Accepted Mystery
Dear Life,
If there's one thing you've taught me
It's that insecurity is tangible.
That everywhere you turn
You wonder if you'll ever be enough.
You look at those around you
Hoping they aren't thinking what you are.
It's almost as if you could
Just reach out and touch the incomplete.
The harder you try to climb,
The farther you see you've yet to go.
Overachieving is a
Headline, front and center in your mind.
They try to tell you to stop.
You're striving too hard, they say sadly.
But you look over your shoulder...
They're farther on, I can't just stop now.
If there's a mountain out there,
I have to climb it to the tip-top.
Every rock, I have to move...
Psychological competition.
But when we see only what
Is more and greater for us to do.
We forget the gifts we call
Our own and lose track of that for which we were created.
We weren't meant to carry the
Weight of the whole world on our shoulders.
We were given a countless
Few... tools to make our world a purpose.
Gifts placed deep down in our hearts,
Bits of wonder no one can catch, no
One can begin to explain.
Yet each a world changer, a beacon.
You throw darts, breathe gold fire...
But real gold fears no flame, each cavern
Is a bright opportunity, a
Place for what makes us unique to stand.
When we feel everyone's
Eyes boring into our every action,
We can choose. Our hearts a hope
Stepping out in faith and confidence.
Or our minds a fear, a wait...
That holds us back from our destiny.
What makes us stumble, leaves us
Strong. A blessing in hooded disguise.
The voices that call out for
Our failure, the whispers deep in our mind...
Can't hide the One voice that calls
Louder yet pushed behind. Waiting for us.
It tells us we're accepted.
It cries we are redeemed, set free.
It calls us to dance to the
Song in our hearts. To life up our voice.
To sing.
Fovever, Hannah Grace