I Am Home


Suffocation. Pent up emotions

Boiling up inside me, begging

For release. But how??

Is there any way to release the pain?


Talking doesn't help, only hurts

Ignoring my heart only allows for

The problem to grow bigger, more intense.

Can anyone, anything save me?!


Then, out of no where, a refuge

Appears. An outlet, where words are few,

But feelings run rampant.

A world where I can be me, raw and uncensored.


Here, in the land of poets, I am unlimited.

My words can be of love or loss, excitement or fear.

I decide the cadence, the message, the language

This is my playground, and I am queen!


Never before have I felt this freedom

Essays, books, even day to day speech

Does not give me the same satisfaction

As a few verses of untethered emotions


I know not where this literary journey will

Take me. Whether it will remain a hobby

Or perhaps one day become a career.

The possibilities are endless


What I do know is this:

For as long as I have words to express

Even the darkest depths of my soul

I will have the pages and audience to hear my cries.

Finally, my heart and mind have found a home

This poem is about: 


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