Anger WALL of steel
The moment I tried to just do something positive
There it goes again that knock at the door can't you hear it
that wall of steel of angry ready for me to make a mistake
How hard I tried to follow the
stuff I learned from bible study
slow to get angry and quick to listen that passed one ear and out the other
as something comes to test me and I failed
landed right on my face by myself
as I'm in my room being creative and hanging all my drawings on my wall
and my brother Andre' came in the room annoying and I asked him nicely could he leave
so I'm all frustrated and just so tried of him
that he asked me if I loved him which I was so annoyed and wasn't trying to hear what he had to say I said no I just wanted him to leave
which wasn't the case only
blocked me out from my freedom
to the door of the angry
which brought me down from to the worst day of my life
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I can relate to this cause anger is something we should avoid but I was always angry growing up about everything that happened to me and I couldnt let go of it, even now but it's less now. What I was trying to say was that I used my anger for my strength, for my creativity, for so many motivation things; even when I wanted to work out I used my anger to make me get throught it. I would use it at work when I would have to clean something up so I would get mad and by that way I did it faster and I didn't think about what I was going to do first, I just did it.
I was the same way as a child, going to school in the morning i was so angry that it showed it on my face. People wouldn't set next to me and everyone always asked why I was so angry, like damn the day just started; like what could have pissed me off so much that I brought it into the next day. But see I learn to not become anger, to use my angry for positive things, to be happier but in the begin I was made at the world and life. You can't get any angrier than that.
the devil is a liar
we all make mistakes, that's a part of life
learn to cultivate and grow
it's easy to be angry, but it never helps
find something constructive so you don't become destructive
poetry could beging the process of doing something productive