The Darkness
Let us arise swiftly
Let our movements be done
Like the wind
So that they may never catch us
We who lay in the shadows
Hiding in the darkness
for we know no fear
therefore they are
afraid of what they
cannot see, but they can
hear our cries
and feel our pain
they do nothing
it is not because
they cannot see us
it is because they choose not to
they turn away a blind eye
to the darkness
Oh, how I wish that the
sun would once more dance upon my
cheek, that I might rejoice again
But alas until then,
I am darkness
and I cannot escape
I tell them 'Don't be discouraged,'
for i have found the Light
for which you so deeply yearn for
it is within the
very depths of our soul
and while they
cannot see
I am glad
because I have opened
the light
the light in me.