A Poem to Myself (and Others)
Dear Me,
Soon, you’ll see, very soon, when the moon’s out,
In a glorious afternoon where it’s rare
To see her scout amongst the chaos ‘round,
You will see a girl starring eastbound and,
You will ask yourself “what’s she looking at?
Is that freedom, do I know? I should ask,”
‘fore your eyes the girl’s outline abasks in light,
I fancy she’s content; t’seems she loves life,
‘cause she’s free to sincerely say now,
“I’m no longer friends with the chains, I’m able to,
Enjoy my home and self and friends. I say adieu.”
Soon, you’ll see, she’ll say this with a blithe life,
When no longer she’s bothered with men’s strife,
A bird, an angel with golden wings spread apart,
Peace in the mind, and grand joy in the heart,
Ready to forgive and finally to depart.