To Release
My heart is heavy, with sorrow and grief
It needs time to heal
It is desperate, starving for relief.
It falls way too easily and it loves much too soon
It wants what is not there
It’s loneliness howls at the moon.
I write to ease the pain
I write to mend the heartache
I write because it seems like a better option than antidepressants to take.
When my pen hits the page I feel it all wash away
The sorrow, the grief, the heartache
Every little drop of pain.
Writing is a release, the way I express how I feel
It is something that allows me to reach out to others
It is a tool to explain to them, that what I am going through is a big deal.
This is who I am and who I will always be
I write not as a hobby
I write because writing is a part of me.