers stronger than before, To cage the heart That had its first bitter taste of love, To capture the heart
I’m not good at saying how I feel, but give me a pen and paper and you can know it all. Trust is hard topic for me to believe and even harder for me to give to others. Words when said can’t
It’s always such a long fall from the top The drop seems as if it would never end Or give some sign as to when it might release you, To relent.   I scoff at the absurdity of it all Yet here I am,
Take these chains off my wrists, take them off my ankles. Take this mask off my face, take it off right now! These chains held me back! That mask held my face, held my true identity.
Stop trying so hard And just relax Take each day slowly And give love back   Life is short And terribly long Painfully bitter Yet a beautiful song  
Tic. Tok. Tic. Tok. Tic. Tok. Time is running away, growing short, fading to black. It's the end of the film, time to applaud, time to give praise. When the grain of sand is used, it's gone away, no getting it back.
The sun shines over us like a bright light. It warms us when we're cold. It protects us from the bad,
Plotting the way to fix the frustrations in life Opening your heart out to the blank piece of paper to kill the frustration Embarrassed but you know material things like paper won't judge you
You said you would be my shining starLook into the night skyI know where you are
All I want is to be free free of responsibility open to the world, for I know there is heavenI just want to be free, I feel as though I know there's moreThere has to be better
        Free is a bird whose wings are unburdened by the problems of the world With a pen and paper, I am free to be who I am And who I want to be Free to express myself, my words, my thoughts
“This is who I am. I can’t change.”   I have killed choice. I’ve given up. I'm a slave to myself. I’ve surrendered to gravity.   NO   Just because I was born that way
Stuck inside this house, is like stuck in a cage Stuck in my feelings, a world full of pain  Not being able to socialize and being a lil free Not able to live, to breathe, just being me
You Turn me into something that never existed, Your personal shape-shifter has no control. I've never realized how much I've been committed, To your necessities that seem to be your inevitable goal.
let me try let me try on a new life i am alone here surrounded by the dark. let me have a new face new body new skin  new heart. let me try to escape 
-> I first crafted this verse at a deeply reflective point in my life. My thoughts were on the past actions of myself and those close to me, and I began pondering the driving force for those actions.
The reason is simple. It’s not black and white. My pen is drawn to paper with ease For once, my mind is free. Words flow to and fro. I write for emotion. My feelings run with every thought.
What do you do When no one understands you  Being looked as stranger Crazy, weird, deranged  But nobody know me, t he real me  That's waiting for the right one to come and  set me free
You drive me to the edge again and again  But I hang on to the ledge With my pen The rocks at the bottom are razors I'm slipping Words are my savior   Feelings and memories triggered
The grace in life is always present, the gift so good it had to be free. The power so endless that it cannot be spent. The potential inside me because I believed is far beyond what ever could be imagined.  
“Eyes turning red, focus on high.  All signs of life, going black.  Pulses dropping, breathing slowing.  Creatures running in search of flesh.  Screams are heard, from the distance. 
Peace I thought I found on solid ground, yet in my heart I am not sound.  My name entails and tells a tale Of a sorrowful one, journey without fail.   Deidre - she spoke, upon my birth
Bound by silence, my mind a cell. Blinded, deafened- can't hear the bell. The bell that sounds freedom to speak My blinded eyes struggle to peak Into the land of harmony- A place where darkness cannot be.
Words that are for the wisdom we choose to seek  Predators circle its prey until its last breath  Dictators watch as it its it solemn flesh Stuck in one’s mind of the already decided
  Remove from me this veil that hides the reflection of my soul. As the grey ivy cloaks the mirror, my knife escapes me. The wolf inside me howls for air. My amber heart cannot live in such bondage.
I forgot  Those times I sat on my bed and cried, And sobbed my losses after all I tried And you sat by my side and held me tight You spoke comforting words to make things right.
So you ask me why I write... You want to know why I do what I do? So here, how about I give you a clue,  I am an emotional volcanoe just waiting to erupt, but not in the way you may think, I don't live to dectruct
The judgemental glares The critical stares They all think they understand But how is that possible?   Have they felt a mother's death? An ache of the stomach Yearning for a snack--
We are the victims, and mind control is everything Our visions must take us beyond who we are to who we must be, But of course they’re making it impossible to see… See they open our minds and capture our memories,
I stand as a shadow among millions of face, my voice is silenced by the echoing river of voices a like. "break free from the drowning"; I scream from the inside, then one day from a blank page, the worlds ears became my canvas.
Freedom, Is what you long to have. You cooked and cleaned but never laughed. It came in news of a castastrophe; now freedom is within your boundaries. Oh no real news to share. Your husbands here they never declared.
A little bird pokes his way into the world From the nest that he calls his home Surrounded by a chorus of chirps Reminding him that he wasn’t alone   His mother returns from a long morning
A black hole spit out my kind of light I’m on the road when I finally come to life Hit the gas, head for the city to feel tonight
Freedom has been fought for and won in many ways Wars on land, or battles on the waves Politics, revolutions and rebellions But the freedom that exists no matter circumstance or strife
The way you smile at me is intoxicating. So much so, that every moment I look at you is degrading. Your spirit is like a two-edged sword. It can cut through my mind when I'm bored. I have so many desires 
 Love is such a simple word, Made of fragile truth, Often just a careless word, Monopolized by youth. As the passion burns within, It's time to take a stand, And add more meaning to the lives, Of every open hand.
I want to be free again.Let the smoke hit my lungs like a rushing wave.Let the wind soothe my hair, with its soft finger tips, as my stressed neck rest on the door as my fingertips glide against the fresh paint of the automobile.Let my ear be a wi
(poems go here) Why I write… I write to get my feeling out So that when people read my poems They’ll say,
The roads are dark, lost in direction.  No way to turn, my path is lost-- I can’t see, where is the Light?  Turn right, turn left, I do not know?  Wherever I go, I cannot see. My heart pounds, it’s so dark!
A black face is all they see They see black and think of evil and greed But this is much more than just a black face to me A philsopher, stroyteller a role model to me Some people see the lighter side
Living in a world with unopen secrets. Walking around with boxed up feelings. There is no where to escape in the open foreseen world.  To let the unopened box free.
Silent elfin streams drift through and between small hills covered in dead coastal redwood leaves, soft and plush, my toes slide between little needles and soil made of decomposed forest.  
I’m staring into the skies above A gentle wind is rustling my hair And tickling my skin It beckons me to come forth
The sun bled orange onto the sky as the pickup truck drove on.Nothing but an open highway,snapbacks,and cigarettes.That was our summer.With beer in our hands and lighters in our pockets,
Many wish to talk to me about the things I ought to be but understand I fought to be all the things I am right now.
silence. that's all there was.  emptiness. i open my mouth and no words come out. screaming. my head wants to burst out all of the thoughts and cries scrambling around. but there is only silence.
My favorie place is in the middle of a wasteland in suspense before a battle.   But my favorite place is also a peaceful woodland village with mythical beasts scampering around.  
In a universe That exists today Inevitably will obliterate For this too shall pass away   A kingdom stretching across the sphere Authority’s on different feet
  A butterfly lands perched upon its conceit palace.  As his wings sway in the gentle breeze of things. He has the wind beneath him.  The word beneath that.
Naturally I wear my hair jet blac with no perm,Naturally I speak my mind if I see it fit,Naturally I am artistic,Naturally in nature I am me.
Man's world unfolds fool's gold and wild vanities untold   The sake of being pious is valued at minus Ruthless is cherished as highness   Brandished guns and sharpening knives
A powerful trot, full of pride and splendorHides a sleekness in step.The whole body moves in a single motionToo swift and majestic for its size.Acknowledging a strength almost unmatched in proportion,The beauty is as graceful as its shadowy coat i
  I'm just walkingOn an adventure you might sayThrough day & night Who knows what I might find?We may just be lost in the wildWhere the wild things are What do we know?
What does it mean to be free? Free is when you're allowed to do as you please.You are given the privilege to be who you decide you want to be.But are we really free?
Take a seat by me, pleases see what I see.   the leaves are growing wildly toward the sky, growing tall, bent, and unformed like a wave in the sea.   their leaves are of the brightest green,
I saw it among the others,the bright dazzling purple pen caught my eye.I knew I must have it.I must rescue it from the dull colors surrrounding it.Eager to use my prize,I drop its point on my paper.
I cannot stand it any longer Should I fight and Should I die Would I feel at peace or cry? O' wonderful person before me I can't help but feel as if you tease me
Barack Obama Pressing munchies on the poor Feeding off us all.
Young and innocent at 17 years old His life and fate stands in the hands of a man so cold Mis judgment of character and based upon looks Zimmerman took it upon hisself for the life he took.
There is a dark place where nightmares slitherA place where sickness has no cureA place where the depths of hell shall riseA place where flames consume every ocean and river
I write because my silence is the loudest voice I have ever heard.   I write when it's 3am and my head is spinning with truths that were afraid to surface in the daytime When my words are so raw it almost scares me
I write because my silence is the loudest voice I have ever heard. 
      When I think of poetry         I think of freedom,        expressing myself,             and letting go. I think of the trials and tribulations I've been through and having poetry as my 
America,the grand old U.S fo A,the soil withholdsthe sweat whichbuilt our strengthand pride. Red,white,and bluecontinuallysways a cheery helloto all who visit.
Everyone dreams of growing up With memories of when you drank from a sippy cup Places you've dreamed of going Expressing yourself because you're already glowing I want to be free   People may say
Words are a form of understanding, feel the spark when it clicks. You are thrown into the mix. The words become your fix. All emotions on high, it kicks.   Words know your heart,
Freedom is - to each his own - to some the wings to fly from home to soar the sky in search of the rumored happiness freedom is.   The choice he has to spread his wings
  And after the storm We will rest in long moments suspended. We will walk with grounded steps On familiar land, And trust our feet to lead us home. We will dress ourselves
Here I Walk Alone On This Street,Not Knowing My Life Would Innocently Be Taken From Me,Why Do Us Children Have To Be So Shattered, Hard times And Hard Struggles Is What Happens In Life But,Sometimes It's Just Too Much To Continue, Trayvon Isnt A I
This world that we live within ignites with a passion that we cannot rescind where expression is done on a whim pouring out from every limb a single brush stroke, a single idea
Noiseless voices in my head  Asking, begging to be let free.  Harshing breathing,  Trembling hands,  A small cry seeking help.  Angry shouts,  Loud words,  Rumbling floors.  Dark clouds blur my sight,  Fear searches for the light.   Years go by,  
A person can write and run to improveThey could write to get better payThey might run to feel accomplishedThis person might run or write to get awayThe creative prefer to write an exscape
The cloudy thoughts that fill my mind My secret truths most cannot find To the close few I give my time I speak my lies as if I’m fine An outlet for what I contain The truths I know must explain
People walking around doing what they want trying to be different without the taunt But as a child freedom involves trust with parents that can disappear like dust Destroying that freedom gets you locked up
I am a ransomed hypocrite; The worst of sinners. A lying murdering, spiteful, adulterer. I am a Christian and I've done worse things than you.
I am a ransomed hypocrite; The worst of sinners. A lying murdering, spiteful, adulterer. I am a Christian and I've done worse things than you.
God is my everything. Everything meaning my all, my every consuming thought, my guide, my way. Where he is I always strive to stay and my relasionship with him grows everyday. He is my father, my teacher, my bestfriend.
Voices of my friends I hear it. Voices of my own I fear it. I'm living my life on an unbalanced ladder hoping that I will be a somebody. A tongue is sharp and can kill,
                                                                   Drive, Catalyst, Excitement                   An involuntary inclination prompting to action   Impulse.
I laid on the night's earthListening through the past's melodiesI felt the wind sweep me through timeI looked through a telescope and saw the faded starsA hundred and ten keys piled under the moonlight
Our world revolves around the East where some grand scheme of politics has hidden the Great Beast tame your insanity, hating right-winged skeet your battering wings pattering on innocent halo wings 
I like using my first amendment right, to say what I want and to write what I want. I like writing what I feel is true. At home my family either tells me to shut-up or they simply block me out. I make my voice heard.
  My mouth padlocked by the expectations of the world But my hands running care free When I talk, not a sound came out Yet I could scream so loud onto paper Why was it that I couldn’t speak?
Please leave me alone.The voices in my head wont be silentCan't think, can't breath.Wanting to escape this terror.No where to paint for my arms are full of the scars as well as my legs.
I never thought much of my poems The silly little things I would scribble in my notebook during class While my Calc teacher would give me numbers to ponder My mind would always stray to words
I see the light It flashes and passes by me Another day.......another month and year passes I don't see how life is supposed to be purposeful  When all people do is walk on by  I am now gone
When it's cold in the night we shall fight for our rightWe want shame to be goneFrom the land of the lightThe queen of the night is afraid of our might She teaches us the Qur'an Indeed an evil sprite
There will always be painThere will always be sorrowWe will always burn bridgesBut when can we be free?  
Every time I look around I see you and me Standing tall and proud This Country the land of the free and home of the brave Soldiers fight day and night, so we can be free Where else where you rather be
-I live a new life now, its with Christ now, no matter how my background went down, my intent now is to live alright now, the wrongs that i write down, insight to fight the wrong so they live right now, im talking right now, im talking bout the ki
I always say, I am an American. But I am human first.  “My question is- why is there only an “American Dream”? What about the “Mexican Dream”, the “Indian Dream” and even the “Haitian Dream”. Is there such thing? 
Land of the freeLand of the apatheticLand of the dreamersLand of the broken Home of the braveHome of the hopefulHome of the better tomorrowHome of the bitter
Don't judge me if you don't me: They judge my skin They don't care what is within They judge me because i do things differtly I want to speak in unity I'm trying to speak freely
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } You showed me my face when you looked in my eyes. I used to stare at white walls with cobwebs splintering the corners. I cried because my veins were hollow
Sometimes, things are bad for me, age has nothing to do emotions are real, very real. strong enough to guide me to the bathroom where I sit contemplating the very nerve of my exsistance. I don't need to live.
Hey there, just writing you a note, a chance to know me better; Informing you that your potential has not already been achieved. It’s funny how you don’t notice me but I’m right there at the altar.
Facing Life's problems through my paper and pen. Overcoming the obstacles that I produce from within. Once being a lonely soul, making friends with my words. Life's a journey; I'm on a quest to find my pot of gold.
It’s price is great, But we have it now.   All through the lives of many, Depression, oppression, work, work, work. We have endured, And so we have earned our freedom.  
There is a stranger looking at her in the mirror. She stares back, dark, wet hair. Her face- a mask of nothingness- but her eyes, filled with the deepest, contained sadness. Face, red and stained black with mascara.
This slave-like mentality, quite simply the reality of our warlike principalities   whose brazen nationality is worn thinly by brutality fledged from personalities
Back in 1776, when America was formed Being held by the goverment was never-more. Free to do as we wish, to keep power in our hand And with that dream we built a grand country across this land  
Chain me up and my actions follow the pattern Thinking freely becomes a problematic matter Breaking free from labels becomes unease Your self doubt is for the world to feed Our thoughts is for us to own and probe
Gun in his hand with his face to sky / Ashamed of himself, he started to cry / Freak, Homo, Loser, Gay / Venom-dripped insults everyday / Nobody knows what he's feeling at night / The pain he goes through, the internal fight / Pulled the trigger,
As long as you got breath in those bones, as long as blood runs warm There’s still a chance, a chance to make things right. You don’t have to pull yourself together He holds the glue to put your pieces back  
Nowadays, it’s hard to know what the truth is. We have tampered with so much as seen Our environment, plants, animals and even our bodies that We are oblivious to what is real, what is true
The reasons I write are like      stars in the night. Numerous and bright;     I sit in awe, in the light     that comes from lines Of my emotions, my truth.      With my pen as the sleuth
Sitting at home on a hot summer's day, A pen in my hand, What in my poem could I possibly say?   There on the balcony the blue jay sits, His feathers shining beneath Nature's light,
Spoken words At times they are futile Feeble Unable to express our thoughts Our hurts Our confusion Our deepest secrets.   And so there they lie, trapped inside No way of escape
Days turn into nights but my nights last for eternity. Tears flood my insides but drench my face whenever he holds me in his embrace. Walking around with a mask plastered in strength
Peace washes over me in the hushed forest Weak winds embrace me drifting over the ground   Bits and pieces of sunlight Gazes trhough the trees  giving the forest a tender alluring glow  
For a woman Each strand of hair Holds its own weight The longer the strand, The more power the hand So one day, I cut my pony tail And when the pile on the floor grew,
In the night, I heard a songbird sing. It was such a sight to see the most beautiful thing. Every night, he would flap his wings and then, start singing.  
I was lost But now I am found I was weak But now I am strong I never knew who "me" was Until I found "me" written all over my notebooks Written all over me.
Have you ever seen a breeze? But you couldn’t feel it No screen or television involved That’s where I’m at in my life
As the sphere of hours, glasses of sand, I have plenty of time forever More I sleep with my dreams of what Henceforth has idled and ceased. Stand couldn't the copious ladies
Imagination takes us wondrous placesWho would believe I miss theeThy resilience of hopeI can’t say you’re quite optimistic of lateRespond to me, perhaps, with verity of heart?Rancorous thou art
The flesh surges under my skin Demanding I be someone other Demanding I seek my own pleasure Bow to the whim of father or brother But certainly I've done everything I knew how to do.
Why I write? I write to free, to make them all believe, to really see if it is or not meant to be.
They say the way I raise my palms towards the sky in prayer is savagely, I think the ignorance and lack of understanding is cowardly. They say the way I lay this scarf on the hairs of my very head  is despicable,
Far in the distance A war rages Staining crimson upon the ground Battle cries of victors and the fallen With every slash and stab A soldier thinks of his family The ones he may never see again
Take my hand...Let me lead...Run me down...Catch my feet...Hide away...I can't stay...Burn the bridge...Dead end street...I'm powerless...Sound defeat...Realizing whats good for me...Let me go, let me run, let me fly, my life has begun.
Today is a day That I will dream I will dream of undreamable things I will make up words I will make up songs Even if the world doesn't want to sing along
Hundreds of years have passed in thee, Not only by white but the red shed with scream. We fight for our freedom and now it's my turn. I am the future of this place.
To express the entire entity of who I am I write. I write for the fact that living in this world of a billion people I stand alone with a voice stifled and unheard.
The Screams The constant reminders of who society expects me to be The dreaded tasks Work, School, Death Is there no in between? Ahh but there is That sweet sweet moment where you escape
pure freedom it's a sigh of relief it's serenity it is me a different sight a new perspective like a dream or reality it's all right the essence of the moment but through different eyes
I am a voice of the shadows, Forgive my hushed tone, Because I am unknown, Unable to waste away But I am a voice unheard Day to day. No one can hear me, But I can hear everyone, Oh so clearly.
I was six when mother, golden hair and bright eyes, said Angels were watching over me And that I could do anything and I could be anyone Nothing, no one, would hurt me
I write for expression. I write to communicate. I write to tell the world what I feel without having to tell them at all. I write to paint a picture, to create a scene in the mind of those who cannot understand.
Growing up on the south side of Chicago Michael Jordan a.k.a my only hope for tomorrow Playing ball and acting all hard Shooting free throws til' my mama said it was too dark I had a lot of energy when I was a kid
How quickly I must die I must let go of my life. I see all down eternity I must let go of me. What do I have to hold onto here? Is there somehing more I could hold dear? I must let go of me.
Sunshine sunshine oh how I love to feel the warmth of the sunshine how it hits my face and body and makes me feel like it's all mine
Take a stroll to my world, to another place To a new dimension, similar to outer space Tell me do you smell the taste or maybe taste the smell Prospects so complex like a microscopic cell
Never get lost in the maze of making others happy, you may lose your own happiness in the process. No need to look, search, or wander, simply glance in the mirror, and look within yourself.
I Write to express freedom, freedom is what makes me american, Though i have no awards or grammys, nor am i a veteran. Writing is an escape to a place where i cannot be judged,
I Write to express freedom, freedom is what makes me american, Though i have no awards or grammys, nor am i a veteran. Writing is an escape to a place where i cannot be judged,
I Write to express freedom, freedom is what makes me american, Though i have no awards or grammys, nor am i a veteran. Writing is an escape to a place where i cannot be judged,
She’s broken. Broken into so many pieces from everything she has ever been through. Her heart cries out for a helping hand, but the tears just continue to flow like a waterfall. She’s terrified.
At age seven the boy's heart beats, at age twenty his heart bleeds. Died in peril, not in vein, the young man's heart feels no pain.
Poetry will not neglect me nor will it ignore me it will always be there for my long or short story in a metaphoric or haiku phrase I write for my freedom, pain, and mind to express inner emotion
I choose my words because of their freedom the freedom they fought for they fought for me. I, too, am a warrior my weapons are my words. They are sharp and shocking, smooth and soothing.
(poems go here) My pen sculpts a future Potential to work and to enjoy with one job My pen sculpts a dream Hope of proving my father wrong that writing is dead
I see the Eleanor Rigbys and Gilbert Grapes everywhere I go, The people who forgot long ago to See beauty in people laughing, sunflowers shooting up Out of the ground. There are people who have never heard a canary
They say the eyes are a window to the soul. The painter’s creation is a reflection of the heart. Well my words are the expressions of my mind. When my nights would be so cold and my temper so hot.
Who am I? Because I'm struggling in a way that I don't understand, And I'm living in a world that relationships So easily become a misconception of a wholesome bond. I have this fleeting heart making me incapable.
A soul crushed beneath the weight of life Wings heavy with burdens Beating frustrations within a cage of flesh With labored breath and nowhere to turn Life a gaping hole, spilling across time The blood seeping
Guns Knives Bombs Blood If you want this? You want to be Uncle Sams' son Heat Stench Burning flesh Hells just the begging of a war never won What they don't tell you When you become
I would say I love the like the night loves the day, But we cannot correlate the feelings of all the times I created each one. My poems were a song of sorrow, They expressed my deepest anger with the world I used to know.
I want to be a barbie I want to be a fresh out the box Accessories not included Anatomically in correct Manufactured in the flesh Rubber in the chest Barbie Mark me made by Mattel
Night for there is Light. Smile for there is pain Stand for there is gain Rise for there is fall Live for there is tomorrow Breathe for there is sorrow But live for the non promises of tomorrow
My heart is heavy, with sorrow and grief It needs time to heal It is desperate, starving for relief.
Raw Emotions can spill onto a page without making a sound Which brings the greatest sense of freedom (I’ll ever allow) ‘Cause some things should Never be spoken (aloud)
Writing is freedom, A chance to make a name, to make a life. It’s an escape from the ordinary, the everyday, the mundane, It’s emotion on paper, fire and ice in black and white, Terror and cheer, joy and grief.
Brittle bones, shaking hands, forgotten. Sits broken like the world, spotted with age, wrapped in folds of time. At the brim ready to escape. To run from lips cracked and dry, the concrete that traps us.
Beautiful, soaring, so high Deep as the river a mile wide Touch the soul and shed a tear Poetry brings me here
I write so that I might survive another broken night. When I pick up a pen instead of a blade, I can escape into the world where he doesn’t exist, where fear nearly vanishes.
As the credits roll I’m handed a rose Most certainly all knows, My pain it now glows— Yesterday clothes worn with shame and embarrassing stains, Now lies in a tomb of defeat, No it wasn’t retreat,
Fought for by women and men Now knowing how or when These terrible wars will end Families broken & weak From the bravest to the meek The future unclear and uncertain Home to their loved ones or curtain
I have something on my chest That is clouding up my mind. What if we overlook everything Without taking the time, to realize where we went wrong, the things we do or say.
I write because I can see the sky. I can see the skyline and want to fly higher, higher than the bird that floats among the leaves. I find that words can bring people down to their knees
I don't wanna be that stranger looking through your door. Feeling as if I'm drowning in water and crying for you to bring me ashore. Sadly laying in that fetal position thinking that I will be that hand that you're missing.
I see you all, walking by me I am a wall flower in the dark And you're free to tell your secrets to a shadow Undeterred and unresponsive to the words around me I write my own But wall flowers don't speak
I fight and fight I look for help And I seek an answer I'm fighting I'm scratching I'm looking for a sign I'm trying to find a way out A way out of this big world they call my conscience
Sunshine Everything’s light And colorful. There’s bright colors everywhere! Everything the sun touches Appears brighter And more colorfully vibrant.
I worry that I am not a good writer and that I am just fooling myself. And maybe I am, But I will not be one to leave necessary words unsaid. To you, they may seem a wicked waste of paper
Your smile makes the worries of the world perish The symptoms of depression Twist into oblivion To crawl away from one’s luminosity
Lately all we do is fight, can’t seem to get it right. Why should we pretend we’re more than friends? Can’t you see it’s hard for me? Trusting you is what I do. Seems like all you want is to hurt me.
People can make you feel like crap, Like everywhere you go, there is a death trap. They can make you feel like you’re not worth a thing, And they can make you so mad, you wanna take their neck and wring.
I don’t want to know how to win, I only want to know how to grow. We swear that the tumor only grows on the Devil, but it grows on our Land. Her soul was ripped of it’s property and we are ripped of our choice.
I have heard that the sky is the limit but I do not want to stop until I touch the sun and dance in the moon’s pearly crescent.
I don't know what to do. You don't look at me, The same way I look at you. I don't know what to do. To think it had only begun, And already, we're through. I don't know what to do.
“If the world was my classroom, what would I teach a girl?” I would teach her to always be herself, No matter what the world says, “If the world was my classroom, what would I teach a girl?”
To be what I want to be is hard. To be what they want me to be is harder. To follow behind others and never be myself, thats somthing I have done for years. But I refuse to do that anymore.
I am a shell, holding the possibility of life soft to touch, but strong, and yet, still vulnerable I am an embryo, racing to grow while being shadowed by death I am a hatchling
When I am stressed you release me You remove a veil from the blind They now see When I feel overwhelmed by the commitments I have made You clear my mind I now see
There was a man. Who lived in a home on top a hill He lived alone He watched the birds come by his house He watched kids playing outside his home He wondered what it was like, to chase after that ball
We put people in boxes And we say You must be THIS way. We put people in boxes Crammed in. Like contortionists. But without flexibility.
There is no peace left on this woeful, wistful world; There is no wonder we worry about wages and wars— Wars to be waged. Darkness and violence lurk at every intersection, Waiting patiently to strike—
)My freedom is not free Others who came before me Worked for what I have Not to be taken for granted I am standing firmly planted My eye is on the prize Freedom is not Free
I saw you dancing in the rain As your body swerved The treacherous wind swayed Your foot skudded skud skud against the pavement floor and with it the rain beat beat against the earth's core
(poems go here)
(poems go here)
Talk about atrocities in a world of animosity, focused on the bureaucracy and ignoring the humanity, the insanity in doing the same thing again, the worlds fucked now cuz it was fucked then,
I am who I am No one can say otherwise Nothing can say otherwise All you need to see is in my personality
Heaven is a place that can be reached through mind, then in body, therefore transforming your spirit. May I allow my mind to be open to simpler life and every aspect of nature.
I can't deal with this anymore. The stress alone, The one way thinking. It's frustrating, overwhelming, too much...
reading taking it in freedom from everything a world where nothing can hurt you release
Birds are free. They soar the skies endlessly. I can only feel recognition for the one in the cage. Alone and depending on the hand that feeds it. I'm the one locked in the cage
I am “Perfection”. The personification of a real man. Knowing when to stand firm and when to bend.
You mimic motions of joy, yet I see you paralyzed by your pains. You desperately try to silence your tears yet I hear the erratic beating of a heart hurled in agony.
For me did Spartacus fight Though he was crushed by roman might For me did Leonidas fall While fighting the Persian army abysmal Did not the Pilgrims sail to gain me? Was it not for me that Patrick Henry spoke?
First comes sin and realizing that separation. And then there is a choice and with that comes dedication. Then you have the cleansing of filth, by the blood that in Christ it can only be done, manifestation
The river thrashes back and forth, but the beauty is unheard. Are you willing to listen and hear the song? The children laugh and look at the world in wonder. Won’t you look and cherish their innocents?
I am always with you In your head, In your soul You are so full of light But I am nothing but darkness
On the outside, I may look normal, Just like all the rest. But inside, I am hurting, My heart tearing in two, From the voices in my mind, That tell me what to do. I can’t escape their orders,
Running through the striped tunnel, its a long way. You can't stop running, that's your life goin on. But you'll stop, just this once Turn around. the walls have photos, frames of your life, glimpses of your past.
To the clouds, hawk says, "You are what I dreamed to have! My soft and white bed!"
Though I woke before the sun had risen I was already late, forced to hurry I would soon break free from the prison Of the civilized world and its worries.
They say that the grass is always greener on the other side, But let me tell you that is a lie, because the grass is always greener where it's watered.
Long passed are the four-score and seven years of our nation's founding. Not so distant was a time of our dominance. A time was not so long ago were we the world's sanctum.
Society is blinded This world lost its vision People saying God Forgot his own religion Hand over your heart To a flag that needs revision It just doesn’t add up We’re all products of division
You arise, you look, you speak, you grasp, you To look out in the world, that is displeased, and ugly, you see the beauty in it that makes it beautiful it makes
Am I my ancestors who fought for freedom Am I next to the throne of our unclaimed kingdom Am I the fear, sorrow, hurt or pain Am I the silver lining after the rain Who am I?
Fly away from here the keeper said Don't look back all you'll see is death- Death to a dream that is yours... Fly away and don't look back Just keep to your destined path
To be at the top, you dont have to be hot. You may be hot, but what not? A lack of knowledge Knowledge is Power.
Alone in my shadow. He creeps from his murky corner. Fear envelopes my breath. Paralyzed. His coils slowly wrap my mind. Consumed. Shedding tears of fright. Control is lost.
For some reason they like to hold us back. Even though they seem to have the control, we are probably our strongest. I've never felt so strong, beaten down to one finger on a rope. I've probably never had so much hope...
They told me I'm different - That I'm not the same. They said love can only come To those who aren't gay. I reared my head back And laughed like a fool. But there was no hilarity In what I had done.
As she looked down at the scars of massacres on her wrist The tears teased the back of her throat; Taunting Laughing Tempting Pleading The monsters inside were screaming to be set free
Wings churching, brilliant orange light, the unsettled monarch now leaps into flight. first one beat then two beats, then three and then four, as the king of the butterflies sets out to explore.
On the other side of sometimes, I wait with baited breath On the other side of sometimes, I keep away from death
America. Land of the free. A land where you can get married based on the gender you were born with, but not based on who you fall in love with. America. Land of the free.
You stand there, hand raised, blank stare, that ‘I don’t give a damn’ smirk scrawled across your face. Nostrils flare when you realize I stand here. No no-good, condescending, ‘coulda been better than this’, is gonna stand in my way.
The war was caused by visionaries Looking for a better future, But one can only wonder - Was this the society they had in mind? Their war scarred my people with its devastating aftermath,
She's standing there as the leaves begin to fall, Memories flashing through her head blurring all. She looks around and begins to see who it was she use to be.
And suddenly it hits me like a punch in the gut that I can BE all these beautiful things I read: I can cut off my hair and wear fishnet stockings and clomp around in big black boots and I
You are loved. 
Forget what mama said
 when she was angry 
because you didn’t agree.
 Turn away from that 
boyfriend you had,
 the one who broke 
your heart and promised

The thick white The sky has no light The smell of soil And weeds And my barefeet, Let me breathe. This sundress Is too thin to cover me. Where are you God? I’m afraid they’ll see
I long to bask in sunshine’s boundless glow Devine, Pristine, secure in mindless bliss To freely enter natures timeless flow
Who am I? I AM someone who's heart haven't stop beating because of the purpose that hasn't been fulfilled yet. I AM someone who can do all things through Christ who stregthens me, but it's funny how I never understood the real meaning of that.
I face my fear and here I am, I'm ready for a fair. The kids all laugh, the kids all laugh, But me, I don't care.
In body, I am much the same, The mind however's, a different game. I am not bound, on earth to tread, Nor to sail, the seas of dread. Not constrained, by death or time, I am free, I've learned to fly.
A man sits on a rock on a hill He searches the horizon And sees Hope She stands on a mountain Her faded image shimmers And shines bright He squints his eyes And catches her smiling A mile wide
He held the ink stained letter It came to him from miles away Hung on to every word written From the girl that begged him to stay
Born with the XX chromosome, (Why?!) A little girl, Growing up in a world, Too big for her to understand. A dad, That got the hardest job: To protect his daughter, From the countless dangers,
Is freedom really free? Or is that just make believe? I see people everyday, who fight for their right in what they need to say. So, tell me? Is freedom really free or is it all just make believe?
A mother's journey is the journey of life of nature or nurture of happiness and of sadness.
What will quench this thirst? I long for something that will sustain. The springs that flow love but not hate. Can my soul be satisfied? I find comfort in this world. Restless I am.
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere Grows the perfect rose Never before seen by man Kissed by God when the wind blows. Seated into the earth With strong roots running deep Beauty gleaming in the sunshine Making the strongest angels weep.
I feel like, every black teen wanna be the next big hooper And if they don't make it, they feel like they've been Kama Sutra'd Some play overseas for a backup plan
The little girl swayed As the wind took her Along the path where she laid Her head down and sang A little song for a little girl.
This is a world where we are free In a world of confusion We live under the weight of the sky Above the weight of the sea We roam this world in hope for truth But we find terror, dread, and sorrow
Accept and suffer unflinchingly, every hardship presented at hand. Aim to avoid empty, vain, and idle talk, it only leads more into ungodliness. Whats presented before you is patience, it's unwavering compassion
Man Lord, can you completely take control of my mind. I'm tired of wiriness, jealousy, and being filled with strife. Your presence is at every turn but I continue to slide.
Faith is my way of life the only reality I'm livin It's not a front for the world, I'm not just simply pretendin So you can spread your lies and your doubts, but you won't be catching me slippin
Always known as land of the free and home of the brave Many people come to stay Everlasting song and dance Restful sleep and a bit of romance It's the best place to be Come here and you won't wanna leave
When my skin has faded from taught to leather, And the wrinkles have deepened from life’s weather, Will I be able to look back and surmise That I have lived a life I’d like to call wise?
Do you hear that shh, listen closely Do you hear that shhh, listen closely Do you hear that sound the sound of a homeless man begging for beer, of children crying because mommy and daddy don't wanna hear
Chaos, Chaos, everywhere Body flailing without a care Right hand keeping steady eights Right foot sets a steady pace Mind is splitting what to do The body knows what it's doing, but do you?
Do we ever take the time to consider? How, someway, we ended up in this place The greater part of the world is bitter, While we seem to stand still at our own pace. We went through our lives believing in this
The day we cried The day they died The day the eagles ceased to fly The day our freedom was attacked, The day they made the towers so they ne'r be back. The day the pentagon was hit with a plane
A beauty with wings and beady eyes flying higher than Everest It's ego soaring with every flap as it gains momentum Sharp mustard beak contradicts its soft feathers Gorgeous svelte body helps it ascend
I am free from these chains that held me. I am free from my past defining me. I am free to be the new me, the one I was meant to be. I am free because of a love so great.
I tried loving you, you tried feeling me I tried reaching out, you tried pulling in I tried to make it work; you had to break it first I tried to be free, you tried to chain me I tried to fly, you took my sky
Running numb Blind to the path in front of her Crushing everything she's been taught It's not fair... There's a prettier place where women can smile
What does the future ask of us? What does it have to say? About all the mistakes we are about to make, are making, will have made?
im trapped forced to live the same day STUCK i have no way out caged in like a bird that wants to be free STUCK i yell like a victim pleading for help , can anyone hear no im STUCK
Gazing off into space with her deep brown eyes Pleading for someone to notice All the sorrow she hides Deep in her heart Only knowing that tears are not enough All her memory’s flow out of her mind
We believe we are free But we are actually locked in Windows show us the outside world to make us feel like we are there We are really trapped
We who believe in freedom still can't rest, Cause we who believe in freedom can not rest until it comes.
The King is just, and justly He decrees, To quell all offense and weigh every deed, His righteous demands not one of us met. Alas, under His rage I dwell in threat, Of utter destruction; Hell opens wide,
He started as a friend, But wasn’t in the end. He played his part so well, How hard it was to tell, Of how he did deceive, I wished that he would leave. Freedom did I seek, Though I was so weak...
Peace Where does it come from? Does it come from the comforting good word in a lie? What peace can we have Knowledge kills and so does ignorance How can we sleep when damnation is in our own living room?
The people march to protest their oppressors Because they no longer want to be the lesser. They are motivated by the professors To not be the aggressors; The ones who fight first against the suppressors.
I am I am torn between what this world is and what this world seems I am broken Broken over feelings, insecurities, desolation I am chained Chained by what I wish I was and who I really am I am lost
Trapped in darkness. Forever it seems. An eternity I wait, until a slither of light navigated into my prison. FREEDOM! I CAN GET FREE! not quite...
Angel's wings, Flying Free of chains, always flying Feathers fall blameless
Angel-Headed hipsters Lend me your ears For I constantly find myself wondering How many of us are really here? How many of us are truly living our lives
Born to a different breed & raised in the Heart of the U.S.A. My family worked hard to make me who I am And I'll appreciate what they sacrifice every day
Never forget The days of cannon blasts The sound of muskets firing Never forget The pain of those dying The horror every soldier faced The pride for standing up and against Never forget
There's something lurking in our schools, That's far scarier than ghosts or gouls. It's sitting there stalking you, Waiting for the teacher's cue. One little hour is all it would take
Awake A thousand butterflies fluter there multicolored wings radiating the many hues of the misty sunrise. There is no escape though. Why do they fly? There is no destination or will. No need to do anything. Freedom
You have the strength of a soldier and the willingness to fight. You have the strength that will carry you far through foreign lands. A gun strapped to your back that wears you down, yet you still have the strength to keep going.
I am from the infantry. From soldiers who have fought to their death. Through deployments and basic training, they triumph over all. I am from a war that gave us freedom.
I am the moon When the light fades And the world turns a blind eye, I become alive. I show myself to only the darkness, Ane become The soul of the night. The stars puncture the darkness
Let me drift away; Away into the unperturbed Blackness of the cold, calm bay. Let me float away; Away on the clouds That carelessly swoon and sway.
The pens will drop When the sun darkens In the hearts of the twisted of the broken and ravenous The doors will crack When the fist pounds On the hearts of the sick Of the wounded and tired
I stand on a pedestal, In the mist of waters. Perching, watching- I stand for freedom, Liberty and justice. Yet I cannot give All that I am.
started from the bottom when you come from your mama got to love life i swear i love it like its summer if you dont love life then it dosent mean nothin life is like love so dont be BLUFFIN
No surgery Lost limbs Give a leg Then ask of him, Restore my sight With nothing to hide
Life around me describing words of Glory, Her big brother, Death, surrounds me at final chapter of my story.
All my life I've been preparing for this day The day when I finally fly away From my home and family I must stray Because to truly live I cannot stay Oh my god, my dear god I pray
Stand straight, stand tall, stand proud don't you dare give up. your strength, my strength... it is all we have back straight, feet together, now they are apart must be perfect
Liberty is in the eye of the beholder. Is life all it’s been made out to be? Freedom is chains to some and dreams to others. Easy is not the word for life.
To have humility is to think less Of ourselves ‘cause we are God’s creation Red, yellow, black, white, tell that to the press For the races received much damnation. Injustice is still there we need prayers
Green is land I walk on, and the air I breath. Red is blood I shed from fear, and the battle I won. Blue is the water I drink, and the path to freedom. Orange is the sun at the brightest and the never ending path
I am the bird of the weeping willow. I whine and sway I cry at bay. I toss, I turn; I yearn, I wish. And whisper to plead, set me free from the swaying, the willow that whispers. I wade and lean
(poems go here) Free to be me, free to be you That’s what they say, but is it true? Taxed for housing and food, necessities of society’s view Ideas of privatization of water, our natural right
Trapped. That’s how I felt. Living under oppression under someone’s thumb- Unable, incapable, inexplicably inept powerless.
We stands alone, the awkward silence of our shadows but a toll in to the next step. Scars of hidden memories, tears of past pain. We never feel abandoned for we sees the big picture.
The hands that wrote that letter Sitting in that cell from Birmingham jail The hands that reached out and pushed against the ceiling of hate As it began to rise and slowly started to fall
Dreams. Born out of the breath of the wind A claim to beauty from humanity’s sin, That which dehumanizes your very brother Inheriting worth from issues of color
Wind in my hair, feet off the ground, silence in abundance, when no one's around. moonlight shines down, leaves blow by, maybe this, is what it's like to fly.
Once happy then taken from the land of the sun Now chained and broken the long night has begun Faster and harder the work never ends Fighting to escape the master's demands
Before, it was solid with no change Those, not content were looking to rearrange Although it seemed like nothing for a bunch It was the struggle for a checkered lunch
They saw what they wanted. Fists in the air, Panthers in the Ghetto, Invaders in the schools. They denied what we are: Men. Women. Children. People wanting freedom.
What a shame, how we all were treated before, False accusations, people judged the color of skin. Our potential, needs, and feelings were forgotten, ignored, Our worn and torn shoes, no one has thought to step in.
Homosexual A name they spit in my face I am still human.
I'll give my blood to keep your stripes red. You can keep your white, and I can keep my freedom.
Freedom isn't about color Freedom isn't about race Freedom isn't about gender It's about Power Power to act Power to think Power to speak Power to be free
I am me and you are you. We didn't choose who could be who.
When all we could see was black and white those memories we all hold onto so tight for those people that nothing could ever go right you're struggles were worth it
"Pull up the caboose," hiss'd Moses, moonlit And fierce, the bandana like a red flag, Signal of something si lent ly -"Don't drag!"- Simmering in the blue night. Moses flit Among the soot. White apron soon unfit
I come from Sobbing sirens & broken traffic lights. Hangings in the daylight, Hooded figures breaking Bones, Bodies, Blacks.
The Struggle to stay strong Is a shameful reality, They say I don’t belong And I tell them they have no morality
Those eyes we see We walk down the isle All I can have is a simple smile I know all the hostility we create It does no matter I still have her All LGBTYQ We All Love You.
“I have a dream,” he says. Dreams of justice, of children—both black and white—hand in hand, playing, dreams of freedom ringing through valleys and from mountaintops. Freedom. Where will he start?
The plight of the workers has not gone in vain. No, their everlasting effect is present still today,
Our world is not free. Freedom is to be equal in this world we share.
Yank out the boundary and grip the independence. Point out we can do whatever we want. We the people, are trapped, but we attempt to grasp for the limitless We try hard, sweat dripping down a scar, falling out of our palms.
Early in May our ride had begun, on May 4th,1961. The buses left Washington D.C. , and It wasn't what America wanted to see
They call to me yelling shouting jeering And this— not my name never never My Name— is all everything I have known. Eyes, pale eyes— follow glance slide past me.
Freedom is an essence we do not yet taste, Slavery is scarce, but rights we still chase. When will this hostility come to an end? When we die off into eternity's wind? We cannot yet feel the end of this flame,
It’s the stare that burns like fire upon skin The feeling like you could never belong hides within The tear that falls slowly releases the hurt It’s the hurt felt by generations
Holding hands is not an easy thing to do. It’s nerve-racking for the timid, and even more so for the different.
It isn't fair. It shouldn't matter what color your skin or hair. It's a type of insanity, a crime against humanity.
The darkness closes in. The bag is tight around my face. Breathing is difficult. Fear is choking. The light floods in "We're free," they say. Votes, buses, bathrooms, parks; We can all share.
People Red Meet People Blue, Forming a Purple hue, They see, they know, Unity’s role. Where Red and Blue meet Purple edges are burned, No one must see, know, The beauty of inbetween.
Looking back nothing seem the same People change Pictures fade And I’m left with the pain The clouds are rolling in The journeys almost over The light is going out No time to scream and shout
Freedom rings through out the land People walking hand and hand Songs that lye with in our hearts Memories seem to never end
Superior? Infereor? What are these words I hear? You assign them to races, To put them in their places
Knocked down We were the forgotten sons We fought against Jim Crow and the KKK We took their hate Transformed it Into a different state Refelected it And we were able to liberate
The tree grew sideways A bush fluffed out emerald green and rich brown Flowers stemmed beneath them and grass grew unrestrained. Rich fragrance and vibrant nature should have filled his senses.
Those who wrote the law full of special holes riddled with exceptions Their money flows their hands reach They claim power but natural rights they cannot bend. This inherent power
Do you see what I see? When is ee this reflection looking back at me. I see a soul yourning for equality cause in reality, I'm more than who you thought I'd be. See my ancesters paved the way so I could lead.
How could individuals that look SO different coincide with one another? They said the brown animal could never be called a brother. On August 28, 1968, two sides making up a quarter million marched as one number.
The civil rights act of 1964, we stopped discrimination and ended the war. This was a dream, this was like heaven, counted on the vote of 73 to 27.
"And Justice for all" We say it everyday. They say it too They must, They do. But do they think of us of me, of you? No I dare say they do not. They only think of conserving
I hear the sound of guns "Bam" "bam" “bam” I hear the screams from afar The horrified screams like nails Nails screeching across a chalkboard I hear the sound of laughter As it fills the air
Gramma told me that it's bitterness that eats the soul, A bitterness one cannot control. But it is He who shed light, On all of those who were in a fright.
Stand up for freedom. Come join the minority. Stand up for freedom. It may become the majority.
The wheels go round up an down, hear that sound? Not us. We're deaf. Deaf to life.
Back in the ‘60’s the movement began From Memphis to Selma the freedom trains ran Rallies and demos the fires did fan As civil rights came into focus
Freedom: The power or right to act, think or speak as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Ask me am I free. It’s what our people fought so hard to be. Raped by the master so now our children are born into slavery.
America Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, The Land of the Depraved and Enslaved Where voting is a universal right fought for by centuries of plight
Freedom America has invested hundreds of years of its time, fighting for equality. Every morning, children throughout the nation chant the Pledge of Allegiance. Hand over heart.
All I see are the bars on my cage. All I can see is that which impedes my freedom. Freedom! I dream of freedom. This concept, I do not know what it entails. All I know is what freedom means to me:
Sun shines through, the red white and blue. Freedom and equality. Selfless sacrifice, there was a price. Such a gift to be free.
Red Fire
When the world surrounds you to bind your evolution Break free Break free from the people who mock your ambitions and belittle your dreams Don’t let them tell you that your not meant to be brilliant
As we walk into the line of fire Memories start running through our heads Some of us remember playing with our kids Others seem to recall when they themselves were kids
Photos by : me Song by : Yiruma
I look around at the world of which I'm a part of, and then I always ask a simple question: Where is all the love? I cannot be at peace when people are not free. This is not how we were meant to be.
Death has arrived not on schedule, but on time. Finally, able to explore the limitless options Denied to those who are righteous. Can I own myself? Can I love myself? Possessiveness caged the best of me
W…I…I…F…M… Can’t this acronym be a problem? What’s In It For Me? Not ‘she’, not ‘he’, not ‘we’ but ME
I was surprised. I hadn't realized how far I'd come. How selfish I'd become in the process. Only thinking about myself. I was ugly. I was fat. There was a facade put up between me and them. That's the only way they would have been my friend.
You cannot control me. I am my own person. All those who think they can, Share one thing in common. They want power over my decisions, Whether I say yes or no. They want me to stop and follow them,
As just a boy you made your decision to become a man, you thought long and hard and didn't take a thing for granted it was in your final year of childhood that you chose to take a stand
Don't take it away don't let us regress we've pushed that boulder up the mountain and now it's threatening to roll right back down to crush us to smother freedom.
Once upon a midnight dream I conjured up a magic scheme. Some wings to help me leave this place Where my troubles I could erase. These wings would take me far away Where I would make my long stay.
I want to be free like the wind Free to come and go as I please To soar high with the wings of a bird Above all the mess The wind calls to me Delicately whispering my name As I sit high atop my perch
My worry leaves my shoulders When I know that I am blessed With such heroic soldiers Who want only what is best
I was born into a world Where people judge. A world where people can't Really ever be themselves. And those who are different, Are prosecuted with no regard. The trials happen so fast, I can't keep up.
He struck the bell and it tolled great sound rolling across the land With all Her heart Freedom sang and rang with great power that still hangs An eternal echo by His hand
Some birds, kind sir, never break free of their cage. Some birds think it nice inside the glistening, gold, columns of their prison. In example, a Raven born into its' golden “home”,
At the end of the world People will cease To love and trust each other. People will stop dreaming And believing And hoping. And the human family Will begin to crumble Piece by piece
My name is Eden. I am not a garden, not even a flower. I am a shell, a husk, a vessel. I hold in the pain of those closest to me. My pain doesn't stay in this body. It escapes through the cracks and pores.
Everyday I ask myself What will i have to prove. Do i have to hang always Heavy in that perfect imagination? Is that what my life is for? Is that the way of life? Stiff and unchanging.
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