A Shadow of Light
I am but a shadow of light.
I am darkness, but He is white.
He is my strength in the storm,
My courage when I am worn.
The shadow that is me
Haunts, creeps, and begs me to flee.
But the light that exists,
Gives me power to resist.
I am but a shadow of light.
I am reflection of the light,
But even though I try,
My nature turns light to night.
I am but a shadow of light.
I walk amongst other shadows,
But some shine brighter than others.
The bright shadows walk through valleys
As though they are untouched
By the dark of the valley.
I am but a shadow of light.
I am a humble servant.
And I am certain
That the light of which I am a shadow of,
Loves me unconditionally.
And that is why, when I die,
They will say that
I am a shadow of light.