I'm From
I’m from,
The ocean hugs the coast
And kisses the sky
To remind the sun and
That it is in charge.
You see I’m from a country
Where it takes:
Two planes,
A map,
And a 30 minute car ride,
Just to get recognition
on my scholarship applications.
I’m from
having to pull out a map
Every time
Someone sees my last name
And point to exactly on the map
Where my family is from!
No, not from!
I mean...from from!
Where are your
Parents from from!
I’m from
Having to explain to people
That I’m not mixed.
I’m from
Having to explain to people
That I can be
Both white and Latino.
I’m from
Having to explain to people
That yes
I do speak Spanish.
I’m from
Having to explain to people
Why I do speak Spanish.
I’m from
Explaining to people
That I do speak spanish
And yet every time
I step into a Spanish classroom
The White American teacher wants to sit me down
And tell me
How to pronounce
My own first name.
I’m from
Sitting in class
Being afraid of a pencil and paper
Being afraid of the music of my people
Being afraid of the language of my soul
Because my 7th grade English teacher
Told me that
Was too ethnic.
I’m from
Feeling the fire in my belly
Every time I see
A blank pad of paper
And yet drinking
8 glasses of water a day
To quench a fire
That is too ethnic.
I’m from
Being called ethnic
As a code word for
I’m from
Not knowing what
Even means.
But where
I’m from
Is not
What I am.
I am
Looking at the creases
In my mother’s face.
Seeing the lines
Of the Declaration of INdependence
Written in her story.
I am
And the pursuit of happiness.
I am
Y el perseguimiento de la felicidad.
I am
Not putting subtitles in this poem
I am
Not a subtitle.
I am
My father’s eyes
When I hear
That my president
Does not want
People like me
In my country.
I am
My mother’s tears
When I hear
That my president
Does not want
People like me
In my country.
I am
My smile
When I realize that
I am
This country.
I am
Fighting for freedom
By standing up for where
I’m from.
Because you see
The thing is:
I’m from
Is not who
I am.
I’m from
Is not what
I’ll be.
But I’ll tell you what
I’ll be.
I’ll be
I’ll be
A poet.
I’ll be
I’ll be
Standing under God
With liberty and justice for all.
I’ll be
Standing under the flag
Of the country that took me in
I am
Standing under the flag
Of the country that took me in
I’ll be
And Singing
Under the flag
Of the country that took me in.
I’ll be here
For you.