What I need
I search, but never find the key that unlocks my mind. The truth to a lie, a clue to crime. A heart that never dies, a soul that never cry's. A climate where I can breath, a place that's meant for me that allows me to be anything I want to be. A person that doesn't believe me, but in me. A person that doesn't look, but sees through me. A person that understands instead of judge. I search, but never find the things that's in my mind. The things I desire to have to stay alive. I need a doctor that can save my life. I need a friend tell me its going to be alright. I need a mom that would hold me tight. I need to know im not the only one struggling in life. I need someone to tell me twice. I need life to be as sweet as sugar. This pain has stayed longer than it should have. My date on how much I can take has expired. I need all i can get, before someone comes and blows out my fire. I need another match that could strike up another fire, because this hope im trying to hear is not getting through the wire. im tired of living fear, Jesus Christ come take the wheel. I tried to do it on my own pace, and I lost the race. I need Jesus Christ and his saving grace. I tried to do all I could until it was over, but right about now I don't know how much more I can take. Im starting to wonder if I should finish the race, I got people smiling and laughing in my face. The focus and attention is all on me, to see if I let people control and tell me what I should be, but I won't let that happen. I will get what I need, and work for what I want, because somehow what I need is really only one thing.