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I feel them, floorboards move with every beat, jarring, nearly send me skyward, launched to the moon.Hope I can stay on this planet and not be a mass
Some people like coriander and some hate it. The coriander hating folk say it tastes like soap.
I like coriander.
I hate u2.
Have you felt a feeling so resounding as if your worries dissovle into dust and you exhale and allow yourself to become part of the wind?
In silence
I hear music
melancholy melodies
washing gracefully
through ancient corridors,
waves of rhythm
drifting across
gently rolling green.
Look at the world that we live in-
is society proud of our deeds?
Children are carrying weapons,
not contemplating hate bleeds.
I listen as he plays
The pan flute in front
Of a beautiful waterfall.
I close my eyes and
I am transported
Above the scene
And fly with the eagle...
Susan Maree Jeavons
the same notes repeat
a rippling treble, quick and aloof
She paints her feelings
too quick for me to clear her head
act or not, I won't care
Music You Were
Music You are
As a Kid You Were
And still now you are
What would I have been without your wings so strong
I spent last night googling birds that sing in the morning,
to give myself something to wake up for.
Tricking myself into believing I’d even be awake by then.
Because the truth is I am not ok
The deafening roar of silence
when silence leaves me deaf
I shall cover up with music
Music is my escape
Its the place i feel safe
Dissolving in your blues, alloying affection, nice luster of cream
Tongues part paths, eyes see seas through
Absolute breathe in the dawn of effervescence
Sweet fluidity of ecstasy perfectly perfumed
In the lap of silence
Tonight love speaks its magic
Surreal hands, poetic voice
The cost of romance and opacity of intimacy.
Fair legacies beyond impressions and fragrances
Singing waters sweetly save the world
With each glee of ready drops to sing along
Out there, there is a beauty of a world
5 months, trading kisses in my car
Your hands tracing hearts around my arms
Our lives, we knew would never be the same
But why’d you have to go and change
4 weeks, that’s all it took for me to fall
1 Rain beating against a window.
2 Clips of old sitcoms on loop.
3 Both muddled with a blurry sound filter.
4 Digital drum tracks with additional bells and whistles.
There were times I was a sailor
A healer or a tailor
There were times I was the lunatic next door
There were times I stuck hand out
I was not afraid to stand out
Do you ever sit down
And imagine performing
A beautiful masterpiece
In front of thousands of people?
I do. Pretty regularly in fact.
This might be hard to understand
Hard to comprehend
Hard to accept that I’m not broken
That the torture did nothing to sway me
I am not your love poem
I am not your forgotten book
Am I alone? The only wanderer.
Drift wood in a sea of rain drops
Flowing with the breeze
Against the waves as they flow
Is this it? Watching the sun set
A mosaic on the horizon
The wind slips through the leaves of the trees.
The leaves ruffle and flutter
as if they can take off at any moment.
The flow of the wind feels as though it were silk,
making my hair dance in delight.
Of Course We’re IGNORED... !!!
Those Whose Art Is RAW... !!!
When It Comes To Views That DEFINE The TRUTH...
About How It Is When You’re One Who THINKS...
Waiting Waiting... Always WAITING.... !!!
After A While Becomes FRUSTRATING... !!!!!
Like Waiting For A Train That’s Gonna Make You LATE... !!!
Because It’s Been............. DELAYED...
It Was G.U.R.U. Who Said In One of His Poems...
That It's Mostly The VOICE If It Is... TOP CHOICE...
That Makes Rap Listeners LOSE Their Poise...
And REJECT Whispers To Make... BIG NOISE... !!!!!
In high vaulted walls,
the steam does curl
and in another world,
I lie submerged
The delicate brush
of velvet warmth
Okay So I’m An... Old Timer...
Whose A POWERHOUSE Rhymer And TOP NOTCH Rhyme Designer...
So I’m NOT Like These Grimers’... !!!
Or One With One Liners Like Great Battle Rhymers... !!!
Or One Who Now Mumbles...
MAN I Do It Just Like It's... " AUTOMATIC "...
WITHOUT That Static That Can Make Things TRAGIC... !!!
In Fact It's Quite FANTASTIC The Way I Lyrically DAMAGE... !!!
Jerks Whose Verse Clearly Lacks THAT MAGIC... !!!!!
When I’m high when I’m low
When I don’t know if I should go
On days I try and fail
When life’s forlorn,my heart is torn
I will never say so long
Okay Now Kids Yup... Here It Is... !!!
That Spoken Word Ish' Mister Big Virge Brings... !!!
Rhythmic, Cryptic... Fit When It Flows...
To Equip Music And Notes I Quote...
With Vibes That INVITE...
I Think Nowadays It's Fair To Say...
... " Know Your Place "... !!!!!
People grow
Angels too
Not just those
Helping me and you
Heart and love
Flows in all dirctions
Angels Angels
Beings of Heart
Come share community
Right now's a good start
So When Are We TOO OLD To Be Seen As.... " Dope ".... ?!?
Or What's Called HOT Like Some SUPER FINE Crotch.... !!!!!
Well I'm At THAT AGE Where My Body NOW ACHES... !!!
But STILL Have A BRAIN That Functions... OKAY... !!!
Th0se thìn'z that has t0 d0 with tha devil th0se thin'z that has t0 d0 with bullshii'z
Damnit fuckin' ryte fuck the mudafuckin' bitchez fuck fake tricky snitch bitches.
falling in love is like an angel has descended from above
to grant your every wish, you placed on top of your christmas and birthday list
you waste all your money and time on them cause to you their your dime
I May Not Be The FASTEST With Lyrics That I Kick...
Or Deemed To Be The HARDEST Because of Scripts I FLIP... !!!
Bob Said These Words So... " OVER - Stand "... !!!
... "You can't tell the woman, from the man ?" ...
And NOW These Words Are RARELY Heard...
Because The TRUTH Is Now IN VIEW...
It reminds you of one’s trap cranking out music. Lyrics stories of our urban community underlined with sex and drugs. Those who flock there are ones who cloak to darkness everlasting party. A place were tortured souls go seeking some form of relie
Now Construction Is A Word When Applied To... " Verse "...
That NEEDS PROPULSION For Your Words To Be Heard... !!!
If You're Trying To ENLIGHT Through The Words You Write...
I Like A Good Poet And LOVE A GOOD Rap... !!!
But How Many People Can Say They Do That... ?!?
Many Write Stuff That Huffs With NO PUFF... ?!?
Others Write Stuff That... HITS Like A CUFF... !!!
Gospel Music is fantatic music because it praises God.When it comes to Gospel Music, it's something to applaud.Anything is good if it praises the Lord.When it comes to God, he should be adored.
" So What Makes You Tick "... ???
For Some It's Simply... Being FIT...
And Living Life To RAISE Their Kids...
But Some Live Life To Hurt Their Kin... ?!?
And Follow Paths That Lead To SINS... !!!!
You are what words can't describe
Your beauty makes flowers
Your voice makes music
You a rock in my world,
yet so soft like raindrop
You a river that flow in essence and softness
Ya Know ... We CAN'T ALL BE ...
... Artistically Free ... !!!
It’s A FALLACY To Truly Believe ...
That Artistry... Truly Deals In FREE Speech ...
your laugh is music to my ears.
i cling to your every word like my favorite lyrics.
you strum my heartstrings like you've known how to play your whole life.
somehow i already know the tune.
A Place For Sheep To BLEAT... !!!!!
Or Somewhere For The Weak...
To CLAIM That They Sound Sweet...
Music is the only medicine that exists when there's no cure for
the noise in which my mind is drowning.
Maybe I don't cry but it hurts,
Maybe I don't show it but I care,
And although I don't say much I feel a lot.
Now The Words...
... " Big Virge "...
Are Those That Merge...
With... QUALITY Verse... !!!
From A Mind That Works...
Like Chickens Get JERKED... !!!
Or Heads Who... " Merk' "...
MAN What Is It With ARTISTS... ?!?
When It Comes To The Markets...
Where They... Wanna Be SEEN... !!!
SEEING Money... And Their ARTISTRY...
REACH The Peeps' Who They're TRYING To Reach...
So Are You A... FOLLOWER of Trends... ?
Or Are You A... " Trendsetter "... ?
... " COME FORWARD MY SELECTOR "... !!!!!!!!
I have listened to your song on repeat
Over and over again in the dark
Different styles and different artists
But still your song
I have listened to every note, every lyric
And I realize only now
Not of voice
nor an
Not a coming
- but without
- communication
Pure melody-
of emotions
Filled with joy until I’m hit with depression,
It smacks me back and forth like I am its obsession.
He comes into my room spending late nights,
Back when the palms of his hands
weren’t scarred by calluses
and his feet were as nimble
as the sticks of a percussionist,
he danced with her in a space
I don't want your love songs
I don't want your melody tastes
Everything was a lie and now there's no music
Only silence and emptiness
I confessed to you one morning
Long after the sun had gone down
Never close your eyes again
No days go by without a victory,
No stars shine, no moon rise, no love,
Finding beauty in a language not history,
with that unmistakable
" been there, done that"
it bears no honeyed
just grit,
sung oh, so true...
and this ballad
it's like a corrido
Sometimes I can still hear
the sounds
of yesteryears-
my family's voices,
their conversations reverberate.
And I recall
my father's and uncle's
ardent discussions
of the revolution
Had I the voice-
( the opportunity of course)
and belonged to another era...
to have become a torch
pathos my song-
a diva of pain
draped in pearls,
Soft lyrics, a simple beat --
vibrations within the air --
lo-fi music to soothe me;
bouyant sounds to inspire.
Musical inspiration
allows me to write stories.
Who knew that sounds and voices
falling against the coarse rug, I feel the ripples of fear pang against my core
darting around inside of me are the remnants of thoughts
they aren’t random, yet they don’t match up
I walk in the room
You are dressed so fine
A beautiful face
A saint in a shrine
Do I dance with you
Outside, at the end of the driveway,
A small cluster of trees
Shades me as bursts of euphoria
Erupt, in time with the chorus.
Gentle breeze, painted sky,
Enlightenment of purpose is met
RARE isn’t just another adjective,
So let me tell you now.
He writes his pain into beautiful melodies
And the way every word falls out of his mouth
Colors take me away
Sweep me up in a flourish of pigment
A swarm of hues and shades
Come to rest within my head
The colors take me away
Consumed in a rush
Under the glow of flickering neon
A bubbling, welling surge of words
A trickling creek of sounds
A soft drip of movement
A new hope,
The first floating note of an unknown song
It's everywhere
It is differently identifiable to everyone
To me
It's through music
Music gives me the opportunity to display how I feel without saying a word
All I have to do is be
It's everywhere
It is differently identifiable to everyone
To me
It's through music
Music gives me the opportunity to display how I feel without saying a word
All I have to do is be
A cacophony is a multitude of sounds,
Sounds that echo through your head, pound in your heart, and block the world out,
A cacophony,
It’s when I see someone else- with a guitar in their hand
It’s when I see the bassist- in a two-person band
It’s when a single drops- ‘cause the album got canned
The sinews of my soul have been messily dissected
By the unsteady, wavering hand of depression
Each tender nerve frays as it’s carelessly bisected
I was sitting on a rock. I was sitting all alone.
I could hear the crashing waves beating on the shore,
It reminded me of home
And why I came here, what I had done,
A hospital waiting room, clean and bright
A melody of cheers in the middle of the night
Sweet honey soothes my soul
A birthday cake, sugary and lit
A chorus of celebration over it
Into the cave I went,
Clueless and rather small.
Voices, laughing, crying,
I didn’t know where I belonged at all.
I never saw myself being involved
road trip
with you, Mind.
You’ve been one to blame
for the crinkled maple leaves
lining the inside
The music's a
it conjures contemplation
it's bittersweet
as a grapefruit,
with a tinge of
The percussions
back rhythms
are made for dancing
lulling all to their
To be called upon by a force of art
Requires strength challenging to possess.
To create and contribute to this force and its atmosphere
Nodding off or bopping
either or is enlightening
to a situation
I am made aware.
Distracted by a melody
These smooth beats move,
but cause me to
stop and listen.
A dull life without it
A colourful life with it
It has the ability to sway ones mood
With nothing but a simple melody
It has been known to inspire many arts
My love, it's simple to hear
Or see and eat as long as it's sweet
Maybe you can't dream of what I'm thinking
So I'll tell you - it's the music that moves your feet.
There are times in this life when we feel lost,
And times in life when we are feeling down.
But we should listen for the melodies
That carry us into a place of joy.
My favorite color is the fiery center of a stove once it ignites,
bringing a sense of familiarity of my grandma's cooking.
The sound of the heat touching the bottom of the pan,
slowly boiling the ingredients together.
My inside drum has its own sound
It can be ear splitting or barely heard
Or every noise in between
But it’s special and unique and only mine
Chills, tears, smiles, cockness, hapinness, sasification, determination
What is something that is unhuman but has power to give you all these feels?
All the feels you ever wanted to give someone
Chills, tears, smiles, cockness, hapinness, sasification, determination
What is something that is unhuman but has power to give you all these feels?
All the feels you ever wanted to give someone
Music inspires me.
The beat, thouch of the strings,
soothing chords balancing,
harmony, I feel free.
Filling my lungs with-
Song, connecting to my soul.
Practicing towards my goal.
I love to watch you wind,
as you sway the trees and blow
across the fields in a gentle breeze,
but I wonder where you go.
You disappear sometimes
in a mischievous sort of way
As my head lays motionless on top of a soaked pillow
While my empty music fills the void of the room at midnight
Blank eyes illumanted by wrung out lyrics
I know you'll never be there
right in my hour of need
There is a place
Where I go
To escape
But it is not called home
When I get off the bus I walk just a little too slow
And I think the reason why is simply because
Don't wanna go home
How do you achieve such grace
Movements so stern yet at ease
Your face tells it all
It seems like the song was written
Just so you can dnace to it
Whenever it plays
They all follow you
Like puppies
Quite frankly
I cannot see this
But so many
Judge on looks
We both know
How you turned out
You were famous
Crazing the crowds
They all follow you
Like puppies
Quite frankly
I cannot see this
But so many
Judge on looks
We both know
How you turned out
You were famous
Crazing the crowds
I've heard it used to be funeral music
Born in New Orleans
Now it's a groove
We have our deep-voiced singers
And low saxophones
It doesn't really make you blue
But it sounds like the color
Oh yeah, it's our music
Good ole U.S. beats
The flying of the piano keys
The woo woo woo of the trumpet
Then we got the sax--that birdie bugle
And our bass, deep pluckings.
We hear it in our elevators
Cause things got so much harder on the west coast.
When i moved here i realised i needed you most.
One week i had a lover, the next, a ghost.
The legs started going,
Kept awake with water,
Arrogantly telling myself
I’d stay straight.
Drank gin and wine,
Went out,
Tried to buy more,
Strumming my guitar.
Plucking my bass.
Pressing keys on the piano.
My mind is tellin' me that I had to be a ace.
Feelin' the rhythm, through the music notes.
Shoving my music down people's throats.
Let me tell you something crazy
Things been shitty for me lately
You think just for me
Nah there a lot of us who hazy
You cant even for a second be lazy
Yeah that’s right, always busy guy
When things are going wrong,
Put those problems into a song.
When we are alone,
Singing makes us feel at home.
If you are too sick,
Just listen to music.
If you have a frown,
Parabolic functions: line graphs and charts.
Theories become more than pictures and art.
Concepts leave the two dimensional lane,
Lines transcend their mathematical plain.
Orpheus, guitar extraordinaire,
the King of Rock, and Apollo’s heir.
His music loved around the world,
though, he only cared for the love of one girl.
Darling Eurydice, the love of his life
The mountains are black shadowy peaks
Their valleys lined with snow soft and deep.
No birds or trees inhabit this place
To most it’s an empty desolate waste.
Despite the country’s shortfalls
I’ll never forget that last dance
That I danced with her.
It only took a smile, a glance
And we were shoulder to shoulder.
We sank so deep into a trance
It seemed we’d never stir.
Any minute now,
I will be called to give back my instrument that has served me for four years,
I’ve been counting down the days until I’d return,
Long hair gets in the way as the guitarist starts to strum, eyes closed, nails long, nails painted, mic close
she’s mine, i’m hers, honey, darling, baby, love me and i’ll love you
You play music.
An entire decade of your life so far has been dedicated to the production of sound.
For me that same decade was spent on the back of a horse.
Your majors dance to right the wrong,
Your minors sweep in somber song.
Each note progresses flawlessly
To tell a story in any key.
A tune that captivates one’s mind
Standing on your walkway gives me chills,
Glowing beautifully with your astounding street flare.
And the performances through the cheery nights
My life is one great symphony,
So listen to its melody.
The drumbeat is my heartbreak,
The violins are my sorrow,
The low brass proclaims my rage,
I am from forgotten songs,
From distorted guitars and double bass.
I am from late night TV
(Loud, blaring
children shouldn’t be watching).
Cant you hear it?there is musicfrom behind the walls.whimsical windits callingbegginglisten listen listen
I want to be the muse for each part of who you are & who you will becomeI want your thoughts of me to play gently through your mind as my fingers do on each key that I brush over I need for my laugh to be the charming staccato you hear in your
Sit & wait silence plays
( in that space inside my head )
fantasies, good and bad
play out upon the stage.
Here it comes, from the wings
don't look back or it's all over
The hard metal risers held the students,
Creaking under the large weight.
Onto the next song in the performance,
The conductor hastily turns on the mic.
He, in his strapping tuxedo, faces the audience,
It is a part of me
A part of me I love yet hate
It is a part of me
A part of me I fear yet elevate
A part of me
That gives me happiness yet pain
A part
Through which I lose sleep yet wisdom gain
The stage. The lights. The silence.
They waited as I stepped up and parted my lips.
My heart racing, my hands trembling.
The stage, though familiar felt unnatural
the echo of strings
from the busy street it rings
as rosiny dust fills the air
a melody, calm, slow, almost still
a lone pigeon stops to stare
Each kid proudly sang and the whole courtyard was filled with high pitched voices and laughter. Little bodies of deep tan skin, about twenty of them. Michael, the leader of the classroom.
For years, only silence.
And fear… no song.
Never testing the limits,
Never pushing the envelope,
Never hearing the song.
Deep breaths, They say
It gets easier
Each step
My heart pounds
My palms sweat
My body shakes
with a mix of
I am enveloped in an empathetic sea
From this jungle of uncertainty.
At the mercy of this melodic rite,
My raft of loneliness longs.
Find me, in the rhythm-- the beat,
Repeating its dominion over my
I was thirteen
my family packed into a van
"Wham bam thank you pam" to the land where I began
Fuck my school, fuck my friends, fuck my plan
knocked off my feet
and now I really can't stand
I hear the music play:
A loud chorus, a strong voice. Funnily enough, I am the chorus;But I am the strong voice too?
I was twelve years too late.
Or perhaps you were twelve years too soon.
Yet, your melodies,
Your soul,
Your sheer passion and enchant,
His long slender hands,
Pressed on the keys,
As he played that beautiful brass saxophone,
The melodious music dancing into my heart.
I’m tired of all your fooling, your bitching, and all the gossiping
You can’t get on the road without stopping causing the trafficking
You sit around, lazy and can’t figure out what your slacking in
this Sewn Alchemy...
seven gods in liquid hiding, this in sureness on in spending this sure hour,
Intro: I want to thank my Twin B for believing in my talent when I didn’t, love you…
Young J is a rapper he says
I write my own lyrics to these songs, please press reply
I still listen to all the songs you told me about. It's like the only piece of you I have left. They bring back bittersweet sadness. In myself, I've found some of you.
It’s something so dark,
Enchanting and hard to remark
From the beginning to the end,
Not even the brightest of humans will comprehend.
It’s something so dark,
Sung with the dullest spark
And when I dream of you.
The pages turn.
Highlighting a million and one things.
All captivated by the sound we touched with our eyes.
Each played in beautiful melody.
I'd chase behind you.
Calloused hands
Strings of Gold
In three bands
(or so I’m told)
Jet Black Studs
Turquoise Hair
The God of Small Things in one hand
The waist of my world wrapped around, the other
We sit in mezzo-silence,
My murmuring the words of Roy’s clever, crushing prose,
What I’m Not
September 13, 2018 ~ Thursday
There’s music in the hills
Sounds of song on their backs, fronts, and sides
That which I’ve never heard
I just wanna ball, mother fuck the lace
Any fuckin where, any fuckin place
Any time of day, any type of space
You could name the rules, I just wanna play
You could name the city, you could say the state
Walking slowly, earbuds turned all the way up
Running quickly from the mentors in my head, chasing me.
The bad Decisions,
the good Decisions.
Anxiety yelling I'm never good enough-
This is a “Thank You” to the woman who leads,
Who carries us all through our times of need.
Plug it in to drown in out
Indulge the sound and dance about
Stress is without a trace
Momentarily, hope takes its place
Feeling connected and no longer alone
Sorry it's been almost a decade since I first played you before giving you this. I'm learning to draw. I can't yet make my drawings lifelike, and it's a shame I can't bring them to life, but I can still make art worth making. I'm learning to pla
Notes flying ‘cross the page,
Singing hope and singing rage
Of how they plead to be free of the cage
And dance across the page.
I entered the band room when I was in fifth grade,
The man inside looked to me with a smile.
I sat down in my chair with my flute that I played,
He told me he could tell I had practiced a while.
It is late on a Sunday,
my hair in a rut.
Anyone else might have left
but you,
you would not.
Through thunder
through rain,
you teach me to live
meanwhile, healing my pain.
My life, my soul, my heart, my whole is claimed.
As long as day precedes the night it's here.
It plagues me, saves me from a worser fate.
As long as night precedes the day it's near.
Start with an organic beat,
Embellish it, make it new.
Create, borrow, infuse,
Add to the silence,
Develop a beautiful blend.
Your percussion becomes a domed playground,
And I'm swept by the cacophony of your sound.
The cry of the violins moves me to tears,
And you soothe my fears through all the years.
A platform for Thespis and song,
I would like to thank the stage.
A barrier from audience and wrong,
I would like to thank the curtain.
A guide off the stage and on,
I would like to thank the lights.
beautiful notes drifting through the halls
drifting through the walls
drifting through my mind
drifting so that I can find
as I drift towards the end of my road
You came into my life at the point in time
When I needed a teacher,
Someone to instruct me on fingering and bowing
Little did I know how much more you would bring.
You saw the talent no one else did,
Sanity. We can't always be it.Sanity. What everyone presses you to be.Sanity. The normal of life...But... sometimes you lose your grip on Sanity... how do you get back?
Am I really the same person as I was a couple years ago?
This new person I see in the mirror tells me different
I wouldn’t say that I blossomed physically into change
you are newfound confidence,
in a mind so lost and confused
your influence is bottomless,
in expression you are used.
without you i wilt, like a flower in the heat
A rock star
That's what they call you
The thick , oozing fame gushing
from your pores
You care for it
(Not at all)
Your true priority is blatant
Save the children
Save the art
Pure and refined silence.
I struggle to find meaning in the sounds.
To make music is to paint a picture with no canvas.
A lone hand embraces my soul;
Gripping me, carrying me, holding me.
Broken girl why were you placed into a world so unsure and defeat
You shiver in the cold but smile when it leaves a satisfying beat
Broken girl spent her life overlooking what was deep inside of her
One last entry before the night comes to an end,
One more thought before the sheep comes-
Slowly one by one,
A puffy little cloud strutting aimlessly
Above an unsurfaced ground.
One last note to play-
Oh mentor of mine,
You are my valentine,
Oh wait. I'm lying.
Thats ok you lie too,
You had me I had you,
I needed sleep ,
You lulled me.
You needed ears,
And I tuned in.
The air filled with sounds of chatter and late night melodies, as the dj synthesized
Patrons shared stories swayed to the beat
Drinks of all sizes and varieties
she is young.
thirteen, at the least.
she feels alone. she feels as if she has
no guidance.
no direction.
no gentle touch to show her that it will be okay.
but she does have something, she knows.
she is young.
thirteen, at the least.
she feels alone. she feels as if she has
no guidance.
no direction.
no gentle touch to show her that it will be okay.
but she does have something, she knows.
My savior, my soul, the seeping safety in which I have solemnly become so secure in the arms of my loved one who portrays themself to me in song.
Nostalgic melodies cause me to rise,
from the safe white, billowing sheets,
and the shared warmth of surrounding arms.
Aimlessly, I sway unsteady, on the forgetful memory foam,
legs wobbling, arms bending,
You are always here when I'm mad,
Or sad,
Or happy,
Or anything really.
I turn to you when I need to get away from life,
you are always here for me.
Oh Davy, dear Davy, play your music for me
Play for two people just wanting to be free
Your song lifts my spirits and helps me take flight
And inspires my creativity deep in the night
Thank you, dear, thank you
More than being a language with diverse vocabulary associated to sounds, music is an instinct that flows from the human soul onto the chosen instrument. It could be seen almost as a dance.
“If you can speak you can sing,And if you can walk you can dance,”She used to say.We all would laugh behindOur handsAnd raise our eyebrows, neverBelieving, because we wereToo clumsy,Too busy,
Opened the doors,
and sounds surounded me.
My soul ached for more of this chaotic tranquility.
Oh, and the love of song,
it was effervescently amusing.
I effortlessly adored the unstable stability.
Every car ride
Music on the radio
Filled my ears,
And every day
Music of my own
Filled my free time.
I wrote,
Song of happiness, songs of sorrow.
I wrote for myself,
Music was the first sound heard in the wake of the world's creation
When the sound of the first breathes were taken, that was music
Music was the sound of water brushing against fresh sandy shores
Mr. Sean,
you are the coolest person I know.
When I met you, your hair had a streak of electric blue
and it was the most badass thing I’d ever seen,
Without my glasses on, the world softens at about 10 feet.
Usually it feels Constricting, Confining, Claustophobic,
But today, it is my happy tent of reality.
Only one to shed fear,
Only one to grasp hope,
A ripple for a smile,
A minute to cope,
Seconds to forget,
Hours to remember,
To bury the deepest of depression,
To reveal ones true expression,
What is poetry without its rhyme ?
It is like a heart without the motivation to beat.
To dance with no music disrupts the flow of thought.
Of rhythm.
The Night Hip Hop died
I remember the BOOM and the BOX
That dropped my Heart
Caused It to Stop
The Beat!
Scared to Repeat
That moment
my house is quiet to others
but my thoughts are always loud
just me without noise of sisters or brothers
still the people in my headphones make me proud
to be alone but not lonely
Thank you for this life
A life where shadows sing
Where losses are seen as gains
Where I can have a vision for everything
Thank you for this life
A life where notes can speak
Eyes fixated, furrowed and focused on the camera
Hair hidden behind a hoody the color of rust
Flat tear drop shaped silver earrings dangling
But her lips were what captured me
They danced a quick rhythm at first
Music could be loud like fireworks
Music could be silent like a purring cat
Music could be all the way from thunder
To a heart that beats fast.
It could make you feel happy and excited
I’ve heard the times are bound to bring forth changeThat our endings defeat mending to achieve great gainsAnd the newest always wins every raceEven when there’s nothing worthy left to chase
a melody strung
upon a page,
many don't understand.
what they see
strange symbols
latin words
Sometimes I'll be in a really great mood.
I'll have a jump in my step as I listen to the rhythm of different tunes.
As I dance through the songs my heart will often skip a beat.
Could this song really be about me?
Treetops freckled the surrounding mountains
from the months of March through October.
The summer brought an art gallery of plants.
This part of Oregon is beautiful year-round.
Since I can remember, probably the age 8
old folks taught me to sit and pray.
They gathered around, coming at me
from left and right preaching words
out loud like, understand you need to
Music is my life
Music is my safe haven
And if I never have anything else, I have music
I have my voice to sing a song, fingers to tap a beat, limbs to do a dance
Music is not subjected to one genre,
Life is Music.
Music is created from our memories.
A music score is comprised of our memories strung together through notes.
Notes that are placed carefully to create our life's melody.
As I make my journey
goals ahead, pushing through,
I take the time to reflect,
I take the time to make some sense
of all that I have become.
What has brought me here
Ink splattered across my browHold the pen don't let it fallAll their stares part the crowd.Don't let them jump the wall
My course is set for an uncharted sea
with waves unkept and no one watching me,
is a line I wrote when I saw no path but didn't care
because I thought I could just flow through the breeze.
You're a good song title
You're nothing near full
A misconception of the mind
There's something missing in your kind
She is a song,
On an out-of-tune piano,
And though I know,
That she is worng,
All she needs,
Is a bit of tuning,
And a bit of refining,
And then she can sound,
Exactly how,
Poems are music that you read instead of sing.
They could be about anything, like the way the ivy clings.
Or the midnight sun in April, the cheering of a crowd,
The sky was blue, the plants covered in dew,
and the spring made it all feel so new.
Everything in your head could melt away
with a morning in the mountains
surrounded by a foggy grey.
Limericks, sonnets, and great epic tales
Flash steadily before my looming view
My fervor while reading, which never fails
Brings delight and joy from stories anew.
Voyaged to whereabouts both near and far
Her heart was made of music,
But she kept it quiet.
She muffled away every sound of it
Despite how for silence she was unfit.
Every day she sat beside him,
A quiet soul her own age.
The strings vibrate violently over the frets,
Making the people collect.
The drum stick cracks over the skin,
Letting the beat begin.
The mockingbird has
No cry of its own
Can sing every part
But finds no harmony
Has no seat in the choir
No tree in the woods
A single gray
Among black flocks of crows
Dawn until dusk
A crow sits on a swingset
The winter sun goes down
Lonely cries of crows
Become the only sound
A keyboard clicks
Crows keeping time
Meaningless words
That strain to rhyme
A metronome
My heart beats like African DrumsBeats in several rhythms of LoveLove of my enemiesLove of my friendsLove of my daughtersLove of my sonsLove of my kinEach a different beat of the same melody
Coraopolis shows off older buildings and brown concrete
as the car moves down 5th Street.
The bridge soon appears
and the Ohio River rushes on below.
Neville Island- population 1000- is a quiet place.
Can you hear me? Can you hear my cries for help?
Can you listen and tell me what you hear?
Can you please help me?
I’m crying for help, but no one is listening-
They believe that since I’m smiling-
That song
It’s playing again
Evoking memories
Memories best left untouched
But still, I listen to it
I let it play
Tattered and torn clothes
Weighted gait and pale face.
The man makes his way
to the piano, as if to play.
Months of silence.
All the time in hiding.
He slowly lifts his fingers
Scarlet red
and dandelion yellow,
the two colors of my right brain.
In my temple of youth,
swirling and inspiring,
are the remnants of pain.
you see, music is the key to world peace.
instead of all these youngsters dying on the streets
just sit down and listen to some dope shit
become one with the beat and youll prolly start to spit
I close my eyes,
fingers runing along thin threads,
careful not to break the fragile silence.
The golden red body pressed against my own,
as I take in the beauty of its glossy finish.
My hand trails its neck,
I sing.
Not because it makes me
I sing.
Not because I want to.
I sing.
Because it gives me
I sing.
And it is music to my ears.
Life in silence is indeed no lifeLife in silence is constant strifeLife in silence, suffering is rife
You are music. You are in all things. You started as fun. Not serious. Then you got me alone and you filled my ears and now you’re in my headspace. I can’t get you out. I memorized you. Your movements, your pace, your words.
Does Heaven have a stage?
Does God have a microphone?
Will I sing for Jesus when Heaven takes me back home?
Does Heaven have a stage?
A drum set and some guitars?
As I sit, feeling of hopelessness
The sound I hear, whispers sweet music
The sound comforts me
As I sit the silence surrounds me
But in my ear the music is in me
The music repeats over and over again
His hands are sweaty, and he hasn't ate,
He is nervous as he enters the school gate.
But he knows it is to late to turn back.
All who attempt to
Behold the wondrous works
Of the ancient wielders of pathos
Are to wait until eternal rest comes upon them
There comes a point in time
When your favorite song
Grows old
After listening to it everyday,
20 times,
It seems to lose its value.
Beware, beware, be skeptical,
of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold,
Deceit so natural,
But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning.
Dear Apollo,
You are the God of so many things.
You may have already noticed this,
but I have too.
I noticed you are the God of sunlight,
Dear Mommy,
I don’t know if you remember but, I remember a simpler time when it was just me and you...
alone in the car with only our thoughts and radio. To be specific, the quiet storm.
I found your love in my early age. It was a pass time, a hobby, just something for fun. Now as I grow you have become my life, my passion, my joy. I am scared to persue you as it might now work. I am frightened to lose my love for you.
The world is perfect for a moment.
I can step outside my body and watch it all,
Like a film in slow motion i can easily take it all in.
Dear Simon and Garfunkel,
You are something I never understood.
A riddle not to be answered, a question
left to dangle.
You seemed so happy. Smiling
in those album covers, but
Each night I dream in many sounds
From deep within and some profound.
All together they must dance
sometimes when i'm alone you rattle through my head
you are loud yet gentle
i make it a point not to listen to you, as if by doing so i am winning a prize
if forgetting the last lines of the first verse is the prize
The forest air
floats heavy in the trees
the ground illuminated
by it, a gothic chandelier
moonlight dances on the cauldron
with contorted contents to puppeteer
and so it cooks
The ghost of notes dances just out of reach
I grasp fruitlessly with poor memory, trying and failing
All that is left is a whisper of a tune
Too quiet to hear, but too loud to fully ignore
Being with you is like going to the symphony
or wait, being part of a symphony
sometimes I can't tell the difference
Sometimes I feel as though I'm watching and listening from the audience
one sense triggers another, and so they create
silky songs
from a young tailor
that sound smooth and strong
and caress like a savior-
silky songs
from a young tailor
that sound smooth and strong
and caress like a savior-
its glimmer smells medicinal
as the musician’s instrument
reflects truths unconditional
As you start to rise, success can come at a fatal price,the risk outweights the chance of a changing life,As each day passes its once step forward or stay behind.... I remind myself of the things i seen, with the cautious thoughts of that could ha
Music is the key to the soul
Our twisted hearts bound by these shackles
Take this key and remove your chains
Dear Hip Hop and Rap and other types of music that were traps for what I thought was a good beat but ended up being everything but that.
To my ambition,
To my dreams.
At first, you popped into my mind
Like a grape from a vine,
Whilst I watched Youtube videos of
Dear Life,
It's a burning mess, and I'm one of the flames;
Terminally depressed because it's all the same.
Another Saturday night and it's one a.m.,
You're back on my mind, I just need to win.
People say when you miss someone
To go look outside at the stars and moon
To then take comfort in knowing that even in the distance between you
They could be looking up too
The view is shared with others
feel the music feel the music feel the music
i bet it doesn’t rip apart your heart
crawl up your throat
ruin your breath and choke your words
when you’ve got it, when you’ve got it
in your hands, an uncontrollable energy
that brings you to your knees
Dear Piano,
I have spent hours at your bench each day,
Practicing as the metronome ticks away.
You provide a space, be it ever so small,
Stand on the Sands
Grayson Szumilas
Dear Humanity,
Momentum. I don’t know why the world is set up the way it is,
How it can make you sway and dance all night long.
It can be an entire album or just one song.
My eyes and feet are all controlled by the beat.
Music tells a story
Just because you stop listening
doesn’t mean it ends
Others hear the words
the ones you deny
Though to you it may only be noise
Dear Esther,
I haven’t been the kindest lover.
After a decade of affection, I have grown impatient.
My fingers get rough,
Soothe the mind, captivate with sound.I've got a life time to grind.
Don't forget he's mine, To future extent my tempo is his heartbeat.
Fortune found compose distruction of deceased, extermination of illumination.
You try to take me down, I'll look you in the eyes.
Look you up and down, then have you tell me lies.
Tell it to your friend we're all gonna die, so take it to the skies.
The music box plays no more
Without knowing there's more in store
For she escapes through the color of sound
No longer wishing to be around
A violin plays so faint
The colors fall
I like to think I was born in the wrong era,
I think sometimes it quite unfair, or,
Stupid how nobody knows who Paul Simon is,
Who’s Weezer? Cake? Beastie Boys?
Take a breath, no actaully take two
Everytime you smile, my breath got short
You was a strong ass drug on me, that snort
I haven't seen a lot but you was the true
One for me, two makes me and you in one car
Too loud, too loud
Eyes drowned, head bowed
Clap hands over ears
Fingers leave bruises
But must hold in the music
To suspend myself from reality
Hear rhythm rapping the only words that make sense
I find joy walking in the rain with you.
The wind brings a biting chill
And the water droplets sink into my clothes.
The sky is a flat, endless gray.
Dark grey swirling storm clouds,
In a vast chasm.
The cold pierces my skin,
Like a carefully trained arrow.
You are the soundtrack of my life.
And even though I am unable
To rewind,
I play in my head,
Over and over,
The quirky voicemails you leave me.
You were a library book with the pages glued shut
Sixteen years of abandoned backstory.
With what pivots and plot twists do to anti-climax.
You were a language I’d forgotten
A play without the final act
You exist in memories that slip
out my mind. Help me find
a place for you to be present.
Given time in these rhymes
every line will descirbe
bluer skies, suns that rise,
happiness in lovely eyes.
You’ve always been there.
From the day I met you my breath was taken away.
You became my drug:
My heart races when I am with you.
Let me write on your heart
Let me breathe on your lips
Let me tell you I love you
While the sun slowly dips
Let me take your hand
Paint the sky with my soul
There are both black and white notes,
And there is always another chord,
But I don't want to lose what we wrote.
I'm pushing the pedal down,
Praying to hold our sound.
I know it will fade away.
music always seemed to speak to me
when people could not understand me, music always would
whatever mood i was in, a song could help me better than any person
M, A, D, I, S, Y, N
Bringing the heavens to the earth, hiding the fears from my mind
Love the goodmornings, hate the goodnights, because I despise saying goodbye
Sweaty palms, winded breaths, I jolt awake,
And unexpectedly you were there, without a moment to forsake.
My eyelids were heavy as you sung smooth and lowly,
Can I tell you a secret?
Come closer so I may whisper it
It goes something like this;
I want to swim in your eyes
I want to tell you, you have colonized my mind don't want it to end
Then realize, in those eyes, what you
See is pretend
And you believed you were friends
Till she leaves you again
You beg and plead, and say she's all
You need
I've stared at your fingertips on the strings of your favorite gutair,
I've observed your lips move in the void of the night,
making a melody I wish I could harmonize to,
Going through the scales
That I remember so well
The callouses on my fingertips
There since childhood
You always remember your first violin
The squeaky strings
And stretched horse hair
I'm Into beats
That start up is sweet
So I'm ready to leap
Not to compete
That's for survival
That's not a lie though
You know you gotta show
How flows can leave your foes froze
(Intro)why we gotta take it there Babe, you know I ain't tryna go there.what happened to us.
a waltz through the house
toes sliding along the kitchen floor
giggles drift into the living room
harmony in a routine
a smile, a sniffle, a silence
comfort in merely existing
Nobody is nothing;
So long as they exist in the mind of another.
It matters not what you think of me;
For what you think of me is more than what I think of myself.
My purpose is only to exist;
Thanks for letting yourself back into my life.
The beats of the music you sent me
swing in my mind like a pendulum
they envelop my mind,
This is my dream
Performing on stage with thousands and thousands of people
All around the globe, hope that's what I would do
What's wrong with singing, rapping, can we all be equal?
My shoe is the engineer of motion.
It controls the speed at which the
music flows from my hands.
Interdimensional focus draws the
The guitarist wrinkles his face
as he concentrates with dignity.
He flips the page on the stand,
and adjusts his fingers accordingly.
The acoustic guitar resonates
Because I love you,
I see things through a new filter.
Colors are brighter, the air seems sweeter,
and every touch feels like satin against my skin.
Because I love you,
Love feels tangible.
They wonder why,
why we can't sleep at night,
tell us such pretty lies,
why we can't sleep at night,
the anti depressants are too tight,
acid and synthetics wearing off,
haze of something crimson,
What brings me to a state of tranquility and relief Are the sweet, youthful harmoniesDelivered from a melodic instrument made of polished carved woodWhat a beau
Today you listened to that song
that I showed you 2 years ago on the couch as you fell asleep
in my arms slowly breathing as still as night
Goodnight Moon
you were the moon forever after that
this is a dope joint & I'll get to the point
in certain circles we always regret the decisions we make
making choices with no voices
we got heads today that really want to stay in the game
but who am I to blame
It starts with a girl and a wicked pair of shoes
That she swiped from her father’s closet.
It starts with slicked back hair and a video of Presley
Twisting away for the girls who saw it.
I wanted to work with the idea of void that John Stezaker had when he created a collage of ready made post card and filled these images inside faces.
The music won’t stop dancing inside my head.Arrays of jade.Violet.Azure.Onyx and cream.Colors and tastes.Fresh mint.Vanilla icecream.Sharp citrus.Soft cheddar.It lifts and tilts.
Once upon a time,
or once upon a rhyme,
there was a girl in a shining tower.
Locked up all alone,
a truly terrible home,
controlled by a witch's power.
When out of the blue there came a prince,
There once was a beautiful queen
She had skin like honey,
eyes like emerald,
and hair as big as cotton candy.
She was so beautiful
and kings traveled far and wide to make her their bride.
On long car ridesShe chooses the music playedCarefully setting the moodUsing songs to portray emotionShe turns melodies i
Moving to a funky beat,
Speedin up pace,
Pick up your feet,
Get red in the face.
Let your hair swish round,
Reach for the sky,
Bring your feet to the ground,
With a loud joy cry.
Honestly, I'm running in Circles like Bulls in The Bronx.
Doing nothing, but thinking Texas is Forever.
To think this is a Bulletproof Love is naive.
I may have been a King For A Day,
in the dark of the night...
beep beep... hush hush
Within our world in a rush
when push comes to shove we need a hug
things in life get pushed under the rug
these are desolate times yet we
Cool Moe B
Back in the day we used to pray
Others say it ought not be that way
Snake pit, lion's den you need someone to be your friend
Your a soldier in the army of God
Mist, in my eyes
Ice, heart melts, freeze
Dive, into ocean spacious as skies
Lie, sea turned bed if dived too deep
Still profound, unexplored
Wonder, how change will give more
So much of me that the world cannot see,
I have to try to see it as beauty
For if every condensed thread of my being were to unwind to the world
Might I as well not exist? Questions to these answers may not unfurl...
Verse 1:
Feet on the ground,
More so when nobody to be found
Though sometimes I like to stick around
Need to be alone, figure out what’s really right and what’s wrong
Got my head in the clouds,
Verse 1:
Feet on the ground,
More so when nobody to be found
Though sometimes I like to stick around
Need to be alone, figure out what’s really right and what’s wrong
Got my head in the clouds,
Cowboys love their trucks
and girls with long blond hair
In Daisy Dukes and boots
At the local county fair.
Cowboys love their trucks
My body is no longer tied down to this rugged earth
by limbs too weighed down by darkness.
I'm floating. unfeeling, nothing but air.
The usual chaos has stopped its storm
The sweet chords of a song ring out
Their sounds are entwined in an intricate dance
The girl's body relaxes with an exhale
Her eyes open wide, completely entranced
born in tchaikovsky's sixthsymphony the finale beginsquietly tapers into melodymeandering sweetly cafardswelling weaving between
As the music starts the world disappears
You slip into a new world for just two minutes
A world where no one judges
Where no one cares
How you look
When the music stops, and the applause begins
The feeling in your heart is like no other
A feeling of relief yet sadness
Sad that it’s all over
Every time you begin to sing,
I always start to cry.
My heart will leap, jump, take wing!
Out of my chest it will fly.
My heart longs to soar with your every note
in your every harmony.
My sister was a storm, she was big and brutal, she was terrifying in many ways. When I was a kid, she never kissed me, never hugged me nor did she loved me.My sister was a balled fist drawn back waiting for you to scurry away in fear.
The sails have risen
with the sky painted crimson,
and the water reflecting its reign.
I hear singing, I hear it ringing,
I'm sad
I'm mad
My music is gone
For so long
Headphones are dead
With my soul along with it
Sometimes I just wanna sing
So loud it makes my ears ring
But it's not enough
It'll never be enough
I've got no better way to say
I love you, I need you, I want you, I miss you
I'mma start off a quote. "Life is like a box of chocolates."
My chocolates are my vibes.
My flavors could be Lit, Chillin, Calm & Collected, or Just Sap.
People be finessin my career. My whole life as a person.
The flow of our bodies begins to harmonize
A chorus of grunts and moans crescendos
Urged forth by her begging eyes
Our symphony climaxes behind fogged windows
A rocket waits to fly
From its launchpad
In the living room.
Helmet on, radio in hand,
Two explorers approach.
One room over
every day, wake up early.
every day, eat a tiny breakfast.
everyday, leave for work.
Sometimes late.
Sometimes early.
Never happy about it.
Get home
Year old (memories) of the person I used to be, can only be found in a playlist on Spotify created by yours truly.
January was cold.
Weather has never bothered me,
Nor have I worried about freezing,
But I could tell, there was ice somewhere,
Capable of freezing me to the bone in seconds.
Poco a poco you stole my heart
As Kelis once sang,
Before you, my whole life was acapella
I found myself tone deaf,
Singing hymns in hopes that I would soon find
The Hit
We were in the same city when you died.I didn't know until hours after arriving homewhen I saw the pictures,saw you,I didn't understand.
Wade, I thought it was your birthday.
You taught me that my body was for lease, that I was there for rent every time your "friend" kicked you out of your place, you signed our contract with rhymes cause you knew I've always had a thing for emcees, wanted to find love like Zeke and Myl
I thrive in all corners of the world.
You know me from the mall, from the office,
from the smooth rhythm of the sleeping baby’s breath.
I am a new progression of chords on a major scale. My irovy is the same with a new collection of notes. Instead of them clashing as they have done before, they harmonize into a scale of grace.
Music is my lifeblood
It’s everything I am
My soul is made of music notes
My heartbeat is a drum
My ears are full of melodies
The shakes, the nerves, the trembles of absolute fear I feel in the tiny hands attached to me.
They control me. They make one motion that consumes my focus entirely.
I am drowning in a sea of my anxiety.
You're dangerous, so dangerous
And you don't even know
Just to keep you in the back of a mind
Can make one lose sanity, perceive life's vanity,
Conflicted with ghosts of la nuit, she wolves' bites and blood of envy
Music culture is widespread and personal.
Music can be understood, felt, and developed all over the world.
Music notes on a sheet of paper can be played and interpretted by all of those who know the language
My show is over
There is no more to give
These past twelve months
Are the most I have ever lived
Bonded forever
Thoughts spawn without direction,
Fleeting yet lasting, ever-impactful.
Feelings observe without connection,
Patient yet hurried, clever and tactful.
Ordering and organzing, making sense of the maelstrom.
Year of chance, year of love, year of heartbreak.
Love was lost as partners left,
Loneliness engulfed kids as divorce struck them
Leaving them longing-
There's a rhythm in my heart.
The beat is the bass,
and the tempo is the pace.
In the background there's a melody.
It plays with grace.
Charitable to the soul, is it.
the story of my life
what kind of world do i want?
i just have to let go
I've just got this feeling
but i have died everyday waiting for it
January bloomed in full moon,And I fell in love after a drunk dropHit my lips, hit my hips.I cried and criedAnd sang jazz each night,Until he put his left hand in my right.
I can't make you laugh all the time
I can't make you dance all night
All I can do is sing for you
I've got to get something off my chest
Music has always meant something
But what comes next
An obnoxious beat
Or a song about sex?
What will become of Generation X
I transferred collegesThat was fun
Except I stick out like a sore thumb
I came from an all girls school
With LGBT friends
Like a lake of fire, I burn all my Kush and money.
Good kid, got soul, Satan wanna take it from me.
Can't pull the trigger to cop gold God thinks it's bummy.
So a poor ass Joe pours out his soul cause he's so hungry.
I hear piano down a hallway
Guitar downstairs
Singing in the streets
Maracas on a stage
Cello from a nearly soundproof room
My whole life is filled with music
But then the air deadens, falls silent--
That boy was only 17
Lyrics coming out from his eyes
Those hands
Those eyes
His guitar, my ukulele
Nature sings:
Time is her beat
Flora and fauna are her notes
The trees sway to the rhythm of the wind
Birds add their harmonies to Mother Earth's tune
Earth's silence is a caesura- not a complete end
Yesterday it hit me.
It was a normal rehearsal with music I'd heard a million times.
But it hit me.
Looking out at the rows and rows of empty seats during rehearsal, I realized that this is what I am meant to do.
Our lives are like a song.
God is the composer
and we are the musicians.
We never meet His
full expectations.
I sucked it in through my breath
and it sunk through my skin
It expanded through my lungs
and seeped into my blood stream
An unplanned gathering,
Turned into a landmark event.
Ocean waves become steady heartbeats.
The art of music quite defines
The social spectrum that’s divine.
Our broken world has suffered pain
That Eco friendlies can’t contain.
Desire needs for others help
But Humans wont prevail at all
I was stuck in this 3AM daydreamwhere the music was faded through water,and I couldn't hear my screams. I was caught in a cage with all borders closed. Tolerance was terrifying, but I already knew.
The music is playing,
The beat is swaying.
I've been lost in the music of yesterday,
Ensared with the music of today.
The best feeling of the day,
Is when my headphones start to play.
I lost myself today,
I just turned and ran away.
The sunny day turned to rain.
With the music playing in my head,
I looked for myself within the depths.
I found myself in yesterday,
That melody strums in my ear,
Singing courses and refrains that I want to hear,
I bust a move,
The beat is my groove.
Music brings me pure delight,
Igniiting my soul more than a sleight,
Heart thrums wildly,
To the beat of the music.
Fingers thump loudly,
Dancing to the drums.
Feet tap noiselessly,
To the rhythm in the air.
Bodies sway side to side,
Why is finding happy upbeat songs so hard to do?
They are always on the radio (the same ones over and over)
But as soon as you try to find one alone they are like
Pop, the leader of the age,
Confined in today's mainstream cage,
Who's designed to give what the masses want
While every station encourages her flaunt.
Rock, the rebel, born of rage,
lowly hanging my head
walking slow and somber
easier may be dead
for seemingly no cure
except music as it rings
sweet harmonies of life
and it sings
away all my strife.
There is a world
Where I was from
Full of black, and white, and grey.
But then I saw
A silver line
Come through on misty day.
It's hard like steal,
But small and light
I wake up wishing I had't,
for seeing this world in a negative light has become habit.
The only thing that helps me survive
is a band,
for music is what keeps me alive.
I’ve never felt more in tune with a group till now
Where my skin color
My upbringing
My languages
Do not matter
Music ebbs and flows
To go with any mood
Always calming
Always there for me
On days where I am feeling low
I pop in some headphones
Turn up the volume
And tune out the world
Healing the Heart
By: Burgundee Pannell
When I feel low
Full of great sorrow and woe
I am in need of music to flow
Through my fretful body
From my itty-bitty toes
Typically when I'm stressed,
I try to focus on things that cannot be changed.
Even though my entire family and even some friends tell me I'm blessed,
I cannot help but to feel like I'm tied to a chain.
I want to smile.
I want to be happy all the time.
I want to have fun with my friends.
That does not always happen.
Life gets in the way.
Listen to music! Get in the groove! If you're feeling down, turn on some music on, and just watch yourself move!
The feeling of serenity,
The feeling of gaiety, fulfillment, and healing.
Where words fail,music speaks
Like an in- yet animate friend,
It offers empathy to the masses.
I woke up a little bit afraid about crossing the darkness of that park,
But when the fine arts building with lights appeared behind the trees,
I could breathe easier.
We all have different reasons to be,
That slight inkling of his smile
Shown through the lips, a small laugh
He's looking at me with those eyes
The audible bang of distant drums
My layers shower over the sparkles
Do you ever feel you're spread too thin?
You see blue veins superficial to your skin.
As you cleanch your fists and lock your jaw,
You can't help but feel defeated.
So take a breath and ease your mind,
Here I go.
Such a fragile lane.
I'm completely emotional.
Not a single question has been answered.
When I'm feeling kind of blue
Instead of letting these feelings down me
I listen to Kind of Blue
And when I close my eyes
I feel the space around me
Some lost
In need of guidance
Seeking an anchor for their will
It is found in institution
Fostering a passion
It sticks it stays
Years and years go under the belt
Shaping adolescent paths
I wake up with a song in my head
Can't wait to get out of bed
With a guitar by my side
I strum a few chords
Music is my energy
A force that drives me everyday
Hop on the bus to get to school
There are more than a few things
Which I am pleased about,
that wash away my stormy days,
and cleanse me of my doubt.
Sometimes they are big things
and sometimes they are small
Windows down
Engine's going
Music drowns the sounds of the roadside roaring
Leaving town
Songs are flowing
Music drowns the sounds of those left snoring
Melodic cloud
Alive and soaring
She was completely engulfed with his presence. Never in the world had she seen a man so beautiful; what amazed her more is the fact that he had no earthly idea.
Why, hello Day! I've been expecting you.
I endured a long process waiting for you.
I wrote a song last night and I'd like to show someone,
I thought you'd take forever and spoil the fun.
I am held captive,
Captive by my own brain
Jealousy wraps my wrists and ankles with razor sharp barb wire while insecurities pound me into the floor
On days when I can take it no longer,
The tapping of her foot With soothed eyelidsSwaying back and forthFollowed by the sound
When assigning colors to things, I think that:
Logic is black against white and white against black.
The power
The emotion
The adreniline
The sorrows
The melodies
The harmonies
The highs
The lows
Write, pause.
Erase, ponder, rewrite.
I listen to that song in my head.
Imagining the loud bass bumpin' in my car,
with the windows rolled down.
I blast those notes.
Those black notes on a page.
When life has got me down,
and I'm feeling blue.
I know no matter what
that I can count on you.
You bring me joy you bring me life
and wash away the pain.
I know that without you
Lyrics, Words
Behold the meaning
Behind the string
of words that only seem
But understand
the poetry in
the music.
Feel what
I feel.
When I'm feeling low,
Music helps the feelings flow.
When nothing else can save me,
Music is my savory
It serves as an escape
As I feel like there was an earthquake.
When emotions are running high,
The first notes, they tickle my eardrum,
As the cares of my world slip away.
The music swells and it deepens to naught
My fingers keep time, try to play,
The keys on a piano, the flute wails in treble,
The chills in my arms and the weight is gone,
I feel like I'm nothing from the start of the song.
My heartbeat races and my breathing gets faster,
It's addicting like a drug that I can't stop taking.
Worlds away thats where I've gone
Worlds away thats where I belong
Stress comes in and the happiness goes out
Happiness comes back when I put in headphones and really jam out
Waking up in a sunlight haze
Waking up in the suns embrace
It’s something I’ve come to know 21 years and yet I still feel low
There’s something special though about my morning mood
Words cannot express
The joy I feel when I open
my mouth to sing words with sultry
The serenade of emotion filling each verse
Everytime I fill the room with a melody
My heart is fulfilled
When thoughts are dark and the heart is churning,
An escape and freedom is to be welcomed.
The hurting needs to knock out the bad so
New emotions can grow.
New thoughts with greener fields and
I try to think of where I am,
Beyond what I could have expected,
Near what I could have hoped,
The greatest creation consistently soothing my mind
I turn to it for amenity,
What makes me feel good is music
Any genre and I’ll groove to it.
Triple temperature weathers
Stacked homework like treasures
Dragging works hours
Someone flushes while I shower
waking up late and getting ready for school I rushed on, wearing my nice shoes, walking carefully I somehow manage to step on a muddy spot on the ground triggering a cold stare of realization at the floor it was as
I felt something I haven’t felt,
in a long time.
The feeling so,
powerful, so indescribable.
Does music just seem,
The greatest one She wrote came from a thousand voices across the globe
A million words, with a couple of verbs
I flirt with the beat, She speaks back, we make it happen.
She wrote
My main motivation is nothing amazing,Nor is it the oddest of things.I am tested and tempted and sometimes resented,But I still wake up and sing.I've been singing, you see, for years upon years,
Music Sheets,
A vessel to carry my words further than the wind can breeze.
Four hundred and twelve degrees...
When the ground
feels as if it is shaking,
Or the world
seems to leave scars at my wrists,
I turn to You.
Whose soundwaves
create an ocean
of Serenity.
Sitting in the grass as the fall breeze flows around me
The sun going down behind the pasture where our horses graze
Learning a song on my guitar that I just heard on the radio
This is my happy place
A melody played on the wind
Tangles itself amongst the smoke
Air crisp with cedar pine
Still cold while the sun has broke
A gentle lull of a new day
Rousing all from slumbers full
Am I perfect?
But I try.
Trying isn't good enough.
She never aims high enough...
She shoots,
She falls
They laugh...
Not perfect.
Supposed to be.
But not.
During the times I’m feeling blue
I look around for things to do
To keep myself occupied
And dwell on the brighter side
Of the aspects in life
To get through my strife
I listen to music and sing a song
Seeing people laugh
Making people smile
These are just some things
That make it all worthwhile
What's the point of life?
The point of life is this:
Giving real effort towards
No rhythm, no beat
no tingle in these feet...
I hear music, and in my seat
I move
With a smile on my face.
Give me a song
I know the words
And my dancing feet
What makes me feel good is singing
It gives me a kind of feeling
I can't explain the way it makes me feel
The feeling is just unreal
My melody makes me shine
My voice is hard to deny
After a long day filled with sorrow
My body aches while I wish to sleep until tomorrow
And I search for anything to lift me from this low
Thunder and lightning threaten to strike
On midday, after school,
a boy picked up a beautiful guitar the color of sunset;
He tuned it and proceeded it play it,
to play the music of his life, the sounds of his soul,
he relieved all his stress.
Sad, Happy, or mad
lucky, sappy, or glad
music is a must to have.
its a battle cry to help you through.
its a friends shoulder when you are blue.
its a partner, always by my side.
I’m alone,
In the dark, In the silence, In the void
Just me, old memories
Bad memories of moments of
Humiliation, weakness, cowardice, meekness
Moments of regret to regret
Moments to forget but I can’t
When the day turns blue
I turn on the music
Garth Brooks echos off the walls,
"Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"
With every note that lifts from the speakers
i love and hate how
your music seeps into
tunnels of my mind
and down into caves
of chest and lungs,
The words on the sheet are the lyrics to the beat.
Singing is the thing that becomes everything.
Although I can’t perform in public,
Doesn’t mean I don’t love it.
Just my voice by myself
Is all that I need.
I've been told,
Several times actually,
to stop fidgeting,
"Sit still now!"
adults would scream,
school was a battle,
between myself,
Pick me up
When I feel down
The rain pours
Thunder in the background
Lightening flashes
Brightening a lamp lit home
Candles going, crackling like a fire
The smell of pine surrounding me with warmth
Monday’s are depicted as tiresome,
Where the weekend of fun ends.
The rest of the week then seems like a drag,
lazily carrying yourself through the dull times
When the world is in its softest sleep, we are awake.
We are roaring down the highway
past city lights and nostalgic meadows.
We roll down the windows, and
a heavy petrichor fills the bitter cold air.
When listening to music I know,
that I am safe from all harm.
It keeps me company wherever I go,
protects me when caught unarmed.
If life is a play,
For a moment you W/As my Girl and Any Time, Any Place a Piece of My Love is yours in perpetuity bluntly put You Got Me; little did I know you would Teachme those Pieces of Me would Climax
When the sun hits my skin, it makes me smile with a glow.
No one will ever know how my skill feel unless they see my glow.
It gets attention and paparizzi on a daily because it glows so bring attention stays on it.
I admit I'm not tough...
I can't handle much... Or at least not at once.
Sometimes I cry and I can't sleep at night. I'm stressed out,
It broke me.
a quiet afternoon,
a mug of coffee encased in both hands.
i stare into the circle of beige,
at the steam coming out of the brim,
and i watch my anxieties evaporate.
a blue turntable,
Often we find within us
that we can't explain what our troubles are
Such a bizarre confusion,
It makes the complaining of others our envy;
It doesn't take much to give me a smile,
Just sit me down with music for a while.
Hand me my trumpet with music up to par,
Or toss me a pick along with my guitar.
The warm blast of the horns,
The high trills of the flute,
Get me out of bed fater than a kick with a boot
I was looking for a reason
to be alive,
Then when my hope was lost,
I found five.
They welcomed me in,
Kept me safe and secure,
But others invaded,
And I became unsure.
What's wrong?
How are you?
Good, thank you.
I'm numb, you?
What ya doin?
The slight lilt of the piano played out
Then the rumble of drums
The thrum of the guitar
And the tap of my fingers
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
A breath in...
Air cascading down my throat
Singing is what makes the problems go away,
Nothing can make me feel better then hearing the melody in my brain,
and as each word is spoken
I feel it in my body,
it’s paper mache and rhymelaughing with people with no sense of timeart is the lives of you and methe people that color history
A snatch of song,
behind a door:
a melody I've heard before.
Forgotten but familiar notes:
Of lost dreams and abandoned hopes.
An eloquent dismay.
I put the headphones on my ears
I fall into the beat
I relax and close my eyes
I let music take me on a retreat
Musical minds
Border a fine line between delinquent and divine.
Find the time
To flow with the despised,
Nature of a different kind.
Connect with the disconnected.
Whenever I feel depressed,
you may have guessed,
I listen to music.
The beat lifts my spirit
whenever my ears are near it,
and the lyrics I connect with,
though that could be a myth.
I am not deafI do know some signIf my hearing ever failedI'd learn to get by
I love musicI love to rhymeI cannot keep a beatBut I know I can keep time.
The rain hits the window screen.
Pages rustle with soft grace.
Dark ink messages
Whisper sounds of peace.
The lightbulb gently glowing.
Music fills the cold heart.
Body heats up slowly.
Gather ye round, kids, would you like to knowAbout how I took up the art of writing poems?Let me summarize my 18 years in all of their glory,As you sit around t
5 years ago, when I first told people that I was a singer-songwriter, the first phrase they could think of to say was: Oh, so you write poetry.
What does poetry mean to me?
Why you even asking?
Every day I'm rapping
Brain bruised, I refuse to take asprin
Lyrics are the cure
Beats bump big, so it's hard to hear
I gotta make my topic clear
In the same way the moon lights up the sky when the sun is busy or how the grass sways when the wind breaks, ugliness, not beauty, creates poetry.
I won’t be fake,
I won’t do wrong.
I won’t try to fit in,
because I know I don’t belong.
I listen to the music,
I listen to the song.
Sonic waves
Flowing from perked-up ears to curious feet
Blending sounds producing discord or harmony
Surrounding the body affectionately
the best friend i never asked for
listening to my problems all day,
and knowing exactly what to say.
no matter how i'm feeling
you will alwys be there for me
no questions asked
A rap is a poem with a beatto be my very best I must competetwo things I learned youngthese proverbs were sungNow words are important to me
The first time I caught a glimpse of your hair I couldn't stop watching
I couldn't stop staring
I followed
The wavy golden hair
The scent of innocence
The look of innocence
I saw this only within you hair
Listening, just listening, then suddenly,
a word caught my ear
then another
and another
the way the words roll together
is like music
the words waltz together,
spin around,
Close your eyes,
Breathe in deep,
Shut out the world,
Listen to the beat.
Earbuds in and volume up,
I lean back and listen.
Slow down my heart beat,
Expand my constricted lungs,
I mean you tell me where I'd be if it wasn't for the poetry God gave me the gift of this expression to ward off depressionI mean if only you knew the things I've been throughI use the words from my pen to ward off being vengeful I mean it could a
Music is the poetry to my heart.
The melody and the beat are what resonate within me.
When I write my own poetry
The sphynx taught me, from its prideful legs,
I came into daylight on four legs
I walk through the evening on two legs
I will fall into the night on three legs
I wish to teach music
spread the joy that makes music music
the children will play
Dear Frank, These days I dreamto be your soulful tragedienne -Your affinity across the sea;That awaits your return so patiently. For a man who lives one love at a time,
Walk with me, Lord! Walk with me!Walk with me, Lord! Walk with me!While I’m on my pilgrim journey,I need You, Jesus, to walk with me.
Say it loud Im black and I’m proud
I've been left wordless,
As my mind is tangled witth the problem.
The letters float around,
But no words come out.
So my ipod I plug in,
And my heart will live on,
It's not fair that I like the songs you showed me,It's not fair that I can't watch reruns of a simple TV show because I remember how much you like it,It's not fair that i have to look at my
A single note
Shatters the room
Piercing, reverberating
Through the soul
Within a single heartbeat
Hundreds of voices join in sync
Not hiding from, but embellishing
reality was a game I played since three.
In my head and on the paper
I hated the judgement from Teacher since five.
Books built walls to protect
Rock means nothing anymore,
every artist a corperate whore.
The gig is fucking twenty quid,
policed by bullies in high viz.
Organisers think its grand,
snatching money from your hand.
This was a visual poem that I had worked on about a year ago as a class project.
The poem is about the overall feeling of being alone that may come with moving onto new things or new places.
I know that there’s a clearing’s reprieve
for weary travelers:
ones with honey thoughts,
those like geodes,
us like patient coal.
I’ve never ever seen that lake
but I hear
The notion that one becomes a poet through others to me is strange
I grew from artists composer those with words unnoticed
sometimes you forget the roots of poetry being music
The keys of the old blues
Play troubled, terrific truths.
Speaking the heart’s mind
Of breaths hard, faces lined
In half time, full hop, and sadly sweet sounds
The blues are where living is seen, is found.
Do me like my name is music
Treat me like I am your music or muses to poetry yet to be created
Though physically isolated and mentally shaken
Still tethered and anchored
Patiently awaiting the weight lift
Sweet bird, write music.
Listen to your heart.
Listen to
the mellow beats of music.
Listen to
every note as the
pianist plays.
Listen to
the rhythm of guitar strings
We both make music with the same tool,
we both love music and have a passion for it,
but when a new passion kindled between us,
it was like being able to see when all I could
do was hear.
Poetry to me is extraordinarily essential on a daily basis.
Hip-Hop and Rap music made me like this,
The way artists and poets glorify the feeling of a verse or verses
and change the mood with a chorus,
poetry comes in all shapes and sizes, literally, and my favorite shape happens to be musically, coincidentally. you see, song
The cello sings me to sleep
The saddest, most beautiful voice I've ever heard
Notes carefully composed into a tragedy that floats through the room with ease
It lulls me into oblivion
Relief only comes during the late hours of sunset,
When the cool wind finally arrives
Just to curl around your legs,
Sighing with content, just feeling this moment of peace
Black Veil Brides,
The band that saved me from myself.
I had lost my passion for music and life,
As I was devistated by the world's devices.
It was their music that reminded me...
It's okay to be different,
Turn up the radio, as high as it goes.
Drown out the echoing screams,
That tell you nothing,
But mean the world to me.
The inaudible screaming in my head,
Where the little monsters play.
Hey you!
Yes you!
The one with the rhinestone eyes.
Take me on your magic rocket-ship and fly me off to Mars.
I know that's where you're from.
From the first beat
she fell in love
the lyrics filled a part of her empty heart
and lit up her world like the 4th of July
She never felt this feeling before
Little music box
please keep turning
your all I have
and all I need.
Please darling
I know you have been dropped
and left empy
but i promise to wind you up forever
i used to be every girl
in every song you heard
i used to pollute your mind
and populate your world
but it's not okay anymore
and you don't want me there
the way you did before
She always allowed music to follow her around.
She tapped out rhythms
and be-bopped and scat. She crooned
I don't know anything about the things in this Steve Miller Band song
I think maybe, despite that, my love for it is totally justified
Ya know, I think that you don't have to understand something to love it
I met herShe's my 3rd eyeI see through my eyesAn energy that resonates and resides in my psyche and on my left sideA vibrational frequency thats in transparent formSomething like IsisShe's transformed and is now part of you and EYEHer colors are s
Verse 1:Breathe into meThe light is fading fastI cannot speakThe weight is tearing me downThe pain of this worldIs crushing me into the ground
A feeling of strength comes from the way I move my hips to luscious sounds,
Dropping to my knees to get close to the surface that supports me.
Creating waves with a body so gentle and excited.
Music is powerful.
With it,
nothing cannot be achieved.
Even when trapped on a
deserted island,
an iPod full of music
can become a vehicle
for the mind's eye.
I love resolutions But not just any kind It’s not that I’m picky But there’s one in particular That induces beautiful heart palpitations And the grooviest finger spasms Don’t misunderstand I’m not a masochist Rather, I’d like to think o
All I need…
All I need is music
Music is everything to me
It keeps me calm I'm distressed
Its there to listen to me
You don’t take me home.
I’m laying next to you
feeling the warmth you try to exhume
so profusely
And I swear,
It is not blood that runs through my veins,
but a melody.
My lungs take in not air,
but the sound of a symphony tuning.
My laugh is the trilling of a flute.
To breathe, to think, to exaggerate,
To keep from thinking, to keep it real,
It's neseccary, fundamental, rudimentary.
Without it, I'd die-I'd go insane.
I'd lose my focus, my strength, my rational.
the bumping of the bass
the crowed room
the dimming of the lights
the chanting
the silhouette of the performer
the rush of adrenaline that hits you
there is no other feeling in the world
Crippled crying, face like paper,
pen that hinders and defies
a vision made by slender taper,
appalling to my watery eyes.
Chords that always come out rotten,
voice and string both shaking, shrill;
I feel music in my heart.
I feel it run from my fingers, through my veins, to my heart.
I can feel it.
Every note, every rhythm, every pitch, every melody,
I can hear it.
I hear music in the wind.
There’s something about the feel
Of the strings beneath my fingers
That allows me to forget the world,
Even for just a minute.
Tucked behind the smooth,
Glistening spruce body,
Black or White,
Half or Whole,
Flee or Fight,
Its from the soul,
Experiences created,
Have never faded,
Some is dated,
Some is hated,
But all loved by all,
It is there so use it,
I can’t live without air.
I need to be able to breathe.
I can’t live without water.
I need to stay hydrated.
I can’t live without food.
I need the nutrients to stay fit.
I can’t live without my heart.
I drift through an endless space, reacquainting myself again
With the parallel black lines
Stacked on top of each other with infallible precision
In a backdrop of a cream filling, rich as buttercream topping on a cake
Polished wooden boards
A bow string of fine horse hair
Across the metal string
Release the rich sound
Sing, cry, roar, whisper, scream sound
Breathe, speak, and tell us
Eighty and eight keysThat's all I needTo open my soul to humanityTo keep me freedIf I lost it allIf I couldn't seeAt least I'd have but eighty and eight keys
Take Me Away
To somewhere new and familiar
A place without judgment or fear
A place to express the self
Take Me Away
Where I can dance to the beat
Let the notes flow through
It came before us all
And will continue after we have left.
It lives in birdsong
In ocean waves on sand
And in the heartbeats of every one of us.
What would this life be without you?
Without your sweet melodies
And your soft symphonies?
What would I turn to
When I can’t focus
Or when I am feeling discouraged?
It came before us all
And will continue after we have left.
It lives in birdsong
In ocean waves on sand
And in the heartbeats of every one of us.
I've lost faith in others,
I've lost faith in myself.
I had forgotten what it is like to love,
And gave into anger and fear.
I started to shut everyone out,
For fear of getting hurt again.
To be stuck on a virtually deserted island is painful enough...
No technology.
No family.
No friends.
Ok. So maybe I can do without the technology. It'll be better for my brain...
I hold my head in my hands and I let my thoughts chew away at my spirit
Click click click
My fingers fly on the keyboard
The work is never done
I’m unimportant
One day without headphones in my ears,
One day without a song sung out of my own mouth,
One day without piano, guitar, or flute,
One day without a beat pumping through my veins.
Music is not background
Resonance that seeps into my soft red skin,
like fallen ice on thin white sheets-
fingers that saunter on my spine
like blind handprints on braille.
My flooded red eyes
they blink and suddenly
All I need
Is a sweet summer breeze
A melody singing in my head
A beat flowing through my body
Lyrics both clean and naughty
Neverending even in bed
A rhythm flows through me
The musician who sits alone,
Counting, counting, every Beat,
1, 2, 3 - 4, 5, 6 -
A raise of an arm,
A light turns on,
1, 2, 3 - 4, 5, Breathe -
And Life begins -
Mental restoration,
When the music enters my soul.
Positivity regenerates,
And influences control.
Isolation can be tragic,
That's where music plays it's role,
When the sounds blast from the plastic,
A band may not mean much to some,
but others thrive on everyone.
Bands communicate your thoughts onto paper,
and sing them so you remember it later.
And this band that means so much,
It was in early August when you first passed me by-
A whisper of a voice floating on the winds.
The harmonic notes danced
space and captured my soul,
Have you ever looked into the stars?
You see infinity, but you feel the mystery,
You soon discover a chapter that was never meant to be seen,
The chapter that holds the mystery and spoils the ending,
Play that trumpet all night long
Move those hips side to side
Let them black bodies swing with glee
It's Jazz
Sway your body to and fro
Let your body move itself
Throw back your head and let out a yelp.
A world without music is a world with no voice,
A life without expression or truth.
Without its ethereal pitches and rhythms,
Bright colors fade to dull palette hues.
Music. It can impact people make them feel.
It has the ability to project emotion.
Though not as much as the vessel through
which it is carried.
The tones it creates makes new and interesting textures.
all around me
all i hear
organized sound
in my ear
to his love
hope within me
peace thereof
A restless silence fills my bones
It breathes and bites and tears at my skin
I am but a wounded animal surrounded by wolves
Vulnerable as an empty shell, breaking at the slightest touch.
Ed has a soul made of wisps of love and kisses.
His hair is a fiery orange making +’s and x’s as they cross.
Sheeran is his last name because a she always runs in his songs.
From my mothers' mouth to my unborn ears, it has always been with me.
I have a song in my heart, and it is always with me.
When the music stops playing, it is always with me.
I believe in life's musical staff
I believe that life is one beautiful composed piece
The stages of life are the lines and spaces of the musical staff
As the music plays on
A piece of wood so finely tuned,
Vibrating strings tightly wound,
Strands of horsehair stretched so tight,
Oh, how I find so much delight!
Making music from the heart,
You ask me this question
and I fire back, Why?
If you knew me
you'd know this
So don't ask me to lie.
I'm not like other kids
who want friends or family.
I'm not like other kids
All I need is music, to help me get through the day
music helps me conquer fears, and hides all my pain away.
Music is my outlet , when things start to go wrong
music helps me get through, many quiet storms
Eardrums beware
The need for
Beep-bop beats
Pounding rhythms
In the air,
The drums
Voicing zeal
In rapid
As guitars
Sing sweet,
notes slide off the page as the unending sweet sound of the keys sing a melody that my heart reaches out to
Everyone here has a voice in music,
Some certain people don’t know how to use it,
Use mutiny to own up to pride,
Use your voice and say that you tried,
I hide behind the notes,
And look towards them for guidance.
When times are rough and broken,
They are there to mend.
Because the notes that come from my guitar,
Speak louder than the words from my mouth.
White washed walls
orange groves
basement halls
hidden coves
all these places
hand in hand
we played our hearts out
departed land
And in this dream world
I am not lost
Le Freak by Chic makes me move my feet.
I dance to the trance of the bass-filled beat.
Feeling and finding the groove and rhythm of the instruments.
Only if it holds some sort of importance?
It Pours into me.
Weather rich or poor doesn’t matter when you’re a castaway
The rich content provides food for thought.
I guess the question is one thing I can't live without,
however there are many.
You see,
life is based on essentials and bare necessity.
Oxygen, food and water,
but these are mundane.
The beat will come to mind, and words will leave my lips.
The lyrics written when I was down, to remind of a dark place I wish not to experience again.
One day I'll create a song and I'll sing, dance, swing my hips.
When it comes to what I need,
it starts with wood & some strings.
To create a sound,
unique frets,
techniques for each note,
creates a sound that just allows,
the siren of rock and roll.
If music vanished from the earth, I would scream at the top of my lungs.
I would use the same scream I use when I stub my toe.
Les Miserables, all the misery in the world.
I'd feel the same pain my toe felt
On an island far away
So, some music I will play
Six strings and my hands
Melody in the sands
Mood displayed in every note
Mental songs that I have wrote
Come alive with every strum
So many days.
Too many to count.
I've sat here alone, quiet, no sounds...
Silence and sadness were my only two friends.
Stealing and eating my life from within.
So many days.
This is where i make my music, this is what i use to find what i need,
If my little bro or me cant find an answer, my macbook is my tool to find it with speed,
Its that genre that will bring you to tears
Its that one tune that will make your emotions do a full 1 80 on you today
Its that melody that will change your thoughts on your daily issue
The Noise
As his fingers
Skipped from key to key
On the witching hour
The noise
Inspired genius
Not a crash, not a breeze,
Not even the sound of a seagull or the shaking of a coconut tree,
Just a barrier of silence for miles and miles surrounding me.
I can finally hear myself think.
It is my greatest love,
My deepest passion,
The keeper of my sanity,
And the pillar of my strength.
Without it,
I am an abyss.
It resonates within my head,
And within my heart.
Hard as steel,
A vicious love caress my ears,
A sound like a roaring dragon on mountain high,
Split the sky,
And if it were to be taken away,
With sword and spear I would ride,
Timeless, lovely
Curing, freeing, inspiring
The center of my universe
With delicate fingers
An ancient song is woven from the soils of melancholy and ambition
Notes articulated each to their own
Black ink expressed with charisma on the white parchment
What does it matter?
This metaphorical island, this situation beyond comprehension
The tension in realizing that there is one item you need.
Rustling through the reed across the sandy coast
I’m not me without these songs
In the midst of harmonies and melodies is where my heart belongs
From the high-energy of pop to the chillness of reggae
A pile of wood and ivory.
Her tired frame sits uncomfortably
until I join her.
The music leaves my mind in a rush of fire,
through my veins and out of my fingertips it explodes
when I take my seat.
I’m told I sound crazy
A damsel in distress.
Pining for my love,
Bliss and happiness.
My dreams, I won’t give up,
Though others might jeer.
For music is the thing
I hold most dear.
In time’s pleasant age of anticipation
I find myself wearying without aspiration
To sorrows seeping with grave desperation,
Wondering how to escape this mounting frustration.
Skip after skip pressing forward and rewind,
No not an old dvd, these buttons hold my favorite pastime
Spotify premium, my one and only true love,
holds the key to endless amounts of music
My soul to keep.
Attached not to my heart,
But to my ears.
My soul rings down.
Down to my heart.
If there is one thing I would need when I am all alone
It would have to be my saxophone
To my mind comes no other choice
My saxophone is my other voice
I speak through it what I can not cay with words
The beat of a drum, the beat of a heart, both rhythms keep me from falling apart.
Fingers calloused over from the stings of my guitar, the rhythm oh the rhythm,
keeps me from falling apart.
It saves me.
It's noise -
Systematic noise -
Noise so primal that it enters my body
And grabs on to me.
It latches on and feeds me
The connection between it and I
1. Music is the one thing I can not live without
2. I feel like it takes me to a different place
3. I enjoy music as much as I enjoy sauerkraut
4. When I listen to music, different expressions strike my face
A vibration from another dimension:
strong, lucid, vibrant and intrusive,
the ring of electronic beat, underneath your feet.
Club of wonder, the simulated answer!
Music dances around their flesh.
Lips part to laugh and smile.
Warmth spreads throughout their bodies.
Malicious fear is taken away.
They tell me there are three things I need to survive:
food, water, shelter.
I think, though, that truly
what I cannot live without is something I’ve always had
On this island it's just me and you.
You have everthing I need all in one.
Without you it's like I'm missing what is important to me.
On this island it's just you and me.
Lush and leafy trees erect
Sway to the music of a fading day
Crickets one and all come out
And tune their violins to play.
Colors fade from a purpling sky
And the stars reveal their splendor bright.
I think in life, there's many things that I could choose to bring
My TV, cell phone, a laptop for gaming
But I think one thing I couldn't live without
Is my music, no doubt
If I were stranded on an island, I would bring my guitar
Music is a universal language, and that's what makes it beautiful
It cannot be seen with the eyes, but felt with the heart
It makes me ache, it makes me leap
Adrenaline while still,
All the things I feel;
Travels to my soul,
In despair,
Motivates my goal,
Rising of my hair,
My heart they stole;
Ohh earbuds,
Your streaming in my blood.
Adjust my bow tie.Put on a façade of fanciness.I love the Met.Or is it Carnegie?Kimmel Center?Honestly can't tellSounds the same to me.
ba bum
ba bum
ba bum
heart and soul
the piano sold
the devil bought mine too
if i were
to lose it all
too much rhapsody in blue
silent night
When I'm feeling all alone, I go turn on my iPod
Paramore really gets me through the day
Tyler Joseph screams in my ear that everything’s gonna be okay
Led Zeppelin becomes my squad
The ever steady click
Of silver keys
As I press them down in difficult rhythm.
Warm air blows through a plastic mouth piece
But no sound comes out
Not yet, not yet, two more measures.
Two more rests.
I've walked through these halls countless times before now, yet why can't I feel safe?I've been here a thousand times before, yet why do I still feel like running away?
Wreckage of my life
Remains through time
Ever crumbling
Touching my mind.
Caught in my head
Hell in the words unsaid
Eternaly burning for
Dead and broken dreams.
StrandedBehind the miles of oceanSand piled up like hoursAnd dark just dark: Empty.Just water, andSand, andDark, and Me.And I needHow I needI need Air
My heart continues to beat along
One earbud in, one out
Or maybe headphones on blasting till i lose all hearing.
I have to because the silence is torturous
When I'm stranded
All hope is lost
Artistic and creative, she's always singing.
Releasing her songs
In her heart, to her mind, then to her lips,
A girl lost in the music,
Never will she be tamed.
Away she goes now, to dance in the rain.
Never houseless but always homeless,
Music managed to provide a sanctuary
Even if it is temporary.
Always hungry but full off of food for thought, music was always nourishing.
Cheeks sallow,
belly hollow,
Here I am alone
With only one thing.
With it I can dream up anything.
It brings me inspiration,
It brings me joy,
It keeps me sane,
On this island.
It is my iPod,
What once started purely as a form of entertainment
has now consumed me.
I have become it
and it, I.
I simply cannot get enough
of that sweet euphoria that flows throughout my body.
A young girl trips and stumbles,
Making her way through Life's rumble.
Scratched, Scarred, and Bleeding,
Not knowing what she's needing.
There's an empty void, a screaming gap.
Despite the songs always inside my head,
The reality of silence that’s there
Continues to make me feel perturbéd
I would take with me, only the thing that sets me free,
If you became tansparent when the sound filled your ears,
you would understand what I mean when I say that's all I want to hear.
Surrounded by oceans of frothy blue,
all alone upon heartless, golden sand,
I sit. There is not a soul to speak to
out here, but it is not an empty land.
Through the mountains, the trees, and every thing,
Music is always on your mind
In every cell in your body
You need it to survive
Whithout it we are nothing
It is used for every occasion
With its beat our souls bind
It moves through us all
For Some
Music is their muse
But for me
Music is my soul
The rhythm my heartbeat
The lyrics my breath
Bursting forth from my lungs
Each line an emotion
I'm eighteen years old
That means for eighteen years, the only thing I have constantly been with
is myself
But, there is something more I need
I need something more than just being alive
Not one day passes
Where my ears don’t hear rich sound
It is in my veins
My life would be dull
If it wasn’t from this gift
From the God himself
Through music I’ve learned
The bass kicking in,
The beautiful sound of the melody,
I could feel the singers emotions,
I could feel the pain synthesise in motion.
I feel the tears going down her soft skin,
The earth without art is just eh, and the words I am spewing is music to the ears of all who hear, poetry is my art, and it is the art of the broken, the art of the hurt,
My sky changed,
While I looked on.
Many say it’s the End
I do not believe them.
The world ends when
All Sound ceases to exist.
For the greatest
In one chord I feel my heart rising.
My breast heaves with elation.
In the next chord I feel my heart dropping.
My sobs tighten in my chest.
Playing loud I lose myself.
Playing proud I find myself.
I wrap myself up in my sound
As I make this inanimate object sing.
I'll make it sing to the world I call home.
She plays a love song to the waves
as they gently kiss the sand;
She plays a waltz to the palm trees
as they dance in unison;
She plays a lullaby to the setting sun
Open your ears and listen
Really listen
Can you hear it?
The ocean
An airplane
Wind in the trees
A fly
A bee
Open year ears and listen
I can hear it
I wish I was a tree.
I wish I was the sound the sea makes when no one is watching
I wish I was the pigeon you saw in sitting on a telephone line when you were seven and thought it was a hawk.
Oh my god!
I sit down and get ready.
I play one note, then a second, then a third,
and then I'm playing the entire song.
My fingers glide across the keys
of my black and white life.
It winds through our air and into our ears and straight into our brains. The waves of disturbance vibrating its way across a field or stadium or stage. But, we wouldn't dare call it a disturbance.
Some people have one thing they cant live without they need that thing
For me their was always that thing music was just my thing
Always when i go home i either sing or play my guitar its amusing
This is it,
the salty air in my face
and the sandy ground below.
The soft sound of whistling radiates
around the silent cove.
Other may think,
‘Why here, why now?’
Some say I’m crazy,
Your mouth
is like a burning desert
kisses burn inside me
with sensual music
I want You to play it
in my heart
without words
I will never
let You go
I sit there in silence,
Alone in the dark,
Listening to the soft hum
Of the words that float around
In a familiar and gentle sound.
Staring at the empty room before me,
Wondering where I went wrong.
A concert: a safe haven for the fluorescent adolescents who need music like blood that flows through lyrical shaped veins
fueling a pumping heart, fingertips, a voice box.
Smooth and soothing.
The rhythm.
The vibration.
The sweet sense of passion.
The ability to interpret emotion.
All the minor falls and the major lifts have a direct connection.
For with it comes peace,
It sweeps my scarred soul, healing the gaping wounds that bleed and ooze. It never lets me down.Rather, it uplifts my spirit to the heavens above.
Silence falls before me,
Leaving me all alone.
Words forever trapped,
They will never be known.
I can't speak, for I don't know how,
By I can feel it all around.
The sound of the drum shakes the room,
Sometimes your burdens will throw you around
But when you’re too high, I’ll be your ground.
When you’re swirling and spiraling with the wind
I’ll be waiting with stitches, your soul to mend.
I am tired.
Tired of holding my tongue
at the thoughts
my mind shouts.
What do I want to do?
Who do I want to be?
How will I make money?
I do not know.
And I am tired.
I cling to those things
That make me feel
Those things that let me know
I'm not so alone here.
Those songs,
Those quotes,
Those drawings,
Those books that keep my
I can't live without MUSIC,
Because its everywhere,
On almost everything,
I mean where would we be without,
The wonderful variety of sound,
The joy of enjoying a genre,
That evolved from its own history,
I want a guitar now, don't know how to play the thing;I tried once before but gave up when I broke a string. I want to make some music, make some kind of noise shed,Something that can reflect what's going on in my head. Something that knows what's
Gradually gray transitioned to soft pink and lilac,
The clouds finally dispersing after everlasting months of bleakness.
The fingers of the sun stretched out sleepily, clumsily
Match the beat
With your heart
Let in the rhythm
And never part
Just let yourself
Be swallowed whole
Make the music
Part of your soul
He is jealous for me,Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.When all of a sudden,
My dear Velvetine was the richest Queen
No, not rich in gold but rich in life
She spent her last days before her
unexpected slumber dancing in the
Roaring Twenties
Swinging to the beat of the saxophone
If I had to live in bed,
and if I could no longer be fed,
but hooked up to an iv instead,
and stripped away from all my family and friends,
knowing, not if, but when, my life was soon to end,
Although I've never been a fan of foreign touch, seas of person pull me under with a swaying current. Escape your head,crawl out of your mind,temporal lobe knows what's best right now. Outside Los Angeles is itching to start her nightly routine o
Music is a passion, not a job. Remember that
Whether you're being paid, or singing for the love of it
Don't get caught up in the moment
Remember your voice is a gift, don't boast
Some may say "Oh, she just really like music."
Others "She's not that talkative."
But really, I need the musical notes.
When I forget those noise-bloking wires, my mind takes over.
Stranded on an island all alone,
No company or friends to call my own
Just sitting in the quiet
Trying just to fight it
But madness comes and goes
In silence.
I need some noise, a song, a sound.
Staccato-ed and fleeting in full,
the lulling beat somehow lazy
hazily sauntering away
honeyed notes broken on the pavement like sparkling glass
glittering and useless,
passing throaty smoke like cigarettes
The ups and downs of an ongoing melody play
The continuous waves of an accompaning harmony join
This is a part of life that leads to one's optimistic sway
The sustained chords of smooth strings vibrate the ears of all
The stars that fill my skull,
Galaxies within my soul,
Andromeda, are you hiding between my eyes?
Venus, are you the cradle of my demise?
Sounds of the universe echo throughout my being,
In a mind where there's no rest
In a body to the test
You only need to close your eyes
It's not you you have to despise
All there is is music
You can never choose it
In a mind so misused
Many people ask the age-old question of
“If you were on an island, what is the one thing you would take?”
Today, I will not answer the question above
I am the accidentals in your overture, the flats on your bad days and the sharps on your goods.
You are the black and white keys in my c
Can you hear that? It's music in the air People are dancing without a care You can dance solo or in a pair
I can conquer anything -
Any struggle, any strife,
All I need to do it
is my fingers and my life.
Performing is my passion.
Drawing is my dream.
I do this each and every day,
Whether Its Instruments, Acapella, or Acoustic,
A Very Important Piece I Can't Live Without Is Music.
Music is the power
Music is like a dream that flows
It flows around your mind everday fluently
Sometimes it’s hard for me to function
Jhene Aiko keeps me from crumbling
She told me you gotta keep going
All I need is music
Every day of the hour
Music not only makes me feel alive
This body, a burdencrooked spine, flat arches,pain for bones too youngto bear such wear.But then, music.
Nothin but space,
is all I feel when there isn't music in my ears.
It's an escape, a home with no real presence.
The world could be talkin bout all I wanna hear,
My friends the 80's were the best.
the juxtaposition of chesiness and drama where fantastic.
The vibrato of music will come upon thee my friends.
I love the 80's and I love CAN'T BUY ME LOVE.
Many will say that music is not needed.
Well my friends, music is like oxygen.
Without music the vibrato of life would cease to exist.
The wonders of life and love would stop
Music is the love of my life
I listen to music all the time
During dinner,
When I'm driving, and
When I study.
Music is my best friend
If I left the world alone, and sat among the stars,
Would patience be a virtue? Or would anger be my scar?
In a world without a muse
The stars will spark the light.
As music fills the air,
All I needed
throughout the nights
along the long and winding roads where mind meets soul
is the sweet symphony in my heart
pulsing through my veins
the timpani drums enclosed beneath muscle and tissue
Without music
I would be left along
with my dark thoughts
clouding all judgment
whispering bitter words
of negativity
all night long
With music
it's the words I can't find
Noise that sets my heart ablaze
Sounds that make my eardrums scream
Words that make me want to move
Strings that make my fingers ache
A beat that I can dance to
A song that I can sing
His voice my sound of comfort,
The drums my beating heart,
The beat my pace when walking,
This I could not live without.
To hear I’ll be alright,
All I am is my music
All my music is who I am
I don't write it to get famous
I write it because I can
When I was to afraid to say it
It is everything that I've felt
It reminds me of the good and bad
I may not have all that I could
And life has taken more than it should
But music stays right by my side here
Some say words are useless
they are inaccurate
that never capture the true nuance of meaning
Some say words are useless
I want to live in a song
Where every rhythmic beat is a stairway to my soul
And every low key reverses time and I rise again
Living inside the enchanted heart
Where music smells as of the breeze of an ocean's shore
The rain poured, and I stayed inside.
Plenty of clouds, not a drop of light.
Can't go outside, so I turn on a song
Started feeling lonely before too long.
Come on over, we can dance together.
you're always on time
so glad you were there
to fill the gaps in my mind
where the voices scream
and my memories meet
to remind me of him
I promise I tried to save you
So many things
That many people don't know
The enlightenment they seek
Is nothing more than whispers in the dark
A song that plays and speaks
I hear it, my body takes over.My foot uncontrollably leads the way.The beat tapping on my attention like Morse code.
Sweet songs,
Hold on,
hope’s in you.
Dear child,
keep your lips widely speaking.
please smile.
It is in the sound of my alarm
that wakes me up every morning.
It is in my mother’s voice
Greeting me as I come upstairs.
It is on the radio
Music speaks to me when you don't
Headphones soup bowls bigger than my heart's holes
Hip hop a blessing an escape from the problem I'm not addressing
shouting aggression yet soothing my depression
Your heart races
Your hands start to shake
Scared of the faces,
The impression you'll make.
You close your eyes
The voices start to stop
That's when you realize
the needle comes down
and a crackle comes to life
shellac disc
inscribed with spiral grooves
It Hums
Deep in my bones
Frantically searching
For answers unknown
It skips
My heart
Reacts to the beat
When I feel
the bass guitar
thrumming long strokes
inside my chest,
swimming backwards
along my spine,
it reminds me
I am alive.
When I allow
the tinny audio
Don't trust a creative typeDon't trust a musicianHe'll create melodies like the ones you heard as a childYou'll dance to every chord so blissfullyThe tempo starting slow then soon racing like your heart
They encircle around, hearing
Watching as the music stops playing...
Some laugh, some may point,
But whose fault is it for the loss of knowing?
Ignorants they are for not seeing
I am a juggler
World class and running out of hands
Losing balance as the clock applauds
Violently behind me.
Time, like sleep is an unattainable luxury
Something saved for the far more fortunate
Beating power
Pulsing strength
Trying to move up its rank
Charging anger
Chasing fear
Coming ever closer near
Moving fast
Drums beat forever past
You see, people think they know love,
by the books and movies you know of.
But love isnt about boys, nor gifts,
Nor the way the glass slipper fits.
Love is hearing the sound of music.
Inspired by the skies and the sunshine,
You're perfect in my eyes.
I'm obsessed with Your words
the beautiful melody of Your voice,
I hear you all day.. clouding my thoughts
Memory of you?
I was brought on this earth to do amazing things, so I believe. I watch people everday work that nine to five with such ease.
My name is the syncopated beat
Of a dotted eighth note, sixteenth note
Rocking like a boat on windy waters
My laugh is the swoop of glissando
Sometimes a delicate slide
I thank you all, even my enemies.What a crazy thing to say.I thank you all, even my enemies.You've made me who I am today.
I am unseen, hardly unheard
Through bitter and through sweet
Melodies portrayed, rehearsed
And Harmonies that give seat
To the grandiose contradiction.
My sound staggers and sways
I am not a cheerleader.
I am not on a team.
I don't have any honors,
Let's not be mean.
I have my passions,
And you may not understand,
Certain hobbies fasten,
Themselves to my hands.
I am magnetic. I am not just Rachel. Putting my faith in a power greater than anyone. Having courage and being kind. Giving rather than receiving. I am magnetic. Writing songs about my life experiences.
Notes on a page.
I have become
The inks and papers.
I am the notes the teachers explain,
Copied down in frantic scribbles
Nearly illegible,
Vaguely understood,
is a liar.
He would have
you believe that
he wants you;
but behind your
back, he is
glad to see you go.
I sit here listening to the new album my favorite band released today.
5 Seconds of Summer makes my life so much better.
Normally I'd be binge eating or watching TV, but hey.
Initially, this wasn’t exactly the reality of the story I imagined I would be strolling through.
Madness intertwined in my balance,
The gentle strum of fingers on a guitar,
Transporting the eager listener to lands of afar,
The pianist’s gentle caress of the keys,
Expressing melodies akin to the waves of seas,
I pray the rosary.
It was recommended so a simpy
by some man in robes claiming he represents the Holy.
But he didn't have an actual answer for me.
Instead he insists to have faith, keep praying.
Depression is the song of my mind
That sounds just like a cry--
Quietly the song begins
And quieter the lie.
I plug in my earbuds, press play, and close my eyes
My head leans back as I am enveloped in the song
and I breathe.
I feel like fire
Not only do I hear the music, but the music hears me
I am a listener,
Awakening to the sounds of the day,
Swaying to the whispering rhythms that no one else can hear,
And feeling cool, like in awesome, with goosebumps on my arms.
i always wake up feeling the best at other people’s houses and other people’s beds. is it the person or is it the meds?
feed me sertraline and caffeine, inject me with all those pills and potions. give me a reason to keep living by my struggling...
As I walk through the door
I see something i never knew before
The people here know no bounds
Snd they do whatever it takes to make a sound
The pianist plays like it's his life
On a night in the summer,
I can remember
Large thumping boxes swapping waves of thrilling pulses to overtake the silence.
Joyous and primal,
I move through the drapes of large tents
I wanna know the music you listen to when you're sad
It says a lot about you
about how you handle situations when you feel lost
when you feel lonely
or when you feel angry
The music speaks volume
crying out to live it all.
It begs and pleads with me.
Insisting I open my quiet heart.
With every rhythm, every beat
my heart expands, it opens.
The vibration of strings from thickest to smallest. My callused fingertips trailing up and down the sturdy neck
It vibrates
Through the room
The strings on my viola
Sing with it
It vibrates through my heart
I feel it deep inside.
I place my bow on the string
My fingers are ready
Through thy looking glass Hephaestus doth glares
Truth may shatter and replace with my lies
Roman and Greek profiles turn with cold airs
Thou fervent crimson in my own mind's eyes
Me :noun
a. family member: 1. a loving sister who talks too much, 2. a devoted daughter who is full of questions;
You say you love music
I see your eyes light up
The way you bounce to the beat
And your smile
God how you smile
But what you don't know
Is that I love music too
Red String
"Dona Nobis Pacem"
connecting us
"Silent Night"
love of something
"Endo no Hana"
"One way or Another"
in a choir
we are all
It is not in my mouth
As I expel warm life into the cold brass
And feel it move through the neck to the bell
It is not in my fingers
As they move over the keys
In rapid succession
The air is sharp with winter anticipationComets with tails blazing: stage lightsHit upon the crowd, wondrousHis hair is Spanish moss thatHangs heavy from the oaks,festooned in beads and baubles
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum
I bang away on my blue and chrome bass drum,
Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash!
Whilst I fill in the gaps
With shimmering alloys of brass
A song, a song
Won't you sing along?
When the melody feels right nothing can feel wrong
What a curious thing
When you hear the right tune in your ears it will ring
My love,
playing you is such a sudden rush to me
I get a pain in my chest every time I breath.
And the iceyness of you on my lips is my virtue
if only you could feel the same way
The tune in our ears
Some that are our fears
On the radio and live
We enjoy to jive
It keeps us in tact
The conglomeration
To listen and do some meditation
We are surrounded by it often
The kids are screaming and playing
to the sounds of cars passing by.
An airconditioner hums with an impeciple breath
and the teachers shout the names of the children.
As I put my clarinet together
Blowing air through my horn to fill my instrument
I start to feel the vibrations on my finger tips
Putting my heart and soul into each note
Do not love a man who drinks as if he is invincible (but complains about the hangover);
Whatever mood you're in,
She's in.
When you're doleful,
She's doleful.
When you're blissful,
She's blissful.
When you're feeling evil,
She's evil.
Peace of Mind is
Sunday morning neo-soul.
Brown skin; Limbs and lips
Puckering to sing.
The smell of a mother's love
Caressing everybody.
As a breeze flows through the open window
Each step taken is another place moved.
Each word spoken is another breath breathed.
Each speech given is another passion found.
Each song played is another love created.
It's a thrill to place warm fingers on cold keys
Feel ridges and cracks and character
Just close your eyes and breathe in
Pour out your soul into the music like pouring water into a glass
The first sip of coffee in the morning when you wake up
The butterflies in your stomach before your first date
Listening to your favorite song on full blast
As you dance around the room when no one is watching
On and on, the music flows,Through the fields of the Village Green.
On and on the music goes,The Irish sing and dance it home.
On and on the music flows,Down the valley to the village below.
Sometimes we fall,Sometimes we slip up,But no mater what happens music is here for US.
Born of wood and metal,A child of winter and music.Sung from the beauty of a willow,Sung from the passion of Mother Earth herself
The time has come for a suite,Humbling and sweet.Eternity awaits for those of us,Standing on destiny’s edge.
While I drive, exercise, sleep, do homework
"Shut up and dance with me"
Or do just about anything, there's one constant:
"Take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars"
The one thing we can't get away from.
From Punk Rock to Metal,
From Pop to Classical,
From Show Tunes to Techno,
Music is everywhere.
They tell us stories,
From the void it starts
an incessant need
to fill our hearts
our spirits feed
Breaths slow and still
an eye turned to see
a hope to fill
a life to free
A song is there
Could I fill the swollen suit of a man so large:
Quien vivió en las torres de la mente de su pueblo,
Smoking Cigs while listening to post-punk.
What a way to die.
Sipping poisonous punch, staring at neon stars,
observing couples symblozing the synths
Did I accept or reject the lie
Honeslty I am not sure
Music fills the soul
Sounding just right
It can make you feel whole.
As the magic behind the sound begins to take toll
I feel myself becoming light
It can make you feel whole
The melody racks through your body,
strumming strings within you that you didn't even know existed,
bringing a light smile to your lips as you reflect on the past.
A song can bring you back to a broken past,
Step on the field
Adrenaline rushes
The announcer begins
The crowd quickly hushes
The music begins
Perhaps a simple note
Left foot first
Listen back to percussion
Stay in line
Awaken to the sound of a
mother’s song echoing
sweetly beneath canopies
of youth where fears
cured by wealth become
symbols of love
consuming bliss like
winds signaling spring
soft notes of soulful awakening float through
the apartment, slow steady, to accompany the morning brew
major, augmented, into a crescendo
in a london flat
a steady beat thrum rhytmatically
This device in you hands, good for so many things. But right now all you need is it's music, and the distraction it brings.
What is it,
but something cheerful,
something meaningful,
something real?
It is
the thing that gives me breath,
speaks when just plain words can't,
There is a moment right before one flies, where they know they will soar.
When your heart beats too fast, and you can hardly breathe,
You realize you'll stay up all night trying to remember the details.
The crowd hushes, a magic silence,
They sit, and wait, patient and quiet.
The conductor settles, he stands very still,
He raises his baton, the orchestra waits.
A B C D E F G,
I nod my head,
A flat B flat,
I stare at the ceiling,
C flat D flat,
I lie wide awake in my bed.
Though sound may fill my mind,
I pay no attention,
Without lights, wihout glamour
I'm that kid obsessed with M.C. Hammer
I stick to myself and emerse myself
In rhythms and beats
Beats so rhythmic they make your heart dance, your soul sway
I cannot hear the piano play.
I can only watch as the notes fade away.
I play in an ocean where sounds are deaf.
So muted is it I cannot hear a natural clef.
I struggle but the ocean soon drags me to its depth.
The black bird hiddenA crow, dark as nightAmong the willow branchesCascading to the groundA song so mournfulFlat and broken, a puzzleIncomplete.
Silver slippers danglingPale stringed harp balanced on her kneesSilver notes become silver beamsOf a golden grinned grace.The glowing skirt as she sways in place
I've sung a song of nothing
So very long ago.
Lyrics twirled round my head
Pre the winter's frosted snow.
They floated past my eyes,
Through my ears, and down my throat,
Entangling my vocal chords
Sitting all by myself, it seems to be only me,
striving to attempt, what I can't truly be.
Heartache and pain, I don't know what for,
it just seems, that you shut the door.
Music is the drive that moves me from the thorns of a rose up to the ovary.
Where a sweet smell dwells.
I lay in the middle and listen
Healing from the prick of the past thorns
I bleed to the beat and memories flow
Notes flow through the air
Sound gets me up from my chair
The resonance rises my hair
All life constitutes is a fair
To win some and lose some
If the world were to end tomorrow
I’d spend my last hours with the universal language.
If I lost my hearing tomorrow
I’d spend today
Listening to Forever and Always by Parachute,
A kid who just wants to be heard
Someone who wants success
Others look at him and say oh my he's blessed
They don't know the pain, the problems
Of always wanting to be the best
His parents are proud of him
People talk about me and it used to bother me
they said I was annoying
they said I was loud
and weird
Tonight the day’s end meets the night’s talk show
The Wild Ones become The Young, Wild, and Free
Then we met A and C slash D and C
The Train’s Midnight City Gives You Hell
You can tell me what to wear,
Casual converse, lipstick, hoody,
I don't care--
I will be me.
You can tell me how to walk,
Straiten my back,
Like it's a rod,
I'll still be me.
As her fingers dance across the piano keys
I can hear her life story
Her loneliness from a lost love
It switches to anger then abruptly changes
To a jubilant tune
I travel by train and I look out
My window, my legs are too close to the grey-man beside me
Headphones in, power chords, progressions
I am progressing, and my knees
Need a shave; they catch on the silk of his suit.
Buckets of rain poured down from the sky,
as though the angels wept, mourning what was to come.
I found myself lurking outside at school,shrouded in a black hoodie
What I show you is,
Not who I want to be,
But what you want to see.
I aim to please,
They say to me,
"Be a tall, thin,
Long haired, white teeth,
Light-skinned beauty,
What I show you is,
Not who I want to be,
But what you want to see.
I aim to please,
They say to me,
"Be a tall, thin,
Long haired, white teeth,
Light-skinned beauty,
Don't just listen to the "MUSIC"Pay attention to the message.Its the ignorant that has kept the intelligent arrested.
I am a musician
I’m no scientist
I’m no mathematician
I’m no historian
I’m no athlete
I’m no translator
Nor will I be any of those things
I am a musician
So I will be a musician.
i would torch the city
if it meant that you would see the light
a million little fears
breaking down into ash
and as the tears in your eyes reflected the inferno shining bright
as you began to break inside
i have a friend who flew with the times
and plummeted to the ground as his pocketful of rhymes sunk and spat and became one with the earth--
the ground upon which we dream still engraved with his words
Isn't that how it starts?I sit alone, waiting for a call
A call that could possibly save my life.
I am alone.
My depression eats me alive
But I still try.
I try to be happy
This is the space between my eyes
This is the slowly rising tide
Hear the voices in my head
Listen, don't listen
Flawless Music
I retain all these faults that could make me flawless,
I can write rhymes, tell the time, though I really shouldn’t floss less.
I squeal in the silence of my bedroom
When I am excited
Because I am just me
I sing out loud
While my headphones are on
Because I am just me
I listen to myself talk
Doldrum is the life
Expressive are the voices
Climactic rising
Resounding pouring soulful
Escape in music
Slur the minds rampant movement
Chastize the sounding
Engorge the silence, but slow
Tis the music that has set my soul free,
Like an Eagle, leaving the nest at last.
Cans't thou hear? The roaring sound of sea?
Cans't though hear? The rushing of winds, steadfast?
Music is all around us, everywhere,
The ticking time tricks all
The music holds true our steady beat
As we all produce our sounds
How many beats per minute from all
It is a mental game until you learn how to
Let your mind rely on your bodies capabilities
Instead of letting your body rely on your minds perception
On that jacket
It doesn’t say your name
You wear the same thing as everyone else
Because you are one unit
Your uniform
The silent chant among the field
Counting the measures until you move
Slowly you raise your instrument
Your feet move at the tempo
One word: Music.
It's always been about that.
It's just what I do. I sing.
Since I was a child I was humming tunes
And singing songs with a shell of raw talent -
A potential for so much more.
Play me like a piano
Let your fingers glide over my keys
Strike a chord
Resounding and clear
Make music that everyone can hear
Write a melody
And play of me a song
Slow motion it's what it looks like to live in a life full of music
music in my vains, music in my ears, music in the rain, and in the warm summer wind.
Only do I feel like my life is a movie, not only a movie no,
I grasp the silver thing in my palm so tight
Heavier than I expected, not light
My toes in the sand, I carefully place it my mouth
Not wanting to break my pearly whites
I lock my jaw and clench my teeth
I live in a world where passion lies deep and no one is willing to dig.
Pass me my shovel piling sweat and tears,
I will dig for not only your souls, but mine.
I love you, and passion will be restored.
Chapped lips and cold skin,
soft eyes, playful grin.
Though I have loved before,
Know, I will search no more.
It's that trap muzak
misspelled rap muzak
or crap muzak
either way it's that muzak
I miss the days when Raven Symone was black muzak
hope Musiq Soulchild comes back
but not back muzak
As I pick up my violin,
And rosin the bow,
I feel ready to let the music free,
One small note,
Then a scale,
One by one,
The notes fly,
And when the last note turns to mute,
I thought if the music was loud enough
It would drown out the feeling
The only thing that left was my hearing
Speak when words can't
This insanity
Listen softly to the words
Singing Singing
They all are singing
And we listen
Listen to the lyrics
Of the words
Swish, the white and blue-lined silky fabric tingles my nylons
Big, bright lights glare into my eyes, but my smile stays put until the corners of my mouth ache.
I Am MusixBut not only so.For You See,I am also human,And must also bewhat must surely be comin'!I am laughter.So bright and omniscientWith Lenses focused
I watch the leaves across the field fall as if in slow motion
My arms and hands raise in a flourish
The fading light of day glintsoff their instrumets
It is in my darkest moments that I become religious. Not so that I can pray to the lord for better times, but so that I can blame anybody but myself. To blame some creator for problems I know I’m responsible for.
The most interesting thing one can learn
Is how time may stretch and weave
As you read, view, or listen.
The first time I knew this was true
Was found in a year that never happened.
Somewhere far below,
A sadness deep inside,
A voice inside my head,
Telling me to let go
Standing in the rain,
Buried in the ground,
I watch myself cry
These black gloves,
Music is my life
Music makes me feel good
Music takes away my pain
Music helps me redirect my emotions
Music helps me through the hard times
Music is there when i have no one
Music is my life
She pushed in the knob and turned up the volume.
Her heart recognized the first sound and
latched on before her ears caught up.
In that moment,
in that space of pure recognition
I sneked inside an old house one day
while the neighboorhood children and I decided to play
hide and seek the children squealed with joy
its fun to play wth girls or boys
Dust has settled everywhere
I think you and me could make it
But I'm not sure if our hearts can take it
So i'm in the studio writing my feelings down
Trying not to drown
In my emotions
Cupid's never been mistaken
Until now
Our love is forsaken
Think we should take our final bows
These curtains won't be drawn again
You stay up late with your coffee filled veins,As I scribble down your name.And baby, I dream with my eyes open,I can't ever be the same.
Nostalgia hit me like a wave of nausea
And it ain't goin' away
So I thought I'd call just to remind ya
Of the good old days
Don't you miss 'em, oh I really miss 'em
I really miss you, too
I sit here; you sit there
I try to avoid your sidelong stare
Your hands are twitching by your side
I ignore the nerves you try to hide
This is why I don't go out on dates
Searching for the right thing to say
To somehow make your pain go away
There’s not much that I can do
So I’ll just be here for you
You don’t deserve this
Flashback to the simple times
Your skinny jeans black, your t-shirt white
‘Cause now you're covered up in layers and lies
It seems you've forgotten we had one hell of a ride
Most days I don't even wanna see your face.
You think everything in life is always a race.
If it was then I would win, even though I'm not tryin'.
How does it feel to always come in second place?
I used to keep music close to my body,
Near to my heart, near to my soul.
But music did not want to sit upon my shoulder,
No, she wanted lean against my person
and be my equal in size. She wanted me
The world: silent dark and dull
No rhythm rhyme or beat
Something was needed to fill the null
A beat, both pure and sweet.
Some to pen and paper turned
To make their world alive
Has Anyone Told You...
If Not,
Let Me Be The First!
Has Anyone Told You...
That They Love You
Let Me Be The First!
Has Anyone Told You....
That You Are Beautiful
Notes pour from meAs my fingers glide along the stringsA smile grows upon my faceAs my guitar begins to singBlocking out the noise of the worldI am one with the musicCreating a harmonious signal
Boom, Boom, Boom;
The music consumes.
I breathe it in;
I melt at its beat.
We are one.
Thump, Thump, Thump;
My feet pound the ground.
My father and I;
With its permanent power of emotional resonance, I have not a negative thing to say of music. To proclaim that music is not the ultimate cure for any broken soul is but an act of nonsense.
Weak, Worthless, Insignificant, Useless, Unwanted, Dejected.
That is what I felt inside, looking at me from the outside.
Some say I’m weak because I don’t do what everybody does,
I have classified myself as an independent person
Until I found this.
It is called many things, but I call it choir.
The lessons I have learned are abundant
there's nothing like car rides at nightblasting music loudwindows down, your sight filled with city lightsthere's nothing like laughing till you can't breath
I am uplifted by Music.
If I can put in my earphones, I do it.
If I can replay a song that energizes me, I play it.
Music is my outlet, Music is my Forte.
Peace and quite
is no longer silent
Music fills the empty space
Lyrics float around with such grace
Words meaning so profound
This is a problem I can get around
My heart beats in time
A simple beat
A harmonious treat
I don't make it
I can't play it
Well actually I can sing
Only one thing can pick me up off my feet.
Not even a thousand balloons
Can reach the peak of this sick beat.
All the moons
Added togeher,
Not even a bird from the tip of its feather,
I love the groove of the bass,
and the crashing of the drums.
It all brings a smile to my face,
and it makes my mouth hum.
The melodies reach out,
the rhythms twirl around me,
Music makes me happy.
Until I die I'll be listening to music.
Some songs relates to me so well
I can find myself if I've been
Cornered or have no hope
Standing on a tall podium, I overlook a field covered in grays and blacks. My hands rise with the steady beat of my heart. There, a fanfare calls my name. My hand raises its volume to a perfect release. Eveything disperses.
A single note vibrates into being
and extends a hand to the shape huddled on the ground,
The Bass dirty & grimy, the Horns are fit for a king
The Strings could lull a baby to sleep, the Drums could wake the whole block
The Cadences & Syncopations free me
Loud, Powerful, Moving,
Sad, Happy, Inspiring,
Passionate, Loving, Tranquil,
Moves me,
Lifts me,
Lets me breath,
I am from music at volumes so highFrom the feelings of all that make you sigh
I am from hours of bright, hot lightsAnd the packing of instruments at the end of the night
I get a chance to breathe,
No one else around me,
I have finally found my harmony.
The notes that play under my fingers
And dance through my mind,
Send chills down my spine,
A rush through my head,
Now that summer is all done
I must say goodbye to fun
Right? Wrong. It’s all just begun
My senior year will be a blast
I’ll try not to let it go too fast
I’ll spend time with the best of friends
'Tis the only escape I have
'Tis the one thing I will never give up
'Tis the reason why I smile through the tears
We got the radio
turned up,
real loud.
And when you look at me,
I can tell you want to rock to the beat,
In the car with the windows down.
All I wanna do is sit,
and listen to the sound.
What makes me happy?What uplifts me?What in the world has the power to do such a thing?
Music is the thing that makes me light.
Seriously, nothing takes me higher.
I feel it in my mind, dancing through the night,
it fills me with an inescapable fire.
When I'm feeling down it comes along
Music is a escape to me,
A way to travel to a different planet while still physically being on Earth
A way to release all hidden emotions
And a way to forget all of my problems temporarily
I fill my ears with you
I fill my ears with joy
I long to to be on the stage next to you
But when I hear myself sing, you become my enemy
Fear of rejection from my own voice
Music cleanes the soul of dirt from every day life
It heals humanity of the sorrow, yearning and anger
My heart soars when I listen,
The rhythm runs through my blood,
With every beat it fuels my soul.
I look to those voices to sooth me,
To take away the worry.
Today the song came on the radio
And I sang along
But I can’t forget when you sang with me
And I can’t forget how things ended
I want you to know I don’t hate you, I’m not mad
It takes baby steps,
I started out crawling at the ground
Wanting to be different, so
I walked into dozens of
Audition rooms to distinguish
My playing from others.
A youth with a lot of topics to express.
The words come natural and the note pad is what I stress.
The keyboard is my happiness, because without my thoughts I'll be a mess.
I am in a prison
Enclosed by the stress
To be someone, to succeed
This cage is getting smaller
I need some release
Just as soon as I am about to suffocate
Summer slips away and we students rush in to the facilities that torment us so.
We'll spend hours a day in chairs of stone, forced to learn things we don't wish to know.
The amps stand tall as towers on either end of the stage and we scream as they kill the lights
It's clear life's circumstances get hairy,
Once in a while we're not quite so merry.
But when that seems to happen, I get my toes tappin',
The tightening of the bow
The pluck of the strings;
Let the tuning segment begin.
The audience anticipates its entertainment.
This is the main event
The eyes of all are watching.
This beautiful music -
The key to my "Someday"
That is what I told myself,
And it was true
This beautiful music got me here
This beautiful music got me through
A childhood of pain
Slowly the fingers role, knowing their place
silent but so loud they pluck
then simoltaniously they slip from each string
the sound is so beautiful
so simple
Notes glowing on a page
A singers voice erupts the stage
The beat makes hips sway
Lyrics consume the soul
Lives are saved by just one song
Becoming number one
Melodies stick in memories
Bright lights flashing,
extended lashes batting,
one last breath and I rush on stage
this is no longer me.
captured my the music,
lost in the movements,
this is no longer me.
Is the way my bow swings.
Is the ways my bow sings.
Across my cello she sails,
Surfing a whimsical, musical sea.
The confident captain of her ship,
My life can be stressful
My school work can be hard
My pain puts me into a hole so deep and dark,
Five-Seven to One
, but the song has just begun.
Releasing stress
a tough day, it moves us on nonetheless.
Add a major cadence
to make a statement
A Resonance Rest
A mystical rise that craves to fall
A burst of tones – loud, unmistakable
Stretched taut from the peg
You resonate
And as I shatter into emotional bliss
You break evenly into fourths -
And perfectly into fifths.
Gone is the still air and
Down goes the canvas of silence.
I never thought myself
to be
someone with the dents and grooves
of a chronic smiler
The skin was always smooth
never broken by happiness
until you filled me up
with the hills and valleys
I like the sound that emmits from my headphones,
the colors that cover the pages of my sketchbook.
The sun that shines so warmly when I sit out on my porch,
Literally heaven for even just a few minutes.
It`s light forrecent waves,
beautiful notes and divine lyric.
The carelessnes of it`s fine tune melody.
gets you through the day; make life`s trails bareable,
makes moments memorable,
Fingers poised and ready,
Time to keep them steady.
Don't worry about your dress,
Now take a steady breath.
One, two, three fingers start,
Two more join in, creating an art.
Music is flowing,
With every half note
And measure of rest
Comes a short piece
Played at its best
Whether its a solo
Or ensemble of a kind
Playing as one sound
Is not always easy to find
Music is beautiful,
and loving.
The accoustics paint a one of a kind picture,
the harmonies feel like they're holding you in a large hammock,
Headphones always covering my ears
Blocking out the sound
No one can see my feelings
I am a stone
No one knows what was taken from me
No one knows my reactions
I do everything calmly
Music, the sound of vibrant feelings,
Makes me shout from rooftops and sky alike,
Fills me with rejoicing and promises that spike
The interest of new hope, of laughter, of fulfillment,
And all I want to do is fly,
The other me is someone only seen by few,
Someone not as corageous or as sure of what to do.
Inside I'm scared of letting others down,
Scared of rejection or the real me to be found.
Music is grand, Guitars are great, The sweet sound of strings being strummed at 8.
Rock n' Roll, Country, Rap, Jazz and Pop, singing to every song, I know I won't stop.
They say that music is kind of like magic. It can take you back to moments, no matter how happy or tragic.
The men who taught mehope were barely any morethan a couple of kids with
organ shoes that thumpedtogether in bags slung overtheir shoulders, always.
My backpack falls from my shoulder.
I slide down to the floor with my back resting against my bed.
The day's stressful thoughts clatter around in my head.
I pull a long cord from my pocket,
untangle it,
Dazzling orbs of light dance across this crowd.
Vibrations of sound resonate on the surface of our skin.
Chills reverberate down the bone of our spines.
We, the people, become one being;
One entity.
Echoing Pulsing Changing
My eyes are closed
My breath is deep
My chest is shaking
I envision something
a butterfly
wings flapping in slowmotion like a cheesy scene in a movie
Let me step in someone else's shoes
to be Alice for the time
I'll have all kinds of new friends and shrink smaller than a dime
PAC rats fill the school and can't wait for the class of arts.
They want their English class to end and their choir class to start.
Music and theatre are what motivates them to come to school.
I may be the loneliest person in the world;
Maybe I identify more with the dead than the living.
The silent notes float in the breeze
from so far, for so long.
They rustle through the ancient trees
they are Forever's Song.
As I stare out at the setting sun,
over the scarlet sea.
I prize my gift from the sun,
the smooth ebony blanket
that trails in my path.
It bears the token of my progress,
like a toll booth of past endowments,
always full of unanswered prayer.
And tonight
I should be with you
Humming harmonies
To the sweet melody of your mind
And listening to the chorus of your heart.
Before you
I never knew such sweet music could exist
Scared and silent, I was often unheard
Misjudged, overlooked, ignored
For years I struggled on,
burning with passion and expression,
7 hours.
7 hours spent locked up in that prison of education
Until that bell explodes into being
Signaling the start of that freedom that comes with being young
The delicate trill echoes,
Beyond the little music box and throughout the room.
The delicate trill echoes,
But a deeper silence pervades the endless gloom.
The delicate trill echoes,
The delicate trill echoes,
Beyond the little music box and throughout the room.
The delicate trill echoes,
But a deeper silence pervades the endless gloom.
The delicate trill echoes,
Let the beat resonate,
let it ring through your head like it's the only sound you have ever known,
because the higher you bump that bass the easier it is to drown your thoughts.
love a first sight is like a light from a dark cave
your heart beats faster cause your loneliness is saved
in your mind you want to call her babe
you want to hold her hand underneath the shade
but truth be told
Music is the way I start off my day
Music compels me to achieve more
Music helps my day from becoming grey
What is that sound,
that seems so old, but yet still new?
A musical note from a different hue.
A tone that sharply cuts through,
the blues inside your heart.
you are My stress-reliever,
my escape,
my addiction.
sometimes yoU start real slow,
like drip-drip from a faucet.
you pull me in close,
wrap your arms around me,
whiSper in my ear,
I hope to live to see my riches
not a loved one from the past
what does it feel like to be appreciated
right here and right now
Workin for the money
Showing home empty handed
What am I supposed to do
About 12 o'clock, town square was packed,
I was workin' up a hunger for a pickin' that day,
had nothin' better goin' on anyway,
so I open up my case and I seed the pot,
Sometimes the music isn't about the beat.
Sometimes it's about them lyrics, the words it speaks.
Each word drawn right out of the heart,
hoping to find a person to understand.
Whispers in the WindWritten by Adam M. SnowEntrance me with your tune,that gentle voice of yours.
The mallet strikes a key,
One resounding note.
The crowd grows silent,
Holding their breath.
A forty-five degree angle,
The mallets are still.
Something so preeminent,
Its grandeur is little, but far from unknown.
Its origin a mystery,
Its whereabouts are currently prone.
What can I do to inspire your mind into a wave of constant thoughts,
Crashing into an action on the shore of reality?
What can I do to make your mind react when a child is born,
Well girl its been a whileSince I've seen that beautiful smileand I just can't go on like thisspending another night without your kiss
To kiss you
is to hear trumpets sound
and feel the reverberation
propel throuhg my skin
as my soul rejoices
in meeting its other half
Verse 1:
We taint the air with idle words
Cause sticks and stones hurt the most
What’s a jab to the bird?
What’s a duel to a roast?
You are the music of my heart,
Each beat mistaken for a murmur,
By every tone-deaf stethoscope,
But I hear the melody.
Your tuning harmonizes with mine,
Making the very scales jealous,
To the young creature,
jumpy "you don't know nothing" on her street,
sedated "can somebody please buy me something to eat?" in the subway,
and her name repeated on a recursive loop at day
they’ve said I’ve seen:
Music is my life.
Music is my heart,
The rain, the pulse.
These words
So far,
Frustrate me.
Music’s not these
Muds and chains.
A pen on paper
the near silent foot-fall as you walk
your heartbeat
a car drivingdown he road
Being understood, isn't always me
I cannot always say what's deep inside, you see.
But when I close my eyes, I hear the rhythms speak;
I have a thought on my mind
and a hunger in my core,
I need to fill up my heart before it’s over.
I need to see the pressure rise
just as I escape demise--
I exist within a beat
A moment of synchronized sound.
An instance, determined by an ongoing tempo.
If I put in my headphones I’ll start to dream
Of things unknown, things unseen
Don’t be worried, im perfectly fine
Don’t try to stop me ,just give me my time.
The sound, it vibrates through the air
You must be strong and have no care
Be free and crush your fears with screams
One night, as I slept,
I dreamt a dream of voices.
In my dream,
I saw young choirs,
In the choirs,
I saw young children.
But no matter what,
I heard wonderful singers-
Music is the rhythm of life
The beat of you heart
The definition of your emotions
The poetry of dance
The making of feelings
The escape of insecurities
The inner thoughts of a whole different world
Trapped in this endless circle of you're in then you're out,
Silly little woman plotting ways to find out what true love is really about,
She doubts herself while thinking she's the perfect woman for you,
Music is the contagious flu,
Spreading from one to another…
No mercy, no holding back, no retreating.
Music is like an oil spill,
Spreading to every crevice.
Crevices in the deepest, darkest of waters,
A room teeming with ideas,
Where objects litter the floor,
Along my miraculous haven.
Where find is to lose,
And lose is to find,
That is the way of the things in My Room.
Oh, How the Music Surrounds Me by: Jeremy Applegate
The outside birds lets their sweet voices play
She sits there, beckoning for me to embrace her,
Her glossy wooden frame shining in the bedroom light.
I still haven’t learned how to pull at her strings,
To make her mine officially,
But every day I try.
Growing up- Broken- BeatenActing like nothings wrongCan't you see I'm crying- hurting?Acting out just to see your longface staring back at me.See that look in your eyesHow much you wish that
Soft spoken curly haired girl
You've been quiet for so long
That you always second guess your decision
Labeling them as wrong
It all started when you were a child
Verse 1 Only:
Sleepin while we're walkin but now we ain't stoppin/
Culture be always changing but God stays solid/
People be croppin the picture they dissolvin/
Forget about absolute we want our own option/
Driving these six wheels,
Strumming this six string.
Sitting on a back road,
Sipping that cold drink.
If you do it right,
We're gonna have a good time.
So crank up the music,
The first time you called me beautiful;
It was as if that word spilled from your lips and danced around my head like Native Americans danced for rain.
Your voice: was an orchestrated symphony of violins and cellos,
The color of the night time sky
Deep and never ending
The color of sun kissed skin
The color of many people manifested and bound by pain
Black the color of pupils which help connect
You to a person's being
The mascot of Nintendo;
And the greatest hero of all time.
He loves jumping around;
Grabbing Mushrooms and Fire Flowers;
Stomping on Enemies;
Exploring the Mushroom World;
I am half of a half, and as I pass, fade into a haze of classy ebony and alabaster.
Not circular, but elliptical, as an unbroken egg would be.
for dear life
so you feel
smile with desire
steal with entice
snake movement
beg for invite
and disease you hide up your sleave
with open door policy
Working diligently...
(humming loudly to myself)
I leave my solitude for a moment to get some water.
(All the while, symphonies compose themselves in my head,
By the sea
I heard crashing of waves
And people...
I hear them shouting my name.
Fingers tingle over keys,
Sounds resound across the house,
Dead silence.
Notes tinkle and drop in my ears like rain.
Delicious ties and cresendos awaken longing and stirs adventure.
Trance-like singing,
Fingers tingle over keys,
Sounds resound across the house,
Dead silence.
Notes tinkle and drop in my ears like rain.
Delicious ties and cresendos awaken longing and stirs adventure.
Trance-like singing,
as one, the instruments are raised
slowly, at first, the first demure notes
intone the beginning of an elegy.
the sonorous sighs
of a deeply harmonic melody
Jazz has a voice,
It speaks to me.
As I sleep deep,
Or as my feet take turns hitting the concrete street.
In the Chi-town heat, when you’ve met all the folks you could meet;
Jazz is the speaker.
Peanut Butter
Won't my mother be quiet
Be right back gotta go help her
She actually said never mind as i walked over.
Whenever a person gets mad at another
Hello, Dr. King, have you heard the news?
Children are being stereotyped because they aren’t as intelligent
as child prodigies at age 3. What can we do to fix this?
for my love is worth an eternety
but the challenge is the hardest to overcome
there is nothing that breaks through my barrier
except for the magic of song
it lifts me up to walk annother mile
"Hello," you say, "Goodmorning. How've you been?"
All I see is heaven
Lights and glory all in one.
It's how you carry yourself,
Carry yourself away from me
Music arise from within
And radiate through my fingertips
My blood warms and breath lengthens
Eyes melt shut
Sway, drift, shudder
Verse 1:
Dear God, how you been? how you doing?
Can you intervene? We need some help and some improvement
Girls are getting pregnant by the age of thirteen
And boys will stick it anywhere, even if it ain't clean
They do not see what I feel inside
But they see the smile that I can not hide
Day after day I please their needs
But I am never questioned about what I need
What did I do
Do Not Unplug Me
By:Jasmine Johnson
Listening to the lyrics of Lil Wayne,liking what I hear but not what Ive learned
I have to admit
That sometimes I’m "not all there"
I’m a great actor
Playing the part
And choosing what to share
I wake up and decide what character to present
My mind is no clockwork.
It has no mechanistic rules of a clock, has no one destination, or a repetitive circle of lines on the edge of Time.
My mind is constrained by the jail of clocks and schedules:
The melody sings
Over everything else,
And lithe;
She leaps and bounds playfully
Like a child in a meadow,
A streaming, gleaming pool of notes
Plinking just above the sky.
This song.
It makes my heart swell.
It makes my heart soar.
My heart is a dove.
See it fly.
I want to listen forever.
I want to sleep.
This song will bless me
with sweet dreams,
My favorite people told me
Not to lose my fucking flames
I'm not playing games
My passion will not be tamed
Yeah I'll go to school
Please my mother
Ease the smothers
I miss the sound,
the beautiful sound,
I miss the face,
the beautiful face,
how compromised this world has become,
no longer are the people one.
there was a time,
a beautiful time,
Your words flow sweetly
Drip like honey
From your half-closed lips
A smile lures me in
Your hand outstretched
A twist, a turn, a spin
Encircled by your arms
I lose myself in the music
As the cymbals crash at the final note,
the audience applauds and lose their minds.
We stood upon the platform posing...
Our bodies exhausted but still filled with adrenaline.
When I feel sad or I feel confused;
If I'm feeling blue or a little down,
I find relief and escape from it all,
emotions dance so deep within my chestthey can't reach outside my fleshand you can't see these passion-soakedterrid dreams that my blood weeps.
I lay in bed, caressed by my warm covers.
Staring out of the window; that is littered,
With translucent, tiny little bulbs of water.
I hear it. I hear it against my window.
Music inspires seeds of intellectual concept to sprout from a fresh mind.
Weeds find their way into a mix of ideals when the presence of spirit is in question.
so treacherous is thismusic and its blissso hopeful was II would never trysomething to shareis always theresomething to fearis always herewhy tell if we knowit's been a show
"I like big books and I cannot lie"..
And poems that especially rhyme
My escape as a child and in time,
An escape from the "Me" I spent years trying to find.
Holding on to the words of the pages
The nostalgia sets in as I attempt to remember a time in my life without music:
Ripples of sonic waves, stimulates creative water
Flowing from the crevices of social interaction, the wind russtles uncertain thoughts
We finally learn how to work out the rhyme,
And we see to move on and not worry for time.
Music is everything
It is soul
It is raw emotion
It is joy and it is fear
It is sight while it is sound
You feel me with joy,
not like some broken toy.
But a new one, on Christmas Day.
With you will I always want to play.
You've been through my ups and downs,
Eternally dancing in one place,
She wears elegant draping and lace.
Frozen on her tip toes
While twirling in one pose
With a ceramic smile on her face.
The sound of the bass becoming one with my heart,
The feeling of strings underneath my fingers,
When we're under the sheets
I'm more than just dreaming
I'm in a better place, bigger than just my fairytale
Who am I?
And what do I stand for?
A million different things I can’t bear to name
My life is such a silly fucking game
My peers thirst for fame
I’m not the same
I see
Music, music, music
Let it take control of me
My minds the key
My souls the beat
Music take control of me
Every word every rhyme
Every clip every line
I dont write, it just speaks
There they go, frolicking across the branches
leaping from leaf to leaf
watch your step, some fall, others float.
Many question my mind
I find my self even spending time
Tapping into that thick tick ticking machine
I play the guitar hoping to get far.
Not just to get by , but enough defy.
All who resent me , with a youthful burst of energy.
They tell me I must become an engineer.
The pay is good , and getting famous is rare.
Kendall Davis
April 30, 2014
Music To Me
I hear instruments playing in the wind
As the day starts to end
I can see me
Kicking it in Nashville
Strolling down Music Row
Willing to shake some hands
Make some deals
and become part of the big show
Working backstage
at the concert of the season
Music gives me a feeling that I can't discribe
It's not just what it does, its the power that each lyric brings upon us. Making me realize that I Am not the only one going through some problem that I can't discribe.
Its about that time,
Where all loose strings meet their demise.
As I watch things in my mind;
I separate the truth from the lies.
Sitting here trying to find someone to to rhyme,
There's no money in music, I know,
that's a dead end career.
I can see you as a wonderful biomedical engineer, dear,
from every mother and teacher and father and neighbor.
Stop making all that noise, they say,
I am a first generation student going to college.
All I want to do is further my knowledge.
Everyone doubts me because of my race
but they don't understand the struggles I face.
There was once a time for men like me,
Now I am sitting on a lonely oak bench,
outside a gothic cathedral,
Music on everywhere I go, mostly hip hop and rock and roll
Music on when I go to sleep, even when I wake up when I hit the streets
From Eminem to ACDC, I listen to more music than the flat screen TV
I woke up to the rain.
It sung stories of the old.
Of when fall came, and left.
Of when Winter,
In his biting cold-
In his bitter whiting wonder,
And left.
The stories of the four
When I get plugged into music I feel... Magical.
I'm in a dream.
Don't wake me up.
I want this to last.
The exotic feeling of music surges through me.
I want to sing.
I want to dance.
Am I a role model? /
A question I ask myself/
A past life of blunts and bottles/
New life, new thoughts, new self/
Pondering what goals in life are mine/
Is this me or someone else/
I’m a human being
I make mistakes; make risks to take
I determine my life, prevent results, regulate my fate
You can give advice
But it’s my life. Don’t theorize a comprise
“What could we change if I offered to help?”Take note of this thought. Tape it to walls.Stick this to billboards and light postsand maybe the back of your head of you're bald!
"Do close your eyes and awaken from the pain
Re-read the tears separated from rain
Mi, only mi, will tell you when your sane,"
Father has told me, once and again.
Explain to me the difference between a house and a home,
I've tried all alone but only to find it's not in my bones,
I'm deep,
Deeply lost,
Deeply sorry,
Sorry for what I am,
Sorry for what I do,
tap tap, tap tap,
singing to the beat now
rap rap, rap rap
creating strong words to flow with the sound.
tap tap, tap tap
constant mini shows
rap rap, rap rap
Is this what I really want?
Can I even handle going to college?
How would I pay back the loans?
What if I fail?
What if I cant get a job?
I really like your style girl but I hate the fact that you wild, play this game always ends the same is this how it all goes down?
The rap game is constantly changing
Unfortunately, not for the better
Instead of making songs about positivity, morals, and goals
They're rapping about sex, cars, and clothes
Rocking with the beat of a thousand breaths
My eyes following the language of symbols
Synchronized with a hundred other masters
My fingers moving quick and nimble
Chitter Chatter in the back ground;
Ignore it,
Tonight’s the night.
You go on stage,
Lay it all on the line,
Show everyone your soul
Lay it out in the open.
They stand up to applaud
You’ve done it
Standing ovation
You got the solo; the duet
The piece;
You brought it to life.
The cheering
You know it’s for you,
The notes fall off the page
You listen to the beat
The melody that flows
Tap your foot
That’s the groove that you love to listen to
The drums go
Life is full of opportunites
And it's up to me to take my chances.
To give back and not only change my life,
But change everyone who advances.
Because life isn't always easy.
Going to college, my Momma is proud,
“My son is successful,”
She can say it out loud.
High school was hard,
Not the smartest one
But now I’m a man,
My journey has begun.
I am from music,
from white and black.
I am from the performing arts.
I am from the swelling lungs
of asthma.
I am from the 15 years of friendship,
Over and over we're told,
"Pick something you'll enjoy"
"You're gonna be stuck with it"
"What is important to you?"
But, where are the people asking how they can help us get there?
I want to be that person.
When we perform for a crowd
The dirctor takes the lead
He moves his arms back an fourth
And that's all that we need
We play our song and solo
Wth all our groovy things
I search, but never find the key that unlocks my mind. The truth to a lie, a clue to crime. A heart that never dies, a soul that never cry's.
Music education
improves the lives of
Better grades.
Language development.
Higher IQ.
Improved SAT scores.
But all of that doesn't really
to witness the life.
to cross harsh borders
and hear the people sing.
of pain at death,
of joy at birth.
to hear scratchy voices.
to breathe in the community
and the inborn harmony.
My dream job would be to own a philanthropic missionary comapny. I would love to be the CEO of a world wide company that builds houses, shares the gospel, and feeds and clothes the poor.
The one thing that everyone loves,
Are the strings of chords that create a buzz.
Long gigs create late nights,
But I'll keep going with all my might.
Excelling each instrument may be hard,
My musical talent never was up to par
All the other kids in the class could strum their guitar
Some sing a song
Some dance to a tune
Some pick up a flute
Or bang on a drum
But in that way, they all come together
As musicians
They can make a tune together
And have a common bond
It first starts as a 64th note of knowledge; a small interest.
Then it grows in value to a 32nd note, 16th note, 8th note; I like this and I want more.
It becomes a quarter note; more than a mere interest, now a compassion.
...I know tornadoes fly around by why are they in my room
this seems to be the only place that keeps my mind off of you
When I reach for the pen and paper, and begin to write/
Do I write about what’s right or mainstream it to tight/
One brings fame while the other brings respect/
I guess the only way to impress is to show intellect/
In this sea of people their is a desolate dankness in the air.
Among the cigarette smoke and liquor evaporating from these young bodies;
Her hair, smelling of a new shampoo her friend Hannah suggested,
How I love to sing
It's how I use my voice
The way I get my words out
It brings me great joy
Music is my everything
It's there when life just isn't enough
When I have a bad day
The sweeping sounds cascade out of the stage
Bouncing around the room,
Mixing with the cushioned chairs
And the old-people smell.
The brass blasts out a baleful melody
Once, I wanted to be in a rock band,
Jammin’ on the piano.
In my made-up band, “The Treelimbs”
For a while, that dream stood,
And I was encouraged to dream,
But that’s not what I want to do.
Music is something I have always loved.
Music and I, are like peanut butter, and jelly.
Like two peas in a pod.
Like ying, and yang.
You get my rift we just mesh well together.
Music is what inspires me.
Remembering the day I wanted to sing for my career feels like it was yesterday. It was all I really thought about. I really didn’t know if my voice was any good or if I even had the talent but I knew, this is what I wanted to do.
We all get up, on the days, the music plays in our earsWe have no, where to go, the music keeps us flowThere's a morning, ba ba; Where we live, ba ba
Ever since I was younger,
I was taught to wonder-
"What do you want to be
when you're older?"
I've changed my mind,
what seems to be a million times,
but now that I'm almost 17,
A song so moving I felt revived
the rhythm made my senses alive
A voice and instruments in a symphony
the connection to the lyrics gave out my sympathy
I would love my job if were to become a professional musician and play with a professional Worship and Praise team. Currently I am the leader of my church's Worship and Praise team in East Los Angeles.
What's wrong with the radio?
It's playing lies.
Everything is, "Sex and money!"
Where is the truth?
Why can't it feature better bands, like Story of the Year?
Everyone is sun burnt and extremely tired,
But we have to make sure the next act is on fire.
Yes, they are just performers on stage,
Simply letting go of their built up rage.
In 5,4,3,2,1
The words I will here when I sit in front of the camera at my dream job
It will be more than a job it will be a career
Getting the story, delievering the story, and the greatest part networking
It's my life, my passion, my one true love.
My soul, my escape, it's me.
I feel it in me, running through me, through my veins and in my blood.
It's music.
It's my cello.
Music Is My Life,
Let The Lyrics Be My Spirit,
The Melody's My Emotion,
So I'm Hoping That You Hear It,
Music Is My Passion,
To That I'm Truly Dedicated,
I've Been Chasing My Education,
Lonely, lonely, lonely,
The silence holds no comfort.
Lonely lonely lonely
The silence screams my thoughts.
I’d scream, I’d, shout, I’d laugh just to hear the sound
I hear the song in my head,
I feel the rythem in my heart,
I see the crowd of people in front of me.
What do I do? I play.
Strum, sing, strum, sing.
And when it's all over,
Eyes open. Chest out. Back straight. Shoulders back.
Closed mouth, open mind. Now be ready for attack.
All the words flow through my mind.
So distracting, I’m so behind!
Out of tune, out of time,
Screaming lyrics till I’m hoarse,
Till my throat bleeds, then I’ll have satisfaction,
Music- I sway, dance, sing, I scream with it.
Take each carefully planned note like a last sweet and sour breath.
To me it seems
that life has
a reoccuring theme
a constant, nagging question
"When you grow up
what in the world
are you going to be?"
big smiles peer down
on innocent, tiny faces
The is one limitless creation in the world.
The door to emotion,
freedom of expression,
and most importantly; connection.
Music connects people together,
Music might help with it's melodies,
However it is still has no effect,
Still there are no remedies.
Just songs to select.
Some might say it is a cure.
Some might say it is a place.
There's an eerie emptiness when listening to a dead man sing
The music seems present
His voice is very much real
And the moment seems so current
He is dead
And gone
His home now burried deep in the soil
Once as a child I looked into this woman's eyes,and all I saw was this empty gray.She smiled and it was almost believable,but the gray seemed to drain the colorof her face
I am not low, I am high, I am G but above C, but I live on a staff, what am I???
I am treble-clef.
Yes of course I'm quoting Yolo to my mirrored image
Saying I woke up like this flawless and fearless
This smiling will never end because I see my future
Do you see your future?
It started with sound
A note, a chord with passion
Then instruments came
First sounds of music
Simple yet high class with soul
Then technology ...
Now original
When I see her, my heart sinks to my feet.
Her sound is like a Heaven praise from 'bove.
From her strength, Satan could never defeat,
Her love, not like a weakish morning dove,
As I aged
It faded fast
Although I wished
It would last
One foot forward
One foot back
Now memories are
Of the past
Piano, Forte
Fast, Slow
What I did was stop
Instead of go
Taunt fingers touch the stringsAll musings of pain forgottenWeightlessly they float over and againIn a delicate repetitious pattern
Last night a DJ saved my life
I was broken and nothing seemed to turn out right
but he let the music play
and all my pain started fading away
My troubles turned to the bass line
Close my eyes,
Breathe soft and deep.
Feel the music
Wash over me.
Release my worries
Step away from life
Sway with the rhythm
Dance in the light
Ok, So We know what hip-hop is,
but we really get it?
Its more than trying put on an act and performing a skit.
You have rappers nowadays that make no sense,
trying go on the attack without any defense.
The notes flow from my fingertips
Echoing their beatiful sounds with each pluck of a string
Each note a fragment of a glorious song
I am free to create whatever sounds I want
No restraints
Spying Death,
He moves forward.
Wating for his time,
With welcoming arms.
He continues.
With every step,
A louder breath.
Earth's details grow clearer,
One week is all we have
To prove that we can play the piece
All the while speeding off down the rickety tracks
Where at the end they dangle broken and twisted
The cliff edge looms ahead as we speed ever faster
I looked out into the crowd and saw nothing but the lights beaming down on me.
My hands were clammy, and my heart was beating rapidly.
I took a deep breath and assumed my position on the stage.
What ever happened to the music that mattered?
Music that lived and breathed, made you feel and think
Instead of the beat engineered to make you remember
one day
I was walking somewhere new
singing an unfamiliar tune
in a voice that was not my own.
the sand uncomfortable in my shoes
and the wind skipping across my skin
chilling me through
Music is my life
it is my breath
writing, creating a window
into the soul
it goes deeper than actions
stronger than words
and it heals
The colors are never-ending
You could see them if only you had ears
You drown yourself in tones and murmurs
You drink in the light of a single string
Listen to the music
Let yourself go
Listen to the acoustic
Just do not look below
Do what you must
Don't get lost in the dust
Look through your own eyes
And get rid of the lies
Music runs through my vanes
it guides me through all my pains
it walks me down that one lane
and without it,
it woukdnt be the same
music is my sister
my mother,
my brother
When I play,
Everything else goes away.
The music fills my soul
And I feel whole
I become the woman I want to be—
Confident, beautiful and completely me.
I am an integral part of something grand
Fading, into the void
Smile on my face as I slip in
Purple haze surrounds me
Eyes absorb my presence
Wings spread, letting me glide
I pass through open pages
Your sad voice echos in my head
Your words grate on my ear
My heart, my soul
I sing with you and feel your pain
Music is to the soulAs meditation is to the mindA life without musicIs a life lived blind
Music is to the soulas love is to the heartA life without musicIs a life torn apart
I dreamed of being a singer.
And i sang.
I sang songs of revelation and time, love and joy, heartbreak and sadness.
I sang songs of trials and troubles, kind souls and mothers, pain and despair.
My home away from home, a place where I can be
Uncovered, myself, the real me
Sounds I can feel
It's an experience unreal
Can't wait till you come and see
An electric shock through your veins, steam seeping out your brains. Sound, musical bliss, nothing can compare to this soul mate.
I Press Play.
Waves roll though my room, crashing down over me and spilling onto the floor.
The wave engulfs me, taking me to another world beneath the surface.
We all have song in our hearts.
Many are afraid to be heard.
Some people do not sing.
No, they do not sing a word.
Why would someone hold back,
all the best musicians are deadso wrap the cord about the neckof your guitar, and lay 'er dower for the night
throw in that old CDlisten to the dead man's masterpiecelisten to him whisper, scream, cry
Your tone is the key
And the notes are the choir
Let yourself be heard
Subtle pitch of d minor
Sing it beautifully
It's lyrics I admire
Helped me through the times
When I lost my father...
When you hear it, it moves you.
So much so that a person forgets the things they've been through.
Open up your troubled hand
Let me take you off to neverland
Open up those big ol' eyes
I can see right through you, all up inside
Heat blazes off me like a fire
Melt the frost right off your freezing heart
Stacks, racks, cars, and hoes
Half naked women in videos
Unmeaningdul and unrelatable lyrics
Yet fans buy and supports
A lifestyle they could never afford
They don't understand what they see, no
If there could ever be a moment where I believed the love songs
It would be now
Because you're walking down the sidewalk
a sight as beautiful as heavens doors
She drowned her thoughts
With a voice that wasn't her own
So that she could forget
Almost everything
And live the life she dreamed
But only inside her head
Raw emotion pours from my soul.
Like a winding road, it cannot be defined by a straight line.
It turns, then rises.
Veers, then dips.
The endless sounds bring joy and tears:
The Willow weeps,
The blue jay sings,
The sea voyage has crossed to land.
The trek beyond at last arrives,
The cries of joy of ones returned,
A bell is rung
The sound so deep,
It wakes the sleepers from
Nightmare's Creek.
The reason why
A sound so low,
So loud should ever be heard.
A mystery upon the town's dread.
I take the stage
And my palms are sweating
The bass begins to beat
The light illuminates my skin
As a young girl
I ate bananas
to calm my nerves
Now I think it was all a trick
We live for the reactions.
The loud cheers fill our veins with energy.
being happy has to be the most essential piece to anyones life. if your not happy what is the point of life.
These songs are my words.
of Sorrow. of Joy. of Pain.
They keep the numbness
from my brain.
They tell me how
the sun beats down,
of its warmth and happiness.
And even though it’s dark and grey
i can't think
But i can hear music.
It penetrates my soul.
Symphonies rise,
Beethoven listens
to my
Without music
I think I would lose it.
Music runs through my blood.
I can't live without it.
How will young people know this love
when they can't grasp it?
The opportunity is gone now.
sit up, good posture, keep the focus, we’ve done this quite a thousand times. not to complain, we love the routine: sweetest melodies, notes that chime. take a deep breath, poise and position,
Music flows out and
and it winds around me, tightly, tightly.
I am in a world that only I find safe.
The words that surround the air are foreign to me.
I could not understand them even if I tried.
Along with the Thespians and the Thieving
Traveled the Thinker, boisterously singing
Songs with the lot of them, stopping only
To laugh at herself and at their lonely,
They told me to give up
Loud voices in my head
But I pick pens
Not having a dirt bed
Growing stronger each day
I won’t be a travesty
These voices won’t win
Building my own dynasty
It starts with...
One thing.
We don't know why,
We never really had a reason not to try.
We kept this inside,
but now is our time.
Now is our time to shine.
All we know...
He is the sole musician his notes push her every movement.
His rhythm sets her stepsHis melody sets her movementsHis grace matches her own.
The beat- steady, unchanging, like waves pounding on the shore.The rhythm- seemingly easy, but not quite, like the way birds fly in the airThe harmony- lilting and supportive, like shy plain flowers in a garden of roses
When I was in middle school
I was such a fool
Hanging around with my pals
Acting so very “cool.”
But I’m in high school now
I’ll make it through somehow...
Oh for heaven’s sake
Throughout my life I have learned about music.
I know all of the theories.
Yet when I consider it,
I do not understand music at all.
Music is the expression of an artist's heart,
Innocent, playful, potential victim.
Seeing the real world first hand, scared.
Don't know if it's a he or she
But hey know what to say everytime
They've been through and everyting
And express it through words and rhymn
throwed on top of a beat
You feel everything they say
There is a certain lullaby
that floats through the air in spring
with its bright, vibrant colors
and cool, gentle bliss
the lullaby is the song
that Mother Nature sings
in her warm, breathy way
Hear those trumpets scream and shrill
Hear that bass so cool and chill
Listen to the trombones sliding
Back and forth
and forth and back
Listen to the saxes how sultry they sound
It’s the end of a long school day. I’m exhausted from having to take some sort of test for every class that I had. I walk quickly as I go down the street to my house, ignoring everyone that I pass.
Music has always been there in my life
If music was a girl, I would make it my wife
Some say, money makes the world go round
but I highly disagree
As a high school student who is college-bound,
Guitar riffs, bass lines
Drum beats, vocal harmonies
It fills you up
And I keep listening in hopes my cup will never be full
When you feel music like I do
And it keeps you alive
One of eight, a boy grows up listening to Beatles music
He sings along to every song
And hopes his voice is heard
He sings of love and "Let it Be"
His family sings along
A simple butterfly before you start
The sweaty palms and warming up.
All your worries and fears come flying in
House music house music
please do no mute it,
house music house music
drink a smoothie while groovin
house music house music
the great sensation of the speakers boomin
house music house music
Feel the bass
Pulsing through your body
Pounding itself into your ears
Wanting to be let in
Heat so intense
Music is part of my everyday life, it's the one thing that makes me feel alive. No matter what could be, all music influences me. Music teaches me everything I do, after hearing the words, you know it suits you.
It hurts to see the table empty with no foodAnd my little brother walking around with some fucked up shoes
Often, my sister asks me a common question:
Why do I listen to KPop if I can't understand them?
I always tell her it's because I like how their music sounds.
there's a fire on the oceansprinkling ashes on the beachmaking music in the waterdripping notes of harmony passion's flowing through the noise
She sings.
The strings,
play like a charm.
Tuned so warm,
to touch my heart.
This is the start.
My lady,
My ukulele.
The variances of sound,The rythmatic punctuations, Each can bring about,Their own seperate sensation.The beat of the drums,The call of the horns,When each play together,
Mozart had made it so simple to write,
Beethoven could construct with his eyes closed,
And together their songs were never trite,
So this is me
An epiphany
And your garage rock sound
Does nothing to stir me
I just sit back
Watching the flow
Smooth over my edges
No more music, we ain't got the funds,
No more drama, we ain't got the ones,
woodshop is cancelled, all the tools are broke,
art will have to wait another year, the Super he has spoke,
It fills the air,
Without a care.
It sings a song,
All day long.
It dances around,
It pulses the ground.
It envelops ears,
It's everything we hear.
It breathes,
It weaves.
The beat, it flows throughout my veins,
Making me move along.
The rhythm morphs into a tune,
And I listen all June.
Cold like an icicle, melting stories from your brainYou don't know where to go, it's hard and you feel so much pain.
The rhythem exotic
The beat fast
The voice, melodic
Let the music last.
My stress leaving me
as the sound soothes
the way it should be
the way it makes my feet move.
My life without this
In its essence we are teased
Failing to see that which our ears detect
But even so, we are pleased
The human mind holds no defect
That with such synchrony
And all harmony
We can dimly see that
The buzz of the bass and the beat of the drum kept the crowd alive,
Kids push and pull and scream and love and hate all at once,
If I could be anywhere in the world,
I would choose here in a heartbeat.
lost amid all the chaos
amid the destruction within the broken hills
terrified of the withering sobs beneath the dead in the mountains of fear
drowning the voices that call
I can hear your sweet voice at HOME.
You sing to me to make me feel free.
but do you know how much you mean to me.
For to my heart, you are the key.
I love your TOUCH on my skin.
By the drum major's count, four in all,
on the down beat of four is where I fall.
Four beats, four measure phrases
black seats and brown leather cases.
Four whole years to figure it out,
Music is in everything, it is everywhere. From the gravitating pull of rocks avalanching down a mountain, to the sound of my fingers caressing my scaple through my hair.
I possess the ability to pick up a pen and pad,
Then progress to prophisize any feelings I've had,
In the form of a melody, exciting or sad
However, no one will listen.
Isn't that bad?
When I'm lost inside myself,
I turn to my friend Mrs. Lee.
With her words of breaking free,
Reaching beyond the darkness,
And not being alone in this hell.
She knows me all to well
Music sooths the pain/ We dance to it, in the rain/It becomes a couples special song/ It helps them stay real strong/Helps us make decisions when in time of need/Keeps us focused when we need to read/
I’d like to imagineI can still feel the sting
of the day she let go;clipped my wings with a word and said, Fly.
I’d like to imagineI can wax lyrical and triumphant
one more night;
It came upon me like a shadow
and the whispers that followed said,
"Delirium -- thank God." Thank God:
it was only delirium. No;
it wasn't.
It was the music –
Number 165616 was so shy and calm.
His eyes were like night
A luscious sound rang around
And filled the judges with delight
When they stopped him
They had not a doubt
He was a yes.
That song comes on the radio, once meaningful but now makes you want to cry,You see all the memories flood back into your mind's eye, You can't rip the cords out that you keep hearing in your mind,You wish that you could change it because you know
Vroom Vroom
No not room room
Vroom Vroom
It's music to a grease monkeys ears
vroom vroom
The best part is that you make up the rest
vroom vroom
that can be anything
vroom vroom
You tell me I need to know this stuff
I know that was a lie
I do not need to know the Transitive Property of Equality
To be a doctor
And I really do not care to begin with
Music is what gets us high school students through the day. Pretty much everyone has earbuds in their ears and the music cranked up. Teachers think were anti-social, but that's not the case.
Roaring, raging, screaming
begging for freedom.
For light, air, people.
Anything but this
prison of dark, stifled
moving membranes.
I acquiesce and release
the prisoner, as she
Midnight colors swirl through my head
And life slows down its beat.
One, then two, then three and four
Going on through eternity.
A pause in time
Day by day revolvingLife moving forward by minutesOpportunity
Leaves die but renewWhen the student finds their tunePast no longer troubles
Each stroke to the keys,
Or the press of a finger,
Brings sweet melody.
With purpose his hands glide,
Bringing misted gold to the air,
All I want is for you to hush up,
I just want to feel the beat,
Turn down for what?!
Twerk, Miley,
Miley, Twerk,
I can’t focus on this stupid work!
I can’t focus on your voice,
Some think music aint'
no good for learning in school,
but it's good knowledge.
I'm told to know things
To be a lawyer or a teacher
So I can buy fancy rings
And find someone that's a keeper
We skim the surface
But never go deeper
The bland stares make me nervous
i live to be ill, for the thrill, keep it trill
and if you walk into my house I'll be sending you a bill
i dont need no money, but i get it tho
i don't complain, it's insane, the way im stackin doe
fucked it all up
tried to make it look right
I do a lot of bad shit
but I still stay polite
Noone knows me around the corner
down the street in the alley
You was only chasin
I complete by marryin that girl dominique
until i realized she ain't got the best physique
The was the second strike
cause her heart wasn't right
she was intercoursing just out of spite
So it's like this intoxicating rhythm, this passion beyond belief
That encompasses every fiber of existence in this room.
It feels like a heartbeat or like some thrashing exotic beast
Music is like a cell phone
You can speak through it and send a message
It does not matter what tone
As long as it can manage
Music should not be used to just entertain
Or be a tool to receive money
Competition in this generation marks the determination of
We will be those who carry insanity
Music is the voice of the Heart,
Very few can master its art.
Some say we're special, unique,
Others say we're at the top of the peak.
But when it's all said and done,
We play music because it's fun.
Click A sound is heard Tick Another chimes Knock A common noise Tock A secret song Creak Alone just chaos Squeak Together form music Ching Annoyance to some DingHarmony to otherBong Ignored by speed Dong Embraced by patience
Being in the world-Innate Melodies
I bare these hands into the world unknown
To callous amongst the graves and groves we sew.
These hands that give me my name and shape
People don’t have balls.
They’ve got phones
that say you’re a Rock God
They’ve got TVs
the size of stadiums
They’ve got music
plugged in their ears 24/7
FUNNING running
Funneling grape soda and cranberry juice through a lemon squeezer
Why not?
It’s all pointless anyway.
Birds fall out of the sky like
Music's my escape from people that are fake.
it's a way to let go, let the music sink into your body and soul.
Its life. it can scream at the top of it lungs and say nothing at all. it can move an entire planet, spinning it like a record. It can harness the feelings of the most beautful moments, and invoke them in the same way.
Your home, the open road
Pavement stretches for miles to go.
From East coast to West coast
Counting down each milepost.
Your heart is of metal like
The music you make.
That melody, that melody, that haunts my wretched brain,It fills my dreams by night it, it follows thought by day.That melody, that melody, its source I think of in vainIt is ever with me, whether I sit or stand or lay.
An instrument you may be
you hold souls of old
and play the merry spirits of past days.
You speak of sorrow,
and of joy,
and many emotions in between.
Your silver sheen
reflects both
What is music to me? A form whose medium is sound? Maybe a rhythm, a harmony that cannot be bound? What can it be? What is it to me? A mixture of sounds so important to life? Its tones and tempos, known to remedy strife. A composition, so wondrous
Press Play
Anticipation blooms
The track begins
The sound waves land on virgin ears
One beat, two beats, three
Up all night worried about this moment.
I just need to pass.
I stare at the students faces as the each get their paper back.
One by one relief, fear, stress
all fretting over this one measly test.
He is a musical man, say the numerous awards and medals
hanging on the wall and shelves in his room;
a composer too, say the many pieces of music marked
“Send to publisher” on his desk; and a good singer,
Who is this girl walking through the mist?
The mist of notes and song?
I thought I knew myself so well,
But this girl is something new.
A part of myself that I never knew existed,
Tapping the pencil against a desk, the scraping of a chair across the hardwood floor,running fingers along the keys of a piano lost in thought, what is that intangible, sweet tasting sound I've come to adore? My ears have per
I am from lands which weep rain unto us all;From cozy tapestries of cloud and trees like the fingers of God.I am from the sweet, bastard child of Gaia and Hephaestus,Where Nature dances the waltz with Industry
Music reminding me of you,
Is the music that's most sweetest.
Places that we were,
Makes places more beautiful.
The words that you spoke,
Made words seem so powerful.
People that remind me of you,
Red and green bows
Puffy, flared skirts
An instructor standing in the middle of the hall
All attention focused on him
With his long staff in hand
And then I see them
The girls,
Year one, day one;
This class is not how I expected it
Where are all the cute guys and alcohol.
That's what I saw on TV.
Why am I scared, nervous
I wasn't like this in
high school.
Hey, Teach! Yeah, you-
Coach of that game.
I have an A in your class
And you don't know my name.
Your main focus are those guys,
The "populars", the jocks.
But I have talent too,
The one thing I’d like to see
But don’t see often in a classroom
Is a sense of love and excitement
Or even a musical tune.
Music is great music is true i listen to it when i feel blue music is beautiful music detication for me music is insporation i love music
It all began when my dad killed my fish,
when I cried and said a new CD was my only wish
I was only three when he brought one home
And it only took me 2 days to learn every song
I sit in the back of the class, music in, world out. The teachers mouth is moving, talking, but I don't know what about. My mind is on a break, and almost by some bad mistake I'm yanked back into reality by the bell.
Screaming at the top of your lungsBlasting the speakers all the way upEvery emotion in every songIt's impossible to get enoughMelodies of understandingLyrics sing the truthMusic filled with feeling
I'm a faucet of emotions when my pen strikes the page
Clarity and bliss engage while my song plays
Melody and word possess the key to my cage,
I'm locked in the cell of routine of everyday life
I think our brains are hardwired to appreciate sounds that are aesthetically pleasing.Like a kiss, for your ears.Music fills our silences, and embodies our ideals.
Hearing that first note is heaven.. Music nurtures me in a way nothing else can.. I don't have to worry about music failing me. The heart of music is pure and altruistic. Music wipes away my tears.
Wait Blue Beloved, I want to tell you, let’s snuggle forever, and stay with me in bed sweetheartTimes will seem too hard to bear and I will feel like life is giving up on me
It's the basics of the soul. Each note, each lyric, each rhythm; I fall harder in love. It moves through my bones like the wind through the trees. The beat shaking my soul, My heart on the verge of explosion.
Spot lights cascade down in a silky mist of glimmer.
The curtains move ghost like from side to side.
Darkness all around, transports me to another world.
One of freedom, one of faith, one of music, and one of taste.
Music speaks to the heart.
That’s valid.
Open wounds and scars
Hidden in the rhythm of a ballad.
Rhythms are emotions.
I think I found my talent.
Yet, not sure if I really found it,
Oh well,
Time to take some chances.
I will dance like no one's watching,
Sing as if I don't care,
I watch from the balcony
She's sitting there surrounded by the sea
The ebb and flow swallow
Her vision of me
There's a crowd around her
Yet she's still lonely
Everything is so clear
When I pick up my instrument,
I feel as if all my fears melt away,
Everything and everyone slowly fade,
That’s when I begin to play.
I feel as if all my fears melt away,
The timpani doth rightly drown,A single string in sound,But call forth the section en masse,And down will come the strings wrath.
You chew the headphones, lost in thought
Say I, why?
Because it's like a lullabye
Chewing on these headphone cords,
While with my fingers I twist and pull
Kinetic steroids, the intravenous tube
The scent of metal
lingers long after
I remove my fingers
from her neck,
and the rest of her hollow frame
is still buzzing
The meanest thing you ever did
Was turn my life into a
Taylor Swift song
We could’ve been a beautiful Rascal Flatts
Or a Martina McBride or maybe even a
Darius Rucker
But no. You had to turn us into
Legato, my heart, but sing with sweet joy
The eternal tide of time tarries on
Even though these moments have long been gone
That is only our cruel mind’s clever ploy
Dreams do not fade or fly; dreams do not die
Music is the life of everything.
For a depressed person, it is hope. For an energetic fellow, it is pure adrenaline. It calms, soothes, and moves with the simple power of the mind
Music is super duper great
I wish I could take it on a date
Music is my whole life
I want music to be my wife
Music, you, I could never hate
Sex. Parties. Drugs.
It’s claimed that’s "life" by people who call themselves "thugs".
Tell me why are these artists called artists?
Convince me that my generation doesn’t react to this.
Music is like the wind,
Flowing through a tree.
Peaceful yet mighty is thee.
Music is like a heart,
And does it's part,
In the society of you and me.
Music can't be explained.
I live in music
From my days in the womb,
Mother’s sweet, majestic voice
In my veins.
I live in music
The vitality of my soul
Tiny trembling fingers
As they gently press the piano keys
Shinning brighter than the stars,I watch the lights blink on, one by one.Sitting on the cold grass, under a blanket of dark,The view across the water humbles me. I watch the lights blink on, one by one.Some colorful, some just plain white.The view
she will hang your posters all around her room.
(like i hung our pictures.)
she will listen to your songs, louder than her father would like.
(i will listen only when my husband doesn't know.)
I'mlost in a melody,grasping at diaphanous notesand a hand that neverlet go
I'mcomposing songsthat people love,but there's somethingthey don't know
Barefoot I walkthrough the fields,trailing my handslightlyover the dew-topped grassGrass that meets my eye,as I see my facein a drop of nature; fearlessfor one so small,made of surplus tears
A passion if there ever was one,
They see it in my walk.
The rhythm of the words flowing through me like music,
They hear it when I talk.
Why do I need music? What’s so significant about it? What is it about the
rhythm that increases my heart rate? Why is it so soothing? I’ve noticed that I
The sulky piano speaks its sad song.
Its tears spill out as minor cords.
Its black and white dressing shows no color,
But its slow song brings happiness
To creatures close enough to hear.
And that’s all it needs
Music and me have something going
Music and me are far too knowing
We together, one controlling
Right now it’s me.
Music has given me the right of way.
When I first listened to hip hop
Poetry is the Music of Life
By: Bishop Washington
Poetry is like music.
Poetry is life.
Poetry tells everything you need to know about this world.
The flowing dancer
spinning with the tongue
the pen
the pencil
sentences tumbling at times
only to stand once more
graceful as ever
Moving quickly
then slowly
Music was a part of me and with that they called me poetry,no one understood what it meant to me,simply cause they were never next to me.To see my ups to see my downs,to see the light to see the dark.Everyday seemed to be a new test but still,I sa
I don’t feel you anymore
Numb to spine shaking vibratos
Your crescendos don’t stretch my rib cage like they used to
My dearest piano, you were the only friend that never stopped listening
I kiss the lips of tragedy
Sin is my close companion
I lie and wait for lying things
That lie down and seduce me
What power do my actions hold?
Or more the power of my inactions?
Since a young age my love for music has been great.
Rap and Pop were among the few that I listened to till late.
Not too much later my mother had showed me the beginning of something so new.
The sounds of music speak their mind
And show how the musician feels
A simple pluck of a string is all it takes
To make a memory seem real.
Music comes in many different forms;
If into the darkness I disappear
With only my guitars
Will you listen, will you hear
Making music to the stars
I'm just the heavens' sound engineer
I listen to it everyday.
Hearing and feeling what the words and melody say.
I feel it in my body, it starts within my feet
and reverberates to my brain with the meter; the beat.
Stage lights, clear stage, waiting crowd outside.
Until it is my moment to go,
Behind this curtain I will abide.
I feel my innumerable heart beats
Simulate a drum roll audible to only my ears.
Music is my heroin. Headphones are my needles. Being able to drown you out is my highI dont tlk about my feelings. I do musical therapy. I feel better without talking.
I did not grow up with poetry.I grew up with music.Yet, to me, the former is no different from the latter.
Toes waving in the pool of words beneath me.
When I think,I think in poems–The rambling words in my brainslowly converge into reasonable structuresas thoughts and connections become real.
across the universe,i fall into the sky.lucy is there,as it rains she cries,"dear prudence,don’t pass me by.”
I love listening to old school music,
Admiring the sound of Jazz,
I would love if rappers would finely use it,
Making music that sweetly whispers to my soul,
I wish that was the main goal,
My fortune renders me silent.
An expression of the lost
Finds a hole in my chest.
I see the parallels in the death of a star.
This paper understands me.
It catches the words that bleed from my mouth.
Cushions the blow as they fall to my desk.
This page is the place where I don't have to hide.
My pen is the bike for an open mind ride.
Habitually Speechless, attacked by my violent mind,
my mouth is a blocked exit.
Slammed against the glass of revolving doors, turning with no direction,
Flowing through my ears like calm water,
The mood is chilled,
But all of a sudden it gets hotter,
It started to build,
the rhymes started to kill, started to thrill,
Objectives thru journeys Which within them we, As culprits of our deeds, Die consecutively... Loops swaying around... Of life's need to fond... Caress scars and wounds... With which i so bound... Strides of loud strobes... Sights of glowing vibrat
Ever since I was a child, I've developed my love for music.
I spread my talent and let it soar to those who needed to use it.
I have seen the precious magic of music in my songs,
I’m the English nerd
Never having enough Shakespeare on hand
analyzing movie plots as if they were books
wondering if in reality
we are just a story with a destiny
with some author out there
i met an ivory-toothed monster
he said "hello" and sang some notes
i found comfort in his beautiful tone
i found comfort in the things that we wrote
i remember his ebony bones
There are moments in ultimate tiredness when I feel I can see everything, sense everything, understand everything. The music starts and my thoughts wonder. I feel as though we are all part of the same being.
Where did the time go. When I awoke I was where I needed to be but do not remember how I got there. I am no longer in control. My body is enduring pain, but my mind is elsewhere in perfect serenity.
she liked the ocean breeze
because it reminded her of childhood
and getting away
and she liked the soft caress of music
for it whispered needed asurance
and took her breath away
Music is going down the Highway listening to Kool and the Gang's "Summer Madness" Thinking about those days When you felt that Cool summer breeze on your face.
I look at you and the chemistry happens.Your perfect image is flung across my retina, seductively easing its way into my optic nerves. And when it hits me I flip-flop with your picture and my brain goes mad.
Hear we've played The Musical KeysThat Wrote down the SymphonyFor the translation of the me in youand the confiscation of the you in me
Every Note Played in StrokeWith the Caressof Just Believe
Heavens Dead
Love is Blindness
The music in the air
With soft smooth tones
And long loud notes
That move my soul
And dry falling tears
That fill the void
And the silence
They call it products of devils, they try to find faultThey look around, yet we see with not our eyes.It is a music. You must see with your soul.We do not act differently,We do not speak differently,
Paper, Pen, Thoughts
Shhh; the stillness in the air around me
The chaos from which my thoughts consume me
Shhh; listen. Can you not herer these thoughts?
Not easily said, barely spoken.
..This is the savage breakdown of a girl with dreams and aspirations
Devotion to a craft, practice with no HONEST reciprocations.
Enclaves of nothes and I play em all in different keys--- chords,
Music is what makes you move
Music is what makes you groove
Music can be good or bad depending on how it's used
Music can make you choose different clothes to wear
Music can make you change your hair
"Here I am", said the teacher. "Here I am", said the vocalist. "Here I am", said the piano. "Here I am", said the books. "Here I am", said the desire. "Here I am", said the practice rooms. "Here I am", said the history.
Music is my heart, my happinessI feel happy, excitment, & sadness.Music is not my god, but it inspires meoh how I love thee.Without music I would be gray and sadI would never be once glad.
break out
Of bounds; set the standards around
What others cannot
Trouble inbound; bein followed
Back to the roots, the home,
the starting point
disjointed from the hip
When in all despair, I go there
Waiting in the wings
Where heart will soar and spirit fly
Waiting in the wings
All goes dark on the scheduled mark
Waiting in the wings
Oh Angelic Extension of my mind's orchestra
Form your divine halo
Block daily screeches from the my mental sanctuary
Whisper meditative melodies that will help me transcend carnal noise
As your hands dance across it
Noise comes out
Timing is all it takes
For a wonderful sound
Your hands guide you
To where you need to move next
He makes me sad
He makes me love him
He makes me feel
love for life, music
Stirring up something
so gentle
Feeling grace is a blessing.
I long to make
Fearless, Gentle, Lively, Powerful
MusicCountry, jazz, blues or bop,Rock, rap, swing and hip-hop.Melody and harmony flow through the air,and each little phrase has its own flare.Improv., rehearsed, each a special kind,
There's just somethin
Bout the beat of a drum,
An acoustic guitar,
The way a man strums
That touches my heart
And moves my feet,
Always making me
Feel the beat
The cowboy boots
Metal giants towering,the music of history overpowering.The wonderland that goes by many names,its hidden treasure… a chance at fame.LIGHTS! The lights of the big stage are blinding,
Multiple Individuals Allow a Musical Invasion, Miami.
Where keys distort the image of reality each note on the brink of insanity
Where people aren’t people but music,
I my own harmony
If I write to you how I feel inside
will you take my words and bring them to life?
Will you give them a melody
a way to be heard by the weak and the strong?
Will you help our story become a way to let go
Clashing sounds
Rhythmic beats
All ensuing me
Revolving around my aurora
Till it finally enters my body, euphoria
Causing my internal energies to move, enigma;
Roses are red and I am not a poet and I am not an artist and I’m not the glue that sticks to your shoes andYou should choose your friends more carefully and
Good morning death
So nice to see you.
May I offer you some coffee, some tea, anything to impede you?
To constrain and detain the obligation that brings you?
Yes, I know the routine.
They say that you know you’re
in love when all the songs
make sense.
But the songs always make sense,
the only difference is
when you are in love
you can say that you
experience everything
fuck that
its outgrown
these are the barriers of my creativity no more
let your mind free
dont worry about the catchy
I'm sitting alone with my thoughts
and everything I've ever done wrong.
The silence is burning.
It screams in my ears.
Life is overwhelming
but it's all we have here.
Play it as written, that's all.
Just play it exactly as written, just as the composer intended.
Everything is written in the score, just practice what is written, right?
No, that's absurd.
And reckless.
Be still young boy what have you there; abundant joy and notes so fair Endowed with talents forevermore--a Hitchhiker's Guide to the musical shore Alas he sat and looked at the stand, placed out his arms, and moved his hands Strumming and plucking
Around meI hear the beats and the soundsThe clock turns to 3 in the afternoonI grab my top hatTwirl it aroundput it onShow you what I'm all aboutlike a hurricaneI get through it all
I do what I love.
I am passionate about what I do.
I dance.
It takes feelings and emotion to dance with passion.
Words were spoken of hate,
Whispers of love.
And although we both loved
And hated,
Hate got to us.
We thought we’d be hurt by another.
You have those moments in your life: When songs just come in place. You have happy songs, Mad songs,Sad songs. and even those little love songs.But unlike music, life cannot be replayed. So take your own time. Make your own songs.
There was a glow in the sky today
A beautiful angel gained his wings
Down here on earth we'll never understand
Above us God had a bigger plan
He decided it was time for him to come home
Never did I think you'd be a part of the past,
our time together went by a little too fast.
What you've now done for this community,
is what will forever go down in history.
You gave your life to save another,
I have to put on this music before i fall apart
I have to let this melodic poetry transform my broken heart
As it flows through my brain and battles my fears
Then hits my heart like a drum and startles my tears
Breaking the bindings of the shadows,
They open up through song .
Passion fills their guttural growls
And rebellion reverberates their raspy screaming,
While the clean vocals roar
The moon races by the windowsill of Beach Music, our house on the sea,
unremitting and vain in his chase.
The footprint lane drifted down the shore, but only followed me.
Wanting Forever for your warmth to be near, Wanting Forever for your smile to be here to re-live your touch maybe too much, To Re-embrace you to be re-enter by you.
I Am From A Vast World
I am from a Nintendo world
Save the Princess
Weild a sword
You must have courage to beat the dark lord
I am froma fullmetal heart
Your eyes are like a remedy,
Your soft hands dry my tears.
Your heart is my soul's melody,
it makes me swallow all my fears.
Your embrace is like a dream when I'm asleep,
And then it's clear,
Swing beats, be-pops, and bass lines
Breaking through paper
Breathing in life
Building off the groundwork of poetic hypnosis
When pencil meets guitar pick
And paper is the drum pad
In a concertthere is a moment whenthe words on your lipsare exactly the sameas those of everyone in the room. When your heart is beating in cohesion to the deep bass the band plays-
Music is part of my everyday life,it's the one thing that makes me feel alive.No matter what it could be,all music influences me.Music teaches me everything I do,after hearing the words, you know it suits you.
Notes are harsh and scores, unfeeling.
They suggest that music's only
noise, or simply ink on paper.
But it's more than beats and pitches,
The mere sound that comes from the slight touch of a piano...
Traps my heart in a transparent fabric of ecstasy…
And my eyes are immediately fixed upon his fingers…
His fingers…
I just can’t do it.
I can’t stick to just one.
My tastes are like skittles,
Like markers,
Like crayons,
Like the whole color spectrum.
You somehow stick to pop.
She was a pale skinned dark haired Shorty from the ghetto
Latina princess who listened to death metal
With black tee skinny jeans always on her headphones
Walked all alone whenever she would head home
Black like a crow,
White like snow,
A sound that I have come to know.
Hands on the keys,
Playing with ease,
Not many know it's my expertise.
Tells me stories
Each time I play
I listen to the voices that blast out of my headphones and drown my sorrows. I prepare my mind for the day known as tomorrow. Can’t fully process, ‘cause I’m still floating above the waves of the sound. I want to drown right now.
Open eyes, open heart
Never let the world tear me apart
Hold my soul and my spirit,
Because the end will come I can feel it
Take my time down the road
Cause it'll quickly go cold
I write to be free,
To see another fate beyond the trees,
Scratching on the door of closer,
When I can be me and let imagination take over.
Typing on a steady rhythm of a key,
As steady and mellow of the sea,
The music is what feeds my soul.
Without a constant rhythm,
my body and mind do not function.
I need the constant flow of pitch
coursing through my veins.
Upon its absence, all emotion dissipates.
If only life had background music...
In every happy moment I would hear Gymnopedie no.1.
I would drown out all the useless noise and feel the piano touch my heart;
Nothing in the world quite pleases the ear,
Like the sweet, mesmeric music that we hear.
The way it leaves the spirit lightened and the soul satisfied,
Or even touches the heart enough to bring tears to the eye.
The guitar strum, the trumpet blast.
Dreams of the future, ghosts of the past.
All of our joy and all of our pain
With every note boldly proclaimed.
Man's special language throughout every age,
ARGUMENT. Baile and Aillinn were lovers, but Aengus, the
Master of Love, wishing them to he happy in his own land
among the dead, told to each a story of the other's death, so
that their hearts were broken and they died.
Once more the storm is howling, and half hid
Under this cradle-hood and coverlid
My child sleeps on. There is no obstacle
But Gregory's wood and one bare hill
Whereby the haystack- and roof-levelling wind,
(poems go here) DEAR fellow-artist, why so free
With every sort of company,
With every Jack and Jill?
Choose your companions from the best;
Who draws a bucket with the rest
Soon topples down the hill.
MY dear, my dear, I know
More than another
What makes your heart beat so;
Not even your own mother
Can know it as I know,
Who broke my heart for her
When the wild thought,
That she denies
A mermaid found a swimming lad,
Picked him for her own,
Pressed her body to his body,
Laughed; and plunging down
Forgot in cruel happiness
That even lovers drown.
THERE is grey in your hair.
Young men no longer suddenly catch their breath
When you are passing;
But maybe some old gaffer mutters a blessing
Because it was your prayer
Recovered him upon the bed of death.
(poems go here) 'O WORDS are lightly spoken,'
Said Pearse to Connolly,
'Maybe a breath of politic words
Has withered our Rose Tree;
Or maybe but a wind that blows
Across the bitter sea.'
(poems go here) WHERE dips the rocky highland
Of Sleuth Wood in the lake,
There lies a leafy island
Where flapping herons wake
The drowsy water rats;
There we've hid our faery vats,
Full of berrys
Curiosity must hit hard like cinderblocks and bricks Because people constantly ask me, “What’s around your neck?” And I tell them, “A drum key. Been wearing it for years now”. And they nod and ask why.
I feel so alone
no one in my bed to warm me
I can't stand this pain
why couldn't someone warn me
I've taken the wrong path
only music can comfort me
I feel it run through my veins
it ignites me
I am looking for a long-term fulfilling relationship with Music.Primal in beat, with ascending crescendos of melodyPassionate in rhythm, emoting steady confident surety
With me work I set a pic
Literising all my senses
Using my word set a scene
This IG without the pictures
Twitter without the mentions
Cuz with me I'm different
How many can actually commit their lives to small town kids?
Give us time to forget our,
No time for prejudices when we,
Throw your hands up,
Rock on!
the clock strikes 10...
the fans grow anxious...
the equipment lays still on the floor...
the lights dim...
the people yell....
If Music--be the Food
Of Love--Play on
Through streams of Oil--
And mend the crude
Thoughts of Man.
I turn my music up loud, wondering maybe if I turn it up enough, someone might notice I’m crying out, I’m drowning in my thoughts but my words live in a drought, my actions give me away, but I inspire no doubts, in those who walk by me as if I wer
The theatre is all I know and love.
I pour my pain into a role, hoping it will cease.
But it never does.
It's a curse to be an actor.
It's not glamorous. It's not happy.
It's not fame. It's not money.
Music, the icing on the cake,
Music, the jubilant fish in the lake.
The vibes of my heart,
The most colorful form of art.
My bright life and happiness so far,
Comes with the lid of the piano slightly ajar.
We met in the winter time
When the snow flakes fall and litter the ground with sparkles
When the stars seem to shine ten times brighter
When noses were red and cheeks were tipped red
The love that never dies
The tears shed are dried
You come the doors are pried
To the heart I tried to hide
You stole it in an instance
Years of persistence
Keeping my distance
Asha Neeman grew up in the suburbs of the big city,
Always making others laugh,
She was so witty.
A great athlete and a straight “A” student,
Every boy wanted to be with her,
But hated her prudence.
Thoughts for you
Serenade me with your song
By Him, through you
Gave me a word, changed my heart
New inspiration you brought to my life
New hope I have found
The evolution has changed drastically.
First there were role models, then there were icons
But now a red sole defines one as her majesty.
From the likes of Sojourner to Rosa
As I gaze upon the faces,
Of the children of this nation,
I see a myriad of things
Various different emotions,
Dreaming and wishing and hoping,
And I know that they can achieve,
Night after night, he returns in my dreams.
His nimble fingers glide over the keys.
His elegant hands move around freely.
An angel of music sits before me.
I want to taste jazz on my lips as it swims through brass tubes and valves-
I want its echo to call my name on a still night in July from a bar down the road.
Who is this girl who broke my
tethers to the world,
and now I'm dying for a girl.
Look down to earth and see them
living on below,
and never know the things I know.
But I'll show,
you now...
I feel the beat
Rushing through my veins
Shaking my bones.
It pulses
Living and strong.
I feel myself open up
A weight lifted off my chest
Like a beautifully decorated circus elephant
i grew up as a sista, round the brothers
the kids who get pissed ya, bout their mothers
livin still with mom and dad
somethin i once had
he was quite the father, then times got bad
Oh gheez
Lets freeze
I’m not hard to please
I need apologies
I’ve paid my fees
Put me at ease
Ain’t hear to please ya
Not sittin here to tease ya
But this light skinned disease
Thunder claps its own song,
Rain drops its own tune,
Wind whistles its own melody
and all that comes from me
is this poem
Hands upon your face, weep for joy, sleep a hour a day,
the whrilwinds on your fingertips laugh of justice and free
teardrops dripping the pain away
Sing a song piano man give a speech from you
I know this boy who loves to sing
Who loves to share his soul with a few strings
The music is his partner
married for better or for worse
If he could I think he would kiss her
Or maybe worse.
Fingers dancing up and down your smooth neck
Bow gliding across your strings
Sweetly playing the most beautiful song
Starting at near silence
Slowly getting louder and louder and louder
And faster and faster
This song has me thinking, only thinking bout you
Playing your voice, soft, sexy, and smooth
It has your beat, soul and style
The rhythm of your walk, talk and smile
These charmable notes glide me side to side,
The moral of the story is, the only way to learn to game is, to take a turn. I don't want to bore you with the names of all the rules, but you will learn. I just won't allow myself to pay for all the fools, sitting on the shelf.
The sudden crash of a chord
Entwined still with soft melody
Long, slender fingers dance
On black and white
Irresistible, the merry flute calls
From black valley and darkened hills.
It travels up the falls, leaping
And dancing on green carpets;
Top the cliff with harp so constant.
Eternity, feels like time, Jazz!
My pupils are attached to my touch screen like snail slime on a window glass.
Every time a thought of Jazz peeks in, I feel a tickle.
A sour mist of IMY! :((
Nobody in this world can live without music I feel
And music transcends all boundaries
But still some people seem to have no ear for music
But even these people enjoy some kind of music or song for
now in truth I know I'm only 16 so I have years and years to progress into a dream, you see all these stars are gettin old their times almost up so get to stepping old-timers and back the hell up, make way for this generation.
now in truth I know I'm only 16 so I have years and years to progress into a dream, you see all these stars are gettin old their times almost up so get to stepping old-timers and back the hell up, make way for this generation.
Help me as I strive to sing.
My voice fails my woozy heart.
The rain, to my song, it clings.
The jazz, trumpet, and secret swing
Appalls the ones who breathe Mozart
Help me as I strive to sing.
Help me as I strive to sing.
My voice fails my woozy heart.
The rain, to my song, it clings.
The jazz, trumpet, and secret swing
Appalls the ones who breathe Mozart
Help me as I strive to sing.
There's so much I want to say
So much I feel
So much to tell you
But I can't find the words
I just love you
I've been listening to music all day
And the lyrics relate to you
Blindly, we follow and nod our heads to the beat.
Lyrics are nonsense when music is an industry.
Nobody wants to think.
Nobody wants to learn.
We defer to the media to dictate our concerns.
Loud music playing, flowing in my head
Through my headphones, outside noises are blocked.
Singing out loud, when I arise from bed
All my problems and confusions are stopped.
Music is my ease, a new way of life.
Late fall.
So late that the scent of fall had to be searched for in the wintry air.
But it was there
and she breathed it in as she strolled through the park.
Leaves covered the grass,
You are my muse and my melody
A song in my head, my harmony
I'm not Beethoven or Mozart
But when I write my heart talks
Bought by my grandma, than passed
on to my mother, who then
passed it to me, is a little
piano with the notes
written on the
Though old and worn as a school girl's first
Your porcelain keys
and golden strings
come natural as
the blue jay sings
You’re going places
I can tell
You’ll leave me here
It’s just as well
But if you end up
in a place
There's a song for every story
a story for every song.
It's one thing you can count on in the days that are so long.
Pounding speakers, screaming fans
It’s strange to think how this all began.
A simple story about a an orphaned boy
That conquered evil and changed my life.
All year, we've been preparing for this moment.
The grueling practices,
The difficult performances,
The friendships formed.
This is our time to shine.
It was a tale of two
She was Hip
He was Hop
They met in a frequency
That no other knew of
At a pace so fast
That they left others behind
Since that moment
They stood hand in hand
Listening to Beethoven’s 9th,
Hear the music dance,
Rise and the fall,
Stories he had to tell,
Losing his hearing,
Struggles he went through,
Pain he felt.
I know his pain.
I am not deaf,
The moment I heard the first note of the measure, I knew that this would affect me forever. It was serenity it was peace it was magic. It was everything I wanted and I had to have it.
The sun squeezes through the tiny square in the upper corner of the practice room. I sit on the dusty tile floor.
I watch her setup notes for today.
Keep the beats going through these halls.
Or watch the silence take the last bit of thrill.
An art form no less than the pictures on these walls.
So it’s the dreams of artists you want to kill?
Our poor forsaken generation
Man if I don't blow this it's like I can't focus
Feeling like I'm choking....but I know if I'm not blowing this
The notes from my lips are STRONG.
The notes from my lips are not simple
They move themselves through me in a throng
Of emotions
Of love
Pushing and pulling me
Melodic perfection winds through my ears
and finds my heart.
Authentic purity overcomes me
in the length of a cleansing sigh.
I am an extension of the music.
Tired of sitting in the dark, a silent chord, a forgotten voice lost in the abyss of my world.
I want to create and never fade away.
I want to see a light in my chest, purpose in my step and a grin on my face.
Would you sit with me again,
and pour your heart in song?
As I crawl and drag myself along,
You crawled too, shared my burden with me.
You’re always there to calm my nerves,
Change my mood or help me clean.
Lifting spirits while refreshing memories
Bringing back what’s fond to me
Quiet settles on my lips and on my heart,
Not even a sound the dropping pin brings,
Push down and kicked down;
Not even an echo off these strings.
Booming broadcast, Sensational single. I ooze news. Vibrations up through your shoes. From speakers I speak Joyous tunes of your choice. Simply spin a dial To get Keeler's droning voice. Forget podcasts or blogs, I have all you need to hear.
i am
disenchanted i don’t
care about your world
of illusions
with its love that
isn’t; it’s just
Smokey windows, shattered glass
Broken souls looking for healing
Coughing, woots and hollers
A passing waitress, traveling hands and cat calls
Dusty tables and creaky floors
One spot light
Music is my life
Some would say it is my wife
I will attend school for music education
To get out of my current situation
Music is a little seed
That is now easy to read
The way she moves makes it seem
Like she is made of music.
The very image of lust.
She is the vulture of rock concerts,
Feeding on dead space.
She rides the lightning back into town,
Through the darkness in which I find myself,
In those desperate times I can't explain myself,
There is an intangible force that fills my soul,
A force that revives and makes me feel as a whole once again.
Life is like sheet music
you never now what your going to get
one day it might be a high paced number the next a day full of the blues.
We have our dreams, we have hopes we even have life
needle's talking ninety,
meter shaking from the volume,
windows pulse and this beat--
strands whip over my eyes,
windows low and this breeze.
It's that aching feeling
That rush
That spark in your pupils.
As you look up, you see that man.
He's commanding every soul in the room.
How though? How can it be.
The Queen of Spades is so close to I the Ace.
Almost there!- BUM! A questionable and ache
inflamed and infested the sweet plum of my face.
And now, it hurts on my back, the back body of the space.
Straight to the dome is how I hope people will get hit by this poem, and even though I don't know 'em I'll gladly write to show 'em, how I should be one of the chosen still down to submit a rap poem, if you couldn't tell this was rap and are now i
It’s a nice hot summer day
You’re going on a family trip
That is two hundred miles away
You don’t want you mom to flip
So you chose to not say a word
You thirst, but do you dare take a sip?
Music will be...
Music equals everything
Music will be something special
Music will be very intellectual
Music is...
Music you can never diss
Music is my refuge
Music is something I can always use.
Music is emotion, it soothes my soul. It feeds my dreams to reach my goal.
If you're hungry and have no food, it does more than just affect your mood.
Nothing else matters.
Music is so beautiful
I think I fell in LOVE with Music
at a very young and naive age...
Music takes care of my PAIN
and of those rainy days
When I am without Music I feel I can’t breathe, LIVE or dream...
Oh mighty God, complete my life,
Allow me leadership like a director,
Awaken my heart like the beats of a metronome,
Sooth thy ears with a soft flute twitter,
Renew my mind with your calming harmony,
Enveloping me thoroughly,
Filling my head
With wondrous beats.
The music is beautiful,
Emotional; I feel.
Every chord and note
Strike at who you are
Changing everyday life
From simple monotony
Standing in line, anxiously waiting to enter the venue, I feel
This strange connection with the people around me.
All of them here for the same reason as I.
To bask in the sweet sound of our passion.
As she sits at her piano made of dark rosewood
with her fingers lying gracefully on the ivory keys,
she focuses intently on the sheet music before her.
The cream colored walls add a sense of peace to the room,
No gain without a loss.
No love with out a cost.
Simplicity won't ever be reality.
Reality will never be realistic.
dreams, that's where I come from.
Dreaming, that's what I'm doing.
Everytime I go to tell you what's on my mind I lose control.
I feel so much emotions in my heart, mind, body and soul.
But for some reason I don't know how to let the truth unfold.
You've never seen me wear my tears.
You've never seen me consumed in fear.
You'll never understand what you haven't been through, it's just that clear.
love me or hate me, I don’t care.
When everyone left me hope was the only thing I had to spare.
I always hear people sayin “life ain’t fair.”
But that’s a blasphemous nightmare.
"So this one time, at band camp..",
Is a phrase often heard,
When one is informed,
That I am a band nerd.
I wake up at dawn,
For the ever simple pleasure,
To memorize my music,
Measure by measure.
Ring, Ring.
They shine, they sing.
One, Two,
Three, Four.
The notes they move
up and down
like a roller coaster.
Ring, Ring.
They shine, they sing.
One, Two,
Three, Four.
The notes they move
up and down
like a roller coaster.
As our ears experience the melodies of violins
We can't help but surrender and fall into a beautiful trance.
The cellos flow in, adding to the mind-numbing lullaby.
Have you turned on the radio lately?
Have you heard beyond the top 40?
Have you heard this shit they call music?
Aren’t tired of hearing 'shorty'?
I’m tired of the same beat
From the same street
It was an old airship
Old and abandoned
But there was a story behind it,
if you looked hard enough that it.
It's railings marred by swords and gunfire
It's propellers rusted by rain
It's sail full of holes
My music speaks. My music leads me through the dark, when I cry, my music speaks. My music comforts me through the joy, when I smile, my music speaks. My music heals the wounds, when I hurt, my music speaks.
Buildings rise to heaven
Leaving the unexplained disappearance of the sun and moon
My boots beat against the dirty, wet sidewalk after last night's rainfall.
The cacophony of various voices each trying to find a way
Come together in unison
As one powerful force
That is stronger than anything
Even love
For it can’t break
Nor end
Because music is an entity
What I hear is not aggravating but pleasing the way she is played
She gives my heart a beat and has me loving the way
She sings the melody to her rhythm
I then tune in and listen to the sweet chords that she’s “givin”
The roar of the crowd rang in our ears
This is the night we have dreamed of for years
A measure of drums started our tune
The Growl of my guitar filled the room
Then came the lyrics
The thump of the bass
Often my body sings the song of life, trying to outlive death.
A breeze seems to take my body and guide me to the familiar ivory and wood,
My head commands my fingers to dance along the keys, they do as they should
I miss you so much, right now more than ever
I'd hoped that he who took over would be more clever.
The songs that we play, and the things that we do-
I feel like this guy hasn't even got a clue.
I’m not an exception
To the rule
Yet, I try so hard
I’m like one grain in the sand
A particle in the sky
I’m nothing but a spectacle
Yet, I try so hard
Music is my air.
Without it I would live in despair
Happy or sad , it keeps me going.
Listening ,dancing and forever knowing.
I need it to survive the night.
Its there for me through every fight.
He tunes and he listens,
No place for devices.
And he writes till his fingers bleed,
Yet rarely revises.
For love speaks through him,
Tis’ an act of God.
His art conceives harmony,
When did it become so difficult to predict?
The next departure, the next movement, the harmony?
Why is it that we go on about letting society tell us what to do?
True are the winds that speak through the pine,
But humble is honesty too.
Brave are the waves that crash to the bluff,
But peaks are forever unmoved.
What is sensation if only my sail?
Track One:
The beat plays and he ignores that intuition
Grabbing his notebook and pen to begin his rhymes
It’s like his love's past is causing this prevention
I like to listen to music.
The kind that blares and shakes the lights while you reach for the ceiling like it's the stars.
Music is my way of seeing
the world of its beauty
music is my way of knowing
the political wrongs and dreary's
music is my way of hearing
the ambient sounds of amazement
That one place
The very center of my heart,
My very being,
My soul.
It has led me to
Learned and forgotten.
And music.
The yelling starts again
The tears begin to flow
The thing I'm beginning to
Need the most
Is ripped right from my hands
He can't see the hurt
Behind the cascading tears,
So I hide behind the music
What do you do when you can't comprehend your own thoughts?
When it seems as if there's nothing that makes sense?
We turn on the music, to hear the words we wish we could say ourselves.
The curves of the smooth oak,
Caress my bare cheek as I play
These notes stretched like my body
Years of dedication
Sung through the notes of my song
Your head pounds
Your hands shake
Your heart aches
You need a break
You start to sweat
And then you let the music take control.
Oh when the base drops.
Beads of sweat flying off of warm skin.
Lights a flashing in
synchronized motions.
Teens giving off imperial notions.
Deep into the shadows under the moon
When the well of sorrows overflows
And threatens flood
I let a pulsing, pounding,
Pursue its dark endeavors
Under skin and flesh and bone
Ooh! Nature
Ooh! Nature! Everywhere…
Full of green, red, blue
God gave us birth
to clean the dirt.
Nature contains ocean
which is in continuous motion.
Nature has trees.
Life is a symphony, we are all instruments,
And time is the conductor of the orchestra.
We live inside our own concerto
With its strums, and its beats, and its drums,
Its crescendo
And the melody finally reaches my ears
Those which have been assaulted by lies
Configured fears.
And the notes
The lilts
The passion
Comfort, liven, hearten.
My guarded heart opens.
The lights are on and everyone's staring expecting a performance. I open my mouth and I forget all the lyrics. I think I'm going to mess up and they're all going to laugh, but then I sing and my doubts are in the past. Is this real?
people have a tendency to think that music is just sounds.what they don't see is how a musician breaks down,shatters their soul,builds it back up witha,b,c,d,e,f,g,
The notes keep flowing
from page to page
without any rests
for me to catch my breath.
Nightfall comes,
the music slows,
allowing me to steal air
between the sheets.
He never saw the point
All he ever wanted was to kick, push,
And coast at a skating joint
Never did he saw the purpose of the tune
Thought the black and white is simply doom
Mr. Bryant loved teaching music,
to him it was music that opened the doors in life.
But not only did he love teaching music,
He loved writing music.
His pieces were like that of any other composer,
Silver wisps stream
Whirling through crisp air
Embracing shadows
Mysterious melodies fly in the moonlit sky
Silent sounds surround
A flautist’s silhouette dances across the snow
Ready for those long hours?
Can you remember the first 20 sets? 20 measures?
Will you stand at attention until parade rest?
For each game and competition will you do your best?
Can you march up a hill in time?
Strum of a guitar
Beat of a drum
Note of a piano
Bar by bar
Melodies flood my mind
My head sways with the rhythm
Under Pressure.
Listen to Bowie:
Fill my ears with the sound of his sweet fears.
Under Pressure.
I used to be so carefree
A beautiful
Of the Earth.
But now I don’t recognize me.
At the edge of the Universe
There is nothing, no one, no where
I don’t know how, but I am there
I open my eyes
And close them again
I am floating in the sea
Slowly pulled inwards
music makes me react
makes me act out
and when i wish upon a star
i don't go to far
i feel so good
moving to the groove
and lyrics influence
the flow is just juicy
touching hearts
If I could only drown myself in music,
And let the sound waves carry me away
To a better place where the drummer's rhythm never ceases,
Harmonies whistle through the winds.
A place where no words are spoken.
I hear the bass,
The melody;
I feel my beating soul
It marches in time with the tempo,
It sings along with the slow.
Some days I cannot slumber,
While others I cannot wake
I hear the piano,
Harmonize with me.
Let our melodies blend,
but don’t let this song end.
Let’s weave our chords together
into a pair of wings.
Let’s weave our chords together.
Into a pair of wings.
It smells like grass stains and orange kool-aid, but not mixed together of course. Its the same shade of green of the cap for the lip gloss I used to wear everyday in seventh grade, just because my crush once told me he liked the taste of apples.
My heart; the rhythm
My footsteps support the beat
My words; the melody
My dialect defines the connotation
My breath; a rest
My eyes blink for a sixteenth respite
I think life should be a musical
It would make my day so much more fun
But sadly there’s no musical lifestyle were I live
It’d only happen if I became a nun
There are love songs, hate songs,
Break-up, make-up, trust songs
Lust songs, envy songs
Seven deadly sins songs
But this one’s for music,
which carries them all
This is dedicated to music
Peering into Orion’s Belt, here I am,
little old me,
staring into the eternity of darkness.
Constellations and the unknown wait to be solved,
by the knowledge of our world and the skies above us.