An Open Letter to Women of the World
You are loved.
Forget what mama said
when she was angry
because you didn’t agree.
Turn away from that
boyfriend you had,
the one who broke
your heart and promised
no one would love you
like he did.
Ignore those sores
in your heart
and lumps of ice
in the pit of your stomach
that whisper what
you take for sad truths—
you are not, nor will you ever be,
alone in this world.
You are beautiful.
I’m so sick of everyone
caring how you dress
or what you do with your body hair
because damn,
you are beautifully flawed
and you deserve to be
told how wonderful you are
every minute of every day.
Get lost in the sparkle
of your own eyes,
in the simple softness
of your own secret skin,
and in the natural shape
of your womanhood.
You are special, unique,
one-of-a-kind, and irreplaceable.
You shine, the
most precious of diamonds,
because you are you
and no one could ever compare.
Be the light of your own life,
the heroine of your adventure,
love interest and sassy sidekick
and devious villainous femme-fatale
all rolled into one glorious YOU.
You are the greatest
and you deserve all the best
the world has to offer
and nothing you could
ever do will make me think less.
Surround yourself with people who care.
Take delight in birds singing.
Learn the lost art of self-esteem.
Swim naked in the river of life.
Sing long and loud, raise your voice.
Teach yourself to love recklessly.
Embrace your inner sex goddess, then LET HER OUT.
Explore what makes you tick.
Go to the movies alone and laugh out loud.
Be ambitious and fight for your dreams.
Most of all,
never lose sight of who you are.
Because in my eyes you are
every superlative imaginable,
every compliment you’ve ever
received, a million times over.
Thank you, for being you.