What is Learning?
Memorizing data to spit back out verbatim
That’s not learning
Banking our self-worth on a letter
That’s not learning
Staying up so late that the book get’s blurry and our brain gets fuzzy
That’s not learning
Annotating instead of creating
That’s not learning
Conforming our ideas to match our teachers
so we can ace the test
That’s not learning
Spinning in worthless work that fills our brains to capacity
So there’s no room left in us for creativity
Breaking our backs just to get into that prodigious academy
Self hate and torture for
The word that hurts like a gun wound
It breaks into our psyche
Slowly beats us down ‘till we feel gone
Nothing, worthless, stupid
Comparing ourselves to each other
Wanting to be like every other
Wanting to be better
To win
But learning is not a game to win or lose
Why is this something I have to prove?
Stop making us hate education
Isn’t freedom what built this nation?
Give us the freedom to learn
Don’t just force information into our brains
Because it won’t stay
The next day all of it will just blow away
Our broken system is no longer a system
But mangled bits of parts that are boulders on students shoulders
It’s time to change
Get back to learning
and rearrange
outdated thinking
Reading a book and enjoying it
That’s learning
Sharing ideas and believing them
That’s learning
Discovering an ancient world from our history
That’s learning
Standing out from the crowd and
measuring ourselves by our quirks
That’s learning
Learning who we are
and where we stand
Learning is acceptance that the world is not perfect and having a willingness and desire to change it
Teachers, listen up
writing, creating, questioning
This right here is learning
So, teachers, get your facts right.