He is
He has been questioned and speculated and misunderstood
Misinterpreted, misrepresented, and rejected as a result
Portrayed as one who requires perfection,
Who can’t see past our every fault
But Jesus
That’s just not who he is
He has been mocked and laughed at
Or used as a tool for prestigious appearances
Or regarded as a made up figure meant to condemn us
But Jesus
That’s just not who he is
He’s become politically incorrect
And where the concept of truth itself has been deemed untrue
He’s been referred to as the mind block that prevents future growth
But Jesus
That’s just not who he is
Because without God’s peace I would be a troubled soul
Searching, and filling, to be soon emptied more
I’d be trusting in only what can be contained in this world
I’d be disappointed and empty, with shallow goals
Without God’s joy I would be so easily controlled
Selfish and bitter of what they all stole
I’d get euphoric, then depressed, but never feel whole
I’d get defeated, then angry, dissatisfied, and alone
Without God’s word I would be an aimless boat
Tossed by the waves of societal norm
I’d be trying to figure it all out on my own
Without the anchor of truth to establish my soul
Without the Holy Spirit I just wouldn’t know
How sweet his presence is when we’re all alone
I’d be always second guessing the direction I should go
I’d be apart from his power, unable to grow
And without his grace, I would have quit long ago
I’d be still far off in my fear of giving up control
Running as fast as I could from his throne
Bitter, yet guilty, but without any hope
But he didn’t allow that
Because he tugged at my heart
When I rejected his name
He fought hard
Tearing down the walls built by my indecisive mind
He proved to me he is what fills the void in inside
He is truth
Perfect peace
Constant joy
Unconditional Love
His has satisfied this longing heart
He’s the only thing I’m certain of
Those who accept him
He makes their heart new
And those who reject him
He relentlessly pursues
Driven by love that can’t be removed
Whether embraced or denied it remains true
The name stirs up offense, uncomfortable feelings, makes us put up our defense
And it’s the same name that liberates, sets the captives free, makes the lame walk, and the blind see
It has power that goes beyond you and me
Beyond what science can measure or religion can reach
Radical love that renews and forgives
Dying for your heart
That’s who Jesus is