Live Life.
Live life in love, for love is free; as is a smile,
Though sparingly are they given
And mistakes are felt, and apologies dealt,
Though seldom are they forgiven.
And the lives we choose, the lives we live in, are but simple,
Though we strive to complicate them
And I suppose it's the heart's doing;
For it does not rationalize, like the mind does,
Nor does it ask for one's permission.
For since the heart feels, and wants, and knows;
It is us who are flawed in believing we ever had a say in its decisions.
Live life in courage, and fear not what lay beyond,
Because the road we ride, is the same one we die on.
Fall in love with the sunsets you’ll never own,
And the stars that guide you home,
Then ride this winding road, if you dare to
And learn to love what has never once loved you.
Ride till’ you run out of tire, and walk the rest in peace,
Feel your skin on the sun-kissed asphalt, lying underneath.
Be cautious, be weary, be careful where you tread,
For the next step you take, could be the last one instead
And if you should fall, fear not who sees, stand tall and walk on,
For laughter tends to fade away, once you’ve moved on.
Disappointment is motivation, as humility keeps one humble,
For one does not simply stop walking, when one occasionally stumbles.
Live life in the way you must and do what you need to,
But make sure that at the end of it all,
You did the best that you could do.
Live life to mean something, to go somewhere, to be someone,
But remember who you were, and where you came from,
Spend life on things that matter, for it’s too short for things that don’t,
And live it without regrets, because life’s too long to spend in ‘won’t,”
So live life to die for something, somewhere, or someone
For when the bells toll, and the seams go undone
All that is left is what you have become.
So ask yourself:
Where will you stand when life has stopped giving?
Did you live a life that’s worth reliving?