I Am Free
She envelopes us like a cold day without a jacket.
Shivering like bare shoulders, chills climbing in the crooks of collapsing collarbones.
"I am afraid," the voice taunts, always behind us always there.
She is the bigger child, looking down on us after a rough shove at the playground.
"You'll never... You won't... You can't... You don't.."
We are but droves of worker bees to the queen who controls us.
Until we take charge.
Shove off our doubts, our worries, and tell her no more.
You are a false friend who leaves me to wonder we could be achieved.
No more will I be constricted by your chains and your lies that lead me to believe
that I am anything less than good enough.
I am so good enough. I am strong and powerful, brave and bold.
She looks up at me with something in her eyes, no longer my captor.
You are no longer apart of me, this life is mine.
I recognize now what she feels for me, now that we are apart
For I am free.