If I Could Fly
If I Could Fly
If I could fly, I’d fly to you
If I could fly, I’d fly in the blue,
And darkness too
I would travel the globe,
And bring back trinkets and doodads,
With pictures of beyond
If I could fly, I’d lose myself in the rainclouds and lightning storms
If I could fly, I’d forget my fears and inhibitions
Freedom would call my name in the song of the bar-headed goose,
Who flies the highest above all God’s creatures
I would sore above the mountains of the Northwest
I would fly above the smog and death of the skyscrapers
If I could fly, I’d fly to you
If I could fly, I’d take you out of this wretched place called “life”
But for now, I’ll watch you sleep peacefully,
With you in my mind
You sleep at peace,
But your mind is at war
Fly away right now
- C.J.