How backwards can an unbackwards society be?
When the gesture of kneeling demands to be heard
And the rainbows in the sky earned their own parades,
People are excited to check name boxes on paper,
While goddesses of the workplace are finally being praised
When peace means sometimes saying nothing,
And we’re drawn to save lives from ones already lost,
When even weapons couldn’t shield the masks of deeper issues,
And names of survivors are now being embossed
When women are believed for their accounts,
And manly manicures could be donned,
When past generations are tied with the new,
And freedom’s a word of which we’d all grown fond
And those who have marched have not yet grown weary,
While those who stay put, with their voices have fought
Society is now slowly awakening
From its drunken trances sobriety forgot
And who are we to stop its progression
As peace and love aids its recovery call
Oppression and ignorance continue to intoxicate
Though we see a backwards society isn’t backwards at all
The new 20’s will be filled with champagne and promise
And we have yet wait to see what’s in store,
The new decade rings for more backward things to come
But oh, how the people, our people, will roar